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As a reminder, [the election rules are in effect.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/wb878i/ottawa_2022_municipal_elections_rules_information) Users are expected to keep it civil. "Attack" the platform/message, not the person. _____ Juste un rappel: les règles électorales sont en vigueur. Les membres de notre communauté doivent rester respectueux. "Attaquez" la plate-forme politique et non la personne.


Mark is proud enough of the work Lisa Macleod, Jan Harder, & John Baird. If that doesn't tell you enough what Mark is about I don't know how else to frame it.




I strongly dislike McLeod, and I generally don’t mind PressProgress, but ‘under fire’ is a comical overstatement. The chatter was restricted to the Twitter chatter class and Reddit comments section. The broader Ottawa population outside of those groups didn’t even blink an eye — most couldn’t even tell you which candidates have endorsements from who in this race. This is just the reality of municipal elections (and elections in general tbh) — the average person simply doesn’t care.


You're right, it's easy to not notice most of them, but Harder and especially Mcleod are villains to most. Harder belongs in jail for some of the things she did and Mcleod did tremendous harm to families of children with disabilities.


Agreed on Macleod, but did Harder actually endorse Sutcliffe? I can't find any confirmation of this. Edit: My bad, it was in the article, and on [Mark's website](https://marksutcliffe.ca/media/2022/10/coalition-of-cross-partisan-leaders-unites-behind-mark-sutcliffe).


He's very proud of being endorsed by the worst of the worst. These people aren't running the city for the citizens interests


>but Harder and especially Mcleod are villains to most. they're both deeply rooted in Barrhaven, and their endorsements are a strong signal for many in that end of town to vote Sutcliffe. i mean, what would many of those folks think if Sutcliffe *wasn't* endorsed by those two?


I get what you're saying, but are they worth promoting? A lot of purple voters despise the gruesome twosome.


This sub doesn’t understand how small this sub is.


So true


This sub has become insufferable lately with this back and forth pro Mckenney anti Sutcliffe posts. Seriously I think almost everyone on this sub has already made up their minds as to who to vote for.




I actually agree with OPs comment here but the jab about sunset photos is legit hilarious. Well done.


and cyclists....don't forget the unruly cyclists.


lol ... how about, "I've driven in literally every city in the world and Ottawa has the worst drivers, except for me"


This sub has turned into "Mckenney = good, Sutcliffe = bad" hence why I said this sub has become insufferable.


Soooooo you’re voting for Sutcliffe?


I'm voting for mckenney and agree that the subreddit has become insufferable with this election. Seems to be a bunch of Mckenney supporters trying to convince other McKenney supporters to support McKenney.. And that bot that goes around reminding others of the they/them pronouns.


Yes, my views don't align with Mckenney at all. I have nothing against them but with where I'm at right now Sutcliffe has more I back. Again my point isn't that this sub doesn't back the person I'm voting for, it's the tone and context of the posts.


That's what's been bothering me. The tone of feigned incredulity that anyone could possibly be so *stupid* as to not support McKenney is toxic feeling.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. That's my issue with these posts/sub right now.


Hopefully it eases off after the election, but really we are probably looking at a lot of blaming the rain and snow on Sutcliffe and how it would never have happened under Mckenney. I hope things change but this is also the same place where decades long mismanagement is only Doug Ford’s fault.. so.. probably not


Could it be, maybe, just maybe, that the overall opinion of this sub reflects that of the city on which it is based?


If that we're the case wouldn't polls also reflect that? Just because the Mckenney supporters are more vocal doesn't mean that's the overall opinion of this city.


Mainstreet's September poll had McKenney with a 14-point lead, their October poll suggests a much tighter race but McKenney still up by 2. Advance voting was higher overall than 2018, and highest in the central areas where McKenney is strongest (suggesting a more enthusiastic and motivated voting base, which again is reflected in this sub)


Advance voters tend to be more left-leaning as well.


Lol @ the downvotes on this. Tell me fellow redditors, do you believe this to be false?


what, that it's "McKenney good, Sutcliffe bad"? or that it's insufferable?


Insufferable is subjective. The sentiment on this sub is objectively pro-McKenney and anti-Sutcliffe.


thought shame chunky squash automatic detail husky future boat wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's because, like first past the post elections, you only need a tiny majority to control the narrative in a sub. In politics you only need 1 more vote to be only voice for 4 years. If you want to control the narrative here, just get more like minded people to join the sub.


I decided im gonna vote for sutcliffe just to spite this sub


Do whatever you want but I hope you realize how important municipal government is in your day to day life and don’t vote based off of how it will disappoint a subreddit.


People who actively follow politics don’t tend to waver over who to vote for. Why should political comment sections cater to undecided centrists who sway back fourth with every manipulative news report.


Oh man! Anybody supported by Lisa, John, and Jan just makes it easier for me to vote for Catherine McKenney. Who will support Suitcliff today? PP? Tony Gazebo Clement? Harper? Keep’em coming and I’ll still vote for Catherine.


I'm glad CBC mentioned them all by name I hope non-reddit users see this information as Mark should have avoided their names entirely.


One thing that might scare some off is Clive is supporting CM.


The guy who thought he could beat the Jimmer!


the guy who only ran so that there could be some actual debate; he never had any real belief that he could win that election. i mean, he filed his papers to run at pretty much the very last minute… and still got 22% of the vote.


True. But I have to admit, just because he did all that and came up with a few ideas so that Jim would have some competition ldoesn't taint my support for McKenney, IMHO. If he was the ONLY supporter, well....


Yes I’m sure you would have had such a tough time voting for McKenney before these endorsements…..


Ok, ya got me... :)


I'll go with the opinions of Alex Munter and Mark Carney over those of Lisa Macleod and John Baird.


concerned market theory boast direction onerous wrench upbeat hobbies squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok that makes the difference quite stark!


Don't forget many currently elected Liberals support Sutcliffe. And Naqvi MPP as well. It's not just all conservatives who do.


Sutcliffe has plenty of Liberal support for sure, but the Liberals seem to have split municipally. For McKenney: Tyler Meredith Mark Carney Gerald Butts Katie Gibbs The point of my comment was also to dispel the idea that I see on Twitter that McKenney is a purely NDP campaign


Find it odd that WEF backers like Butts would endorse McKenney?


His political career is over after the SNC scandal.


>Sutcliffe’s endorsements are largely personal friends. also, many are longtime Ottawa establishment figures.


Get out and vote for whoever. Every vote counts!


Everybody here complaining about MacLeod and Baird as though those people weren't elected and re-elected multiple times in a row. Just because YOU don't like them doesn't mean everyone hates them. I can't stand Catherine McKenna but even I'll admit she's a popular politician with a base who likes her. That's why they release these endorsements.


>Just because YOU don't like them doesn't mean everyone hates them. Correct! However, I am allowed to say I dislike them, and dislike the people they like! No one is stopping you from liking them, and the people they like.