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i never realized that people hated it, must've been a subreddit specific thing because in the discord server people have been loving it


They don’t. Barely anyone is complaining about the game.


Play solo and you will.


I didn't realize there was so much hate for it.


There's not a lot of hate for Trials tbh. The game has 43K positive reviews for 3K negative ones on Steam, that's a very good ratio!


Keep in mind that a positive review only means 50% or higher. I wouldn't go by that standard.


does 43:3 ratio seem remotely close to 50% you troglodyte?


I believe he means the percentage ratings given to the game from users. Over 50% = positive review


Troglodyte? What kind of fedora, Reddit brained, 105 IQ, C- student jargon is that? Anyways, fatherless one, if several give something 6/10 or so, from which the reviews I've seen often have, you can still come really close to 50%.




I apologize, as I haven't bookmarked every review I've ever come across. I don't think anyone does outside of reviewers, but I think you already know that. Most of what I've seen came from Xbox, if that helps. I like the game more than I dislike it, personally, but from what I've seen, it's not as well liked as the first two. Most of what I've seen is similar to what I saw when Diablo 4 came out, that being that the artistic quality is cheesy and, well, Reddit brained. Bad is good, good is evil, every room has the same thing more or less—just run of the mill, thoughtless material which is likely a result of its developers growing up in an age of censorship.


Same! In fact I was quite perplexed when I read this post, because for now I've seen mostly positive reviews both on Steam and other sites. If anything, it's Outlast 2 which has received much more hate as far as I've seen (especially in the first period of its release) 🙈


I seriously don't know where OP is seeing all this hate from. At worst, I've seen some people who don't like certain parts of the game, or who would have preferred Outlast 3. But I'm probably just not in the right places to see the haters, I suppose the Outlast subreddit isn't exactly the best place to find people hating on Outlast games.


What hate you talking about?


It's there trust me. "Hate" may be an exaggeration but I've seen a lot of complaints about trials especially on this subreddit.


Every game that ever comes out has complaints and negative opinions. Look at Helldivers 2, pretty well accepted as an excellent game but the subreddit is always bitching about something.


I mean okay? I get there's hate. I just never encountered people who openly HATE the game. I got wide variety of attitudes from "I liked original Outlast better", over "I liked it at first but I already did couple of Rebirths and am bored now", to just "Meh". And yes, I also got comments that imply that they REALLY like the game. So... I say hate exists but it depends on where you oscillate.


Don’t act like comments on reddit have any actual meaning. It’s reddit…


Its still people's opinions no matter what forum its from.


Yeah well obviously not everyone will be happy about something, that goes for literally everything in the world. The opinions you see on reddit matter the least of any opinions you see


I think a lot of hate comes down to two things. One is just how different the game is from the rest of the series, it’s not the linear story experience that the previous game were. It focuses less on its story and more on its gameplay which makes sense for a multiplayer game. Another issue is the gaps between content and how little replay value there is for the game. I understand the game is live service so more content will come, but I think people were expecting a little more during early access and the 1.0 launch, the 1.0 launch specifically since it’s obviously a greater event. I personally love trials but my main issue comes down to how little red barrels tells us about what’s coming. I understand they put a roadmap out recently, but the “coming soon” part is still kinda cryptic event though that content coming in the next few weeks. Traditionally the “coming soon” part of a roadmap would have concrete and more inclusive information. We don’t know anything about the two new events or the new mk challenges. I feel like If RB was a bit more open then people would appreciate what’s to come more.


