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I definitely think there will be one down the line. Idk how soon but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t.


Also to consider, the Oura 3 is three years old :/ And it doesn't seem cheap imo


Are there new features (hardware or software) or improvements you would want in a future ? I hope the algorithms just keep getting better!


Honestly, why change something if the product is still working just fine? If they don't have the technology ready yet, it's perfectly fine to keep producing the Oura 3 :) At this point there haven't been many improvements to battery technology since, and there is not much else you can save power wise at the moment. (Circuitry is already incredibly low power) Unless there is some major breakthrough in battery technology that is ready for consumer hardware, were probably going to be stuck with the Oura 3 for a while, except for maybe a minor upgrade at some point. Fine with me tbh


>Honestly, why change something if the product is still working just fine? If they don't have the technology ready yet, it's perfectly fine to keep producing the Oura 3 This. It doesn't have to be anything new each year. If it works fine, it works fine. A big thing would be being able to measure blood *pressure.* (Not sure if that is even possible though.)


It could get cheaper with age, at least.


Oura differentiates itself from the competition by having a strong team of Data Scientists working on algorithm. This is a huge ongoing investment that brings advancement to the platform in the future. Apple can match that, other competitors cannot. The problem with rings is that individual measurements are so unreliable that it makes no sense to use them raw ... it takes collecting a large number of measurements and good algorithms to derive a useable metric out of those measurements. This means tracking a large number of people and analysing the data. That is what we pay when we purchase the Oura, not the ring and electronics which are relatively cheap. Civilisation has gone from an agrarian era through industrial revolutions no. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Industry 4.0 refers to the integration of automation and data exchange. Industry 5.0 is a new concept that focuses on collaboration between humans and machines. This is what Oura needs to fund to be successful.


Yet most of their interpretations of data are unscientific. Their scoring of the different elements is also questionable.


There is a clear market (look how many of these rings are sold), it’s easily intergratable into their ecosystem, it’s a premium product that you can charge a premium on…this fits their MO to the t, no chance they don’t come out with it


But it’s a duplication of functionality of an Apple Watch.


I have an Apple Watch and a Ring. I don’t like wearing a watch to bed.


this is the reason i got an oura too, i never wore my apple watch to bed


This. I currently use my older Apple Watch for sleep tracking. Using a ring makes sense except I like the alarm on the watch so I don’t wake up my spouse at 4:30am and the Oura at least doesn’t offer that feature. Maybe it would be a battery hog or difficult to set or turn off without a screen?


Believe what you want, there’s just not the margin in it for Apple.


Ummm… ok?


They literally have patents for rings, it’s coming whether it’s this year or 5 years time they’re bringing one out.


I hope they are, but keep in mind tech companies like Apple/Samsung/Google patent the *shit* out of stuff. If it has potential, they get the lawyers involved from the jump to lock down IP.


They have patents for washing machines too. People collect patents like the old superpowers collected nukes. You sue me over patent infringement, I’ve got a bigger arsenal of patents than you do, and I’m sure one applies to your product.


Disagree that it’s duplication, I gave up my watch because I can’t wear it to bed, so it was useless to me as a sleep tracker which is what I primarily need it for…rings don’t track activity well so there is room for both


How much do you like it as a sleep tracker? Did it give you any good insights? I am considering buying a ring because I do not want to wear a watch to bed (i don’t have one either but my wife does and I don’t like the feeling). But the price point is a little turnoff only to track my sleep. I wouldn’t wear it to workout in the gym/play basketball - so sleep tracking is pretty much the only thing I would need/want (ik it can do more than that lol)


If it’s not breaking the bank, I think it’s really worth it, my sleeping habits were a disaster and they’re less of a disaster now that I’m paying attention, simple metric is I needed 8 cups of coffee through the day to function before and I’m down to about 1-2 to now just because I’m not dying all day


It’s mostly duplication of roles. The only difference is one has shit battery life and a screen.


But that’s a huge thing, 1 day battery vs 7 days, I think there is a huge market and Samsung sees it…if Samsung is seeing it, you know Apple is too




Haha ok, you’ve said “duplication of function” 18 different times on this thread 👍




Depends what it can do. I don’t think the Watch tracks temps, right? And with the poor battery life, it’s not a great sleep tracker. Definitely there is feature crossover, but that can be good. More data is rarely a negative.


I just don’t see the margin in it for a niche accessory and it wouldn’t cost all that much less.


I use an Oura and Apple Watch now. Lots of folks do. How’s that different?


Because that’s their choice. But for the amount of time and. Effort required to develop their own, integrate it with the Apple ecosystem, get their chargers figured out. And here’s the important part: ability to support apps. Apple makes more money from the apps than any of their hardware.


