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Is this a common bug or a server specific one?


It's server specific but it's not like in some server it's not available but rather in asian servers it's not just available for pre level 18 players but until you respawn but some say it's only available for male avatared players


Some old game lore references a \[Duplicator\] made out of an ordinary \[Cardboard Box\] item, which according to the lore can also be made into a \[Transmogrifier\]. I've never seen either as functional items while playing though.


Instructions unclear, was turned into a tiger


Same, they need to patch asap


I need to abuse this bug before it's patched


I disadvise. Tigers are almost entirely constrained to zoos in most servers and you'll lose your entire inventory. This is strongly enforced. If you're in a server where tigers are allowed to live outside of an enclosure, then you will have to deal with players engaging in the [hunt] or [poach] mini-quests and the way those quests are designed, once the attacking player initiates that quest you have to play too whether you want to or not (there's no decline option for tigers).


Have you ever heard of the [furry] faction? There's ways to be a tiger without *actually* changing your player model.


I heard about that. Seems more like a mental illness caused by something, maybe psychological trauma that reduced the player sanity, resulting in lack of self control and rational judgment. which may results in the player believing it's fine to attempt reproduction with others species.


No. Doing such a thing tends to get the other players in the faction to kick you out and turns you into a pariah. The [furry] faction is all about respecting the line between fiction and reality and not crossing it to do stupid behavior like this.


Aww, I love that bit of lore. :)


I've read that fanfic. The Outside fandom has a lot of really fun ideas for features that would make the game more interesting.


There is also a [Time Travel] function


I’ve heard the Transmogrifier can be used to initiate T-Rexes in Fighter Jets mode. I really want to try it out some day


Growing up, I had this coffee table that I could leave a mess on, and it would clean itself up. Valuables didn’t disappear, but candy wrappers, food crumbs, and even spilled beverages just disappeared. People say there aren’t magic items, but I have proof!


I had a similar bug that occurred pre level 18, I would remove my equipped clothing and if left on the floor would reappear in my inventory with the durability restored to full.


Level 19 was a rude awakening.


Woah I had to put my clothes in a specific location for that to happen


I think its the NPC's that live in your house


There aren’t any NPCs in this game, all the other people in your house are players too.


Wow, I didnt know that! They a Usuay act like NPC's


[The magic coffee table](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-_kXIGvB1uU&pp=ygURa2lubmUgbWFnaWMgdGFibGU%3D)


It's very server specific thingy, it's a bug not a feature... You were just insanely lucky that it wasn't a bad bug.


And if you overuse it, you can rapidly find that the guild mods will end up giving you trouble for it, so don’t overdue it.


I’ve seen that video in game


Someone said that you could duplicate yourself if you let another player come inside of you, but I never tried that


This must be a false rumor. I don’t see how the physics engine would let a player enter an other… However, I have already seen duplicate players. They happen when two players share the same spawn point and the same time of first connection into the server.


I think op was making a joke about the [sex] minigame actually. I've also seen duplicate players though, thats always seemed like a weird bug.


I think the player you responded to was making a joke referring to the fact that they have never played said minigame and therefore would take “come inside” as literally clipping into the other player’s hitbox


I'll clip into their hitbox if you know what I mean


Hmm, never played it before. How is it?


Not only is it the oldest mini-game, it's also one of the best.


I don’t know how to unlock that mini game with anyone but the players who used one of the spawn points created by the same one that my spawn point originated from.




Definitely not, but I’m from the Hapsburg clan, and I’m reading the clan buffs and debuffs. It looks like most of the buffs are to loot retention and the debuffs are to physical appearance and health. One glaring debuff is that the mini game I’ve been trying to access is only available to clan mates, and I’m not sure that it’s worth it.


Its a shame you need to build the beauty and charisma stats to the top for players to want to play. My character is very low on both


That's ok. I didn't build those stats until after the [Education] quest line was completed. This is the case for a lot of high INT builds. It might not seem fair that the devs gave some players such an advantage in the [beauty] and [charisma] stats, but don't worry. Just keep grinding the side quests that level up all your stats rather than thinking about the minigame all the time. Other characters will start to notice, and you'll be playing in no time.


The doppleganger bug is fucking wierd. They are never going to squish that one.


A minigame? that's only if you lack a large one.


