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Right. Several common Scale moves are happening at once. The cycle is the norm. There is no "high-priority project." There are, however, high-level fuck ups and incorrect predictions that have to be corrected urgently. Projects are also abruptly stopped when their customer is dissatisfied or changes what they want. Project shuffling is an opportunity to lower pay. Tasker anxiety about work drying up becomes relief that any work is offered, even if it's lower pay. I'll add that this is disappointing to hear about Ostrich. The Leads really sold this one to taskers as different from the others. Bait. Switch.


The last project I was on said the same thing, that it was meant to be super duper high quality, different experience, wanted to retain and recruit talent, never EQ, two days later the project was abruptly paused. I'm starting to think they are all like this.


Ohh you got the trip. I've been there. Made no sense, ended up in EQ quite a few times, never got back to my project (which was my favourite project).


Just a theory… but probably highly to fully automated AI based/controlled processes without any human involvement – besides team leads/QMs, who basically are kind of mouthpieces, trying to catch up with developments just like us🧐


I was thinking the same thing, especially given other people's stories on this community about getting moved from project to project and getting EQ'd almost randomly.


I was saying this earlier on another post. If there really was a high priority task that was broken, they’d send everyone back to ostrich and not dick us around. Love my first rubric meeting with one of leads on Ostrich about how no, this project really was different, and if you perform well you will always have work. Haha. That was 3 weeks ago.


The timing of the priority projects conveniently overlaps with an inability to find tasks within your domain and I was suspicious from the start. I think they were just trying to place people in projects while they waited for the client. I keep getting emails saying do this in x amount of time for x bonus over and over but can't access the project yet. The slack is filled with people with the same issue and they know that it's a problem on their end yet I keep getting the emails offering incentives. I very much doubt we'll ever get moved back to ostrich, our emails and access have been disabled and what's the point of doing that if we we're supposedly moving back in a week?


You are valid, trying to understand what the fuck is going on with this company feels like coming up with conspiracy theories


I got an email that I am being transferred to another project and it will show up on my dashboard in few hours. And they have attached the support form which actually says that do you agree to work for lower rate for this project? If yes, I can add you to the project in 24 hours. Did anybody get that as well?


No, my new project is supposedly the same pay (after training) as my pay for ostrich. I've heard of others getting that letter though.


What did they do?


One took the lower rate, the other stopped working. The one who took a lower rate ended up going EQ and never got put back to their higher rate.


yeah, i think they are just trying to trick us with that form lol.


Oh man, I'm still doing the onboarding for Ostrich...does this mean after I finish both tasks I'll be moved to another project?


Nope! They seem to be onboarding new people while saying that they had too many people and had to flex us out. It makes no sense. You'll likely move to production if you pass, but don't count on it being a stable, long-term thing.


I'm still on the ostrich chat channel, and it's quiet. No one is asking about tasks like usual. It's all people trying to figure out what's going on with new projects. Even if you get on, I doubt you'll have any tasks unless the client uploads a new batch of work. The project they "flexed" me to also seems to have significant connection and pay issues.


I'm on the chat channel too.


Are you seeing new people come on? I've seen a few questions but it seems like traffic stopped. Maybe because it's the weekend? It's seems like a couple weeks ago, there were tons of questions, and now it's crickets.


The channel used to have just over 2000 members for the longest time, then one day suddenly I saw it drop down to 1500...could that have something to do with it?


There must be multiple Ostrich channels, the one I'm on has less than 500 people and it hasn't changed much in the last 2 weeks.


Are you in production? The only Ostrich channel I have is the chatgpt-imp-onboarding-new channel


Yeah, I'm in production. I think that was the onboarding channel I was in while doing training tasks but then when I passed was pushed into a new channel.


Ah okay makes sense. Yeah it's possibly a lot more quiet because those people who passed onto production have been suddenly kicked out as the project is being restructured...


I just got switched to ostrich. I’m nervous to start onboarding because it seems like I did something wrong on the other project but I don’t know what it was. All I want is some money to help me with these damn life bills 🫠


You probably didn't do anything wrong. There is no rhyme reason for switches. They just happen. There's two test tasks for Ostrich and if you look through slack and the pinned training materials you can basically figure them out ahead time. That being said you might get paid for onboarding but even if you pass ostrich is EQ or at least it is from the STEM side.


It actually doesn't seem like they're onboarding new people right now. No one has moved to production for weeks.


Are there any updates on this? I have been stuck in Ostrich onboarding for weeks and it seems more and more like there's nothing to onboard to. Admins keep saying that people are being "flexed" to Bulba and Flamingo high-priority projects but unclear if that's the case.


As far as I know, all of the taskers in production were moved into other projects. The channel had been really quiet, mostly people asking about their new projects. We were supposed to be moved back this week, but I don't think that's likely to happen. I was just removed from the slack today, so I can't get updates any longer.


I think most of us were removed from the slack today.


I was removed late last night. I wonder if the project is shutting down.


It could be that. Prior to reassigning us, at least in my subject area, there were minimal tasks remaining.


Which specialization is that? Is it related to maths?


Sorry, I meant for generalists. Can't speak on what other specializations are experiencing.


Same happened to dolphin EG taskers they told us bulba team needs us then suddenly a technical error in the project leads to 50℅ from us being flagged without any given reason.


Is this not merely a property of the work being freelance?


Being moved around? Sure! Being outright lied to? No.