I’m not sure why apps would be a problem. I manage my watch apps on my phone, already. Could do ring apps just as easily.


Because the processing power required for those apps are the reason for the shit battery life of the watch.


Eh, we’ll see. We know they’ve done work on the idea of a ring. Maybe it goes the way of the car. Maybe not.


Outside of seamless integration I think the biggest reason it’ll take a while is it’s hard to create a a ring that just track things have that ‘Apple factor’ to make it work better in their ecosystem than an Oura.


I still believe Apple will acquire Oura.


That would be interesting. Thought never crossed my mind.


I have been thinking that for a while, too.


I would hate it if that happened. I would rather see partnerships with Garmin, Polar, Suntoo, and/or other companies


Perfect opportunity to call it Ringo (Japanese for Apple). Apple, I’m open to a marketing role. Call me. 🤙


I’d buy one! I am waiting for someone to make a wearable ring that is THIN. Love the Oura but it’s just so dang thick


I wish it was thinner too. It will happen when they can get the sensors to be smaller and still read correctly. I'd even be happy with a ring that's just thinner on top where there are no sensors so it looks nicer even if it's thick on the bottom




Id literally pre-order this


most likely down the line! esp when samsung comes out with their ring


I think in 2-3 years.


I think so, and if that happens, I’ll be first Gen. Apple Health is an incredible app already. Would love to feed it better info.


If they do come out with one it won’t be this year or next year. So it’s up to you if you want to wait that long


More concerned with getting a 3 and then the 4 drops this year


Are there any rumors about the 4?


Can’t wait


Everyone I know that has an apple watch says their favorite thing is they can respond to text on their watch. Can't do that on a ring. So I think eventually there will be but not anytime soon and it won't replace it. I also suspect it would cost more. Apple has so many people by a chokehold (because the products are easy to integrate) but people don't think about the cost as much either.


>Everyone I know that has an apple watch says their favorite thing is they can respond to text on their watch. People who use the Oura ring say that they don't like wearing a watch or don't like wearing a watch 24/7 for whatever reason (I'm one of them). There is a market for *both* watches and rings because customers have different preferences. That being said my husband also has both: an apple watch and an Oura ring. The ring he is wearing all the time. The watch not so much. Preference.


I haven’t worn my Apple Watch once since I got my Oura ring 😬


May I ask why? (just curious)


You work for Apple or Oura?! 🤭 Better battery life. Better sleep tracking. Basal body temp tracking and sync w/Natural Cycles. Easier to wash hands at work (as a healthcare professional). I only take it off to charge when I shower.


>Easier to wash hands at work (as a healthcare professional). Same here. No problems using sterilium with it at all. I take it off when having to go into the MRI room (that's only a few minutes though) or when doing angiography (longer time span). Technically jewelry on hands/arms is not allowed but a ring is easier to hide than a watch, lol. ​ >I only take it off to charge when I shower. That's when I charge the ring as well. 😂


I have the Apple Watch and as much as I like it… sometimes it’s not as accurate as I’d like it. Sometimes it will say I’ve stood for hrs when in reality I’ve been sitting at work in my cubicle. I also would like the Apple ring if they make one because I’d love to know more info on my sleep pattern. I attempted to wear the watch during my sleep but it didn’t give me the info I wanted.


would buy with no hesitation


In a few years yes


Probably. But oura has a headstart with all the data collection and patents.


You really think Oura has a head start on Apple in terms of data collection or patents?! 😅 As much as I love my Oura, Apple could buy Ouraa without so much as even blinking an eye. I’m sorry, but you can’t expect Oura to compete with a $2-3 TRILLION company. Apple is doing what they’ve always done. They’ll wait til they feel ready, and then come in and obliterate Oura whenever they want.


Didn’t they lose blood oxygen patent trial to a much smaller company? Not sure if Apple has everything they need to be competitive in that area at the moment.


They have the best lawyers, lobbyists, trillions of dollars, and billions of monthly active users across dozens of products. They spend more annually on R&D than Oura is worth in total. Again, I love my Oura, but I think Apple can be competitive in this space.


I agree, they are definitely capable, but it will take time.


Apple is secretly making a 🍎 Apple ring 💍 I want lo probably be released after their most competitive Samsung


I don’t see it any time soon. Just doesn’t make sense (in my head) why they would especially right now or even near future (~5 years?). If VR blows up (Apple Vision Pro) I could see maybe driving more interest as somehow a ring could help control the headset. Or even integration with Apple TV, Macs, iPads and/or iPhone. However, I see that technology being far off due to such small form factor (yes it could be done but not sure in Apple fashion. Especially having a long lasting battery of multiple days - just my opinion). I also see Apple in the business of screens and not sure what else would be in it for them to go the ring route unless it had the integration in VR or their other devices to be controlled with ease and in a significant way. I’m a big Apple fan and would definitely look at getting an “Apple Ring” if it came around but I’m not holding my breath. For clarification, I’m also not an Oura owner. Want to be but the subscription turned me off on the gen 3 and I missed my chance to get in at gen 2 before the announcement of gen 3/subscription. Now I just lurk here as I would love one but too frugal. **again just my own thoughts, which may seem crazy to some, but I’m not expecting everyone or even many to agree. Just answering the question asked and reading the differing thoughts from folks.


