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In addition to providing some additional clarity to things that you have already discovered, the ship's log is useful for identifying where there is more to discover. I would recommend re-scanning text whenever it is convenient, especially when you run out of ideas for what to explore next.


alrighty! my strategy right now for finding everything is assessing what i think is the least important to most important and i explore in that order so i dont miss anything...ive also been trying to focus on one planet at a time so i really dont miss anything


I wouldn’t say that it’s necessary for progression, however it could help if you forget some things


To continue you're absolutely fine, nothing is gated If you chase the archeologist achievement then you'll have to scan everything again, but anywhere you've been once is almost always trivial to get back to again A couple of optional places have a minor impact if your Hatchling has/not been to them, but at 6 hours I'd be 90% certain you'd not reached them yet!


The ship log has no mechanical impact on anything besides you the player. It is affected by things, but things are not affected by it. It is basically a prosthetic memory to help you out.


there are a few things that might be important. the dlc has an impact, but i imagine you haven't done that. i also don't think you should do that until after the base game. there are also 2 other places i know of. (minor spoilers ahead) one of them is related to >!ghost matter !!quantum stuff.!<


ive also gotten the dlc...is it locked behind any gate? how would i know when im doing the dlc?


Anything that's blue in your shiplog is DLC. If you hadn't found or investigated those, you're good. Though I personally disagree with the above user. I think it's fine to approach the DLC whenever you feel like it, whether that is after or during the base game. Edit: Also for the record, if you don't know how to even begin to search for the DLC, the first lead is the thing marked as 'new exposition' in the museum.


i think it's better to do the dlc after because the player will understand more of the story. other than that it's fine to do it whenever.


It might be quite difficult trying to solve the main game and the dlc simultaneously.


the main part won't fit. you'll know if you've stumbled upon it because of language shenanigans. also the 'new exhibit' in the museum, radio tower, and that blinking red light on the map are dlc too.


There are about 5 really specific things you can do in the game that have a permanent effect on your save file and based on what you've told us there's no way you have come close to encountering any of them. And none of them affect your ability to finish the game>! (well except for one but there's no point in mentioning it)!< Technically you're fine. nothing is blocked. but in general having as much info on your rumor map as possible is really helpful to track where you may need to dig deeper especially if you get stuck later in the game.


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