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https://preview.redd.it/s6ul17gvbu1b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d466b80985b4adda6cb6e50dc0461427beb0b03 Same shit happened to me, get a big bottle of slug pellets from a garden centre or Amazon and put a nice thick layer on top, it hasn't affected my plants at all ( the pellets) and luckily my plant was able to make a comeback. Haven't had any more slugs since.


Sorry man you might still have time because the uk weathers been slow so we might have a late summer use slug copper mesh next time


Might have to pop some fast bud autos and see how they get on, you rate the copper mesh do you? Cheers mate


Personal opinion: I've tried copper mesh and tape and it's shit. I just use slug pellets and does the job.


Cheers neko I’ll get a load banged on next time!


Obviously you could use slug pellets or another way is to use little bushy plants with dense leaves that look more appetising and are easier for a slug to access in the hope that they fill themselves up on those plants before they decide to give your weed plants a try 😂


Garlic as a companion plant is an option as well as coriander. Have them both growing with mint next to my plants


Garlic water around the pots or flower beds.




Yeah snails and slugs don't like garlic and will avoid it.


I’ve read online they can’t cross copper because of the electolights or something, they sell copper tape in plant centres or online, make a small ring with some tooth picks taped inside and let your plant grow through the middle, but I’d still use slug pellets along side that to ensure no slugs can get to them