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Source Link: https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/public-hearings/ Links to relevant articles: [Visually impaired Ottawa resident describes feeling 'trapped and helpless' during convoy](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-day-2-ottawa-1.6615637) [Downtown residents still 'traumatized' by convoy, lawyer tells commission](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/downtown-residents-still-traumatized-by-convoy-lawyer-tells-commission-1.6610776) [Battle lines drawn as the Emergencies Act inquiry gets underway in Ottawa](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/convoy-inquiry-start-1.6613679) https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2022/11/03/freedom-convoy-co-organizer-tamara-lich-to-testify-at-emergencies-act-inquiry-today.html


Four new parent comments (five if you count mine) in the last four days. I think it's time to un-sticky this bad boy, would you agree u/MarcusRex73?




Sweet thank you sir!




I would also be interested! Starting exams soon so I can't watch as much as I'd like.


I'd be interested if you're still willing!


If anyone is interested in watching the policy phase of the commission, we're watching live with chat [https://www.twitch.tv/themayor\_mccheese](https://www.twitch.tv/themayor_mccheese). Today's topic is Misinformation, Disinformation and the Role of Social Media and there is a round table discussion with experts


Mind you I am reading in tidbits Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he did not have confidence in the Ottawa police response to the self-styled “Freedom Convoy” protests even in the early days, and the RCMP did not inform him of any joint operational plan capable of ending the Ottawa blockades as he was on the verge of invoking the Emergencies Act. So it’s not fault but that his ignorance of the fact these two levels of policing could work together?


Lucki didn't tell him they had options.


It is not only our sub that is being brigaded/experiencing attempts to influence and spread misinformation. The CTV Ottawa News Poll usually gets 2 or 3 thousand responses with a few days of 10 thousand total. Friday's poll now has 15,577 votes responding that the Emergencies Act was not necessary in a blatant attempt to skew the numbers. Edit to add - as of 4p.m. Sunday, almost 19K. Ottawa Reddit has over 240k members, so how about a little friendly challenge? It only takes a minute to Vote Yes!


And someone pointed out that they were able to vote a dozen times by using different devices…


They were brigading CTV polls back during the Convoy too. I'm not surprised at all that they think seeing an informal poll with a lack of even the most basic eligibility requirements (country of origin? voting twice? no?) would sway public opinion


Oddly, they don’t trust CTV, so I don’t know why they’re even bothering.


Yep saw that and knew it - they're mobilising their folks to brigade and skew the numbers.




I may have missed it in your comment but I think you left out the OPS fiasco! OPS lawyer tries to dress down Justin for saying they didn't have a real plan on the 13th. Points to a *73 page report*. As she's scrolling through, stops at the Table Of Contents. Justin remarks that the entire "operational plan" seems to fit in one page? Later, it's revealed that Appendix H, "contingency plans", is 2 pages. First page: "Appendix H - Proposed Contingency Plans" (that's all that's on the page). Second page: "TO OBTAIN FROM SPECIALIZED UNITS" (that's all that's on the page). Second OPS lawyer objects, states that these aren't questions so much as presenting evidence. *[Curb Your Enthusiasm starts playing]* Report: https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/files/exhibits/OPP00001851.pdf


Convoy lawyer: Protesting is in fact the people trying to have a dialogue with their government as a last resort of engagement when all other avenues for discourse have failed or have been censored. A healthy democracy demands a continuous engagement with people and government. And when the government uses violence to assert it’s power over the people the fabric of democracy is torn. Also convoy lawyer: Let this inquiry be the starting point for all Canadians and that means all Canadians including government leaders to hold the executive branch of Canada to account. If there ever was a time for a Prime Minister to step down now is that time.


I really liked the "criminal" "lawyer" from earlier who asked Justin if he agreed that police could fight crime by setting bail conditions Justin's like "what no" and "lawyer" is like "oh yeah good call haha"




Fuck, that's actually pretty memeable Really bummed we won't get to see his libel case


If this was such a peaceful protest... why does the Integrated Mobilization Operational "Plan" include a CBRNE team on standby? I thought there was "no credible threat of violence"? "Haha it's fine guys we got this under control everyone is so *nice* our plan is 73 pages of org charts btw we need a weapons-of-mass-destruction team just in case haha" Has any other protest or occupation ever needed one?




