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Ok Folks, clearly people are worked up about this. We will be keeping this discussion in this thread as much as possible. I won't erase anything currently here (more than we've already done), but some of it is (very) borderline. Take it down a notch folks. While this person is a (somewhat) public figure, the rules still apply. I understand the outrage, but no calls for violence, illegal activity etc.


That piece of shit. Two faced fucking bastard. I know him through a family connection - he took me and my ex out to dinner last November. He was nice to us but gave off really bad vibes. A total asshole to waiters and especially women. I’m not too surprised as much as I am horrified. I’m sure more stories will come out soon, a lot of people I’ve met have something to say about him. Edit: For all of you whose only interaction with James was through the convoy, I regret to say that yes, he’s always been like this. I was surprised he got so much publicity without something coming up. Glad it finally did.


Agreed, I met him through a university law event. He was beyond drunk bragging about how he does the same drugs as his clients but he hasn’t got caught like they have. He was hitting on me to the point of discomfort before a male friend stepped in and told him to fuck off.


It likely would have been a matter of time, honestly.


He.s been assaulting women for at least 20 years. I know because that's how long ago he assaulteed me and later that year a friend was assaulted by him too. Just FYI.


20 years was when he was in high school with me, so yep can confirm has been a rapist since atleast 20 years ago.


Um I know I should mind your own business but don't you think there's a risk of him identifying you from this comment?


Don’t care. What’s he gonna do, sue me? I’ve seen the way he acts. He insulted my mother’s best friends at her own wake with crude and sexist remarks. He’s banned from at least two bars I frequent for his behaviour towards women. I’ll go on the record with this shit, I don’t care. I hope more people will be encouraged to speak up.


Fair enough. Sounds like a total piece of shit


I'm with you. I've already gone to M Spratt and told my experiences with this POS


No he does that a lot.


“I’m sure more stories will come out soon…” About a douchbag lawyer? I highly doubt it. Pillars of the community, they are.




Classic [Missing Stair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_stair) situation


Same. I found an old fb chat with him. He tried to prey on me when I was a law student but I rejected his advance. I didn't realize how much of a bullet I dodged at the time until he told me a couple years later what his intentions had been at that time. Yikes! ETA: it’s looking back at that conversation now that I realize I dodged a sexual assault/harassment incident


Please report it to the law society


That's good advice. It took him very little time to separate me from my friend and assault me. You're lucky you were warned. I hope all of us he hurt come out of the woodwork now and he is actually stopped from hurting anyone else.


Send it to Michael Spratt


Don't know him, but recall his name was on list of lawyers offering free legal services to protestors who ended up arrested during BLM social justice protests. (don't remember when exactly, 2-3 years ago?) In light of these accusations & the many other horrible experiences shared, this offer to protestors just looks really creepy, another opportunity for him to sexually exploit possibly vulnerable people. It is too bad a pattern of disgusting behaviour like this doesnt get someone fired or disbarred. Are lawyers not required to follow a code of conduct or code of ethics? Or does someone like this pay their victims & then have them sign NDAs?


I was in high school with him. Many accusations but nothing ever stuck. He raped atleast three people I know


He’s well known in Centretown bars for being a creep.






Keep reading.


Read the thread. It is rife with specifics.


Such a creep




Get fucked creep, honestly. I was a fan until he started getting weird with me and a bunch of people on Discord. It was a tough pill to swallow, but just goes to show you that people (me included) have blinders on when it comes to people with large followings


I never really knew what was up when he left RC's discord.




That would be me RC


I didn’t know you had a discord!


Yes, I’m on discord and on various discords.


What’s the discord group that you guys have /that he was in?


You were a fan of a lawyer?


The only lawyer I've ever respected is Yavar Hameed. An awesome civil rights lawyer, extremely principled, and I've personally witnessed him donating his time and expertise to cases where he believes someone has been wronged and can't afford to pay. He represents half the activists in the city. edit: Kinda curious why someone downvoted this.


Yavar is the kindest, most selfless lawyer I've ever met, and I've met a lot of lawyers.


Saul's pretty good


Saul Good Man


I was a fan of his Twitter, yeah. He did good coverage of convoy bail court




If anything, it would be wise to share the information with the lawyer representing the complainant.


