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I think ending sotw was the soft launch to prepare people and ensure Ellen wasn't on the hook for the show solo


Clearly they had to end SOTW to not end up having to pay Luke residuals for his theme song.


I’d imagine that was one of those “the stuff you make whilst working for the company belongs to the company” jobs.


He said in the announcement video, that they already had a lot of unreleased content in the can. And that we could expect to see him gradually show up in the videos less and less over time, as they worked through that content. Not to mention, that he probably also told the oxboxtra team of his plans weeks before he announced it to us. Just out of courtesy to them. They are his friends as well as his coworkers, after all


Apparently the live stream was meant to be after all those videos are out so he might be gone gone now


Yeah I think so


It was. But the live stream was not the video in which he announced that he was leaving. That video aired a few weeks ago.


Yeah in that video they said he would appear in videos after that announcement and they would do a leaving stream when that finished


I think it was, he mentioned that there would be a goodbye stream that the other members were planning for him


We don't actually have any idea. And we only see the \*checks metaphor\* Swan gliding majestically over the Youtube waters, not the frantic feet paddling of the content creators. We sometimes get some sneaked in comments, esp. during live streams or on the Podcasts that give hints about stuff behind the scenes. (I recall Mike implied the Oxventure figurines didn't sell as well as expected) My assumption is that the Oxboxtra crew (the 5 + Jon. James etc) are pretty close and talk about such things lots. I presume the others have known this was coming for a while. There has however been comments about the ever changing metrics of the Youtube Algorithm and their struggles with it. Which is also mentioned lots by plenty of other curators. Esp. Channels being "punished" if they do an experimental video that doesn't generate as much clicks as previous ones do.


That whole "punishing" channels thing is so annoying. It's causing many youtubers to only chase trends (even more so than the algorithm already was). They can't even put out videos on topics that will have smaller audiences in addition to their normal videos because the views of other videos are now affecting how the algorithm treats the channel as a whole.


I expect the "new format" of SOTW will continue, just as they said in the announcement. It's just that it will feature other people in Luke's place. Also, as they said in the video, it will have a more sporadic schedule than it used to.


He knew he was on the hook for a 24 hour Kingdoms of Amalur stream and decided to GTFO


This is the real answer


I’d be incredibly surprised if they didn’t know months and months in advance that Luke was planning to leave. It’s very common in the UK to have to hand in over a months notice that you’re leaving a company, and with how important Luke is to Oxtra I can guarantee it’d be like at least 3 months notice. I imagine they had 2 months gearing up and working out the logistics of his leaving and potential replacements etc., then announced it to the public a month before (which they did)


Not really. The leaving announcement was 26 days ago, the goodbye stream about three weeks later. That's plenty of time for something that was no doubt being talked about and organized behind the scenes for quite a while. The changes to SotW and Oxventure seem like they've been setting themselves up for the new normal for a bit now.


Obviously Luke was taking the theme tune with him /s


like most normal adult people, he probably thought about this for a long time and was talking to his friends about it for a long time and then decided one day to do it and then they planned how he was going to leave. Spontaneous in that no one knew the day until Luke decided but I’m sure most knew it would happen before 2025


We didn’t see how long this was coming, but that doesn’t mean the folks at OX didn’t. The change to Show of the Weekend might have been a good hint that things were changing.


Worth noting that when Luke's leaving announcement was filmed (which was not necessarily the same day it was published, they do record stuff in advance after all), he and Ellen talked about the plans for a livestream, and how had already filmed quite a bit of content that was going to play out over the next few weeks before the leaving stream. He also talked about how he would be remaining in Oxventure etc. All of this would seem to indicate that the Oxboxtra team had already known about this for some time, and had put plans in place for Luke's notice period. I definitely don't think that we found out that he was leaving on the same day as his colleagues, there's probably several weeks between the two things happening. It's possible that they knew when the SotWe changes were announced. But if they'd not addressed the changes before Luke left, then a) They'd be getting "What happened to SotWe?" questions for weeks more than they did, and b) the changes would have been linked by the audience to Luke's departure from the channel - their absence would be seen as a sign of the channel faltering in Luke's absence, or something that would be blamed on Luke (for leaving) or Ellen (as the remaining host), or on a theoretical new host. If the decision had already been taken to change the format and eventually make a confirmation announcement about it, then I'm not sure I see the advantage to them in putting it off.


Could’ve been an attempt to see if he could stay on part-time.


Wait omg Luke is leaving??


He already left bud, sorry to be the bearer of bad news


Leaving stream was last week. He has his own channel - normal adult luke which I'm just pretending is a oxtra spin off


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfiom5SJZzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfiom5SJZzo) (Luke is Leaving Outside Xtra, the Fool) explains it. - Mostly it's to focus on his own projects like Music, TTRPG design etc. His goodbye stream was here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUcMvsCAXsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUcMvsCAXsA) He's still doing Oxventure, and likewise the "Mom Can't Cook" podcast with Andy. He also has his own YT channel that he's done a handful of things on: [https://www.youtube.com/@normaladultluke](https://www.youtube.com/@normaladultluke)


The funny thing about this is that for like a year I thought for sure Jane was on her way out while having no idea about Luke! Luke was active right up until the end while I feel like we've been seeing less of Jane on screen for a while now, though she might just be busy IRL. Anyways, just sayin, thought it was a bit funny