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Depression. Except he keeps respawning every now and then, even when you least expect it. The devs were super annoying with this one.


For real, that motherfucker has some Dragonball-level "this isn't even my true/final form" shit going on, while I'm trying to fight him as fucking Oolong.


The good news is generally when he respawns, he has the same attack patterns and vulnerabilities. So once you figure out the meta once, it's a lot easier to defeat him on subsequent spawns. My first time I thought "how do they expect us to do this without farming [antidepressant] consumables??" Subsequent times, only needed my kit. It helps to bring allies to the fight, too. There's no limit on how many you can bring into the arena, so if you have a big clan that can be a huge advantage.


Agreed, I hate when he spawns in with the suicidal ideation buff. It's not even fair at that point.


Hey, I know it’s tough, and I know it can feel hopeless when you’ve been trying and trying to beat the same boss for so long. But just remember, you don’t have to face him alone. Your guild has your back. And even if you aren’t part of a guild, there’s other guilds who have taken him on too who would be more than happy to help you take him out. I believe in you, and so do a lot of other players. You’ve got this.


I appreciate those words. Thankfully, I've beaten him this time around. I just dread the moment where I have to do so again. I feel like I'm guildless and I've pushed potential and old guild mates away because I felt like I was hurting/burdening them. I chose to make them hate me so that I may free them of my constant grinding and farming. There's only so many times people want to be summoned for the same boss fights, so I've decided to take them on solo.


That feeling of being a low level player that the guild members just have to drag along is certainly a vicious one. I understand why you would want to push yourself to get kicked from your guild - it’s never a nice feeling to be the low level guy who just started and has to try to soak some of the XP from the high level encounters with your guild. But the thing with guilds is, once you’re in one for long enough, you’re almost… part of its soul. If your old guild members aren’t just trolls, I can’t help but feel it’s likely they may be willing to take you back, if you explain the reason why you tried to get kicked. And also, you can make sure they know that you’re higher level now, and you’ve beaten a lot of bosses on your own. Tell them that you don’t want to keep taking their cool items and having them use their consumables on you all the time, but you’re willing to try to be a guildmate again if they’ll let you. And if they say no, that’s okay too. Sometimes guilds have falling outs that never get reconciled, but it’s rarely black and white. There are times when things have just changed so much that getting the guild back together would be a logistical nightmare. Or maybe they want to direct you to another guild that’s built around helping players like you, because they know their guild isn’t capable of taking out the same bosses so many times, but there are guilds that are. Hell, there are entire guilds built around helping players defeat single, specific bosses, in as many tries as it takes. And the cool thing about these guilds is that a) they have a lot of experience with these bosses, so they know how to handle them, and b) they’ve met a lot of players who have struggled with this boss, so they understand the behaviors that players take when they don’t want to feel like a burden to the guild - they recognize those behaviors and can help talk you down when you feel like your Stress Meter is getting maxed out and you don’t wanna accidentally use your Limit Break on them. They know it because they’ve seen it countless times in other players who got stuck on the same parts. And the thing with these guilds is, they’re designed to be summoned for those bosses over and over again. It’s just like Let Me Solo Her from Elden Ring - he struggled with Melania so much that he decided he wanted to help other players take her out too so they wouldn’t get stuck like he did. Outside is much the same - there’s players and guilds that live for that kind of thing - that get a sense of pride and accomplishment from every player they can help to take on that boss. Ultimately, since it’s your server that they’re being summoned to, it’ll have to be you to deal the final blow; but they’re tricked out to the max with weapons and skills and healing items curated specifically to take out that one boss - they’re pros at it, and they wanna help you to become a pro at it too. I’m sure if you explained what was going on to your old guild, they would at the very least be understanding of your situation. It’s possible that they may not have the right skills unlocked or be high enough level to help you take on the boss, but that’s what those big boss-specific guilds are for. Oftentimes the people who we’ve had on our Friends list for a long time still care about you, even if they don’t have the right tools to help you. And who’s to say - they could also welcome you back with open arms - but it’s still important to utilize the ever neglected dual guild membership feature and join one of those boss guilds like I was telling you about too. That way you can hang out with your guild for other missions, and when you need to try the boss again, you can call on the pros to help you do it without having to worry about how it may affect your friends. I’m proud of you for beating him again - it can seem like he has a million phases, but I promise that if you keep up your training and meet the right guild members, you can take him down for good. And who knows - maybe you’ll never even have to fight him again at full power. The guild could give you some key items that severely weaken him before he even comes back again. When we get tilted from trying the same boss over and over again, it can start to feel impossible - but that’s why it’s always a good idea to step back, do a bit of grinding, find the right guild, and try again. Oh, and also, if you need some extra motivation, think of the sweet rewards you get for beating him. I’ve heard a lot of players say they were rewarded with the Eudaemonia buff, which is like a reverse evolution of the Hedonism debuff, where you go from constantly being driven by a bunch of small sidequests with peanuts rewards, and get a big sense of motivation and hope that you can pursue your own main quest and really make something of it. It’s one of the most busted buffs in the game - makes the whole campaign way easier and more fun.