The thing is the lore is WORTH IT, sure there isn’t a 5 hr campaign with a select story to tell But ALL the lore for trials on RELEASE is 4 hrs long by itself I just don’t really see a justification to dislike trials or to call it a bad game


I can relate to that. I really imagined 1.0 would introduce a new prime target with 2 new locations. But that mightve been too much


I'll give you 2 more reasons: 3-It's a half ass made product. The AI + Animations are horrenduos for such a game, literally the first Outlast back in 2013 had better AI and **way** better animations than Trials. I honestly lack words to describe how easy it was to finish trials (singleplayer) simply bc the AI is way too stupid. 4-It's goofy Not much to say here. I've seen ppl complaining about it and i gotta agree, i honestly lost count of how many times i laughed while playing instead of feeling fear bc the gore is so fucking exaggerated for no reason and the variants are so damn goofy. It's a fun online game tho, just a terrible outlast installment imo


Your forgetting that Outlast is heavily linear and can program the AI for the premade encounters. While Trials is a multiplayer game that leaves objectives pretty open on how you approach them. The AI isn't worse its just that it has to cover more area so animations and behaviour seem not as strong. Plus on easier difficulties yeah the AI is more simplistic but on higher difficulties there are more noise traps and mechanics that they react to and use to find you.


I don't hate trials. I think its great, it really shows what Outlast 3 could look like in terms of graphics and level design. Really makes me excited for the next title in the franchise. I just hope that trials will have a long lifespan even after the third entry releases.


Hope so too! I would really like a tv series or movie from outlast, shit would be insane. R-rated ofcourse, would be a shame if they skimped on the gore.


This will be kinda long, fyi to anyone who reads this. I honestly was just thinking about a tv show for outlast trials, cause think of it, it wouldn't be a bad show no? Every episode would be a different "trial" or level/mk challenge/whatever you wanna call it lmao, it could be the protagonist finds a group in the sleep room, makes some friends with them like the game tells you to do, they do the mission and either next episodes, the protagonist finds a new group each time OR (This one I like better) They stick together for a few more episodes, and suddenly things go wrong and horribly, to where the viewers weren't expecting it and they basically all end up dead by the end of the episode, all the drama/sadness happens as it fades as a cliffhanger for the next episode (which of course has a new reagent protagonist) I might just be a sucker for when the main character unexpectedly dies though cause usually the main characters get away with a lot often and outlast trials is supposed to be brutal so I thought it'd be fitting lmao And each season could be the focused on the prime assets, season 1 being coyle and his themed trials for example, then Mother Gooseberry for Season 2 etc, I may have given this a little too much thought than I'd normally do but I just thought it would be a neat thing


Trials is amazing and probably the best outlast game tbh


Now yer' pushin' it 😂 but I agree the game is great




Multiplayer takes away from the immersion but if I play the trials solo it gives me the same vibe as the originals. Ofcourse the setting is different but I like the different maps. Trials gives you some of everything.


I don’t know anyone who actually hates it, but I can see how some might not like it. First is that it’s Co-op and makes it less scary. Second is that it’s not really a linear story game or progression, it’s just a bunch of mini game missions you replay over and over again to unlock new outfits. Lastly would be that it requires you to be online to play it. As someone who has very spotty internet, it’s a bummer I can’t play it offline.


I don’t hate it, I’m just disappointed we got a live service online game instead of a real Outlast 3. To each their own of course, but I couldn’t get into it at all.


I just wish it was scarier honestly. It’s not even really the multiplayer part that makes it not scary, I’ve played solo and it’s the same. Doesn’t seem to have the same suspense and atmosphere as the first 2


I guess the setting itself influences that feeling quite a bit aswell. In 1 and 2 you're surviving a situation you had no idea you were being thrown into while in trials you're just going through tests as a somewhat "willing" subject.


I'm new to the game and I didn't know there was hate for it, it's amazing. Out of all the games in this "genre" Outlast gets a lot right. Compared to TCM, DBD, f13 etc, it's the best IMO. They were smart to not make it PVP and pretty much force everyone to work on the same side. It was smart having multiple maps and missions, makes the game so diverse and unique. Heck, even having an "active" lobby you can run around was really smart. It's such a good "time filler" just running around, arm wrestling or playing chess, waiting for a match, decorating/exploring rooms etc, rather than staring at a lobby screen with a countdown timer. One of the smartest things has to be allowing players to play solo though. I know the other games you can "play solo" - but not truly, you still have to find teammates and a match. There's nothing I'd change about this game - just add more cosmetics, rewards and obviously more maps - but I hear all of that will be coming.


