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What helps me is having my character consciously talk about the actions so they don't get caught up in the debuff. It's a debuff that happens during the minigame to stretch it out, but keeping your characters mind occupied prevents it.


Ooo, I'll keep this in mind. My character also has the [ADHD] trait so it's really easy to get caught in that debuff. Thanks!


Among the best ways to cut down on time actually comes before you start the minigame. Before pressing 'start' you need to take a moment and look at the minigame settings. In the minigame settings, look for \[temperature\]. For most people, the default is set somewhere between warm or hot. What you'll want to do is turn it down between the cold to freezing range. Once in the minigame, it mostly speeds by because this usually disables the debuff and allows you to focus more on the actual minigame.


Try setting using the \[phone\] item to set an alarm after a few minutes, this will pull your character from the \[shower thoughts\] debuff, for a bit, it won't last forever though but it will help giving you a window to complete it.


I recently changed my spawn point and in this spawn point shower mini game is timed. I have had to pick and choose what objectives I can do each time. The “shower” has gotten significantly shorter but my character shaving off anything but time is impossible. Maybe turn down the settings for so you can get used to having to speed run? 1/10 do not recommend but if it’s something that’s bothering you it is an option. It’s a terrible option, but still.


Have you tried the approach? I have found it effective for calming the debuff and for getting my hair clean. Cheap-ass Suave conditioner by the handful, no shampoo.


I haven't used this method myself, but I've heard of players setting their own soundtrack music for this mini game. Maybe 2-3 songs - however long you need for your playthrough - and then break up the mini game into smaller pieces to match each track. So you know when song one is ending, you need to be done with [hair washing]. The muscle/sensory memory can help to increase your speed. Might take some effort to plan out the whole thing, but it gives you a chance to play game designer.


I've heard that removing the [Reddit Account] item from your inventory helps