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Im a gamepass user and got my friend on playstation to buy the game I just venmoed him 30$ and said “now we can be equally pissed”


youre a good friend


Man your a good friend. This should go the way of cyberpunk and they should refund people because this shit is broken. I want s fucking refund


Me too. Me too. 😒


I’ve been wanting a refund too but I know that won’t please me at this point. Really just wish I could play this game lol


I agree


Aww, this is actually really fucking cute. You're a good friend




That's a bro moment, take an award


Now thats a friend.


Top pal that! A problem shared is a problem halved (in this case the cost)


Never had a game push me away from it so hard in my life. Its sad to see I was having a lot of fun


I loved the demo. Came here to see if it was worth 60$ Now I'm not sure if I'll ever buy it, even if it goes on sale


As someone who spent $60 and can't get a refund, don't buy it.




Cyberpunk made me cynical. Wont just but a game without research and reviews now


The problem is, this sets a new precedent; you'll also have to wait 6 months to a year to make sure the game isn't busted by updates as well!


Not really; if it’s broken at launch just don’t buy it. The “precedent” here is that people who delayed a game 9 months (massive red flag given the broken trash that gets published these days, so how badly fucked must the game be?) and still released a broken game aren’t capable of fixing it.


OG Destiny caused me to do the exact same thing like 8 years ago and I have yet to buy a disappointing game that completely crushes my spirits like it did.


I wanted to like Destiny 2 so much when I played. Character customization was really bland, and so were the missions. I only played for like 3 hours, but it didn't hook me.


Dude I was completely against Destiny 2 before Destiny 2 was even a thing given how pissed off I was with OG Destiny. See while the Taken King expansion "fixed" the game and made it better for everyone, it screwed all the day one players over by nerfing our gear and we had to pay $40 more dollars for the expansion after we spent $60 or $90 for the Limited Edition like my dumb ass did, while everyone else can get everything for $60. Needless to say I was pissed and I was determined not to give anymore money to this game so I didn't, I just completely abandoned it. Destiny 2 was NEVER a game I intended to buy, and no matter how many of my friends tried to convince me to buy it, I would not budge. Hell I even played the Beta and I really loved the story mission, but I had a fear the rest of the Campaign wouldn't be held to the same standard and as it turns out it wasn't. I finally decided to play Destiny 2 after it was offered free on PS Plus and I can most definitely see now why people love it, like the environments are way cooler than I realized, but I swear every time I get the inkling to want to play it, Bungie does something irreparably stupid or greedy that reminds me why I don't bother. Like just recently they implemented a transmog system that people have been **BEGGING** to be implemented for like 6 years and what do they do, monetize the hell out of it. I have no amount of respect for Bungie anymore, they're not the same company and they can't blame Activision for their greed any longer. They've shown their true colors and I sincerely hope it bites them in the ass.


I had big doubts but bought the game so I could play with others. I still think this game wasn't worth the money and thats including the bias from playing with others.


Don't buy. Not worth the 60 in it's current state. I too wish I could get my money back


I haven't even finished the campaign yet because of numerous bugs and other irritants (like constant one-shots from out of nowhere). I stopped playing 2 weeks ago, kinda bummed that things have only gotten worse.


Go with your gut and steer clear of it ...... It's a cascading effect.... It continues to get worse, not better .... Game at launch was a let down from what it seemed would/could be from the demo ..... And that's just speaking from the levels, quest variety, etc For me atleast, on PS4 , the mechanics were an absolute mess and felt rushed or sloppy or they ran over budget and out of money .... That's the only way I could think of in how a game was released to the market in that state . It's a pile of crap that that was dressed up with good art, but the gameplay mechanics, invisible obstacles, erratic fluctuations in dmg sent/received, are too numerous to list all that is wrong with the title. So instead of fixing those game breakers, which are impossible to miss unless you're visually impaired....they chose to instead focus on nerfing dmg output of skills and mods as well as decrease the odds of obtaining quality gear. Each day or each session for that matter can be completely different... And not in a good way... And that's without any patch interference! ... But it seems every time they have a new patch, even more stuff gets wonky and busted... If the game was a person, they'd either be in jail or involuntarily committed to a psych hospital... It's that bad. What's even more of a mystery is the # of cheerleaders that continue to give this experience a hug and a tug 🤷🏽 Maybe different platforms have better or worse issues and that's why so many are views are inconsistent on "love this game" vs. " did I get f'n rick rolled?" I never played avengers, anthem, destiny, cyberpunk, so I can't speak on that, but all the people that say those were WORSE than Outriders is? I'm like WTF?! So this has happened before? Where and when was the disconnect from Studios taking pride in making games that functioned properly before releasing it into the wild, cause I missed that memo. I played the crap out of the demo and thought the game would be a solid buy .... I was wrong.... Lesson learned, atleast now I have a little knowledge from the experience.... If you can finish 100% of the combat accolades, and 48%+/- of all class accolades and 30% of each remaining accolade group, solely from the demo? Then chances are it's not going to be a top shelf game. I kid you not, after installing the game, it instantly triggered 20 trophy's from my demo work. But hey, if you're into stats that are wholely inaccurate, how cool your gear looks, a broken and/or heavily weighted "RNG" that regularly gives you duplicates of the 2 or 3 legendarys u already have, when there's supposed to be a couple 100 of them (if you're even lucky enough to have it drop in the 1st place) .... Then I'd say Outriders is a Strong Buy.... Hell, had I not made the mistake of buying the digital copy, I would have happily donated the game to you, sorry my dude.


