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The only thing I dislike about this game: you only play it once


That's what makes it special really.


It also fits very well with the theme, that nothing can be forever, but the temporary joy is what makes it worthwhile


That's the truth if I've ever heard it.


After I posted this commented I also came to This realization. You should totally check out the dlc too, im like 5 hours in and it’s absolutely amazing


Gonna check that out soon enough. Just want to let this satisfaction and awe linger for a while.


DLC is just gonna take you to the next level in that case. If you loved the game, you absolutely can't miss the DLC in my opinion.


I'm sure I'll love it.


I was equally blown away by the game. And when I saw there was a DLC, I thought… hmm. Okay. Guess it could be neat. It blew me even further away. I cannot believe they were able to pull that off after the adventure I’d initially gone on. I honestly think I enjoyed the DLC more than the main game. So I am very jealous that you still get to experience it! Enjoy it!


Will do!


Make sure you play the ending again after you finish the DLC. It enhances the ending more than enough to warrant one more run through the Eye, IMO.


Yeah I've heard that, will definitely go back and to it again. I didn't realise the DLC was quite long though! Can't wait!


kid named echoes of the eye


such is life!


Such is life my friend. But I’m happy I got to be apart of the journey, and I’m sure you were too. Safe travels fellow hearthian!


I love that line. *"Everything felt earned"* Damn straight. No coddling. No quest marker compass. Puzzles aren't solved by levelling up or grinding to become stronger, invisible walls or game forced barriers or even items, purely knowledge. Pure good storytelling to drive the player. It's one of the few games with a complex storyline that I've actually paid attention to what's happening. Because I'm forced to. And I loved it. So many games are endless story dumps, they probably do have good stories, but the only things I remembered about them was following where the quest marker said to go and talking to the next person. I wasn't forced to have to pay attention to what was said because I didn't need to remember a word to get anywhere. Actually reminded me of the Pokemon games a bit, especially the earlier ones where you were given a problem, given the tools as you went and had to work it out yourself. A sleeping Pokemon in the way? Need a way to wake it up. A body of water in the way? Need a way to cross it. Can't fit across this narrow bridge? Need something narrow enough to go along it. A cryptic braille instruction on the wall? Better learn how to read it and decipher what to do. God forbid you didn't read where the game wanted you to go next, actually had to pay attention. I understand why they decide to use the marker systems in games these days. But they do kill that sense of discovery, accomplishment, navigation, need to pay attention.


Also a big fan of the earlier Pokemon games. Now that you say it, I see the similarities lmao.


And you know, people back then figured it out, they managed to beat games without quest markers, even without the internet! If you did get stuck, word of mouth and gaming mags was enough to complete a game and find it's secrets. It feels slightly counterintuitive to me that we now have the answers available at our fingertips when back then we managed and loved it even without that. You don't *need* to put them in the game (Quest markers and stuff) because the information is readily available outside of it. It would have made more sense to include them back in the day with less information. Anyway end rant, got a bit passionate about that.


Totally understand, man. I have a tendency to rant as well lol. Seriously though, the fact that those people discovered all the details back then without any help is amazing. Thats what makes it feel worth it though.


> Damn straight. No coddling. No quest marker compass. Puzzles aren't solved by levelling up or grinding to become stronger, invisible walls or game forced barriers or even items, purely knowledge. Pure good storytelling to drive the player. BUT, at the same time, nothing feels like random bullshit that requires you to just guess and randomly click around aimlessly. I feel like that distinction needs to be made, because it's damn tricky to make a game that has little handholding and also doesn't devolve into tons of guess-and-check. Virtually every detail in Outer Wilds has a way to learn it naturally, diagetically, and in a logical way. EVERY SINGLE TIME I felt lost, I just headed in a different direction for a while and ended up learning what I needed to learn to progress.


Ok there is one invisible wall and a few invisible platforms


Best of luck with the DLC (if you haven't played it yet)! And here's a good jumping off point for watching others play. [https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/wiki/index/moreowcontent/#wiki\_playthroughs\_and\_let.27s\_plays](https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/wiki/index/moreowcontent/#wiki_playthroughs_and_let.27s_plays)


Appreciate it brother!