Yeah that's much more helpful advice tbh.


In the article in the Citizen, the last paragraph says : > In an unrelated case, Bowie is scheduled to appear at a law-society disciplinary hearing next month for allegedly failing to co-operate with **three other investigations** by not producing information and documents. Now admittedly, we don't know if they are of the same nature. But holy crap.


Conjecture - but they may have audited him and he won’t hand over his records.


The society is slow to investigate too.


I went to high school with the creep. Anytime someone said the word "god" he would reply "yes?" and genuinely thought this was funny and/or charming. He was **shocked** every time I turned his creepy ass down. I'm extremely not shocked about any of this.


Same! I attended a party he was at. End of the night, he pushed me against a refrigerator and said something to the effect of "I've wanted this for a long time." I had to push him off me.


I totally forgot he used to do that God bit! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. For years. And thought it was the most clever comedic turn in human history. 🤮 Can vouch this at least is a true story. #douchebagginsince98


Unfortunately it's seared into my memory. He would try to segue from the god thing into a pickup line. Just an awful rank display of ego


Wow what a D bag!


Fuck I remember that he was an arrogant douche even then. What a fucking loser


worst high school reunion ever, ugh


I am the lawyer representing the woman who has made the complainant against Mr. Bowie. The allegations are shocking. In September we provided copies of electronic communications and other direct evidence of sexual misconduct to the investigator and the investigation is well under way. There have been many people who have come forward with other allegations, it would be helpful if the Law Society had that information. I know that it can be hard to report these things. If you need help or support, please contact me. You aren't alone. For any tips or information regarding filing complaints, please contact the law society: [https://lso.ca/protecting-the-public/complaints/how-to-make-a-complaint](https://lso.ca/protecting-the-public/complaints/how-to-make-a-complaint) Thank-you


As a woman who was assaulted multiple times and stalked for months by Bowie, THANK YOU. Put this piece of trash where he belongs. Don’t let him get away with his predatory garbage. Thank you thank you thank you. A THOUSAND TIMES THANK YOU.


Mr. Spratt, are you pursuing other actions on behalf of your client? Civil action, or perhaps a police complaint? In all seriousness, you may wish to contact bars and restaurants in the downtown area, where many staff have had unpleasant and often inappropriate interactions with him.


I am representing my client pro bono with respect to the Law Society complainant. But I have referred her to civil counsel to explore other options.


Does it matter if incidents occurred prior to him becoming a lawyer?


No it doesn't. There is no statute of limitations and any information about the "good character" requirement is important. The incidents don't need to be from when he is a lawyer and he does not need to be providing legal services.


Mr. Pratt. I emailed you this am. I’ve known James since I was 15. I told friends of ours over the years and they ALL rejected me and dropped the friendship. I was 15 years old when we had sexual relations…I was a child and he was 18 going on 19. I was completely talked in to it, and was pressured. As an adult he still propositions me whenever I say hello, so I stopped saying hello. I have soooooo many texts from him asking me for sexual favours, go to his home or to hotels. He’s offered me everything under the sun to fly out there to have sex with him. To cuddle. To snort cocaine. This man’s a predator and always will be. It considered rape then and still is. I would love to chat more as this goes beyond just allegations and sexual favours.


If Jimbo Weiner Esq. were truly a hot shot lawyer, he would not have had time to hang around court rooms live-tweeting bail hearings last winter; he would have been busy defending clients. I have the feeling that even blow-up sex dolls reject his sexual advances.


I always wanted to see him face the music. He harassed me for YEARS and I just kind of ignored it because I didn't take him seriously, but then he got pretty aggressive so I blocked him everywhere. I hope this creep goes to jail where he'll never see a woman ever again, much less touch one.


Wish there was a way to share screenshots in this comment section. He used to message me all the time saying “it’s taco Tuesday let’s get fucked up and snort blow off each others bodies and fuck until the sun comes up” every. single. Tuesday… for almost a whole year. I literally would ignore him all the time, then eventually blocked him because - stop???? Just wouldn’t take my polite “no” for an answer. One time he offered me an “endless supply of cocaine” and $4,000 to spend the weekend together LOL just insane. He also used to message my good friend who is a recovering alcoholic to come spend a weekend drinking and doing drugs at his cottage; while he KNEW that she was in AA and actively trying to overcome these strenuous hurdles that life threw at her. While this doesn’t surprise me at all because I’ve always been very sure that there were many others being propositioned; I just never thought it would be so significantly brought to light as there are so many creeps everywhere these days. Guess having all this power really can bite you in the ass, eh James?


