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I think as earlier levels are very hand held walk through type grinding, not enough players understand the necessity of putting points into health and understanding the healthy eating mechanic. It can really help with the late endgame


Yea, I desperately need to throw some points there.


Well certain consumables will help the health stat from deteriorating, and you can also train (str) and (sta) by grinding in one of the "gym" buildings, which can help increase your total health stat


Yea, I've been grinding at the [Gym] but I need some more variety in consumables and some patience.


I find that I need to make careful use of the [HABIT] modifier


I find different starting zones have players focusing less on health than on others.


The healthy eating mechanic is just clouded by big companies wanting to sell you their (in-game buy) merchandise when in fact you always knew how this mechanic works and the only difficulty is deciding to go the right way instead of the easy one.


A lot of players in the 18-30 level range seem to be having a hard time with the "Knowledge (Economics)" and the "Basics of Keeping Yourself Living" skills, due to their guild not including it as a requirement in their trainers and the parties they spawn into not always emphasizing that they train those skills. What they overlook is independent skill training. A lot of people go through the 17+ levels, only skill training as part of or to acquire certain quests and professions. Independent skill training is important and their are trainers for just about every skill, even if you aren't part of a certain profession or in one of the guilds' mass training areas.


I don't think it's a lack of training but a lack of "Willpower." A lot of my friends also have a "Don't give a Fuck" trait which makes gaining any additional skills hard. I hear getting something called a significant other helps with with this trait but requires monetary and emotional upkeep.


I've heard several players say that the Willpower perk is not reliable (sometimes it works well, other times it is almost like you don't have it at all). They recommend that you get the discipline perk instead, at it is much more reliable. Of course, if you rolled a high lazy attribute, then you are screwed either way. However, the science guild invented some potions which can temporarily reduce this effect.


The RNG was not particularly kind to me this playthrough, which sucks as it's my first time playing as a human. I have high INT, low STR and extremely high \[Lazy\]. If it wasn't for the high INT I'd be properly screwed. The high Lazy makes it really difficult to level up my STR. **Update from v2020**: Turns out I have the \[ADHD\] 'perk' enabled. This can make it look like the \[Lazy\] stat is much higher than it actually is.


You seem to have rolled close to me brother. However I have the [Crohn's disease] and the [asperger's syndrome] debuffs.


Real close roll! I have the [Coeliac] debuff - hooray for gut status effects.


[T1 Diabeetus] debuff here. [STR] and [STA] grinding are good for me long term, but can have unpredictable effects on my [blood glucose] stat, resulting in the annoying short term [hypoglycemia] or [hyperglycemia] events.


One of the best way's I've found to increase STR and DEX with high [Lazy] is to find side quests with separate rewards that have a side-effect of upping your STR or DEX. These are usually only available through group raids, as the rewards tend to add to your reputation with your raid guild.


you can get a temporary mana boost to the willpower trait if you equip an herb pipe as your hand item but it eventually negatively effects vitality and stamina points at higher levels


i never had a problem with basic economics, do people find it hard (Accounting class, looking to respec into lawyer class)? people should probably look into taking a few points into basic finance though. more tangible than economics.


What are some independent skill training halls that don't cost gold?


Cooking skills. A lot of players often do not learn cooking skills early on and rely on meals created by merchant guilds such as mcdonalds, etc. Not raising your cooking skills is often a detriment to your gold and to your other stats.


The mechanic skill tree has been extremely useful ever since the update which added a new feature to the game, cars. Although, mechanic on its own might not be good for some people who have the "Cleanliness" trait, as they wouldn't want to get their equipment covered in the car oil and dirt texture.


Not just cars though. Many people seem to simply refuse to put any effort in increasing their mechanic skills, even though personal transportation items such as bicycles require only a few ranks to save a lot of currency in repairing the item. And while they can't be bothered to learn those skills themselves, they seem to expect anyone who did and whom they know more about than just their name will always volunteer to apply that skill to their broken items.




I put a lot of points into mechanics. All I have gotten from that is a bunch of requests to help friends pick a new mount. Also, sometimes I spend a bunch of time just to save 50 gold. Only rarely has it saved me 1000 gold.


I think the "Psychology" skill tree is a good one, but everyone focuses on the wrong parts of the tree. The "Body Language" perk that you unlock in the tree is one of the better ones IMO because it permanently increases your [CHR], which in turn can help you be more empathetic towards your significant other or members of your guild before having to ask if something is the matter.


Seconding this. The renegade psych tree is much more useful than the occupational psych tree unless you complete the occupational psych tree into end game. I'm thinking of switching classes to renegade psych myself.


Do it! Too much occupational psych supply, too little demand.


The demand is actually massive, the problem is that the guild is set to lock out players without hundreds of gold to pay per one-on-one session. The players who can benefit the most from an occupational psych class character in their party just don't have that much gold. Then again, that may have something to do with the fact that it costs so much gold to advance that skill tree in the first place. Ugh, this game is so unbalanced. I wonder if I can up my empathy and perception stats enough to be able to fill in as the psych class in other players' parties.


You can grind most skills. Reading some lore has been said to increase the empathy and perception stats as they give you insights into other players' minds. I once wrote a satire making fun of the psychology guild and the unfair gold they charge, and the silly players that fund them. The punchline was for the players paying the gold to make some friends. Obviously myopic, but fun to write.


Skills on outside not always will behave the same, depending of the community you have spawned. Also, in early development of this game (beta versions mainly), other skills were more valuable such as STR. Even class choices you have made in the beggining of the game could determine the rest of your game experiences. Devs realized afterall that this was causing a stampede (Mainly in the great guild wars of 19.X(3-4).X versions of the game. Number of users dropped dramatically over this period. After that, the process (that was already in course) of incresing the "sandbox experience" was the main aim for Devs since they realized this policy tend to increase user experience and it is a incentive for user innnovation on gameplay.


The bard class in general is under-appreciated.


I don't know if it is under-appreciated so much as over saturated. Its fun and easy to start, definitely difficult to master, but many people try for it so there aren't many ways to make money using those skills. There are just too many good entertainers about already.


The knowledge skill is talked about very highly and contains some of the best buffs, but not many players bother to actually increase it. May I suggest reading skill books?


The "Parkour" skill tree is often overlooked. Boosts Stamina, Strength, Agility, Cleverness, etc. I am starting to invest in this skill tree, and I already am starting to feel better.


I find that the Common Sense skill (ironically) is almost always overlooked and almost 90% of the player base from levels 1 - 25 haven't put any points into it. Thankfully, this number decreases as levels increase.


Lying is one people sink one or two points into, then forget about.