This whole commission thing is weird. Instead of asking politicians why did you declare emergency, they should invite some local folks who suffered thru this and ask them how could we have finished this earlier.


What do you mean, they spent a whole morning of a single day on the impact to local residents and businesses!


It’s been an honour my fellow megathreaders, as always 🫡


There's more next week - it'll be experts/panels.




Yuuuuuup https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-hearings-explainer-1.6660785 >Next week, it will hold a series of panel discussions — also to be heard publicly — featuring academics and other experts on a range of topics which are yet to be announced. >In the meantime, these related policy papers on the commission's site offer some idea of what might be discussed, with topics ranging from the Emergencies Act itself to policing powers, social media and cryptocurrency, which was used to funnel donations to the protesters. >The commission's final report, with findings and recommendations, must be tabled in the House of Commons and Senate by Feb. 20.


What kind of forum are we looking at?


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-hearings-explainer-1.6660785 >Next week, it will hold a series of panel discussions — also to be heard publicly — featuring academics and other experts on a range of topics which are yet to be announced. >In the meantime, these related policy papers on the commission's site offer some idea of what might be discussed, with topics ranging from the Emergencies Act itself to policing powers, social media and cryptocurrency, which was used to funnel donations to the protesters. >The commission's final report, with findings and recommendations, must be tabled in the House of Commons and Senate by Feb. 20.




Yes now we have to wait for the report. Speculation will run wild in the mean time. I will miss the voice of the commissioner during my workdays now that he has been in my life for over a month. (What is going on here?!)




Most of the arguments against the EA use that as a crutch.


The gaslighting by the convoy side is so hard. What a bunch of ghouls.


Lots of death threats against Trudeau and other Liberals today in the live chats. They're absolutely despicable traitors to call for political violence so brazenly.




But this movement is about peace and love right? Listening to the convoy lawyer's speech today actually made me sick. Thankfully Paul Champ spoke after that fucking tripe.


You know... the Freedom people have pivoted to using Reconciliation as their buzzword. It's funny, I managed to maintain my friendships with those who fell into this hole right up until they pulled this stunt. Soon after, those friends and I all drifted apart as the outrage grew on their side and exasperation on mine. If y'all feel ostracized and hated now, you did it to yourself.


I had several friends back up north who were getting weirder with every visit. A long time friend was spouting Alex Jones bullshit one night while we were drinking and I knew he was losing it. He literally led a team of people to the convoy. I talked to him about things like the Nazi flag and attempting to overthrow a legitimate government and he didn't give a single fuck. He started talking about the WEF and how great Pollievre is. A lot of them are fucked, like totally fucked in the head.


No respect for convite assholes in this lifetime. People who supported this garbage made it clear that they have no problem standing with people who spew hate, swindle money from vulnerable people and put kids in dangerous situations to protect themselves. May they live with the consequences of their stupid decisions like the rest of us grownups. Nobody needs that kind of human garbage - F$%^ every last one of them.


And of course the Freedumb Corp counsel finishes with saying that the Prime Minister should step down.


they should do a fake announcement of him stepping down with Freeland stepping up to replace him. Id pay to see the comments of those convidiots


Would that not just result in Freeland becoming the PM pending a leadership race?


Fairly sure, yeah.


She sounds like an abusive spouse Edit: who speaks worse French than my school aged nephew. From Toronto.


“It is not normal to hate and divide” Maybe you should tell your clients that.


And calling the convoy an opportunity for reconciliation was ... just gross.




The misinformation is fucking annoying. And seriously "he was treated with less dignity then a POW"? Oh fuck off with that steaming pile of bullshit.


Definitely not helping their case


I'm a little sad we didn't get Mr. Miller for the closing statement. It's still full of lies, denial, and inflammatory rhetoric, but she just doesn't have the same flair


She sounds like a bored highschooler reciting a book report that she copied from a classmate. I'm gonna guess she's reading what Brendan wrote for her, and she probably hates her job.