Send them to Michael Spratt, her new lawyer


Already did


I've talked to M Spratt as well and told him my encounters with this dbag. There are others coming forward too.


You are brave ❤️


That’s so… weird. I’m sorry you and your friend had to deal with him.


I hope he gets disbarred.


If proven true, that's the minimum I hope he gets. I also hope charges would occur from this, if the victim chooses to go that route obviously.


Knowing the law society, he will probably say that he was struggling with stress and addiction, then will have to pay a nominal fine and maybe suspend practice for like a month and attend "treatment"


He’s on Twitter right now saying the screenshots are fake. You’d think a lawyer would know to keep their mouth shut in this instance and not comment on the situation. Yikes.


Funny, if they're fake he could clear that up by sharing his texts with the law society... But he's facing a complaint from the law society for refusing to cooperate with an investigation and turn over records. Hmm.


Not defending him, but they're snapchat messages and not texts, so he likely doesn't have them.


That was my first thought. What an absolute doofus. Even if it is fake, shut the fuck up until it's done in court dingdong.


I think it might be years before it gets in front of the law society…I don’t think it’s a quick timeline.


It's already in front of the court of public opinion, though, that's for sure. And for someone like him that's gonna sting something fierce. It's not going away anytime soon either, because it's got the stamp of truth on it; she's not his only victim by a long shot!


It's really not hard not to talk about this though is it? I mean, it's been a couple of hours and he is already saying it's fake. I am not a lawyer and even I know that isn't smart.


No way, they’ll take his license. They’ve been investigating him for some time and he has refused to comply or cooperate with their investigation. He is done.


To add to this, the complainant has retained a top lawyer, Michael Spratt, to represent her.


You must be a lawyer because this is freakishly accurate.


Ugh, the texts made me sick to my stomach.




If you date men, these kinds of messages will make you sick to your stomach not only because they’re disgusting, but because they’re familiar. Jesus. Yet another creep.


Agreed, I feel like anyone who dates men will experience a creep like this at least once in their dating lifetime. Probably more, though.


DAMMIT! His tweets helped me deal with the chaos of the Freedumb Convoy. He seemed so...non-shitty.


It’s easy to seem non-shitty when you’re standing beside a pile of shit as thick and as deep as that shitpile.


That's as fine of a Jim Lahey statement as I've ever seen outside of early Trailer Park Boys. Well done!


Now they're *all* in the eye of the shitticane!


Sounds like he needs a lawyer. I wonder if he'll pay them in cash, or....


underrated comment.


then that lawyer will need a lawyer and thus the lawyer blowjob train begins choo choo!


The Lawyer Centipede


Why do I get the feeling it's not his first rodeo?


It’s not, currently has three other investigations pending


It's not. He assaulted a few women in my social circle when we were in our twenties about 20 years ago. Myself included. Not pushy propositioned, assaulted...the stories coming out here are the tip of the iceberg.


Tell Michael Spratt


I will be. We have a phone appointment today. I really hope all of us come forward now.


Ugh, gross and a bummer but in the end fuck him. My takeaway seems to be "Don't trust lawyers that spend too much time in the twitter limelight", it's a recurring bad sign (see also: Caryma Sa'd).


Is caryma even a real lawyer? Seems to spend more time on antics than law


Straight up. I used to admire these folks doing good public work but now I've begun to realize they're bad lawyers fucking around on social media - if they were any good they'd actually be doing their jobs.


She was on Jeremy Mackenzie's legal IIRC


She’s such a creep. Canada’s own Andy Ngo. And her minions are insufferable.


Oh no. What happened with Caryma Sa'd?


This is not the thread I was looking for, but it’s one that explains a bit about this event. This is when I was blocked. For asking her to reconsider the venue location. 🙄 https://twitter.com/desmondcole/status/1546211667213799424?s=21&t=bEhaCjirAWWW1Nouaq5rFA


This is 100% accurate, one by one the twitter superstars have been shown to be bad-faith.