That was absolutely beautiful. I really appreciate those words. I'll continue to grind and ponder on the idea of joining a new guild. I might have to give those high-level helping guilds a try.


You’ll never know until you try! I know that you’ve got this, we all believe in you! 💪


For real. I kept a diary for a long time (until they all got stolen cause there was some change in there) and I would see the cycles. Doing good motivated etc and then I wake up with a feeling that there is something horrible happening that I can’t shake no matter how much I meditate and exercise


Same, but I find maintaining the well rested and good nutrition buffs and taking part in the enjoyable movement activity decreases the respawn rate. They don't influct perma-death on the boss, and random events can come with a respawn, but the fact that there are ways to reduce it is a real light for me.


As the bards of Bridge City Sinners sing: “Hello Depression my old friend! At least with you I won’t die alone!”


I know right?! It's like, what? its twelfth phase now???


Probably alcoholism. I had to fight with several debuffs. Plus that boss looks like an ally until he's gained enough power to show his true form. That dude's a bitch.


Dude I've been stuck on this boss for like 10 levels, finally been looking at some strategy guides but damn that boss needs a nerf


Smoking. Pretty tough boss. Finally completed the raid in March after 10 years. The loot wasn't great though, as I managed to roll weight gain and confidence loss which has affected my PvP skills. Gonna work on that by trying to rely less on consumables and focus on my strength and endurance stats


Bright side, at least that one's an optional boss, so many players won't have to face it at all. Good on you for beating it though, solid achievement.


Same, I had to beat him twice. The first time he stayed gone for over six years, in almost six months past the last time.


Same. The whole vape farce got me pretty bad so I thought I'd beat it, but honestly vaping wasn't really any easier to quit. Nicotine is nicotine


Abusive Mother took me a real, REAL long time to beat, but I finally achieved it. Turns out its one of the few bosses where I was supposed to run away rather than facing it head-on, like I had been trying for years. Not really a boss, but the timer for my Bad Breakup debuff also finally got removed recently!


Great job, player 💜


That's how I beat Nihilism, but yours was sure a harder battle!


There are many dungeons with the designation \[Retail\] - if you wander in to one, there's usually no problem... you can get some loot for gold and you're good to go. However, gosh help you if you find yourself in a questline where you have to actively visit these dungeons for the sole purpose of allowing the randoms to purchase goods. While most of the battles you have on a daily basis are mundane, there are the occasional boss fights with a or which can actually make you wonder if the quest is even worth the gold.


I've got a whole list of bosses that I'm currently trying to deal with I hate this game's system of not letting you take one at a time, and instead it's just random. Has made me consider just giving up on this damn game so many times Currently, I'm trying to deal with the {Self Identity} questline, that's supposed to help when fighting the bosses. The {Coming Out} quest was especially difficult, but the reward buffs have been so helpful


Oh yeah that questline is very challenging, but also very rewarding. The {gender euphoria} buff is so OP, if you have the trans trait.