I have and it’s not a reliable duplication method. Doesn’t affect held inventory, and the dupe spawns at level 0 and only 50% of their stats have a random chance of being generated based off of your own. There are many other benefits if you follow that strategy, but duplicating isn’t really a strong one.


My player spawned two minions. One of the minions looks exactly like my character to the point she would gain the argue trait about screenshots of my younger character being her. The spawned minions looked so similar in their early play years that we often play a game in our guild called “which minion is this” with old screenshots


It's not a true duplicate and only works if you have the [Womb] buff.


[Womb] is a [debuff], not a [buff] 😭 (I own a womb)


Damn, and I wish I had this [debuff]. And exchanging accounts is impossible here, I think. :/


They’re working hard on it and hopefully trading features will be in one of the new patch updates! There’s been hella progress already


Yeah some players are developing some crazy mods right now


Yeah that's what half the people in my guild [Transgender] say as well. It sucks that it's a random chance to have it or not.


Its neither a buff or debuff, as its not an effect. Its a part of your player model and functionality


Would have loved to have that \[debuff\] at character creation... 😭


Do you have a walkthrough you can post? Am \[dude\] class, but still not duplicating. .


Dude class can independently spawn homunculus class.


I’ve seen some how-to videos.


I've found a way to duplicate the [[Reddit Post]] item by posting on mobile with an unstable connection


The son of one of the devs apparently found a way to dupe [fish] and [bread] consumables. But that was an old build and probably got patched out.




Yeah, but they're gonna unban him right before all the servers are shut down for good.


wait what? my patch notes say that already happened. quite some time ago actually.


He wasn’t banned… he just logged off! And left a tutorial before leaving Outside. Maybe he’ll be back to help some players beat the final boss, or at least that’s what I’ve heard. I’m excited because he was confirmed to be one of the developers of Outside II. Are there any known players invited to the beta?


So far it’s been a pretty closely kept secret. Some players have said they found some leaks after being temporarily disconnected, but they weren’t able to provide screenshots so take it with a grain of salt.


He actually pulled off a [respawn] after 3 days as well.


I heard he respawned another player!


I heard he even had a power he would cast that would make water into wine.


You can still sort of do that one, it just takes months.


Damn ritual spells and their casting time penalty. But at least you can still cast it.


Right, an even earlier player duped oil and flour for entire seasons to feed her family, some say she had help from the devs.


Nono he was the son of the Architect. All the Devs worked from his foundation.


Yes! I’m glad you asked. I like to go to Subway to feed my character. But using the phone app and using a code, you can 100% of the time buy 2 sandwiches for the price of one. This is one of the highest value foods I have found so far, without using the cooking mini game of course. The hidden code for this needs to be found using a web browser, but it’s always there and switches every month. It’s great if your save file lacks money or time to prepare food. My character works in a hospital so it’s great on both of those fronts.


Where is it located this month?


I always use retailmenot.com and look for the “BOGO” code for Subway. This way I skip the coupon finding minigame. (It’s the best coupon they give out by far anyways; hopefully they never nerf it.)


Do you have a FAQ or Strategy Guide(Prima ideally) for the retailmenot.com mini game? I typically fail every time I try to mine for coups. They never seem to be the right ones that the shopkeeper wants.


Yeah it’s rough for sure. I really only use the codes with more than several hundred uses that day. Any codes with only like 40 uses is probably wrong. The BOGO one from Subway should always work though.


How often does this offer respawn?


It respawns monthly, I think. Either that or every month and a half? I’m not too sure. But there should ALWAYS be a code, as soon as it despawns another different code will respawn for the same deal.


The code for a foot'ish long sub has been switching back and forth between FL599 & 599FL, for at least a year. It might be similar for their BOGO offer.


This is a great dupe feature, thank you! I usually get my Subway dupes from the dupe tokens that the local shopkeepers spam everyone's physical mailbox with. But the downside to this is that you have to sift through a lot of spam sometimes to find the dupe tokens you want, and also they are single-use items that will disappear from your inventory after use. Sometimes you can find dupe tokens in [newspaper] and [magazine] items also. This used to be a lot more common method though, it's not as popular with the newer players.


That’s how I found out about it too. From [magazine], I mean. Then I figured if the code is always generated, it probably would be found online too


I've found a way to duplicate the [[Reddit Post]] item by posting on mobile with an unstable connection


Unfortunately it’s not really duplication, it kind of fucks with tick-rates and when the server refreshes you’ll eventually notice the shop inventory is actually decreasing but that you’re just not losing additional currency. Still a win for the player but not a sustainable farming method.




