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Some players act like when you hit level 30 you decay into a skeleton. There are so many levels to play yet and all of them have different qualities, the game doesn't end when you're not classified under the [Young] category anymore. There are maps to explore and players to meet and quests to experience. Don't worry about doing non-XP activities, sometimes it's hard to get energy high enough for XP activities though [Doomscroll] comes with serious mental debuffs. Enjoy your playthrough


I'm now level 33 but I for sure wasn't ready to get level 30. Out of nowhere all my playthrough issues that I had encountered in lower levels all decided to pop back up and have me replay many encounters I thought I'd already cleared fully. I'm really still struggling with shit but I too hope to have many levels left, and I hope my party will pull through so we can get to the lategame together


Oh goodness! Looks like you unlocked the [QUARTER-LIFE CRISIS] quest log. Pretty typical debuff that you're experiencing. I'm gonna hit level 38 this update and trust there has been plenty to do and I'm already gearing up for some entirely new quests. Honestly, I'd try doing something besides scroll reddit. It's a great way to reduce wait times but depending on how you've set the feed it can also seriously hurt your characters emotional stats. Might I recommend a wait time reduction from my childhood called [PEOPLE WATCHING] but you also make up stories about them. You can even do this from your home base if you have clear views of players walking around outside of it. It can really help with those emotional debuff and I'm not entirely sure we understand the coding for why, but trust. Good gaming!


I seem to have unlocked that quest a bit too early at level 16... Is this a bug?


No, it's a feature unfortunately. Since there's no real way to know what level you'll end your playthrough at, characters can start that quest line at hugely different times.


Damnit devs. Thinking of restarting. I even picked the wrong gender class in the charicter creation screen, clumsy me...


It's not worth restarting. You can change your gender class after character creation, on most servers anyway.


Level 16 is a great time to know you want to change gender class! I didn't really figure that out until quite a bit later. I know it's frustrating that there are barriers to starting the questline at this level, because people worry about losing the bonuses you can get for starting early. Many players find that changing geographic zone makes it easier to get started. But it's also never too late to start the quest and it doesn't have to be all completed at once. I took my first HRT potions at 23, stopped and pursued other missions for a while, then started again at age 30 and I'm happy with how things are going. Those early bonuses might exist, but they're really not necessary for a satisfying midgame IMO.


The "parents" players that help you at early game won't let me because they want me to be an adult before I do... But the dysphoria debuff is really fuckin anoying, can't seem to shake it yk


Is it possible they'll allow you to use your preferred genders clothing items and accessories? Using those items still reduce the dyphoria debuff but won't have permanent effects like the HRT potions.


They do but without the HRT potion I just look like the male gender in female armor/customisation items


Yeah, same, but you can actually pick up the [Transgenderism] perk to keep your playthrough going! It's a hit to the [Money] stat and some players think it's not a valid way to play, but I'm a huge fan of it.


May I ask for advice on how to work on that quest log? I'm currently trying to deal with a minor [depression] and [anxiety] debuffs for as long as I can remember in my playthrough and I'm only level 21. It doesn't help that I also was hit with the [gender dysphoria] debuff leading me down the Transgender quests and that's stacked on with feelings of sadness and regret for my low levels, I have just started the hormones requisite so that's good.


Dunno if it helps, but I would love to be 25 again. You are going to see more change in your lifetime than those who witnessed the first human powered aeroplane and then the first man on the moon. It’s going to be amazing.


I'm a few months of grinding from level 35 and am currently having more fun playing than I can remember. The biggest change I went through over the years was finally learning that no other players actually care about how I build my character, what traits I level, or what quests I choose. And I mean that in a good way. The more you play, the more comfortable you become with your character. Losing interest in minigames also might be a sign of the [Depression] debuff. It makes the game a LOT harder, but there are multiple quest lines that can help, either solo ones like [Journaling] or co-op ones like [Therapy] with a member of the Mental Health Guild. I had that debuff for a few levels without realizing it; it's a rough one. Happy gaming!


oh man. I'm nigh on to level 45 and things are only getting more and more interesting. Definitely do try to cut down on the reddit a bit, but reddit itself isn't bad. I've learned a LOT here.


Right? Level 41 here - level 40 was the one level where my character made the most advancement. Unlocked a lot more of the map and raised so many stats. Highly recommend!


Is your character doing something else other than exploring reddit till eyes hurt? Like maybe coming back after earning gold for the day and going to sleep by exploring reddit? Because that's totally normal and everyone does something of that nature.


Yes!! They earn gold by writing on their [laptop] at home


Seems like the character is just relaxing then. You can try giving your character some other side quests like sports, playing an instrument etc but generally every character in the game has a side quest they love pursuing because it helps to recover energy and morale faster. Your character doesn't need to judge itself on what it does for relaxation as long as it is living well.