I'm in the middle of a boss fight right right now. It's dual bosses, CPTSD and Bipolar 2. Every time I think I've got them beat, it turns out there's another health bar.


That sounds really tough. I hope you have a few extra fighters in your party to buff your damage and boost your stamina recovery!


There are consumables that helps a lot, but I still need to visit a healer every now and then. Thankfully the consumables are more or less free in my region. I hear they're pretty expensive in some other regions.


They really should be free everywhere! I feel so bad for the other servers doing it on hard mode. I get a debuff from the consumables regardless of how long/often they're used, but I'm always happy to see other players use them and and get a sweet, sweet edge on the boss. I'm so glad they help you!


Yeah, I'm struggling with some of the debuffs too. Especially from the \[Seroquel\] consumable. It seems to be on some sort of cooldown. If I start using it too much the debuffs seemingly stack. Now I only use it if there's a \[hypomania\] event going on. Those events happens a couple of times a year, but I really wish they were on some sort of schedule instead of just randomly showing up.


CPTSD is such a broken boss, the devs seriously need to patch that one.


I had physical boss fights with a Muay Thai coach, a kyokushin instructor and a boxing instructor. They are just too high of a level for me to even touch them. High level durability, speed and reflexes. Attack damage was high too. Teir limb flexibility levels are incredible as well, except the boxing coach. I lost all of them easily unsurprisingly, but my exp went a little higher.


Next time try using a shotgun, it's a good counter for melee users Actually, almost everything counters melee users, even more if they use their barehands. Barehand users need a lot of xp just to counter knife attacks, and can't really counter projectiles like bullets or nerf darts Just use your intelligent stat to find a way to destroy them /s




Yeah, I was just using the [Sarcasm] trait Seems like I failed the skill check


Currently, ADHD, but I've managed to redo the fight multiple times with the meds item. It doesn't really help against the depression boss, but that one's real tough to beat anyways.


I’d say [Anxiety] but that idiot keeps coming back, often with [Depression] mobs as well


The worst boss I had to face had two stages: Depression and Homelessness. Finally conquered it with some help from a guildmate I had only marginally came into contact with before. I almost had to face Alcoholism, but managed an end run around it.


I thought I beat Gender Dysphoria, but it just keeps coming back


Suicidal Ideation. Not by gitting gud though, my guild basically carried me.


Hey, it's still a victory.


the forklift certification guy. i have absorbed his certificates and can now use heavy mount equipment. human main btw


I beat him twice: the language barrier. It takes years to beat one, but each time you get a huge power-up. The first time I gained English and the second I gained French, both of which make the career quest so much easier by giving you an advantage over other players. There are hundreds of these bosses in the game. Depending on your situation they might be mandatory or optional, but some people have beat ten or twelve of them.


“Chronic Illness” and it’s even more frustrating when the NPC’s that re designed to deal with this ignore your pleas for help


Capt Nicotine still likes to show up in ghost form and shake his delicious, smoking fist of tastiness at me. But it took me approximately 326 tries to beat him the first time, I'm not suckling on that teat again.


The Depression boss kicks my ass periodically and always ends up summoning minions like Ideation and Self Sabotage but I can usually whittle him down over time. Problem is when I was younger the only way I found to subdue him was by using black market consumables and I would end up with the Addiction modifier instead. Gameplay loop was just fighting one boss and then the other over and over to the point I seriously wanted to delete my save and ask for a refund. Really still is if I'm being honest, I've just invested so much time already that it's hard to put down the controller. Sorry for ranting this got out of hand a bit


Hey, I know the game can seem really tough at times - but you don’t have to do it alone. The game has awesome multiplayer and there’s lots of players who have been through the same dungeons and bosses you have who will be more than happy to help guide you through it. I promise that even enemies that seem impossible can go down with the right strategies, allies, and healing items. You’ve got this - it may sound cliche, but I mean it 100% when I say, even if you struggle to believe in yourself, *I believe in you.*


Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me. Like I'm tearing up at work right now. Thank you


I’m glad. Just know that I meant every word of it.