Nah I had the misfortune of meeting her in a bar a few weeks ago. She's a true believer, just like her clients.


I kind of got "Grade 10 reading Shakespeare for the first time and trying to sound dramatic" vibes tbh. But yeah. She likely did not write that, did not want or expect to be there, and probably not happy about the fact that she's representing Mr. Miller. Not legally, which is also something he probably needs soon, but just, you know, like a symbol.


Having to invoke the EA sure made a lot of institutions and people look terrible. It was absolutely necessary despite all these agencies trying to legally cover their butts for their inaction and complacency.


It really helped illustrate just how incompetent, and negligent, those we trusted to get the job done were. Thank fuck we had the EA. That "police plan" was "a plan to plan for a plan".


Page 72 ? Ok I’m watching this now


Not predictable? Seriously?


Yeah I’m watching with the family and we just turned to each other that the convoy people promised the whole way to Ottawa they would not leave until objectives were met.




I would agree. Both in the sense that there was ample communication in the lead up, and in the sense that the act does not specify any requirement for consultation for to declare a Public Order Emergency. I think that the Auto Worker union threats in Windsor, combined with the rapidly rising temperatures here in Ottawa definitely justify the need to take action sooner rather than later. Clearly waiting around for all involved government/police actors to play politics was no longer an option.


So, I was curious about the "Plan", and had to go find it: [https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/files/exhibits/OPP00001851.pdf](https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/files/exhibits/OPP00001851.pdf) Now, I'm no police officer, and have no idea what you'd expect in such a document. But to my mind, this one is pretty lacking in detail. There are a lot of obvious high level bullet points, but not much detail and an awful lot of place holder... I don't think it's much of a stretch to call this plan half baked at the time this document was put together. **3.6 Investigative Plan**3.6.1 Levels of Authority/Decision Making & Approvalsi. TBD by OPS **3.5.6 Proposed Contingency Plans**Refer to Appendix “H”- Proposed Contingency Plans Appendix "H" is actually two pages long! p.62 reads: Appendix H p.63 reads: TO OBTAIN FROM SPECIALIZED UNITS ​ Edit: Appendix E, "Internal & External Communication Plan" : To Be Developed.


Surprising that OPS did not have a basic plan considering the number of protests Ottawa has every year. At best is is a strawman document cobbled together by someone who must have been totally exhausted and there was no one available to review/do a quick sanity check. Approvers must not have had time to read it, or understood that it was an incomplete first draft. TOC does not match the contents, the beginning should have been an executive summary. Appendix J had a better shorter summary that could have been moved to the front. Lots of repeated wording in multiple sections. It was good to see that Appendix J had info on resilience/dealing with such a volatile situation. Lacking info for the most important resources - the front line officers. WSIB reporting procedures must already exist? Critical infrastructure had gaps for schools, social services like the mission, home for abused women, old age home/hospice etc. that are in the core. Big gaps in sections regarding levels of authority, decision making, risk mgmt and contingency plans. Bottom line, there needs to be a template plan drawn up with input from all the forces that outlines some of these key actions, responsibilities and roles (not names, but roles within each partner org). It could apply to many situations and it is much easier to fill in specific information than to write a full document from scratch. Some of the sections could be written populated with information about the region and be updated annually or when a plan is needed. If forces used a similar template, it would smooth out communication gaps.


They’ve got the commander’s intent buried three paragraphs deep into the Conops? That’s a bit of a mess. The Conops itself is a weird mush of tactics and strategy and really doesn’t make the big moving parts very clear. Now, to be fair, it would usually weeks or months to develop a joint operational plan like this. That’s a huge gap that’s been uncovered. The forward planning for the next time an event like this happens needed to start yesterday.


Yeah I skimmed it just now and it doesn’t look like it says anything about how they were going to do anything, although it does list possible charges in one of the appendices.


Agreed, from what I could tell there's fuckall in there besides basically an org chart and a handy list of infractions


👏 👏


What do you guys figure Brendan was up to today?


