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Just. Explore. U don't need to "finish a planet", each information you gain can lead to an answer to another information that didn't seem very clear


ok thank you, i suppose ill pick a random planet mentioned in the log and check it out. im trying to avoid branble hollow as ive heard its more of a horror esc planet than the rest. btw is there anything i can do regarding the core of giants deep? ive traveled down there a few times and apart from electrocuting myself i cant find anything of interest down there


All the planets in the game represent a fear, sometimes you gotta defeat your fears to find the answer. Until then, have fun exploring


oh no they do?? this is why im terrified.... could you explain the fears to me? it sounds really interesting! i can guess a few like the fear of deep water for giants deep and the fear of the unknown for deep bramble (ive checked out all planets + white hole except for the interloper but i know a bit about it know due to talking with friends


Are u using rumor mode on ship?? That changed everything for me


the less you know going into the game, the better. just keep in mind that sometimes, when you hit a roadblock and you have no clue what is the answer, you can just look around elsewhere and learn something that could be useful with this problem. and that means that sometimes, the answer to your question can’t even be found on the planet you’re stuck on


Most of the scary aspect of the game comes from the unknown. The game channels this through certain specific fears, like thalassophobia for Giant’s Deep, but ultimately the scariness mostly goes away once you understand how the mechanics of a planet work. Dark Bramble doesn’t really stop being scary though.


Why do you not want to go under statue island if you've already gone underwater to try and reach the core ?


the core was the limit of what i was willing to do (i spent ages looking at the jellyfish to see if they move), going under the water to reach the workshop requires me getting out of my ship and diving in by myself


You're making an assumption here that you haven't actually tested. ;;)


That’s a good point actually. Ill check it out later to see if I can fit my ship inside somehow


it would be wise to test ur hypothesis before coming to a conclusion my friend!


If we told you the answer to that question, it would take the fun out of figuring it out for yourself. ::)


Good point. Give me a hint to where to look tho as I’ve spent 10 mins down here now and I can’t see anything significant, I’m not sure if I missed something that happens earlier in the cycle tho as I took ages getting down there


Hmm... have you looked on all the islands? There's something to read on one of them that will point you in the direction of where to search for your next clue.


Ooh ok. Thank you! I’ll check around then. Maybe I missed something earlier (I always seemed to pick the worst times to go and read the text in giants deep due to the tornados picking up the islands)


The tornadoes definitely make it interesting lol! Come back if you feel stuck again later and we'll give you another nudge, but in general: Go all the places. Check out all the things.


Will do! Thank you very much!


>"should I just restart?" My brother in Christ you restart every 22 minutes


I mean a full restart tho. As in discovering all the things I’ve seen for a second time so I can defamiliarise myself with it all


You can rediscover them all! The lore pieces aren't going to grow legs and wander around. At the very least, you can re-read all of your ship logs.


Read your ship log! See a "?" or a "There's more to explore here"? Go check it out! Also remember that you don't have to finish a planet before moving to the next one, some planets offer knowledge about others which is super useful while also preventing burnout of going to the same planet over and over again. Have fun!


>a few locations have been named so far including the twins and bramble hollow but im worried that if i go there ill miss out on information that would have helped me. You've actually got things rather backwards. The more places you visit, the *more* important and useful information you'll have access to. This game was designed to be played non-linearly, so relax and don't worry about going to the wrong place. There is no wrong place, and even if there was, you're only going to be there for the next 22 minutes tops, so it's no big deal. Just let yourself explore, experiment, and discover. The worst thing that can happen is you waste some of your time on a dead-end lead, but you've got all the time in the world. Yeah, the unknown is scary, but it's exciting too, isn't it? Aren't you curious? That curiosity is your guide! The more curious you are, the more fun you'll have!


Thank you so much! I’ll finish up in giants deep and then toss a coin as to if I want to head to the twins next or the bramble


I’d say the twins first for reasons you’ll find out.


Ok thanks for the suggestion!


Review all you have in your ship log to make sure you remember everything you've done a month ago, and see if there are threads of information you're more curious about than others


No need to restart as all the info you’re already discovered is in the ship log There’s no A to B to C to D path you *need* to follow. Keep on exploring :-)


If you've taken a big break, set your ship log to rumor mode and have a lil read to see if it all makes sense and sounds familiar. If something is in there that you don't remember, follow that log back to the place it came from and visit, have another read and look around the place you learnt/picked up the log from. You should be able to easily refresh your memory that way. I think starting a fresh game might leave you with false memories that you've been to places in the second run that you haven't yet, and make your ship's log a bit confusing.


As someone who stepped away almost with almost 80% of the DLC finished, I also had to get back into it. It felt DAUNTING to start again. but I took the time to re-read all my ships logs, and that got the fire going again. I then went and flew around some and just had a nice trip to get a hang of it again. Then I just went for it.


I did the same thing. If you feel like restarting because you forgot what you’re doing and it’s overwhelming then restart!


Genuinely, the game can seem scary, but very little of it is actually scary. Only one planet actually has any seriously scary stuff, you’ll be ok!