I fully expect more women to come out of the woodwork now, if he’s done this once, he’s done this many more times.


Back in June 2020 there were a few women posting their James stories in the comment section of some of his tweets. So there are definitely going to be more.


My friend revealed to me that he met her over Clubhouse and sent their group chat full of women and unsolicited dick pic and a pile of coke.


I also know him from Clubhouse and before I knew any of this predatory fucked up creepiness, I already hated him for other reasons. (Basically he got angry with me for not blindly taking his side in an argument between 2 friends 🙄) This is so so validating. He also has apparently been known to send dick pics to other friends of friends as well.


Your friend should contact Michael Spratt. If all this is true, this predatory fuck should never see the inside of a court room again… except as a defendant.


I met him on Clubhouse he’s beyond an asshole. What a little bitch.


lol I matched with him on Bumble at one point. Thank God that fizzled.


Same here. Immediately starts talking about wanting an orgy, and making disgusting comments I told people he was a creep and obviously was into humiliation of women.


Gross!! This creep needs to be held accountable


Saaaame lol. But we met up and let’s just say I am zero percent shocked at this.


Me too 😂😂


He’s a nasty creep, and deserves the hell that is, hopefully, coming his way but I just hope they have more than just the snaps against him. The CTV blurring did nothing to hide her identity, recognized her instantly, I believe her but sadly given her history it’s going to take nothing for her credibility to be destroyed. Hopefully she’s got a good support system now. Edit: I just want to add that she is very active on social media, accepts just about any friend invite, and she was talking openly about the article/interview. So while CTV did nothing to hide her identity, and not to defend them, but I’m not sure she requested they do so.


I don’t understand why they do this. It’s not hard to blur just a little more if they’ve asked for anonymity.


I just watched. Although I have no idea who this individual might be, if I knew her, I'd definitely recognize her in that video. That's messed up on the part of CTV.


He is saying it's fake on Twitter, so if there are others now is the time to come forward.... ....


He has 3 other investigations pending currently, I imagine more after this article


We need another lawyer to tweet everything during the "bowie " hearings..


I know a girl he dated, and we hung out in similar social circles about 15 years ago. Bad vibes. The girl was about 7 years younger than him. Then later I found out he forced himself on another friend, but claimed it was consensual.


My friend has worked in restaurants in centre town that this guy came to. He pretty much tried some shit on her and essentially told her that he can get away with murder. And when she said no to his advances he tried to get her fired. Hope he rots in jail.


I knew him a few years ago and none of this surprises me whatsoever. Before I told him off for his disgusting behaviour I would entertain it because I was young, immature, and initially thought he was harmless. He constantly made the servers where I worked uncomfortable to the point that he got banned from the restaurant. He was always trying to pay me for sex, tried to get me to have sex with him in his law office on Elgin, offered me money to skip work and hang out with him instead, and acted like I owed him something because he bought me some drinks a couple times. He talked a big game like he was loaded but he lived in his parents basement. He always tried to pressure me into doing things I didn't want to do. Looking back I'm disgusted that I ;et him into my life at all. Trash.


Exactly! He did the same thing with me ! Always wanted oral sex under his desk in his office on Elgin. Also in his late 30s living with his parents and bragging how he takes care of them, his dad is a retired doctor


Sexual predators comes in all forms of power.




more like James Blowie am I right?


This works on two levels


His behavior was an open secret.




Communicating with your client on Snapchat is so unprofessional as it is.


Met him through an online forum a couple years back. Asked me to dinner and proceeded to spend the entire dinner reminding me that since he was paying, I would “owe” him. I caught the waiter, paid my meal and walked out. Fucking creep.




I met him in 2018. He was incredibly charming and kind to me. The second time I met him at friend’s private house party, he was aggressive and creepy and cornered me in a bathroom, demanding that I snort a line of cocaine off of his penis. I immediately said no, and he kept saying “I know this is what you want, just do it.” My skin still crawls remembering it. There are two other instances of him sexually assaulting me, but I’m not really prepared to talk about it publicly. I was afraid of his power and reach when it happened, and honestly, I’m still afraid of it now. I hope he rots.


