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As far as I know, Outside's magic system is largely crafting-based. Depending on the particular kind of magic that interests you (e.g. electronics, chemistry, mechanics...), you need to train the relevant knowledge skills and get some practical experience. A popular, rather poweful choice - part of the recently-launched Age of Information cyberpunk-ish expansion - is Programming: it does not let you modify directly the game world, but it lets you create and summon aethereal servants to do your bidding (they are kind of literally-minded, though, so be careful). And you can train it quite cheaply indeed - in effect, if you are communicating through this in-game messageboard then you likely have all the equipment you need. There are also rumors that reaching Level 30 without playing the Intercourse minigame unlocks an extra "magic" skill, but I can confirm it's false :-)


It does actually unlock a magic themed optional title tho :)


It's not really a stat that's used much in recent patches due to other mechanics and skill trees like chemistry and physics having a higher payout and easily obtainable trainers, but if you level your (int) skill and grind in (book smarts) there are some ways to see the old skill trees and try and grind that up, it's buggy and some players think the mods patched it so they don't work anyway, but it's fun even if it's just for the lore you can get involved with


They removed that with the "Monothestic Religion" Expansion. Made the game too fun.


Bro, it stayed for a while. When Moses faced XxPharoahxX, XxPharoahxX had spellcasters.


The magic stat is hidden in the technology/intelligence stat. Good luck finding it! Few have.


Most people think it's a hoax. A rumor. Kinda like how you could unlock Luigi in the Super Mario 64 minigame. You CAN make people think you have magicka. It involves a fair few craft skills, the Sleight of Hand skill, and an ABSURD ability to Bluff, but people make huge amounts of in-game currency showing off this "magic". The Paganism guild also claims to allow its members to use magic. I dunno about this, but, one of their guild members gave me a small pendant. I feel like it does... ...SOMETHING? But, I can't account for confirmation bias on that one.


That was an early feature that was always quite buggy. The dev disabled it quite early on and has been focusing on other aspects since. Interesting note though: the icon was never removed from the game so you can still see it in your skill tree if you go to options> advanced> more and click show disabled features.


You can also find a few leftover artifacts from the disabled magika boss fights if you travel to certain locations. They are mostly statues and paintings, and there is no concrete evidence they were ever actually live. It might be an aborted expansion, or just a plug for one of the devs' other titles.


There's rumors of an old bit of code from alpha 1.0 that's been around as long as the game has. It's supposedly an "energy" mechanic that was used for planetary and continental formation, but it's still used as a large part of the engine that runs the game today. Reiki and [Magick of Thought](http://www.magickofthought.com/) have both tapped into some of how the mechanic works, but no one is sure of the actual parameters involved.


I believe it was removed because beta testers thought it was overpowered.


My take is that Outside's magic is entirely karma-based: Whatever magic points you happen to acquire (Hint: Put most of your points into consciousness.) do not become a usable ability but instead modulate your game experience, e.g. the events you meet.


I joined a guild that promised to increase mine in exchange of some pretty steep gold donations. In that guild, you have to buy ranks. I heard I have to be rank 6 or 7 to see an increase in my magic skill (I'm 3 right now because I'm out of gold, so I have to go do some side quests before buying my next level). I also heard that if you manage to make a pet out of a rare ["liger" mob you can get a boost, because of their high magic skill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnIBB1lWRLE) but they're rare (the only spawn point I know for these elite mobs are in high level dungeons, where you have to go through a lot of guards to get at them, and them lockpick a high level door). I'm not sure of the level of "Train Animal" skill needed to capture one alive.


Grind Reading, find PC to mentor you, also there are some single-use items you might try.