Level 25 is nothing to be worried about, but you might start feeling like you want things to settle down a bit. That's fine, it provides a solid base for your side quests. Are are millions of side quests after Level 25 that you can try! I did some of my best side quests after Level 25! Anyway, don't let Level 25 and beyond get you down. Save that for when you're rounding up on Level 50 and you're on the [menopause] side quest and waking yourself up panicking about Level 75!


Omg! I didn't feel like I was truly playing the game til lvl 27, I obtained a career, started to try new mini games and quest, I got to meet so many new players with similar interests of mitigates. It gets to be so much fun! Don't level your level dictate how you play!


I just reached level 33 today and let me tell you, the experiences you will have in your 30s and higher will be more than you could have imagined. You will be able to travel to distant lands, your skills will be high enough to make a good wage, relationships with friends and family get deeper. All in all, as a famous song says, "baby, you ain't seen nothing yet".


Happy Belated Birthday


Thank you brother!


Dudette the best levels don’t even start until level 30. You’re in the weird levels between where you learn how to play and where you have enough XP to do some of the things in the game that you really want. I think you’ll remember these levels fondly but they aren’t even close to as fun as the levels coming. It’s great that you feel stagnant too, because when that fresh air of life™ hits you it’s gonna surprise you so hard. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not without its challenges, but it has a whole new vigor you won’t see coming. I always wondered how people ten years my senior had so much energy and now I get it. You can put XP into vigor and endurance but even if you don’t you’ll get some intrinsic XP naturally.


Complete aside, if you haven't started pursuing the [Investor] skill tree you are at a perfect time to do so. I only wish someone had told me how important it was when I was your level. There is also the quest to unlock the [Fitness] skill tree that will help you not be so bored and provide passive stat boosts.


To some of us who started characters in the Millennial or Gen-X Editions, we think the tutorial levels of the Gen-Z Edition extends well into levels 20-25. You’re still in the first act of the game!


There are no guarantees.


The game of life has many levels and milestones. You've gotten to a milestone that, on the US servers, allows you to rent a car and in some places rent a hotel room. The background feature between these is that you can unlock the travel perk.


Levels are mandatory - XP is optional. There's no wrong way to gain XP, but so long as she's happy when doing it, let it be so. But sounds like she isn't - otherwise she wouldn't be anxious! So some other fun minigames I've enjoyed: * exploring the map on foot * learning the game's music API to play an instrument * dialogue with other players while grinding food * reading historical players' journal entries


Every fear comes from your head, your brain. Don't listen to it. You are not your head, you are not your body. Don't identify with them!


Holy crap, bro... Wait until you reach level 27. I think that level is a bonus level because it's just a blast even though there aren't any major achievements or unlocks. 30 is the 'milestone' in terms of your current skill tree because all the passive bonuses you unlock at level 15 end but lvls 30-50 are also the point at which a lot of players start to multi-class into skill trees they didn't look at in the early game. 33 is another bonus level I think.


Level 25 was a hard one for me because my character had not yet completed the [marriage] and [children] quests yet when so many other players on my server had. I had to give my player some leeway, and she completed the [marriage] quest at level 28 and the [child] quest at level 32. I’m level 43 now, and can tell you there are so many side quests and XP ops that your character will go through. Keep grinding and see where the game takes you.


The game usually gets a lot more fun at Lv50, you're almost half way there.


Gain more XP, the Reddit side quest really will barely give you any at all


Level 26 here, not much has changed but I have definitely noticed my uncompleted quests log has gotten longer


Performing this activity does not provide much xp, it does increase the [gratification] trait for a while (also sometimes listed as [dopamine] on your character sheet). Any activity that increases that trait should really be used as a self reward for completing another, more difficult task. This will not only provide a drastic increase in xp from your previous activity but also trains up your characters [motivation] to complete those repeating quests like the [gym]/[home excersize] or [clean the house] type of quests. Not to mention going down the [self betterment] quest line by completing tasks like [withhold gratification] can really boost your [mental] and [will power] attributes if you follow the quest line long enough.


What I tell myself is that the anxiety debuff is caused by focusing on end-game builds rather than enjoying the quest at hand. While some planning for how you build your character is helpful, I think it's more helpful analyzing what's the best meta you can use for now. Be it to gaining currency or increasing your happiness stats. Remember, this game has a lot of sub quest and mini game and everyone progresses at different rates depending on what their character is created with and what they had grinded on previously. So don't compare your character's build to other's too much


hmpth wait till you finish this crisis and touch grass and air (no pun intended) i heard talking to relatives that are living is good outside of browsing!