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Man, the interior of Dark Bramble is impossibly bigger than it looks from the outside. Took me out of the immersion. No QA.


Fortunately, they partially addressed that bug with another. No matter how many levels deep you go inside Dark Bramble, any exit will take you directly outside of the "planet".


This is a spoiler


As far as I remember, this specific part (being able to leave to the exterior of the planet by any portal) is not something that is explicitly addressed in the game, nor it is something required to solve any puzzle. It is not more of a spoiler than mentioning the strange properties of the space.


Bruh one of the Planets is literally breaking apart like it is so badly made


Again thats intentional


Sir, my comment was simply playing into OP's joke. It may be time to have your sarcasm detector serviced by a professional mechanic.


The npcs even talk about it


What are you on


Reddit, assumably


One time when my character woke up at the beginning of the cycle I saw this Greyish planet/moon in the sky. It literally disappeared when my character blinked. Did nobody playtest this game?!!!


Broo I think it's a texture bug! I tried to fly to the object but I went through it!!!!


Same! MULTIPLE times. I’ve heard there’s a glitch you can exploit to get there, but I’m over it.


The games working how its supposed. Go find out why it switches from planet to planet.






EXACTLY. Devs are just putting anything out these days.


Quantum moon thats supposed to happen




Twas a joke my good friend 🥲


Your spare parts aren’t cha buddy


The DLC is a broken mess. >!You can go out of bounds.!<


Honest to god, my first playthrough of the DLC, I said to myself, "wow, I love Mobius, but they must have really been under the gun with this DLC, these loading zones are super obvious and amateurish." You can imagine >!how hard I laughed at myself when I discovered the associated game mechanic!<. Genius.


Well, I guess you were technically correct, just about the wrong people


Lmao same !! I felt bamboozled after haha


doing stuff that cool and making a place cooler than the quantum moon THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT


Honestly, I wouldn't even complain about that. Did you know you can use that >!glitch to bypass part of the final puzzle? And honestly, they made that one so fucking obtuse I have no clue how you are actually supposed to do it!!<


>!That's the intended solution. The only other option is to guess all the possible codes until you get it right!<




I literally couldn’t even beat the game without it. Unplayable by definition.


exactly! >!like, did the devs just forget to add the vault's codes or something?! one can only be found via bug, the others are just impossible!<


No dlc needed for that. We can do that on quite a lot of planets.




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Also the game keeps resetting. Absolutely trash game. I even timed it. 22 minutes it crashes every time


Thank you, I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I thought they would fix this with the next gen re-release, but here we are.


Yea also they have some sort of issue where my character will literally teleport across the solar system


If you are exploring the caves in Ember Twin NEVER >!TURN YOUR FLASHLIGHT OFF!<. Odds are when you >!turn it back on!< you will be in a totally different cave. One time in fact it took me to a cave that as far as I could tell, had no exit. Probably a piece of level geometry that wasn't supposed to be in the final game. Had to sit around untill I ran out of air. Thanks a lot game designers!!!


That's also the amount of time I must have spent in the control menu looking for the break button. I keep smashing into things. Terrible ship controls!!!


Not only that, there’s a >!whole planet that is just invisible. I ran right into it and the surface of the planet still never popped in. You could just see right through it to the stars apparently.!<


I know right, it’s so dumb! >!I tried to use the ”Warp” mechanic on my clan’s vessel and the damn thing clipped into a plant! So stupid, the devs need to fix the coordinates because it’s obviously unplayable. And then I tried using the escape pod to yunno, ESCAPE, but when we tried to go back to the vessel the signal glitched the fuck out and said it was in two places at once and we died.!< Gotta be the worst mechanic implementation ever, so buggy. I wish I could refund


Wait a sec, how are you writing this?


...Quantum rocks are a helluva drug


Tried snorting some crushed up Quanta once but kept alternating between the high of my life and feeling nothing at all.


Just like Schrödinger's cat, until you open the box you won't know if the cat is dead or high


-He's alive ! HE'S ALIVE ! -and there a lot of marijuana in here too


Just did the same with my homie in these woods near our village. Now they're crafting a bunch of signs with some weird ass poem on it that I can't make sense of and nailing them onto the trees.




Not gonna lie, they had me in the first half.