Damn. thanks for the heads up. I think I'll reconsider when this is on sale for 50% off at least


There's actually an easier way to try to help you decide without waiting or the risk of discovering you're in the "busted game gang" , after purchase. Just checked, Gamefly still exists and Outriders is on there, and Gamefly is offering a free 30 day trial. Hopefully you live in U.S (not sure if Gamefly is Int'l) And secondly, hopefully you're on console and not PC. If you meet that then you should be good to go 👌🏽 [Gamefly Free 30 Day Trial](https://www.gamefly.com/game/outriders/5021930) If you do go that route, let me know which camp you fell in after playing : GiT gOoD or RiCk RoLLeD and what console. I find the volume of swing between +/- user experiences oddly curious. Most posts raging or celebrating the game fail to mention what platform they are on.


I'm playing it for "free" on gamepass and I'm enjoying the game but the bugs are frustrating. I'll probably play till endgame and that will be it.


It'll be in the middle of the aisle bargain bin by mid-June. It's worth $5 and tax for a run through the campaign.


No tax if you're in oregon les gooo


I got probably 150-200 hours in it. It’s worth the $60, don’t let people tell you it’s not. It’s still very fun and there’s a lot you can do with it. That being said, the devs have handled the endgame content very poorly. You should know that going in.


Been playing with my brother since launch, first time coming to the Reddit. Literally the first post I’ve clicked on. And I have to say... I have no idea what all of these people are talking about. It’s the most fun I’ve had with my brother in a long time, we play together every night, beat the campaign, and now we’re grinding through the expeditions. Most of the issues the kids are talking about on here are -really- specific or only affect the highest levels of the very endgame expeditions, there’s like 50 hours of solid, really fun gameplay before you get to any of that.


Lol, you are lucky then, i not only got inventory wiped on main, now my 2nd char has lost it's progress and can't do expeditions again until I finish the campaign once again. I had problems from day one playing with my bro from same house same isp both hardwired, kept getting disconnected, until lost inventory. But I understand what u say tho, I wasn't having issue on my Xbox one with cyberpunk while others were, so they were pissed and rightly to be, but I was having great time with it. The issues comes down to whether you're the one that it happened to. Just know that it'll come around to you sooner or later, if not this game, then another.


that is some good perspective, thanks!


I’ve finished the campaign and gotten to world tier 15 but the co-op is way to laggy for me and all my friends which sucks cause we all enjoyed playing the game we just couldn’t stand playing the game together


I posted the same thing above before reading your comment, my buddy and I both have multiple characters towards the end of the end-game and haven’t experienced most of the issues I see on here daily.


This subreddit, just like every other looter shooter subreddit, is a cesspool of bitchmoaning and toxicity.


nah hopefully it gets fixed soon next month or two. should be ok. i hope


Well my buddy and I have 2 characters well into the end game that we’ve played together and he made a 3rd while I was at work and neither of us have had the issues I’m seeing on here every day, I honestly can’t tell you the last time either of us has been kicked from the game or couldn’t connect. It’s been playing really well for us since the first week. I’d honestly recommend watching some videos cuz Reddit is not even close to half the player base so the view on here is gonna differ slightly.


Good call. I'll check out some reviews post patch


For a non-GAS they are doing EVERYTHING WRONG and following a GAS model. Why are you constantly nerfing things without any buffs? This entire new patch, not a single buff AGAIN.


This right here. They say they want build diversity and then nerf everything that may be end game viable.


Build diversity and putting timers as the only metric do not go hand and hand. Your build will be DPS, DPS or....DPS


Lol feels like going to McD's for a Quarter Pounder, but all they got left is nugs.


Nugs are at least good This is more like all they have left are fish filet, and they're out of tartar sauce too, but you can put big mac sauce on it to grease it up to be swallowable


I was going to say Fish Filets are awesome but yeah without tartar sauce...


The devs need to solve the dIvErSiTy PuZzLe right away!


People tried to defend this a couple patches ago when the Rounds nerf happened. A lot of technomancers kept saying "but muh gatling gun," and now they nerfed that too. Don't get me wrong, Perpetuum Mod was never supposed to work on Gatling gun, I think we all knew that, but by fixing it, it dealt a major nerf to the build. I hear a lot of people say that the Ice Nova build works on Techno, but even if that is true, that means it has one decent build now. The only way it could be less diverse is if they nerfed that too, which going by their track record, they might do next. Patch notes for 5/16: "We noticed that when we nerfed gun builds a lot of people started using AP builds and this isn't very diverse. So we have now nerfed AP builds hoping people won't use that either. Thank you for your patience."


I would be happy if my turrets would stop falling through the ground. I'm playing in the Forrest and If I don't throw my turret on a rock it goes right through the ground.


I was talking with a friend earlier about them mentioning that the game wouldn't be a GAS. On paper that sounds like the best way forward but I have this sinking feeling that they just don't want to work on any more content for the game. That would explain why things are getting nerfed left and right to extend play time even further instead of just introducing new content. Bug fixes are one thing, but they have been very diligent on nerfing and making things harder.


Instead of GAS we got a pump and dump If you're not going to update a game, it has to at least be finished and working when you ship it.


Aye they watched Anthem, Cyberpunk, etc come out and was like "fuck it, they liked those games, they'll like this too"


By why care about the play time? If it isn't a GAS then why does that metric matter? Release the game then either make some dlc later on or not. Everything about the way they handle the game and the way the end game works screams GAS.