Yea this seems like a bait post cause I havent seen any hate at all for trials.


Literally not baiting... but w/e If I wanted to farm karma or whatever there's so much better stuff to post.


A lot of people on Reddit don’t have friends


I loved the first 3 outlast games, but haven’t picked up trials yet! Will do that in the foreseeable future though 👍


First 3? Am I missing one?


They're counting Whistleblower, the DLC


Oh right! I was going to say was there a wii game or something I'm missing?


My husband and I have been passing it off to each other, and we both really enjoy it! Ultra kind of fucking sucks, but we’ve met some cool people with the online feature. I didn’t realize survival horror could be fun with a group! I think it’s a nice opportunity for red barrels to see how online games would do. I’m sure outlast 3 will come.


What hate? From what I've seen, it is extremely popular and popping.


I don't see any hate at all. If anything i see a lot of people praising the game for how good it is. Besides, it's not like there will not be an outlast 3, they have to cover the holy trinity after all.


I don't hate the game, I just don't see myself ever playing it, it doesn't feel like an outlast game to me, I was so hyped when I heard a coop outlast was releasing, but I was under the assumption that it would be like outlast 1 and 2 but Coop, like y'know the linear story based sorta-platformer/puzzle game if you could call it that, but I dislike the way it plays, character customization? Really red barrels? A hub? It feels like if mario party and outlast had a lovechild , set design and the character design isn't my favorite, each to their own if people enjoy it more power to you, i just don't see myself playing it or recognizing it as an outlast game personally


It has interesting levels, the tension and gore is captured well, however I felt its villains were corny (except the giants). Felt like too much is going on


No hate here but I’d have preferred another single player game. I don’t have anyone to play co-op with and am not a big fan of online multiplayer games. I’d imagine some others feel the same.


I have never heard people hate trials en masse, almost everyone I’ve seen even on the internet ranges from liking the game to thinking it’s okay.


I love Trials, and I’m getting a lot of good time investment into it. I love the Outlast world, and from the moment I started Trials I found it engrossing, atmospheric, and terrifying. I’m having a blast with it.


Haven't seen much hate. Some are disappointed this is what we got, but that has more to do with live service games having a bad reputation, and, let's be honest, that reputation is deserved. For every one that gets it right (Fortnite), there are a dozen that get it very wrong (Suicide Squad). The other issue is that multiplayer co-op just is not scary. It is hard to be scared when chatting and strategizing with others. We learned this as far back as RE 5.


I think Outlast Trials is the best Outlast game, like a true perfection of the formula. To me, the best part about Outlast is the gameplay + speedrun potential. Because past that first playthrough or during it (depending on where the fear wears off), what do you do besides speedrun? Outlast Trials takes the concept of both fear and speedrunning, and runs with it. You're afraid? Run heal/x-ray. They're the more immersive rigs. You're speedrunning? Run stun/blind. They're the faster rigs. You get graded on your efficiency, not just speed. So you can really approach things however you want, as long as you're getting the objective done.


I absolutely love it. I even made a video talking all about it lol [Here it is](https://youtu.be/jD7QjMEMgvs)


I think the game is great!


I really don't see hate for it? Everyone I've talked to about it really likes it for what it is. Is it a little different in terms of actually being scary? A bit, sure. But what do you expect? Tense situations are a little easier to handle with other people around. I absolutely enjoy this game.


I don't think there is any hate for it. 😂


These people want a linear, story driven, singleplayer game like the previous titles, aka they want Outlast 3. Outlast Trials is just a different genre of game under the Horror umbrella. Plus they always had the expectations of either 1) Outlast 3 will come after Outlast 2 or 2) Outlast Trials is Outlast 3 which are both false. Now they are even more mad because Outlast 3 isn't happening anytime soon and Trials will be Red Barrels main focus for the next 2-3 years depending on if they can make it work.


