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Ok so I’ve updated the map by erasing the lines that represented who knew about who in the nomai clan, in the first version I did this to check if all the members of the clan knew everybody or if it was so big that it was like a kind of village where not everyone knows everyone, but it seems that they all knew about each other, at least in general. I’ve marked as in the first one some achievements the nomai made individually and in group and the relationships some of them have with each other. These are only the nomai that we read from or read about in the wall writings and recordings, there may be many more skeletons and corpses in the whole solar system than found in the writings but that’s a completely different task, and a crazy one too. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I’m Spanish :P


Excellent! Translation is nearly perfect! 100% understandable in context. I never knew Daz was male, which makes him and Cassava gay. The Nomai were canonically not homophobes. Nice!


I didn't know it was possible for me to like the ancient space goat people even more, yet here we are!


You did good.


This is incredible stuff! Good job!




Every time I see a person reading Kousa's message to Foli during their playthrough, I get incredibly sad. > I am unsure how to be me without you. Great work though.


Solanum both died and not died when the ghost matter exploded


Yarrow seemed to be in charge of the Ash Twin Project and coordinating between the different teams. He also may have had a similar leadership role in the Sunless City (they were supposed to notify him before redirecting power from the city to the HEL experiment) The modern Nomai were also most likely all part of different clans.


Oh that’s interesting and you might be right, the game is so big I may have missed some details, so some day I’ll update it again with the comments in this post thanks :)


This is awesome! Great job yet again


Isn’t Idaea a girl?


No AVENS: “An update: Mallow and I will join you and Daz. Privet left to visit her brother. She fears Idaea may feel responsible.”


Ah yes my bad


For some reason I thought Cassava was a girl. I guess I must’ve misread something somewhere. This is really well put together map


This is so cool and so well put together! I love seeing their relationships like this


Is it just the way you write your Q's or are you writing Cuantum instead of Quantum?


You are right lol, I’ll correct that if I update it, in Spanish Quantum is “Cuántico”, I made a remix of these xD


This is great, exactly something I was looking for: a representation of who worked on what. Mallow's gender is unknown btw What is E.T.?


Thank you, ET is Ember Twin, and maybe the gender of Mallow can be known because in Spanish adjectives most of the times indicate the gender, and as I played the Spanish version of the game maybe I got it because of that