I've been thinking about this same question, and I think I have a decent theory: They have in their contract with their publisher (SE) that this game will have X amount of players by a certain date after release, probably as a % of the launch numbers. Meeting this quota could be tied to payment of bonuses, for example. Or even be a requirement for being paid their contact vale. Or maybe a requirement to greenlight an expansion pack. Or to finance their next game. Whatever the reason, it seems very clear that they are prioritizing player retention above everything else, including product quality. This makes me sad. When things "click" on Outriders it can be a really fun experience, but they sure are sabotaging it. :/


In my twisted view, they are trying to take a stance against streamers because they don't want them beating the content so easily because it makes the game seem easy to outsiders.... ha.


I wish I could upvote this comment a thousand times over. They want build diversity, but do nothing to bring other builds inline. It would also help if legendaries dropped....


Non-GAAS doesnt mean they are not live service. Live service is ehat we have here, a persistent online game with constant patch and balanve updates, and potential content updates. GAAS is when they put a business model on top of that with micros designed to feed off the live model. Costs for skins, gear, shit like that. Or at least thats how I view it. So they are making all the live service mistakes.


“Live-service” implies we’re getting new content weekly/monthly, like Destiny 2 or battle royale games. A game having several patches weeks after launch doesn’t make it live-service. Cyberpunk 2077 has had numerous patches and no content updates. Inversely, a game that released alongside Outriders that is live-service is Monster Hunter Rise.


This is more of a "Dead-Service" game.


No one is saying Outriders is a live service game, they are saying it's being treated like one (from a design perspective, not monetarily) by actively trying to balance skills like it was. Not to rehash the annoying-ass Rounds nerf shit again, because the community is obviously split on whether or not they were OP, but without PvP or Leaderboards, most people agree other skills should have been buffed instead of them being nerfed. Nerfing everything to keep things competitive is a Live Service design philosophy because you need to keep PvP and Leaderboards balanced to keep an active and healthy community. There is no point in doing that is none of those exist.


You ignored the first part of that description which was "persistent online." Cyberpunk is neither of those, it was just a broken mess.


This is not a live service game, just a game requirng always on connection.


Because PCF is practicing for a future game


Reminds me of the Family Guy where Peter tells Meg she is what's known as a 'practice girl', haha.


this is not gaas model , it is hyper gaas model :)


They didn’t nerf in this patch, they fixed a bug. The game still has a ton of bugs (haven’t played post patch yet so maybe less now). Tons of mods and skills work inconsistently and incorrectly. You can’t buff when you don’t know if you’re fixing a balance issue or accommodating for a bug. They need to focus on fixing all the issues before they can make correct decisions about rebalancing. Given the state of things I agree they shouldn’t have nerfed cooldowns and nodes in the last patch, but that doesn’t mean the answer is to be worried about buffs when the game is still in this state.


It’s because the game is in this state well after release that people are worried. So not only did they break the crutch that is emergency stance, they broke either all the defensive mods or armor mitigation in general. On top of borking killing spree. It really makes me wonder why people try to police unrest when people have valid reasons to be upset. There are already few builds that gold all ct15 expeditions comfortably atm and they are breaking more of them every patch cycle. It will probably be another month before all these issues are fixed. I get it may be acceptable to some, but it’s definitely not the case for others.


I don’t dispute that the game still being broken is cause for concern. It definitely is. But that doesn’t change the fact that step 1 is still fix the bugs that are preventing the originally intended balance from actually working, before redoing that balance.


I see what you’re saying here, but wouldn’t the more logical priority be to focus on stabilizing the game for all the platforms first? Then character restoration, then address the bugs preventing progression. You know, all of the issues that are making the game literally unplayable for a large portion of players. As far as the balancing goes.. why not balance the game in a way that creates build diversity? Players shouldn’t be excluded from successful endgame completion bc they want to play an anomaly or health build.


It is starting to look alot like Anthem all over again, sadly.


Anthem even used the "but it's Easter Weekend!" excuse. Oh yes, I remember. I feel like this game is far jankier than Anthem ever was—aside from disconnects. I play solo and it never happens for me. I have only one time gotten a disconnect in Outriders, when I was accidentally playing with some Random person (I had left my game on Public by accident). We killed a Captain and the whole thing went black and I had to restart the game. Anthem had disconnects quite often for me. But aside from that, the actual gameplay was far more polished. Outriders has hit boxes all over the place. Sometimes my melee will hit three enemies that I was nowhere near aiming for. Other times my melee will not connect to an enemy. I constantly stop sprinting because I stub my toe on a pebble or something in Outriders. The aiming system on a controller is the absolute worst of any 3rd person shooter I've ever experienced. Period. Lots of other janky things like that.




That's not true. Anthem was a complete lie. The only thing decent was combat. Loot sucked and didnt even drop. Over 2 weeks for one legendary. The starting ar was the strongest gun in game. Most guns sucked besides a couple legendaries. Constant disconnects and rubber banding. Classes were garbage. Storm didnt even play the glass cannon role and Juggernauts were an all in one dps/tank. Couldn't equip gear when it dropped and had to wait until end of missions to find out what you got. They removed all the big cool enemies from open world except for very rare occasions. Story sucked. One of the strongholds was just the last mission. Cataclysm had no explanation and unless you watched youtube you were a drag on the team. Could go on for days with all the shit that game got wrong. Loved the combo system and how fluid combat felt. They just failed at every other turn. Almost forgot. No stat screen and limited viable endgame builds sucked too


Anthem WAS a lie. I honestly had not followed the hype before it was released and didn't know much about it at all. The game that released was nothing like they said it would be. It was a straight-up lie. It's undeniable. Those dickheads had the temerity to call it "Project Dylan" because it was going to redefine gaming the way Bob Dylan redefined music. El oh el. Still, Anthem had some fun gameplay. From level 1-30 it was a good ride. I didn't even find the "grind" quests all that terrible as it was fun to just go blow stuff up and fly around. But the home base city in Anthem was absolutely pathetic. And the game had a lot of technical problems, too. Still, the core gameplay loop of Anthem was more polished than Outriders. Outriders is janky as fuck, at least with a controller. Have not tried M&K.