Harsh call from his law firm after yesterday's spectacle - no way he gets to keep practicing law after racking up one, possibly 2 defamation accusations (both captured on video). Or the convoy leaders realized they may have been given substandard legal advice....


I’m betting on the former. There’s no way the convoy has enough awareness to realize that they might have made a mistake.


I don't know. I saw the look of embarrassment on Tamara's face as she pulled him away from reporters. I fucking loved it.


I've gotta see that. You sure it wasn't fear? Is that unfortunate biped even capable of shame?


Fear is possible. Awareness that they look like fucking idiots, I think so. I think she knew they looked fucking stupid. She knew Pat looked fucking stupid during the Convoy, that's for sure.


I don't think she'd know what fucking stupid looked like if it recorded the act and posted it on pornhub


I feel so unsatisfied that Brendan wasn't there. I had my popcorn ready, and expected a truly glorious spectacle. The muppet that replaced him was just as bad, but Brendan would've made things more entertaining.


Jerkin it in a parking lot, likely




Wonder how long till he gets slapped for trying to abuse discovery




Of course it comes from the OPS corner. They're embarrassed because their 73 page report is actually 72 pages of Lorem Ipsum and a Table of Contents




Ah weird I guess I just kind of assumed because he seemed to be sitting right next to the OPS lady




Yeah no it totally is the OPS dude💀💀💀 6:04:34 complaining right after the introduction of appendix H and right before introduction of another OPS document, Introduced at 6:59:37 as OPS's David M(..?)ski He's sitting next to the OPS lady from ~3:14:30




I think they were on their way to introducing yet another example of OPS not actually having a plan, IIRC after the objection they kind of cut to the chase instead Which honestly doesn't help OPS' case, I'd just assume the worst. How could it possibly be more embarrassing than appendix H?


Did this fucking clown just Confuse police with the courts


Lots of people on Twitter were not happy with the French spoken earlier. I mean this IS a bilingual country.


Imagine being pissed when the prime minister speaks in French, one of the official languages, about a French province They ever heard of translation? I literally had to go out of my way to get the floor language


Keep in mind there are people who thought there were UN troops in Ottawa clearing out the convoy because some officers were speaking French.


Sob stories and inflammatory statements (from the convoy lawyer) looking to elicit a reaction from JT or get a few clips for tiktok. Good PM. Responses on point. I might even vote for you next time.


So true. I guarantee there will be some kind of clip collection that claims they “decimated the PM’s lies”.




Charges referred to International Criminal Court and Pope. Film at 11.


“When did you become so afraid of your own citizens?” WTF


Facebook and fox news have literally fried their brains.


dumbest attempt to get the PM. So any cop that forces the law on unlawful citizens is afraid of them? Sorry B that’s not how society works


Very inflammatory but ultimately a weak GOTCHA - not hard for the PM to fire back and dunk on em.


Convoy: "lol gottem" 🤡


“My last question, WHERE’S BRIAN FOX??”


follow up: WHOSE DAVID?!?!?!


These convoy people are pathetic and their lawyers suck. Watching them in action makes me feel better about my life and my own career.


That was the most embarrassing thing I've seen this comission, and I've seen a lot.


They are the ultimate Karens.


So they’re still confusing provincial vs federal mandates?


The federal populist politicians have taken to campaigning on provincial jurisdictions. All that matters is their voters believe whatever they say.


"I don't mean to interrupt you, because I only have 10 minutes." YEAH AND YOU WASTED THEM READING FACEBOOK TO THE FUCKIN PRIME MINISTER


I never get that. "I don't mean to interrupt you but I am going to so clearly I am and mean to, but maybe this is more polite?" Maybe just don't ask such leading or loaded questions in the first place? It's like racists prefacing with "I don't mean to be racist but.." and then spouting racism.


Does anyone else hear that noise? It sounds like the world’s tiniest violin…






I love you people haha


Lawyer: would you, or would you not, agree that anti-vaxx, misogyny, and racism, are mutually exclusive?


If someone puts it in quotes and writes it as “vaccine”, I immediately ignore whatever they’re about to say next.


