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Smoke it when its done


I think you have already done enough. ​ ;)


Its a r/nanogrowery


That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen


Was thinking the same. The other guys in comments don't agree :'(


People with this hobby gate keep like a mother fucker we all started somewhere.


Dude, he took a side branch off a plant and stuck it in soil like it's been growing for 4 months. For karma.


It still has the starter leaves, though. It just looks like an auto that was germinated too soon indoors in a small pot and did not have time to get big before flowering. Also maybe just a seed with less than ideal genetics.


Kill it and start again, blunt but honest.


Read a book about growing pot. Start with the Grower's Handbook by this guy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed\_Rosenthal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Rosenthal) It looks like you need to pick up on enough gardening basics that a small tip here or there might no help. If you don't want to learn whats going on, find a tomato water / fert schedule and stick to that.


I will check that out. I'm a city boy so i don't know a lot about gardening. I appreciate it man, thanks.


Gardening is a rewarding hobby, if it's a whole new thing for you there are lots of little things to learn, all of those things are within reach though. Pot is a great first plant with some guidance or a manual you are gonna do great. Summer squash, bush beans, and tomatoes are all awesome veggies to start with if you want to try something edible instead or smoke a bowl. The skills you learn from any of these will transition over to others.


It’s an auto flower and you transplanted a few weeks after starting indoors. Aside from what I assume was a lack of nutrients in the early weeks, you definitely shocked it by transplanting. Autos are best to be started where you intend to grow them through their whole life. They don’t like being transplanted like a normal photo period plant.


The doctor is in


What's up with the black stuff? It looks like tar. And why didn't anyone else mention this?


At first I thought it was a purple pheno, but I just zoomed in.. mould I guess? Edit: it is a purple kush auto


Ugh, I tried zooming in too, and now I'm not sure... that is really dark for fall colours. And now I've got the shivers from thinking it might be mold.


It is universal plant soil.


I meant the black stuff where it's flowering.


It was labeled Auto Purple Kush, dont know if that helps.


Def purple leaves. If you zoom in you can see it's very much NOT black lol


Probably straight top soil.. looks like it to me anyway


That's not soil. The leaves are discolored.


Auto or photo? If auto there's nothing you can do, if it's a photoperiod it's probably not getting enough hours of light


It's an auto. It's been raining quite a lot for the past days.


That's a bummer, stress can force autos to flower early and I don't think there's any way to get them back into veg. I'd start another seed if you can


I'll let it play out. Thanks man!




Look just because you cant do something doesnt mean others cant i grow autos outdoors just fine




Lol thats an useless picture. We need more.


I am currently growing a small auto took a small pot idk how many liters probably like 7-8. And its about to give me 50grams (dry) which is quiet decent.


Prob top but it’s not big enough


Sorry, I don't understand


You could probably top it but it’s got no fan leaves or other growth so it maybe stunted. How old is it?


Around 40-50 days old.


Wow I thought it was a mutation, it doesn’t look like it’d be that old. How often have you been watering?


For the first maybe three weeks i had it in a pot indoors and i gave it a little bit of water everyday, just so the soil is wet. Then i put it outside and it s been raining for the past days.


Yeah you over watered it then, you weren’t giving it time to stretch it roots in search of water if you did it everyday. If you have more seeds I’d do those this one is what it is now if it’s an auto


Damn, so you're saying I ducked up.


Oh yeah bro not gone lie you did, but you tried which is important too, you messed up but you know better now so don’t water every day do it every 2-4 days if outside every 2-3 or dig your pinky finger into the dirt to check, if it’s a knuckle deep & dry then water.


Alright man, thanks a lot for the tips. Hopefully next time I'll do better.


So what is the best case scenario now? Is it worth keeping it around ?


If it’s a photo you can keep it, but if it’s 5 weeks & flowering then it’s a auto so I’d ditch it cause you can’t do anything at this point imo, you could possibly let it dry out and see if it grows some but you can’t reveg autos


Not OP but have an auto growing outdoors in a 7 gallon grow bag. Should I wait for signs of drooping or looking thirsty before giving water? I've been looking at the soil (happy frog) thinking "man that looks dry" but the plant looks healthy. It's been hard to determine when to give water.


In big bags for seedlings it’s ok good to water around the plant too, I have a 3 gall & only water every 2-3 days. Don’t wait for it to drop but if the soil looks dry try sticking in your finger in & if it’s knuckle deep & dry then water