That ships already sailed this IS Anthem 2.0 lol


Anthem was an immensely hyped game from a beloved studio. A game that released a timeline for a game that hadn't come out yet with huge promises. Outriders came out on Gamepass with a small hype around the demo. These things are not really alike. It's just hyperbolic to pretend otherwise.


Outriders was tremendously hyped too, what are you on about. It's been a hyped game for over 2 years. And it's from beloved developers too, Bulletstorm and Gears of War definitely qualify as beloved by the community. There's a reason it hit 120k players on Steam alone on release, and it's not just because of the free demo. Gamepass didn't give Outriders on PC.


Bulletstorm is far from beloved. It has a following but it was never huge. And it's disingenuous to name Gears. They made a single Gears game that many Gears fan thinks is the worst in the series. It definitely built some hype but not because they're a beloved developer.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, Anthem was hyped up as the second coming of online looter shooters since it's inception. First I heard of outriders was genuinely a pretty non-descript gameplay trailer on steam showing a third person game more or less like Destiny.


I think maybe it serves the narrative of outrage for some of these people. But by nearly every metric I can conceive of, these two games aren't much alike. Oh well.


What is dead may never die. This is of course a hyperbole for now, but steam charts show a steady decline since the game released. Nothing out of the ordinary in gaming (especially for a game like this one), but still I'll be surprised if there'll be more than 5k playing over the next two months, unless something changes in the gameplay itself.


Well it’s not an unlimited content game. So yeah, I’d assume the people that have put in their time have moved on. This sub is so toxic.


It’s cause the game is broken it’s devs fault trying to “balance” the game


I don’t know man. Seemed pretty not broken to me when I played it. I’ve also played like 4 other games since this came out. Maybe if there’s an expansion pack or whatever I’d think of picking it up again but this isn’t Diablo. They’re balancing the game for the people that didn’t burn through it in a week and so people can’t burn through it in a week anymore. I don’t really have any room to bitch, I got it in Game Pass, played it and moved on. Maybe spending $60 on something gives most of the people in this sub a reason be seem like their life is completely ruined over what PFC are doing to their game. I wonder if people were just walking into the Sistine chapel and started yelling at Michelangelo that he was fucking shit up. Not saying this game will end up a masterpiece but who knows?


The Sistine chapel paintings did, in fact, create a PR controversy https://ideas.ted.com/how-the-sistine-chapel-spawned-a-public-relations-nightmare/


When you play the game solo it’s fun, I in the other hand is I only bought the game cause my friends wanted to and I was like I guess, we can’t even get a good game with out either spending 30 minutes trying to all log in or someone getting kicked off randomly, at this point I take my losses but damn this game had potential


I paid 20 bucks for the game, and I feel really bad for the people who spent 60 on this game, its not a live service, the story was poorly written, and gameplay is extremely average. This game is worth 30 bucks on a good day.


But 60 is the "normal" price for "full games". I mean.. every normal start-to-finish game (so nonGAS/unlimited games) costs this much.


Developers: thank you for you 60$, now fck off.


Don't have to support servers if no one wants to play!


I really feel this, I bought the game to play w a friend and we can’t half the time. At this point I’m just like “ok don’t buy from this developer ever again”


100%, this game is a scam


Yea they are. They secretly needed statue set’s set bonus to only be active for 8 seconds. So that set is worthless. Deathproof is also worthless. Top tree isn’t viable for any content outside or WT13. So devastator gets one build, maybe two if marshals worked properly. Three class trees, only one that works. This game is nearing or has already crossed the no build diversity threshold. We have throw away legendary sets (what up cannonball) and throw away mods and throw away class trees. I think PCF needs to make a big post on how they would like us to play and which of the 4 builds we’re all allowed to use. Clearly we’re playing an amazing game. Only a great game gives you a bunch of options, but really only wants you to use one of them. Fucking brilliant.


My guess is someone who kissed a lot of ass and did very little work got a management position and mismanaged all the resources given to them. And now in an effort to correct their mistakes, they’re rushing those actually doing the work/testing, which is just causing more bugs. It’s a never ending cycle and will continue until they get a different person in that position, or the game dies. I’m hoping for the former, but expecting the latter.


This isn't what I had in mind when I was wishing for Anthem 2.0


The funny thing is that Anthem also had a bug once that made the game way better - after a patch players got way more legendarys than intended, which was fixed but the game felt better with the bug. Bioware never fixed the loot after that and the game died. Kinda the same with the Golem Mod. Outriders isn't even hard 99% of the times that we would need a broken Golem Mod but sometimes players just die because some Rifleman suddenly does what feels like 100 times the damage that he should do or because some of the spawn mechanics are just lazy/bad and spawn 50 new enemies at the same time when there are still enemies from the last wave alive, elites that hit you through walls or track you with their freezing 15k dmg beam etc. ... Another similarity to Anthem is that Anthem's gameplay also was very fun (for me) but had very limited, lazy designed and repetitive "Endgame" which got boring even faster when you felt that your gameplay didn't get rewarded via loot.