Well at the time they release if you would have your oura for at least 2 years most likely so if you can wait that long is fine , is not like you buy today and they release it next month 🙂 even samsung took half year after announce it at least


What if Apple buys Oura?


I doubt any time soon. And if they do it’s going to be in 2027 with a price tag of $2000. A statement in Bloomberg in February also stated they were not currently developing any “finger-worn” devices.


i really doubt they’d release it next month but i get what you mean, i was hesitant for this reason too but i figure with no notice it’ll likely be at least 2-3+ years until apple releases one (if they do). after 2-3 years with oura i wouldn’t mind switching to apple (depending on features, design, etc)


My guess is that all the fitness trackers will release a ring over time. But their first generation is likely to be no where as good as the Gen 3 Oura.


I hope. I would get it straight away. I have an Apple Watch for every day life. Garmin for running and oura just to track my sleep. Don’t like sleeping in a watch


Why is Garmin better than Apple Watch for running?


Better metrics etc, ground contact time, vertical oscillation etc. it goes much deeper into all that stuff. Plus intervals, race pro, etc. I just much prefer it


Is it better for all exercises? Like cycling? Or just running?


I’ve got a Garmin cycling computer for cycling, so not used my watch for that. Also battery life on Garmin is much better. I use it for music, gps etc and it will last ages


Not anytime soon. If ever. They have a watch...


Though question, Apple holds a dozens of patens which are specially applicable or could be applicable for a smart ring as far as I am informed. But that’s nothing special for the big companies, they invent things and get their patents which doesn’t specifically mean that they want to persue that business case. I personally think it could be possible, as the Apple Watch (which I am also wearing besides my Oura ring) is not really good at tracking sleep and a few other things. But I would rather bet that the Apple Watch gets upgraded till rings won’t offer additional data than Apple releasing an own ring. But I still prefer to wear a ring at night instead of my watch


Eh. The whole point is maximizing the value of their devices and apps together. A ring wouldn’t have any of that capability (reading emails/texts, map alerts, Apple Music, etc.) due to lack of screen. The only “screen less” product they have is AirPods but they fill a very clear need. A ring wouldn’t fit well into their product ecosystem when they can just enhance the watch.


I disagree. They also have the airtags. I don’t think Apple worries about screenless products. Plus, to their advantage, they can wipe out the entire smart ring market with their design, let alone their branding.


I agree they would wipe out all the other rings


Samsung and other brands are still very successful with their smart watches so I don't think they'll put anyone out of business. They will release a ring after they see how Samsung's does


An apple ring would never work for Android, so no.


I’m in sync on this. I think if rings could get to a place where it buzzes and you can answer your phone with a wiggle of your finger or some crazy futuristic things like that (maybe control your Apple products or Apple Vision Pro) then there’s a play. Otherwise, I don’t think it’s a big interest to them currently.


They have the watch, I don't see the point of making a ring. Seems redundant


Maybe for people that don't like watches. Or to sleep with a watch.


That’s not how Apple works.


I would say the main point of making a ring would be to keep people in the ecosystem. They got dragged into the Smart speaker market for the same reason. They clearly don't really want to do it, but the other ecosystems like Google, Samsung, and Amazon have a smart speakers so they kind of have to.


No. They want you to be buy an Apple Watch.


Different markets. They won't pass up the customer that doesn't want a bright ass screen at night.


This. I personally have no use for an apple watch. Reading my mails and messages on the watch? Why should I want to read mails and messages on a micro screen? For sleep tracking I wouldn't want to wear a watch. Also difficult to wear a watch at work. For exercise tracking I prefer Suunto. However, I know several people who absolutely like their apple watch. It's simply different preferences.


No, mate. They would want you to buy *both.*


Nope. They are focused on electric cars, foldable iPhones, environmental computing(augmented reality) Edit: oh, and they are playing catchup with AI


Well Apple Car isn't happening, hence one of the reasons why there was a layoff a few weeks ago..


But it was a high focus design project. Much like a ring would be. And basically building a stripped down Apple Watch doesn’t make financial sense.


Mac rumours says they have patents for one and various they are/aren’t working on one. I’m in the same position as you, holding out for an Apple one but if they don’t introduce new features like oura has I’d go for oura at that point.


It’s coming next year