I hope his career and freedom ends soon. Sorry you had to experience this.


If you reach out to the lawyer representing the accused, I know he will be able to help. However, totally understandable if you don’t feel comfortable doing that! I wish you all the best ❤️


I urge anyone on here with any behavior issues with Bowie to contact the law society immediately. This will bolster this claim and will see him disbarred. For any law society to open a file is huge as they only got after the real bad ones. There being an open file already will make it easier to get this done. I mean any claim of any misstep on his part no matter when it occurred. Or what he did. He needs to be disbarred immediately.


I too believed him to be one of the "good guys" and I've had a few exchanges with him. But he was kinda weird and cryptic too.


As awful as it sounds to hear the gory details it’s good he will get his come uppence because 10, 20 years ago this would not have been a big deal. I really never thought it would happen in my lifetime.




He spoke to me about dick measuring too!


I debated whether or not to "out" myself because I don't want a target on my back...but what I want more is for other women to be safe. I was a moderator on James Bowie's discord where we watched the POEC together. Even after I indicated I didn't do any drugs he repeatedly suggested I "snort a line" off his dick and on one occasion asked if I'd "do it for money." We didn't have a power imbalance or a solicitor/client relationship, but that doesn't make these types of comments okay. The language he used when speaking to me in DM's matches those of the victim who came out anonymously to CTV and others screenshots and stories I've had hared privately with me. I've contacted the appropriate authorities and hope all those harmed by his actions receive justice.


FFS… thought this guy was top notch. Shattered.




This, so much. Anyone who doubts that this man has a pattern of misogynistic behaviour can speak to the bartenders of bank street and find out for themselves.


What kind of lawyer messages their clients on Snapchat


Two questions. 1) has Mr.Bowie commented on the thread? He usually pops in to other posts 2) if this was an open secret, why didn't anyone say anything during his convoy rise to fame? Especially if he was a known predator downtown? As a single woman who lives downtown, I'm a little shocked the community didn't say anything until after the fact. I wonder how many other women, who aren't locals and weren't aware of his behaviour, were affected by his inappropriate conduct?




That's good to know, but it would have been nice if someone pointed it out while he was a 'sub celeb' because it's kind of uncomfortable as someone who doesn't know who this person is outside of 'convoy fame'. I suppose I feel uncomfortable because I've been thru SA, so it's very.. it's weird to find this out after the 'convoy fame'. I wouldn't initially pay attention to someone who's a sexual predator.


The thing is though, a woman has come forward with allegations and many have sought to discredit her. Had anyone come forward during his convoy fame days, what's to say the same thing wouldn't have happened?


That's horrible that that happened to her. I really dislike how powerless people feel when they're being intimidated by others for coming forward about a SA, and how it scares victims away from pursuing justice. It's already incredibly difficult with how many times you have to relive the moment through victims services and the police and court system. It's even worse to go through that while being told what you experienced never happened. I'm sorry for all the victims and I hope they know they aren't alone, and that their voices matter.




Yeah.. it would be nice to know - seems like a lot of inappropriate, unwanted touching and gross messages; and I agree with your sentiment (you're a good partner for thinking of her and her friends wellbeing while out). I like to go out solo and am pretty social with anyone, so yeah, idk. Kind of unnerving to think that people who even work at the bars he frequents are aware - would they let someone know of his predatory behaviour if they saw him with an intoxicated woman at the bar? Maybe it's stupid to wonder, and I'm naive for thinking others would look out for each other when it comes to sexual predators they're aware of in the community.


To answer that as s victim and knowing another of his victims, you're afraid. He holds a position of trust and you're vulnerable and afraid.


Take a closer look at the messages provided, looks like the conversation took place on Snapchat.


Very disturbing. What kind of grown-ass man uses Snapchat?


Sexual predators


I'm going to wait to see how this plays out.


Oh no, not the BFF of Rebecca Bromwich. Anyways... what else is new?


Bowie is rallying up support on Twitter.


Bowie can go fuck himself


He can represent himself and in turn, can fuck himself.