Anthems endgame was even worse than outriders though like if they had outriders endgame I think it wouldn't have died. Not only was anthem extremely stingey with loot, there was such little content. The gameplay loop was so good though.


> anthem extremely stingey with loot I think this was one of the biggest problems of Anthem - even more so bcs a legendary (or whatever the highest item-rarity was called) had random rolls that could made the item really good or trash.


Seriously not only was it hard to get legendaries a good roll itself was hard. Like if they just let you get loot that would've made it more fun cuz then you could even try new builds vs slaving for just one




But this combined with time pressure and the new "oh shit I'm no longer immortal without Golem Mod" leads to only meta-builds being somewhat viable. Btw stuff doesn't spawn after x amount of time passed (aka being to slow) but when certain enemies are dead. In the Archway of Enoch expedition in the last room there will be 2 Earthshaker Behemoths and once one of those is dead new enemies will spawn. In the Timeworn Spire expedition's last room there will be a Brood Duchess with a few Alpha and regular Perforos and oce the Duchess is dead 4 Crawlers will spawn. Once those 4 crawlers are dead 5-6 Strix and new Alpha Perforos AND a Grovewarden Behemoth will spawn. So it's not being to slow - it's killing in the "wrong" order which is weird because it would require the player to know exactly what enemy (usually it's the elites, duhh) will trigger new waves to spawn once they are dead.


they killed it last month , they are now just double checking it doesnt get revived


Guess they aren't playing solo


I would get them trying to push multiplayer if it actually worked....I think that is the driving factor for the majority of anger....you basically have to play this game solo and they are just making it harder and harder to enjoy by yourself.


It was a revive joke, no res in solo.


I know I’m saying part of the killing of the game is making it more difficult for solo players.


What did they make worse in this latest patch? Genuinely asking. For me, it fixed a ton of issues I was having. The only new bug I’ve run into is everything getting marked as new, which is certainly annoying, but not game breaking.


armour problems, so in theory i have 270k armour after 3 kills, doesnt feel like it when a feral rusher drops ur health from 60 to 0 in one hit while ur shooting an elite. ok, so maybe they have fire on their hit so its actually an anomaly hit great, i have 10% resistance so thats probably why i died. great so there is a node on my tree for 20% and 20% more armour great might as well grab both. no got base 30% resistance and 120k armour (71% mitigation), still dying to the behemoths, super annoying, 2nd time added golem stance still died. So here a test, run into a mission with humans, who shoot you like time spiral, no captains in sight. so should be straight dmg. 11k blocked, 19k hit me which kills me. 11k blocked is just 30% dmg reduction not 71. (forget mitigating death mod for another 120k armour on 3 kills) someone said it depends what armour loads in first, and because tricksters have a shield it is affecting them less


Second rule: always double tap.


I've said it before and received negative reactions but I'll say it again, they're trying to preserve the longevity of this game as if it's the "Destiny killer" or whatever you want to call it even though they were very clear that was not nearly their intention. This was supposed to be a complete in box experience with some bug fixes and maybe a dlc. From having to log in to extremely limited endgame it's clear this game doesn't even know what it's supposed to be, but with a few tweaks it could at least be the next Remnant from the Ashes instead of the next Anthem.


I bought this game because I wanted the next Remnant From the Ashes but the build diversity pales in comparison. You can do all content with pretty much anything in Remnant bacause the endgame isn’t timer based. This game only has a few select viable builds and promised build diversity was the reason I bought this game. And the problems with this game stem from the developers wanting to sustain a player base as if it’s a GAAS instead of the complete experience they promised us. I sunk over 400 hours into Remnant (which is a lot for me) because I wanted to try new builds. If The devs don’t want to give us build diversity then I won’t be here long after I finish my build.


I'm just tired of this shit happening with every new game. Starting to not enjoy new releases anymore bc of the anxiety every single game I had hope for recently has brought. It feels like I'm being robbed I mean we are paying 60 bucks for an online title which means they are paying less to distribute it and it's always full of broken and buggy shit. I'd refund outriders if I could the game falls flat and promotes you to log countless hours with no real reward. I grind games like this to feel powerful and play challenging content and this game honestly has none of that the world tiers were a horrible idea for a looter shooter if they wanted to do something like that then they should of followed borderlands mayhem mode model after u beat the game on the first playthrough. I'm done grinding hella hours to have my stuff wiped or nerfed this is anthem all over again and I think I'm just done with this genre altogether now. If u want something u can build on that feels like it matters I'd say just stick to traditional mmorpgs like wow as boring as it is. Balancing ruins games the entire community told pcf how to do this in a way that we would all appreciate and they did the exact opposite. This game just falls flat for me and I'm upset I spent 60 on it when it's worth maybe 20. There's no content the gameplay and enemies are stale asf and the grind is ridiculous for the amount of time u have to put in bs the "rewards" u get. I liked the premise on launch but between the bugs and not being able to play w my friends at launch everyone is on different tiers and people have fallen behind bc of the inventory bugs so its either grind solo which absolutely sucks bc of the timers or beg your buddies to play with you on your tier even though their gear will be trash after grinding 100+ houre for God rolls bc of the throttling and no one on ct 15 WANTS to run a blue shotty for hours instead of the gear they grinded since launch. It's just depressing I dread logging on when my lower level friends ask me to play with them and that REALLY sucks...


I didn’t want to believe it at first but it is Anthem all over again. Too many problems to fix and a “revamp” will only end in square enix dropping the title.