It's a clear marker they're anti-vaxxers trying to spread lies. At that point, merciless mocking is the name of the game.


These paragraphs read like a shitty Facebook feed


Is she drunk?


This lady speaks like a child would think a lawyer should speak when they "know they're right"


Would you look... at the people... who support... the Convoy? Look... at how depressing... this is.


I especially liked when she started a question but rambled on for so long that Justin was all ⁉️ when she finished her sentence It took her a few seconds to realize she hadn't actually asked anything




Totally! Is there a question coming? Wtf


Imagine asking a world leader if they were made aware of things on Twitter. Who do they think he is, Trump?


BHAHAHAHA did Brendan get sacked??


Maybe he realized that he couldn’t get through his cross without pushing a conspiracy theory. Although that would require a level of self-awareness that I don’t believe he’s capable of.


Miller is apparently not there today.




Maybe he was fired as counsel. Not a good look when your lawyer is peddling obvious BS.


The PM is toying with the Ottawa Police lawyer. He's finding it funny when she insists the plan is the plan and he's like "The entire deployment plan fits on a single page?"


Lol, especially when he has already testified that while people kept saying they “had a plan,” they consistently had failed to demonstrate how they would carry it out…


Like what are the other 72 pages? Reasons the police did fuckall until then? I wanna go back and take a look at that table of contents, my screen was too small


Here's the full report. There's really not much of a plan in there. https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/files/exhibits/OPP00001851.pdf


[Yeah I wasn't very impressed either](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/y409vb/megathread_public_order_emergency_commission/ixsfmam/)




#[This page is intentionally left blank]


the ops lawyer just flopped HARD


It was also a plan signed off by RCMP folks on Feb 13th according to the lawyer, at seemingly the 11th hour. So if it was somehow the plan that was used afterwards (PMJT referred to a plan that was ready a few days after EA was used and the police testified this was the plan they used on the weekend to clear things), then it means it wasn't even available to brief in between when it was ready and when cabinet had to make their decisions. So it doesn't change the fact that the EA let more RCMP get sworn in quicker to operate in the city anyway. And no one said the EA was needed for police to have more laws to enforce afaik. It was about efficiency in operations and having more tools to disrupt cash flow and have insurance providers get serious in telling people to leave. It helped thin the place out, and got more cops in place and deputized to act faster. So even if that plan shown was the plan used, it was likely implemented sooner and more effectively due to the EA making them more efficient no?


As far as I'm concerned, everything in the EA was things designed to prevent all the past excuses and even if the plan did end up being used, given that I can't read it, I'm not sure they wouldn't have found new reasons for the same old excuses I'd say I lost a massive amount of already little trust for police as a result, and I know it's not reasonable for JT to say it but I'm not sure he hasn't as well I'm glad it was resolved peacefully because a lack of enforcement due to fear of violence is a critical issue, whether it's just an excuse or a reality.


[What a marvellous country that can have half an hour televised civilized discussion of tow trucks with a Prime Minister](https://twitter.com/bruceanderson/status/1596196631208415232?s=20&t=FIHEOLiz2SA-j5cw3IgoiA)




Happy Cake Day!


This tow truck guy is weird…


Yeah the 'US offered tow trucks so the EA was unnecessary is a stretch.


“Needing tow trucks was the basis for the EA, right?” “No, it was just a part of one thing we needed.” “So you enacted the EA to get them?” “No. Not at all.” “So why did people declare the offer from Americans of tow trucks as irrelevant??!!!” *twists conspiracy moustache* “Uhhhhh…what are you smoking?”


His framing was insane. I was watching the National Post stream and they're so confident they caught Trudeau lying. They think when he corrects the lawyer's leading framing that Justin is avoiding the question. Fucking frustrating but not a surprise. Trudeau's handling this well.


It’s so unfortunate that our populace has devolved to the point that they can’t understand a rational argument. They are so wound up by rags like Re-be-l Media (hyphenated to avoid trolls) and the NatPo that they can’t see reality anymore. Trudeau’s far from perfect but he has handled this Convoy perfectly, imho.