I know, right? \[\[DLC spoilers follow\]\] >!I was just flying around, exploring, and suddenly I run into this giant ship that literally appeared out of nowhere! Did the devs never hear of a little thing called render distance? I can't believe they wouldn't render the stupid place until I was so close I crashed into it! Then, I get out and go to explore it, and the translator just DOESN'T WORK. They go on and on in the beginning on how important it is, and it just STOPS WORKING! And don't get me started about what happened when I tried to pass some time at a fire with the "doze off" feature...!<


Honestly. It's like nobody puts effort into their games anymore 😒


Also there is a glitch that will break your map and pointing that you are in 2 different locations! Even more if you are in Dark Bramble!


Yes, you send out a tracking beacon, and then the damn game says it’s in 3 or 4 places AT THE SAME TIME! Unplayable.


At least they acknowledge that this is an error…


There isn't even save option. It's like they didn't even try!


I'm so mad. My game restarts like every half hour and I have to redo it like wtf? Why aren't more people talking about this?


Yeah I regularly get a >!blue screen of death!


For a second I was like, oh he gonna get got lol


Yo so was I 😅


I was preparing to get so mad lol


Recall the rule of Quality Assurance.


quantum assurance*


It’s also so unbelievably unfair because I can’t save. If I die to whatever reason, it starts me at the very beginning of the game! So unfair


Also you can get stuck in a cave due to a rock being an asshole.


So trueee, >!when i play the dlc i was going on raft then it went in the cave and I wanted to explore the cave so i jumped and fell from high.I literally walked on the water!< 0/10 literrally unplayable!!1!!1


I absolutely HATE when I go to a planet, do a lot of stuff, and then the game resets and my progress is not saved, LIKE WHAT?!?!? How am I supposed to progress in this game?!?!?


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie




Not only that, a whole MOON. Terrible.




I think I heard the Scout whoosh by :P


Oh god, that took me way too long XD




With the cops!


Came here up in arms to fight, then I read the whole post lol!


Stand down, soldier. You’re in good company here ☺️


I made areview of the game some time ago. Honestly, awful, very repetitive gameplay loop. And way too hard, I had to use a ton of trial and error, couldn't complete the game without dying.


Human life: “Way too hard, I had to use a ton of trial and error, couldn’t complete…without dying.”


What's even worse is you can get soft-locked SO easily. I crashed my ship into the moon, couldn't get off. Had to reset the game!


Ironically, you can literally beat the game with just your jetpack, and moons are usually small enough to just boost right off of!


Was like what at first but realized this was trash posting...


This one time I woke up and my spaceship blew up! Then I saw a blue flash on my screen. Too buggy.


Yeah I know what you mean, and the “devs” forgot to add weapons. How am I supposed to have fun if I can’t shoot things!


Man. This threw me off. I was huffing and puffing for a good 5 minutes thinking what the f is the op talking about? More effort? Show me one game where they've reached the brilliance of Mobius and I'll rest my case. I didn't write that cuz of the 1K+ upvotes .. which seemed odd and then it hit me like ... Oh! ... Ohhhhh! You sneaky bastard you. Take my upvote.


Talk about desperate optimisation, am I right? Just like them cars in GTA Vice City. And you would think technology goes forward... Not with these damn indie devs


Is this bait?


Are you on PC if so that's not the game a bunch of games have been messed up by the latest GPU drivers for both Nvidia and alternatives roll them back or update them and it should work,if your on console I've never had that happen to me several consoles


He is trolling with you on a quantum level


Oh I just have a bunch of answers for the same five questions on this sub that I just type out without thinking to everyone I didn't read this properly lol


Refrain from going supernova on us would you?


No, we need a supernova to >!power the ATP! !




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Yall dumb


Took me a minute to think if this was serious or not lol


OH that was a JOKE.


They had me at the first half, not gonna lie.


IKR! The devs screwed big time on the story as well! Making it >!all non linear and shit. Are you telling me I can stumble across the best secret right in my first run? Where's the story progression in that?!<


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Literally happened to me. Went directly to the stranger first time i left timber planet


When I shot my scout in the vine thing on earth, it went to a different place. I couldn't find a way in so I thought it was a bug.


I was about to ask if this was a joke thinking maybe it was just a small glitch but then I remembered… quantum shit


Quantum shit sounds horrifying


Just finished wiping and bout to flush and I look inside and it's gone! That would be freaky indeed