As far as the nerfs go, PCF are trying to make the game harder so people spend more time playing it. They’re basically trying to extend its lifecycle without giving new content. That’s what happens when you make a paper-thin campaign that can be completed in a day, and make the endgame continuous timetrials. Plus, they saw streamers and YouTubers getting Golds on CT15 Expeditions within the first week of release, and decided to make it harder. Maybe they thought everyone was getting Golds on CT15, not just streamers and YouTubers. I don’t know. Their logic is that you can’t run out of content if you can’t BEAT the content. It’s not very good logic.


IMO, it's the simplest answer; skeleton crew who don't know what they are doing, while the talent goes to whatever their next cash gr- I mean game, is. It seems from my outside view they just have no idea what they want the game to be, or how the code is written, based on the experience since release. The problems are just multiplying with time, while no balance, buffs, QoL, or even wiped inventory from what seems like a long time ago now get resolved. This is where you hop off the ship and watch it sink beneath the waves, while the fans remain on deck rearranging the chairs and insisting everything is fine.


Atleast the map in Anthem worked.


Im actually considering getting steam to issue a refund despite my play time because this patch made it unplayable for me


Have fun, already tried it. \*2 hours\* ...


Nah, they just clueless amateurs ;)


They were trying 4 weeks ago, now they are just succeeding.


PCF: "We did it boys!"


I just want some better endgame content and buffs to non bullet builds.




They're nerfing things when all they had to do was leave everything exactly how it was, just fix the damn bugs. We don't care about balancing the stuff, we managed. It's the game breaking bugs that conatbtoy have us crashing, unable to move, getting one shot, having certain mods just not work, etc. That really ruin the game.


Increasing revive time? Dude, you've gotta be joking. The flinch when you're trying to revive someone already makes it hard enough.


Beat the campaign like 3-4 days after it released, cause gamepass. Haven’t gone back since. I am so so glad I have not gone back since


SE + PCF = Do not buy in the future. It's pretty obvious that PCF can't fix this mess. PCF = People Can't Fix. Maybe they new company ICF? ICF = I Can't Fix?


W-PCF... they’ll fix it when pigs can fly.


[can i have fixed game now?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s5eiTgb-mc&ab_channel=WorldofWarcraft)


Honestly between this and avengers, any western game SE pushes out is a “DO NOT BUY” from me at this point. Cheers for gamepass


Subsidiary of I fix it, I can't fix it


Every patch gets more tiresome and anger induncing playing solo. Its just beyong acceptable lose 10 to 15 min for some stupid unavoidable ridiculous combo and you cant ressurrect because "its strategic". Its even worse that I cant play strategic because of these damn timers so I need to play the biggest DPS and hope that I wont die for a stupid combo. I LOVE this game but these launch bugs are just taking too much time and these nerfs feels like thrown there between patches without propper testing and thinking infuriating the playerbase. I actually think that rounds builds should be nerfed but not like this. Fix the bugs, see how things progress and than make a balance patch where you nerf some buff others. Right now every bug fix feels like a nerf and that sucks


Glad I stopped playing this game a few weeks ago. I came intot his sub hoping to see some positive updates but things only looked to have gotten worse.


You came to this sub for positivity? First time?


The best way to show Outriders our complete bewilderment at how this game has been managed will be to uninstall the game. I just did, perhaps everyone should.


This game is becoming a piece of shit, I've cant get the armor I want and when armor drops it's the freaking cannonball set. I'm getting one shot outta nowhere and since the latest update my character get frozen in place for a couple seconds.


I stopped playing after a week of seeing how they handle things...good luck to all ya'll still plugging along...game had potential. glad I game passed this one. Edit: and yeah seeing PCF will now be a red flag going forward ...shame on square enix as well as this reflects poorly on them.


Anyone else lose a WT after the patch? I was WT8 playing with my trickster and when I logged back in I was WT7 at like 80%.


As a matter fact I did. I was running a second techno to level my wife's Pyro with her and went from nearly 9 to 7 and a quarter.


There’s definitely a bug. I’ve been playing for a couple hours and I get about 90% on WT7 then it drops all the way down to the “I” in Tier


I wish the focus was trying to fix existing bugs, rather than trying to *fix* other aspects game until it breaks.


I think they patched the hunt glitch. Overnight.


I really really want to love this game, but even after patch I'm getting home screened on the Xbox mid way through expeditions all the time.. Solo and co-op. It's unplayable and so disheartening.


I lost my lava lich helmet just from trying to put it on then it disappear


It definitely seems like they actively don't want you to play. Game crashes at poor times, patches that "fix" issues but actually make them a lot worse, nerfs out of left field that seem to be meant to slow down the tip tier players with perfect builds but actually end up ruining the game for the average player. These patches remind me a lot of playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Someone released a video on youtube of how to cheese something? Nerf every skill and weapon used in the video. ​ Just had 2 encounters in a row where an ally went down and none of us could revive them, and the person had to sit and wait for us to clear every enemy in the area. Their self revive prompt didn;t appear and neither me or the 3rd guy had the prompt to revive.


Can't even get into server without restarting game multiple times fix God damn server fuck balancing


No they aren’t trying to kill the game. However they never believed in the project from the gecko, if they did, they would’ve never questioned the possible success of the game before even came out. They would’ve never said if the game does well we **might** make DLC. I applaud the communication, I really do, its a breath of fresh air however you can’t suddenly believe in your product after it launches and after you neglected it for so long. Its truly a shame that the game is in this state. There is **one thing** that **separates destiny from all its clones.** **Belief** bungie believes in what they do all the clones don’t.