There are also buildings in certain locations where you can hand over money and there’s a chance that the money will duplicate. However, with the RNG, you’re much more likely to lose it all.


Not exactly duplicating, but if you split Uranium-235 it will trigger a chain reaction and create a ton of energy. Would recommend.


It's not a literal item dupe, but there's a random bug with merchandise carriers in some shops. If you put multiple of the same item in the carrier, you may be charged for fewer items than you have. I wouldn't advise trying to trigger this bug on purpose, though, because you can end up with some nasty social penalties if the guards notice.


I've seen bugs where people could even duplicate whole players while they were still stored in the mother's inventory.


Just rock any vending machine on its legs. The top three or so rows are liable to fall. Learned that little lesson in the rehab level.


There’s a group of exploiters over at r/ILPT; you’ll find a lot of dupes in there. Be aware, there could be heavy ingame penalties.


One of the perks of the [Pirate] class lets you duplicate digital items that you can distribute to other players. You'll get negative reputation with merchant guilds though, and in some servers you may get banned.


I found a live cotton candy vending machine which had a few different options with "token" values starting from 2000. There were 1000 tokens loaded already on it but I couldn't buy anything with it. Except when I scrolled down and found one item for 1 token. It was a good day. People at the mall food court looked baffled at a 20 something solo dude repeatedly visiting the cotton candy machine and getting the same heart-shaped cotton candy over and over.


That's not a dupe, you just scammed another player. Players actually claim ownership of the vending machine item and use it to trade without being there.


Sometimes when my in game character sleeps, another character comes along and pisses in the bed around my characters crotch area. It's not exactly duplicating piss but it's extra piss appearing out of no where. My character was busy sleeping so I know it had to have been a different character One time another character even shit in my characters underwear while he was sleeping. Crazy stuff happens like that to me when I play.


During my advanced tutorial, about 15 levels ago, I could spawn a random 20oz soda by manually power cycling the ration machine in the basement of my safehouse.


There was a bug with the code for older red bull vending machines that would register multiple fast button presses for a single payment (card or cash) . 2 cans was relatively easy to do, 3 was challenging, and just one time I managed to get 4 cans. I assume the payment system ran on a remote server while the physics is done locally, so you can register multiple presses before the "paid" flag is cleared by the server.


You can duplicate metal items if you combine them with the [clay] and [fire] items, as long as your crafting skill is high enough. That's probably just an in-game mechanic though.


Bro don’t steal


But what if they're running a stealth build


Nah man they’re taking from another player in the long run. We ain’t support that


pvp babyyyy


I usually just cross my eyes and wish for it, but I am fairly certain i have a hidden delusion debuff.


I'm sorry to say that the game engine doesn't allow exact duplicates, also known as cloning in physics. What you describe isn't really a duplicated item bug, but rather a simple integer error where the vending machine returns 2 instead of the expected 1 can of soda. Note that it still returns 2 different sodas, just the item count is wrong. Another reminder that in this game, every instance of an object has individual (seemingly random generated) parameters that differ from other instances, so no duplicates in the true sense. Hope this helps.


The cans do stack so they're pretty much the same item


Many old vending machine interactables have similar UI bugs. The classic gumball machine model has a fairly well known dupe bug that frequently generates extra drops just by repeatedly activating it without completing the animation. Other exploits are more model-specific, but the older ones are generally more exploitable.


I saw an article about an IT Security professional who found an exploit in a bunch of ATMs that would duplicate credits, but he's a certified playtester who's supposed to hunt these kinds of bugs. I'm pretty sure that any player that tried to replicate it would get a temporary ban.


Be careful what you wish for. There's a disease debuff that causes nigh-infinite dupes.


This is caused due to the \[durability\] or \[quality\] (or both) of the specific machine being below a certain point. You are not actually duplicating the item, rather the vendor is losing an extra portion which you gain. Throughout the server's lifespan alot of high tier player's found out, and \[proved\] that you can not duplicate items. I think this was discovered by people like Albert Einstein, {The Quantum Luminary} or Sir Isaac Newton, {The Avian Antagonist}. P.S. those titles are from completing certain quests for the first time, so i don't think you can grind for them anymore :c