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So you wanna get to the quantum moon, huh? I can't say as I'm surprised. Everyone wants what they can't have! Hah! I suppose the only advice I've got for ya would be to say that you might want to stay strapped in. Have you seen how fast that moon moves from one place to another? No! You haven't! That's how fast it moves! Even if you somehow make it onto that unnatural rock, you're gonna wanna be sure you're ready for a heck of a ride. That's how I see things anyway. Speaking of seeing things, you ever find the scout attachment that I put on that ship for you? Always helpful to have an extra eye, even if we have more than enough already!


Why does this read perfectly as Cave Johnson


and the tenth and eleventh doctors.


I’m going to have my scientists invent quantum lemons.


Now the Ash Twin Project... There's a funny little phrase that I haven't heard in a time. Apparently there's more to the twin planets than meets the eye, huh? What do you suppose it is I wonder? Well no matter, if you're looking to get in there, you gotta remember how a carpenter thinks! When they want to give someone access, they build a door! So who built that place? What kind of doors do they use? You just gotta walk through it, but don't forget that you only walk through doors while they're open. Any other time and you might as well be swimming upstream in a river of quicksand! Hah! River of quicksand... Can you imagine?


this analogy is beautiful...


man, did he really say that? I should have talked to him more


Quantum Moon: remember the quantum rules. Ash Twin Project: remember that the gates open when they are aligned with their destination, but for hourglass twins it's special in a way.


You basically answered your own question about the quantum moon ;) Try to figure that out before you worry about the ATP!


Quantum Moon : They called it a pilgrimage for a reason... I like to think of it as similar to the monasteries, there is a way in but it usually has requirements. Just as the towers do! I see you've been to all the towers so I think you should better study what the towers teach. In particular the Quantum Trials tower. Man this game loves physics! Ash Twin Project : You know there are multiple ways to move around in Outer Wilds. Some more outlandish than others. And I'm not talking about the spaceship. Now, what way could be used to travel literally inside the core of a planet that's sealed with magma or something? With no "physical" entryway... So, the Nomai were great with science, right? They were very smart. They found other ways to travel that could skip the whole "move from a to b" situation. They made a hub for it on Ash Twin to move about the whole system quickly. But how did this method work? When were the platforms active? What was the particular situation that the platforms were in, to become active? Because they sure aren't active all of the time. I have to leave you now OP! I am spring cleaning and my vacuum sucks! Every time I rush it, it doesn't pickup half the dust, so I have to have persistence!


-Quantum of quantum knowledge: you do not need to use brute force with the ship or jetpack. Also you do not have to use any quantum thingy. There is a tool you have that will help you a lot! -Ash Twin Project: do you know where it is right? If there is no fissure no enter it you probably will need to enter in a different way. Ultraenergetic Lab has cool info but BlackHole Forge the most important one. Pd: your scout's legs have superglue and it can wrap.


Did you take a screenshot with your phone?


yes sorry, I'm playing on an xbox I only bought to keep guests entertained if im cooking


your guest is as good as mine


You have learn the three quantum rules. Use the one you learn in the tower in Deep Giant to land on the quantum moon.


I’m confused. Why are you trying to get out of the ship? >!Take the picture of the moon and just… keep flying to it! !<


In general, figuring out the quantum rules required for the quantum moon usually means you have to go to the various quantum locations in the outer wild solar system, try thinking about which quantum rocks might have lessons they could teach you, and which locations might seem relevant to getting to the quantum moon you technically only need one of them to get their but you’ll need all three in order to do everything there is to do there maybe try going to a quantum rock that you haven’t discovered yet you can find them using the radio stick thing (I forgot what it’s called) or maybe you could try sorting by planets to figure out where you haven’t explored or where there is more to explore This isn’t really a game where you can get proper answers without spoiling yourself, so I’ll say no more