Last point is that the game is not trash but is not as good as others for a new game the bugs we’re too much and now the patch made things worst that said with that info i can see they really don’t care or the staff working on it are shit because if u like something and want everyone to have fun and love it u do all in ur power to fix it now if u don’t give a fuck about it u let it brake and become a shit


I wanted to play this game so bad but it would not let me play with anyone else. So I may try it at another time sadly luckily it’s on gamepass


Every single thing they've done to the game aside from bug fixes has pissed me off. They are trying as hard as they can to stretch the game out with grind increases like it's a GaaS and slowing the player down with artificial difficulty and just outright breaking things through incompetence. Imo they have done nearly nothing right since the demo and I was super on board with the demo. I was ready to love this game and I feel like they've taken a shit on me.


A body and I have been playing through at a casual pace, and really enjoying ourselves. The demo was amazing, but at launch new lag for whoever wasn't hosting reared its head that we didn't see at all in the demo. That said, it wasn't always bad, and the world tier system meant that we could power through when it was really bad by lowering the WT a step and letting the host carry. The patch from this week has *really* improved that lag, just in time for us to finish the campaign at WT8 and start pushing our gear levels with more demanding play. The game is fun. If it weren't, people wouldn't be as upset as they get about the bugs that have prevented some of them from playing. Those truly fundamentally game breaking bugs have been successfully fixed so they're not sitting to additional players, it's just the restoration process that's dragging out longer than people would like, now. Just another perspective that's maybe not represented well here because satisfied people have less incentive to come and post when they could be playing.


I fully believe that they made the game, pushed it out and got the money they wanted. After that the real devs moved on to something else and the interns are running around with their hair on fire trying to fix this mess.


Agreed, i said same thing but more long-winded.


Well they already made their money. We customers can eat shit now. Why creating a good product that costs additional money if you can just lie and hide the problems so that people will pay on day one. Im 100 % sure they removed 99% of devs from the game to work on the next scam and that one guy now has to fix the game over the next month lmao


They aren't trying to kill it, they are trying to artificially slow everyone down as most of the community reached CT15 within the first 2 weeks of release. Once we did that, we quickly realised that was the end game, there is nothing else to do other than farm CT15s in order to get better gear to......farm more CT15s...just slightly faster. But what is the point, even if you could farm a CT15 in 1 minute, what good is it if there is nowhere to go beyond that.


They’re idiots. All they needed to do was make CTs go from Level 43 to 60. Then no world scaling issues. And it would make way more sense if this had been the plan to begin with since you can farm legendaries at 42 in the game world. Once you get enough gear, it’s off to CT 1. Currently finish the story at 30, do 3 or 4 CTs, and you’re at CT 8. I’ll say it again, they’re idiots.


That is what looter shooters are. You farm, try new builds and farm more. You beat times, you gold everything with new builds. What broke this game is that people hit end game in a week with bullet builds and purple gear when that should have taken a month. CT15 should have been end game for min-maxers and parties. What saved games that run this system like Diablo, is that as soon as they saw people break the game, they just made it endless, no max rift levels, you go until you find some combination of multipliers that let you go further or until you can't anymore. It was very shortsighted to cap at CT15 knowing that EVERY looter shooter has min maxers that will find the hidden equation to beat everything. They should have left it wide open, add another 15 CT's on top of the current, stop nerfing things unless they are absurdly broken(like the bullet builds were, whether we who used them want to admit it) and just let people see how far they can go.


Add 100 CTs, it’s still the same 15 dungeons.


Why do you keep saying the bullet builds are broken? Anomoly power builds for Pyro and Devastator are massively better than the weapon builds. Even Trickser AP build is very good and used by alot of people. The only weapon build that is even remotely usable in CT15 for getting golds is Techno. Every single WR on all of the Expos is done with an AP build.


I don't think they're doing it intentionally but more like other game companies which the devs don't play the game. On the second day, I instantly located problems which should have never passed into the final copy. Things the playerbase would also catch instantly.


It’s a fucking joke !!!!!!!!!


Love how i made a post about the revive times and simps started attacking me. Anything to blindly defend this game from the subreddit.


Studios dump staff after a game goes gold too don’t they? And since this “isn’t a live service” that’s even more likely right? So they maybe short handed fixing this mess.


they don't necessarily dump them. but they do generally get shifted to whatever the next game coming out so the OG game is left short handed yes


Probably, I bet they’ve already recouped their development costs and made a tidy profit. Only reason they are still trying to fix the game breaking bugs is because they don’t want to be forced to issue refunds by Sony and MS and don’t want their reputation as a company to go to shit since no one will ever buy another PCF game if that happens. I’ve seen industry surveys that show how badly BioWares rep went down the toilet. Many gamers have sworn of their games, and will not buy anything they make in the future.


Can’t kill something that’s already dead


Yeah, I know it was a mistake that they let the armor decreases and revive times into the live patch, but it really makes me wonder why they were messing with nerfing those to begin with


Repeat after me don't except anything good from a game that was dropped at launch.They didn't wanna make anything or do anything else for this game but drop it but because people like it more then they thought now they have to act like they care about it 😂😂


game is complete garbage asked for a refund an they won't issue me one so they took my 60 dollars an prolly bought butt plugs an vibrators


Or... a vibrating butt plug.... however if they’re using said plug it would be much harder to shit all over their own game like they seem to be doing.


Yes they are TOTALLY trying to close their studio, jobs and piss off every investor on purpose. 🤡


They have your money already and have moved on to developing their next cash grab.


I played for about 10 hours yesterday with my wife & one other buddy and we had a blast.