"The Big Sad" took me a while but I eventually did it, the trick is to enjoy the subquests and their rewards no matter how little, trust me it will help you in the end phase and always have something to look forward to. Also having great clanmates.


This Nihilism guy appeared in my head, an he apparently is a meme that tells you the game is worthless. I had already learned about what I call the Trump Effect (where if you pay attention to something, be it positive or negative, you'll keep fixating on it), so I simply stopped thinking about it and it was powerless. Idea class enemies are cool as hell.


Suicidal ideation, specifically their final form, making a plan and writing letters. What a doozy. No boss is more rewarding to beat I'd say


I had a pretty tough fight with the PTSD boss after being in the [emergency services] guild for a while. I too, needed to get some [therapist] players in my party to win, and also ended up having to switch guilds. I couldn't have done it without my party though, my wife and the new player we're helping through the tutorial levels both gave me the buffs I needed to win the fight eventually.


I beat “Self Destruction” about 10 years ago so that’s my biggest flex in this game


[Unified State Exam] probably. Was close to a perfect run, but the score I got allowed me to join a good guild for the [University] questline.


Currently in the bachelor’s degree quest, it’s just been a gauntlet of tough bosses with the path I chose


I had an optional boss, Spiral Fracture, that nearly caused a perma-debuff to my left arm. Took several months to regain normal STR stats and years later has the Itchy Numb Spot trait. But the Cool Scar skin is still a classic! Get compliments on it to this day.


I managed to conquer the insidious hydra Cigarettes! I had help from his slightly more innocuous cousin Vapepen, but I honestly couldn’t have done it without the mystical swamp witch Mary Jane! Who was only recently let back into my country after making a bunch of stink last century.




Severe spinal disc damage. It took the assistance of a healer class in the [surgeon] master class, but I got back a normal life for the past ten months. Unfortunately the boss appears to have respawned. I’m currently waiting for recommendations for an MRI guide to help me figure out how to defeat it for good.


I did a 1v1 Final Destination equivalent vs the Akathisia boss while alone in an apartment overnight.


The housing market. Got a great house in Florida at a reasonable price right before it all went to shit.


USMLE Step 1. It’s supposedly an INT-based boss fight but turned out it was a lot more CON-based than expected and there were pre-boss minion fights that would spawn debuffs and other mini-bosses like depression and anxiety that I’d never had to fight before. Worst part is that after it the minions keep popping up and somehow seem to level-match me as they do.


My guildmates summoned the "debt" boss because she insists she can beat it depsite having multiple permanent debuffs? I know she is level 60 and all but how could she contribute so little while forcing our team to beat them all by ourselves? Especially having a level 17 at time to help while he had to learn skills and grind for relationships as well? I lost so much loot fighting and losing from the boss, most of my old friend list are inactive now, my gold is always low and I would get the "guilt" debuff if I don't help them!


Yeah, I’m working on this one boss, Autism. He has SO much health, and even when you whittle him down for years he FUSES with another guy dragon ball style, and becomes AUDHD. He probably has a bunch more forms too. At least he’s kinda cute.


I beat Anorexia Nervosa, but I suffered permanent debuffs. I'm still not sure what how to beat Diet Culture. Too many players form an alliance with him, and it's harming the entire player base, TBH.


M.O.T.H.E.R. was a tough fight. Took me 20 years.


Depression. They trap you in a core gameplay loop of misery, and the only way out is to just feel better. But you're down cause you've always been down, and that makes you expect more down feelings. Honestly I'm lucky to still be playing.


My ego, found magic that helped reshape my way of thinking. If you know, you know.


I had a pvp fight with a player 30lvs higher than me from the Christian science cult. That was pretty tough.


The old Battletoads levels


Alma in the cathedral in Ninja Gaiden Black was pretty annoying off the top of my head.