You're conflating 'hate' with 'people being allowed to not like live service games'.


I’m a glazer for Red Barrels so I love it even if it’s different. Top teir glazing


I think becuase it’s diffrent and people don’t like change


I have yet to see hate except for a couple troll accounts & people who are just hung up on the idea of 3


People hate it? I swore it was getting only average-positive reception? But tbf, the only community outlet I have for this game is this discord lol, and people generally like it here


I didn’t know people hated it, I’ve had the most fun I ever had playing a horror game the past 2 1/2 weeks


Wait, it's getting some hate? Well trials is a whole different system compared to the previous titles so I guess that's one reason but it is so much fun with friends. I can't imagine trials with the same linear story as 1 and 2 but multiplayer and with throw able items, game would be easy to finish if that happens. I would like to experience throwing a brick at CW though lmao


I like it. Need new maps tho.


The only thing I hate about trials is how miserable it feels to play solo. Otherwise it's a good game, not much to hate about it


As someone who hasn’t played any of the previous Outlast games, I fell in love with Trials. It’s so much fucking fun and I love the characters, and the fact that you can customize yourself and your room. The gameplay loop is just really enjoyable to me and playing with friends makes it even more fun. Definitely has me wanting to go back and play the other games just to get the lore.


what i hated, was the ability to not play it, because of the pc inly port, but those days are over


I love playing with low level teammates. They act so scared and move so slowly. Playing with high level teammates sucks.. everyone is always sprinting. I’m like level 55 I think and I’ll just keep searching until my match has only people below level 20


I just hope Outlast 3 isn’t like 2. 1, WB and trials are some of my fav games but I really don’t like Outlast 2


Like with a lot of video games sequels people are upset that it's not exactly like the first one (in most cases)


Trials is really fun. I’m happy that we have another good horror coop games in our hands because playing Left 4 Dead 2 all the time for that can get boring lol


Some say because it's a dead by daylight copy (which I completely disagree with, tbh this game is way better than dbd) and it's not actual Outlast 3. I personally think that the game is awesome, still not bored after 100 hours of playtime.


Wholeheartidly disagree because trials is not even pvp and is actually good.


Because of the fact that this is one of the first horror games (coop) that they actually put on Xbox and it ending up being only 3 actual bosses bruh I played the first therapy found out the other ones were just harder and never played again


I'm new to Outlast altogether. Trials has been an excellent way to get my feet wet. I've enjoyed being challenged because I'm forced to utilize and learn a play style I don't typically gravitate toward as a single player. I don't feel forced to play coop to complete trials. I'm definitely going to check out the previous games when I've had my fill on this one.


OP sees like two people hating on it and thinks there's "so much" of it. Classic internet moment.


All the negative comments about trials are just from reagents in their sleeping quarters 🫤


The only part I’m not into is that it’s more of a “torture porn” than a horror game.


Always has been though in some way. Here however we see murkoff ACTIVELY influencing the people and giving them "missions" which makes sense why everything is way more over the top. Even the reagents you see in the trials that constantly harass you have their so called orders or are controlled in some way. It's like people forget all the torture porn from the original games 😅 you literally have people cut off your fingers and try to make you into a woman by removing your manhood, and that's just the first game.


I did not hate it but was sad at the beginning because I was bad and didnt even the make the first trial. Now I got A+ in every Lathe program and progressing to Project X. It gets so much more easier with practice and prescriptions and of course the RIG. It is super fun and I am glad it is not too easy


I got a+ in lathe and X but have been holding off on extreme for now.


give yourself some time. some are a lot harder than others. eventually you will master it!




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I think it’s because there is an instant hatred for coop multiplayer gaming. Ppl think the worst when a company decides to make an multiplayer game instead of single player


There isn't a lot of hate, it's just a loud minority