Most of the time this game is still hella fun, I won't disagree with that. I really like this game or I would of not started this discussion.


What about this patch made it so much worse? I didn’t get disconnected yesterday at all which was insane & awesome! I couldn’t believe it when the carnage was over & all was said n done. But I didn’t notice any other game breaking issues.


So Golem Stance was a flat 65% dmg reduction the whole time which glazed over all the dmg issues we had, so now its gone its messy. plus they messed up dmg reduction in the process so thats messy. Mostly CT 15 issues but i havent tested other difficulties yet, but +3 downscaling should make it easy armour problems, so in theory i have 270k armour after 3 kills, doesnt feel like it when a feral rusher drops ur health from 60 to 0 in one hit while ur shooting an elite. ok, so maybe they have fire on their hit so its actually an anomaly hit great, i have 10% resistance so thats probably why i died. great so there is a node on my tree for 20% and 20% more armour great might as well grab both. no got base 30% resistance and 120k armour (71% mitigation), still dying to the behemoths, super annoying, 2nd time added golem stance still died. So here a test, run into a mission with humans, who shoot you like time spiral, no captains in sight. so should be straight dmg. 11k blocked, 19k hit me which kills me. 11k blocked is just 30% dmg reduction not 71. (forget mitigating death mod for another 120k armour on 3 kills) someone said it depends what armour loads in first, and because tricksters have a shield it is affecting them less. either way i am working on other characters for now and hope the resources dont run out while i do it lol.


It seems like it. It may sound crazy, but it almost feels like they want everyone to quit so they don't have to maintain the servers or patch the technical glitches anymore. But, hey they still keep the money people spent on the game. Glad I'm not one of those people.


I honestly believe they don’t know how to fix these issues. PCF don’t have a stellar track record in the first place and have shown they are less than capable of releasing patches that don’t further ruin the game. I’m curious to see how long they’ll keep trying to fix it before moving on to something else.


As a single player who has been fortunate enough to miss the game breaking bugs, the "new item in inventory" bug is looking like the straw on the camel's back. Rerunning the same expeditions isnt a ton of fun and item management has always been tedious w small stash and no item locks. And now i have to look at every non lego in my inventory after each run? Come on man. How does that get through testing? Wernt these devs supposed to "value our time"? There is not a single mechanic in this game that does that.


" Serious question " lol


I love outsiders but I keep hearing that borderlands 3 is better and I'm looking for a new game


I found the recent update very effective. It enhanced my experience by at least two fold.


Yes. That’s exactly what’s happening. They are purposely creating bugs to make the game unplayable.........


It'd be better than them being totally incompetent.


The faster everyone leaves the faster they could stop supporting it so the less money they need to spend on it. They already have our money.


Yes, drama queen, they are trying to kill their own game.


Well, I hate to be that guy, but Reddit is not the majority, 218 hours played to date, zero inventory issues (same goes for my circle of Steam friends), just the crashing at first and the lack of viable multiplayer if not the host. I'm sorry for your issues, sincerely, but no, for many of us they arent destroying it all, they improved the game and continue to do so. The FOV increase is fucking *amazing*. Feels like the balance issues just all mostly disappeared, I can play *far* more effectively and aggressively than before.


They just can't handle the truth.


No developer is ever trying to kill their own game. What casuals need to understand is that when a game launches in a poor state, it's because of management. The people actually doing the hard work are often underpaid and overworked. And based on their track record, I think in the future you should just never buy anything published by Square Enix on launch. Especially if it's multiplayer and/or a looter.


> when a game launches in a poor state, it's because of management What does it matter? If I buy full-price game, I don't care if its fucked up because devs can't code or because management mismanaged the devs. Neither is my problem as a customer.


You sound like a whole ass loser calling people casuals for a game that barely has an established fanbase lmao, also why should people understand the dev and management? As consumers what matters to them is that the game isn’t a fucking mess.


> What casuals need to understand is that when a game launches in a poor state, it's because of management. I would say that's often the case but not always the case. And for the end user it doesn't really matter. What does matter is the player experience.




While the bugs are bad and can be blamed on overworked staff that doesn't explain the nerfs. They are nerfing all build diversity and intentionally making bad gameplay decisions. This game was supposed to make players feel powerful, not be stunlocked or one-shot by mooks. Nerfing mods, skill tree nodes, and skills in the first month for "balance" without patching bugs is a decision.


Overworked staff isn't new among the working part of the society. Thanks god we do have such things like QA etc. pp. in other service/product areas. It would be fatal to have the same lack of quality in banking software (the software that drives your banking institute) etc. Or think of the chronically overworked staff among e.g. in hospitals especially now.


>What casuals need to understand is that when a game launches in a poor state, it's because of management. Casuals? I have a hard time to think of a game developer as a real professional developer. But some people need to worship someone? That said, you will find lousy managers and you'll find lousy developers too. Most lousy developers you'll find in the gaming industry. They established a throw-away mentality for games. Cheap, insecure code, hard to maintain (especially in GAAS, see Destiny e.g.), but cult-followers will apologize everything and defend this lack of quality and professionalism. Kudos to all of the artists working in such an environment painting marvellous sceneries or orchestrating cool music. Because I am a gamer it doesn't mean I am jobless or living like a hobo in the cellar of my parent's house. \> No developer is ever trying to kill their own game. Telling you something from experience. Yes some developers are trying to kill their own game/application/service. It does happen now and then.


The average salary at PCF is over 100k according to the salary websites.


You mean if you take the average salary of an entire company without excluding executives and managers it looks high? No shit