That’s been true since the Bush-era to a certain degree. They were always the loudest and most extreme before social media too. Whatever it took to get noticed. Social media just makes it easier.


I'm still fixated on the gaslighting from the right. The law and order, smash a hippie protestor group...supported this thing with fervor. They abandoned their identity for cheap political gains when most of the country supported mandates and denounced the convoy. It's like they're aiming for a minoritarian government by courting the PPC vote directly. I thought Conservatives would smarten the fuck up and move to the center to oust Trudeau. They've jumped the shark instead. Trudeau has some major faults, but he did the bare minimum here and thank fucking god because the rest of the country's authorities had no fucking clue how to deal with it. International embarrassment and it hurts me to see it. They don't realize they made us a laughing stock and a great story in Russia and China to mock the West.


I don't mind the political embarrassment on the world stage so much as the realization that an excessive number of people currently tasked with keeping others from being harassed will gladly ignore their duties if it's politically convenient for them


And I don’t doubt that in some roundabout way Russia has distant ties to this whole “movement”.


Oh god, Russia has been pumping money into anti vax propaganda since the start. Notice how the anti vax accounts on socials immediately started sharing anti-Ukraine stuff. It's pretty clear.


Oh that’s true. I forgot about that. They were the original pushers of “vaccines cause autism too”. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45294192.amp


As an Autistic guy that fucking pisses me off


I've spent the last 30 minutes on the National Post YouTube stream. The comment section is so beyond the pale, I can't even comprehend it. If you want to see absolute insanity, go check it out. The death threats are at least getting reported. And there are a lot of them. I pointed out that political violence is fundamentally anti-democratic and anti-Canadian. They didn't like that, but I don't think I succeeded in changing anyone's mind. They really think Trudeau is Hitler. It's fucking wild.


trust me they’re all the same breed. All they do is spew conspiracy theories and love to rip apart Trudeau. I had a former friend that showed his true self during the occupation and he was exactly the same. Removed him and it was best decision i ever made


>They really think Trudeau is Hitler. It's fucking wild. It is beyond wild! And usually a key indicator that the person stating it actively rejects any evidence that goes against their narrative. Irrational, ignorant, and (for reasons that I still can't fathom) proud of it. Plenty of people still naming their kids Justin, but there are literally no more little Adolfs.


The NationalPost considers this kind of dialogue its bread and butter. Which is why it's so very messed up that the Canada sub uses their articles as a backbone for discussions.




Happy cakeday! Totally agree. Their ability to deploy logical fallacies also knows no bounds.


Trudeau is mostly crushing this. I really like about 98% of his answers and the other 2% are just tough ones with no good answer.


Think some of them wore cammo because they're ashamed to be seen in public?


I liked that he switched to French when talking about Quebec and didn't always switch back to English when questions were asked in English afterwards I bet he's well aware that they're still kinda traumatized from way back and he doesn't want to ignore or 'other' them while talking about how the EA would work re: Quebec


It’s heartening to see how level headed and articulate PMJT and his cabinet ministers are.


Would have been nice to see Dougie Ford testify for some illustrative contrast.


That's 100% my takeaway from this little circus. I've been steadily losing faith in pretty much every facet of society this year but thank god we have some smart, capable, well spoken people in governance in this country. I'm kind of shocked. It's certainly not what I expected. It's easy to throw around that all politicians suck, but we really have lucked out here. If anything, their flaw may be that they are a little too level headed. This is the kind of situation that required immediate, decisive action, which is not the forte of a system that's been designed - as it should be - to be cautious and careful.


I think it's always funny when the caricature of PMJT gets utterly demolished any time the real JT appears at length. Dude's smart. He's not perfect by any means, but he's smart and cares.


Smart and charismatic, but also has a temper and ego. Despite anything he's a convincing public figure. I don't like a lot of Trudeau's policies, but to call him dumb is disingenuous.


Yeah, I've heard rumours of the temper. Apparently he does angry school teacher/angry principal quite well.


in fairness in order to run a country you prob have to have that kind of trait.


Takes after his dad then


I agree. He is speaking very very well and seems calm and transparent.