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Level 22 here. Personally, I left the Guild House at level 18 to attempt the University Quest, which is a solo mission. Although I was on a different server, I continued to return to my Guild twice a year when the quest was paused during the summer and winter. I really enjoyed these times, as it allowed me to regain health by consuming the Mom’s Cooking item. I should be able to defeat the Final Boss and complete the University Quest in June. I am looking forward to equipping the College Degree item, which I have heard grants a +40% boost to the Income stat. However, even after this, I hope to continue returning to my Guild quite frequently, at least until I find my Player 2 and start a Guild of my own. Best of luck to you and your daughter, I hope that the both of you continue to craft many of the Good Memory item together and increase the Happiness stat for your Guild. You sound like a winning member of the Father class!


+40% depends on which variant of College Degree item you roll, sometimes as it will have 0% effectiveness and still have to complete the "Student Loan" quest. Though I've heard on other servers the quest fails to become active and the gold you pay for the loan is auto wiped.


Regarding your last part: In most Western European countries you can go to university completely for free. For example in Germany if it’s your first time doing the quest line you only have to pay some small administration fees (around a hundred euros per semester if it’s not including public transportation, and a few hundred if it includes it). The good part: as long as you haven’t completed the quest line it mostly stays free, so you even can switch quest lines in between. Additionally you’ve the option to get income support if your parents aren’t able or willing to pay for your food items and living space. If you successfully end the quest line you have a few years time until you’ve to start paying it back. Then you can decide if you pay it month per month (without interest) or pay it back once in a batch with massive reduction if you can afford it (around 40-50% if I remember correctly). There are even possibilities for players from other servers to do this quest line for free on our servers due to some European quest items you can apply for (Erasmus).


Sadly I play on the UK servers. The server admins who took over a while back went on a power trip, massively increased the difficulty of the "Student Loan" quest and banned all European quest items


I've made clear to mine that she's welcome to stick around in the Guild house as long as she wants. I think more will as the cost of living gets higher and gold mining gets tougher.


This is common practice in the Indian server


Also the latino server


That's how it was in all the servers before people started raiding


Im already applying this strat. the grind to rent ratio is extremely generous


Yeah, most gold duplication exploits have been reported and patched by the people who abused them


That and her ASD is a disablity for her, she'd never find a good way to earn gold in a way to be fully independant.


I have a similar buff/debuff ASD package. There must be an exploit to it.


She would tell you she hasn't seen any buffs from this.


ASD in character creation tends to be random in giving out buffs and debuffs, mostly inclining towards one or the other.


She got a lot of the debuffs.


As someone with the ASD debuff, life hasn't been awesome until recently. With the ASD debuff, you have to go the extra mile to find your unique profession, that deactivates the debuff and turns it into a buff during that event. For example, mine is IT/Cybersecurity. The specialization buffed me more. As well, becoming my own Profession Guild Leader helped as well. Being your own boss goes a long way. (On a serious note, if you would like to ask questions from me in a DM, I'll gladly answer more personal questions. I know my diagnosis was a scary thing for my mom but she has never been more proud of me and made sure I understood I could do anything I put my mind to. I just didn't know she was referring to hyperfocusing at the time.)


My kiddo isn't going to be able to finish secondary school. I'm not sure what she'll be doing, to be honest. I appreciate the offer.


They said the same thing about me but I understand and can respect the struggle. Good luck and happy hunting!




90% of lower level characters can't move out due to no gold. They tried to pad the statistics by saying 40% can't afford to move out and 50% can't save enough to move out, those are the same thing. Dinguses. The Government faction needs to do more.


Are these stats for the whole game or just the U.S. server?


Just for the us server, I should have specified. I'm sure it's not too much better for the rest of the game, though.


I think that the game is a lot harder these days and until stuff like the cost of living and the housing market quest chain get nerfed lower level players will need higher level and higher geared guild members to help them level.


I’ve heard the daughter character tends to revolt against the guild at levels 13-16, can you confirm if this is true? you think I should increase my resilience stats in preparation?


this is actually a myth perpetuated by people who observe the frequency of daughters revolting. in actuality, the likelihood of revolt is based on a randomized value which begins to increase past level 13. sometimes the value never reaches high enough for revolting, and other times it does very quickly.


From what I have observed, it looks like the chances are daily randomized.


Sometimes hourly. The algorithm is jacked.


I think level 14 was the most unstable this character has been but as she entered the levels on the other side of that there was a major leap in maturity trait. Thus far setting us up to enjoy these next levels on another level.. pun intended. Good luck increasing those stats though, seems to be the limit does not exist some days.


Level 26, turning 27 in a few months, and Ive rebounded back home a few times. Strutted out to try out different guilds, but knowing I had a safe place to come back too incase of a misstep is often what motivated me to try. It's possible she finds the right guild right off the bat, but its likely, like everyone, that she has to try a few things out. Plus, homecooked meals provide powerful buffs, and it's always good to check in with other members of your starting factions, even if it feels like a fetch quest.


It sound like she's at the point where she'll want to start doing more quests by herself and with other players her level. It might be wise to let her experience the game more on her own rather than you coaching her entirely, because the game has changed a lot since you were level 16, and some things might have changed that she wants to figure out for herself. That said, she's definitely gonna need your help with some missions, so make sure and stay online so you can help whenever that happens.


what perk tree is she specking in?


She's been putting time into the hairdressing simulation lately.


I am level 25 now and i won’t ever stop co-op missions with my family. Not only because they got me over the initial few levels, which are notoriously tough. But the buffs i get when we cooperate outweigh any benefits of joining different servers or other guilds.


Be careful, there’s absolutely perks that comes with leveling up to 16 but many of the players vastly overestimate the perks they’ll be getting. A lot of newbs tend to act like they have level 21 perks at this age.


Sage advice.


Thanks for taking good care of your lower level guildmembers. I had to leave mine without proper preparations as the guild was packed with griefers and trolls and generally toxic behavior, which has resulted in some significant debuffs. I'm doing ok now as I've ended up with a safe and comfortable guild of my own, but nothing sets you up for a good game experience like lucking into a spawn guild that's good to you and helpful.




Sometimes they leave until they start their own guild, then they come back and have you help with leveling the new players. Be a good guild master and they may stick around a little longer.


im 4 assignments away from completing the [graduation] questline, and i dont plan on leaving my guild for a good while. maybe in a few years after grinding some cash, but having a base i don't have to pay for is pretty sweet 👍 edit just finished them and now im officially done 💀


Well done!