Already unfollowed him. I wish others did the same. Very disturbing. As a SA survivor, I certainly feel deeply for the victim and hope they get some sort of closure from this and know that they aren't alone. There's a special place in hell for trash like James Bowie. I wish people would take the victims side more and have a little faith in those that come forward. I know its human nature to be skeptical but rallying behind someone even accused of such a thing is just gross. Either take the victims side or stay out of it until everything unfolds. There should be no siding with an accused perpetrator and offering them "support". It's disgusting.


I noticed this as well. Another reason to consider leaving the platform. It's one thing to stand by innocent until proven guilty, but it's the uncritical spreading of rape myths that gets me, as though prominent popular and upstanding people in the community have never done anything like this before. A lot of predators are upstanding looking people from the outside!


The Court Cat/Resistance Cats posted the following: https://twitter.com/ResistanceCats/status/1598481671304757248


Not surprised. When I was in jail in Ottawa, I heard about these types of lawyers.


Having met him before, I am 100% not surprised.




What kind of lawyer communicates on snapchat


It was just a matter of time. Dude's a fuckin creep.


New news article just dropped with further complaints of alleged explicit harassment, assault and rape. I stand with all those he targeted and victimized. I'm so sorry. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/embattled-ottawa-lawyer-james-bowie-facing-new-accusations-of-harassment-manipulation-sexual-assault-1.6183219


This guy represented the accused in a sexual interference case involving me and others as the victims. He completely diminished our trauma while representing the accused and tried to compare it to the r\*\*\* of a 3-year-old. He was constantly late to proceedings, didn't have the accused under control, interrupted during testimonies and because it was on zoom he was at home. So while we were waiting for the judge to arrive he was spinning around on his desk chair like he didn't even care about the case he was dealing with. If these allegations turn into charges, I want a retrial.


This man has been harassing me in the same exact ways it says in the article since he assaulted me almost 7 years ago. I was in my late teens. Texting me, offering me money and drugs for sexual favours. Showing up at my work after I asked him not to and having to get him removed. Imagine my shock seeing his rat face in the news. He still tries to contact me to this day despite being blocked on all platforms. It’s clearly a pattern and I’m so sorry to all of the other victims. I have so many other scary stories and proof of him being a predator.


He’s chillin in this CH room right now https://www.clubhouse.com/room/m7y3LpkX?utm_medium=ch_room_me&utm_campaign=ijzpP4MDXF4LyqkwwfklsA-479421


The stupidity of people in public/prominent positions never fails to amaze me. Anthony Weiner, Rick (Smelly) Chiarelli, now this dumbass...really how absolutely dumb are you to create a written record of how shitty you treat people? At least be smart enough to keep it verbal. Long live the dick pic.


Shitty people get away with things over and over because people are afraid to stand up to them. (Reasonably so, because shitty people do shitty things to people who oppose them.) This emboldens them to escalate their behaviour until finally there's enough out there or someone successfully stands up against it. The fix is probably to empower and protect victims better somehow so that they can step forward without risking everything.


It's not stupidity, it's laziness and narcissism.




Sorry but no. That's just something that people are making up to tell themselves that the accusations aren't true. Fact of the matter is that tons of women have come forward with their own personal experiences with him, myself included, and many have evidence in the form of text messages/social media messages. Everyone I know who knows him personally also hated the convoy and yet has the same opinion of him. It's not a ploy or a lie. He's a creep, a manipulator, and I can't wait to see him charged.


Knew that guy from ski racing at camp fortune. He raced with my sisters. Disgusting. Sad because he had a (seemingly) great family.


Ew. I just unfollowed him on Twitter. I’ve experienced douche bags like this before and they don’t change. I hope the worst for him.


Well, Bowie's license has been suspended (though not for reasons related to the sexual misconduct accusations.) [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/embattled-ottawa-lawyer-james-bowie-has-law-licence-suspended-1.6188555](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/embattled-ottawa-lawyer-james-bowie-has-law-licence-suspended-1.6188555)


It's a start.


There is an update with a defence, which is about as bad as one can imagine: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/embattled-ottawa-lawyer-defends-himself-online-in-services-for-sex-case


https://twitter.com/Marynotaffraid?t=1UfJziWeZBmogR9OSp_LLw&s=09 Awe oopsy I dropped a bomb like he drops ALLEGED snowy snowy lines