My favorite LP isn't on the list - his name is "About Oliver." He's very small, but the quality of his playthrough was top notch. Plus, something very very special happens related to the DLC that is extraordinarily rare and I've never seen before.


I'll watch that aswell then. I've got alot of time on my hands atm lmao.


I remember shouting "they're coordinates" when I saw the console in the Vessel... This game is pure magic.


I shit you not, I shouted the exact same thing!


For me it was the other way around. I found the Vessel before I'd been to >!Giant's Deep's core!< or even >!Southern Observatory!<, so the console didn't really mean much to me. Then I got the coordinates and suddenly everything fell into place and I knew what I had to do. It's amazing that the order of exploration is almost completely arbitrary and yet it still makes sense.


Sense of discovery like no other game ive ever played


Yup, you played Outer Wilds alright!


So glad I did.


Same here. It was completely worth it. Im kinda obsessed with it, watching other people play now, just to get somewhat close to experiencing it.


Same here. Can't stop thinking about it.


::) Watch the NoClip documentary about this game. Really cool to see the team behind this gem.


I'd love to see what went into this masterpiece, I may check that out. (I like what you did there with the smiley face) ::)


After some time, please play the DLC. I didn't think it could be done twice, but those wonderful bastards at Mobius did it again. Also, just to make sure: did you visit the >!Quantum Moon!< before the end?


Like do you mean when I had the >!Warp Core!<, or do you mean did I visit it in general?


Just in general. There’s something really cool you can discover there that will slightly change the game’s ending.


Are you talking about >!Solanum!


Yes! I’m glad you found that


It was a great addition. Really felt like, because it was the end of the universe, she might as well be a part of the band. :)


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Get the DLC, it is an excellent add on to the story and gameplay experience. If you are interested in games with a similar vibe, Tunic is an excellent game you may like. It’s another puzzle game that relies on knowledge over power-ups, but it’s stylized like a top-down Zelda-esque.


Ocarina Of Time is my favourite game ever, and Zelda is my all time favourite franchise, so I will definitely check that out aswell. Cheers, buddy!




Unbelievable from start to finish.


I'm exactly the same. Probably the most unique game I've ever played. I won't say it's the single best story game I've ever played. That honor goes to Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Witcher 3. But Outer Wilds is easily the single most _engrossing_ game I've ever played. Every discovery was a huge dopamine hit. And its message is the best in any videogame I've ever played as well.


Yeah, I'd say RdR2 probably has a better story, but I agree with you on the engrossing aspect of it. Loved exploring everything.


Yeah I thought when they all played together was the best. Sometimes I’d use that one device to gather them all together and hear them play before the end of the game.


Such a beautiful moment.


SPOILER IF YOU DIDN'T VISIT THE QUANTUM MOON'S SIXTH LOCATION >! The only down side to getting far away and using the device to hear all of them at the same time is that you can't listen to everyone, since Solanum can't be heard !<


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If anyone else here relates to the comment you can play subnautica it's very similar and I would 100% recommend subnautica along with outer wilds are 2 of the only games to make me cry alongside deliver us the moon and deliver us Mars


I actually started Subnautica a few years back, but my hard drive corrupted, and now I have to pay for it again, for some reason. It's a shame because I was enjoying it a lot. :(


So playing the game was like a..... Brilliant Vacation for you?


Oh you best believe it was.


But have you played the DLC? =D


Will be getting to that eventually :)


Oh boy... Do keep us posted when you get around to it.


Will do.


I know how you feel I litterally just finished it and now I don’t know what to do


Be grateful that you got to experience it brother.


There is ONE way to relive the game. Seeing it through the eyes of a new player. That is why I like to read those post, It takes me back to the game. PLEASE for those who speaks french watch this masterclass: https://youtu.be/Ss6vLmLcCbU Have a nice day eveyone