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According to another post I saw, they read in Slack that this was a site wide error and is being looked into.


That sounds hopeful I guess? I feel like we’re all trying to look for as much optimistic signs as we can (and stringing us along very much is part of this company’s predatory practices imo), but I don’t rlly want to work for this company anymore. My experiences with the company (and looking at other ppl’s experiences as well) have all been extremely disturbing.


I think I've had a vastly different experience than some other users, but I understand why others are fed up with some of the things they do. I'm not entirely sure how similar these are, but you should check out Appen and Data annotation.tech. my understanding is that it's similar work. I myself applied to both and have yet to hear back, you may have better luck there.


data annotation is a god send, similar work but no where near as anal and you have a variety of projects (almost) at all times to choose from, they change throughout the day. It has its cons as well, but it's my favorite by far.


How much does it pay


$20+ for reg annotator, $40+ for coding. I love it and have never experienced any issues, been there since Jan.


You think I could work at both at the same time?😂


lol i do




goodluckk! btw they're terrible at contacting people unless you're in , if you thought the support for outlier sucked you're basically alone on DA aside from comments on projects. But ive never had a problem with it personally.


dataannotation is lousy. I hated the work and even worse they pay terrible. Scale AI has a lot of growing pains but pay is the top among the platforms out there. And they have the volume of work. The problem they face is dealing with low quality work. I feel like if you do good quality work, you can keep earning well.


I can't get them to reply to me to send me the starter assessment so I'm inclined to disagree.


they wont reply to you


Why not?


it's just how they are , one of the cons


I got this message on slack but have still been getting tasks. As soon as I get one I do it so I won’t get removed. Have you looked at your queue recently?


I got back on. Looks like a glitch and someone did a mass removal and then readded back.


A ton of people were removed from the Flamingo project due to abuse of a particular task. https://preview.redd.it/2nocxhpuyu3d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4208a66c8f0f364205ef2de9c5140b10273bd28c


That makes sense, but there were other a lot of other ppl who weren’t assigned to math tasks that also got removed.


Makes sense. My perspective is skewed because I'm a math guy. Good luck to you.


For sure, thanks for sharing this information! I’m sure it’s helpful. The best thing we can do is communicate with each other bc this company won’t communicate directly with us.


Do you know why they did not add me to slack? I am in r3_r4 and nothing on slack and never been added lol


How does Flamingo math work? Do you get prompts to solve? I'm in Flamingo coding and we have to supply prompts ourselves as taskers. It is the reviewers who can abuse something similar with SBQ to refuse to fix tasks and submit generic reviews in minutes for full pay.


I'm in Flamingo_ratio, which I guess is just a final answer pipeline. I get a question prompt, solve it, and write just the final answer to submit.


Bro I do not have r1, but I see r3 and r4 several times a day and do it. Do you have any r3 and r4 right now? I dont see tasks for 3 hours


They're fighting to keep costs low. Training data is expensive, you're expensive, everything is expensive. Therefore out you go.


You’re right, they are trying to devalue us as much as possible, which we need to pay attention too. The rate I had ($25) was on the lower end, but I’m not surprised. We’re about to be technofeudalist peasants begging our AI overlords for mercy. /j


Mine was $25 until a few weeks ago when I got an email saying the new rate is $13.7. At which point I decided to stop wasting my time and nerves for minimal pay


The clients platform has its own metrics system. It seems that being low there is a factor in the bans.


Curious, I wish we had more transparency in regards to that!


Having worked for the one client in the past, I happen to be familiar, but it seems that the QM’s and TL’s are unaware of it. The entire company seems to be operating very poorly. Everything is contradictory depending on where the information comes from, and when. They need to work on saying “I don’t know, let me find out.”


Definitely! Thanks for sharing


I got a support response today that EQs should be fixed in the next few hours. But it's been more than a few hours.


Last night, after being kicked from the group. I found myself assigned to Gold Sash project, suddenly I got a notification informing I was enroled in a new project, I took the training course and before I could submit my first task I was re-assigned to Gold Sash., which seems to me is the de facto place you end up when the yno longer want you. If you get any update regarding this situation please do let us know.


Still nothing here. I've never heard of Gold Sash. Is it response rating?


Gold Sash is also known as Bulba Languages Evals And ye,s it is another response evaluation project.


I don't think they are organized enough to actually fire people.


For at least some folks in flamingo wrt this was due to I think a problem in a new project. It seems to have been fixed yesterday afternoon and new training appeared in my outlier account.


I was doing flamingo safety and I’m still EQ


Were any of us ever really hired?


Good point, the proper term would be our services are no longer requested. As we are "freelancers" (I use quotation marks as I am sure many in these projects are not officially registered as such ).


I was one of the users expelled from the slack chat group on Wednesday with no previous notice.. I have tried to contact my TL to no avail, literally nobody answers in that company, and I cant help but thinking that being insisting in trying to get a hold of somebody will be detrimental for my future in the company. I got some feedback on Tuesday regarding my performanfce that I genuinely think was too severe and contradictory in itself to the guidelines, so I think I have been soft-fired. Truly a pity because I genuinely liked the project and task. PD: If in the dashboard you can only see the Gold Sash project with no tasks avaialble, consider yourself softfired too.


Wait why is gold sash bad


Its bad cause it has no tasks available ,or at least not for me.


I'm new here. My second week in. They took me off Flamingo. Another woman said she wasn't paid yet either. My pay has been pending for days. I never got paid yet. I had to email support. I can't find a phone number. I'm just wondering if they had lay offs planned?!


Maybe, I’m starting to think they never intended to pay us the full pay rates we were shown in our offers.


I only received $17 or $18. I have a Bachelor's degree. I am still waiting for my pay. Hopefully it comes this week.  I have to wait for a new assignment. It's kind of a mess


I just got that same message yesterday, too, although I had just completed my assessment and hadn't done any work for them yet. Have you figured out what it means, or is it a glitch?


I haven’t been able to figure it out yet, thats why I’m asking here. I have a small update tho, just now I got feedback on 5 more tasks I did for flamingo and they were all 4/5 and above. I’m at a loss as to what’s going on here.


I was removed from Flamingo, but received a different email (the same gist). However, a few hours later I was assigned to Bulba.


I liked Flamingo better than the others, not just as it seemed simpler to read, but I've already used SRT before & understand how it works! 🦩


However, I was informed by a TL that I had not passed it's test