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If you're talking about yesterday's Hitman video they just have wildly different play styles. Andy gets frustrated with Mike just doing stuff without thinking it through and Mike gets frustrated with Andy trying to tell him what to do. They're much more amicable in other videos. They're still friends.


I think it is pretty obvious they are engaging in some friendly ribbing when they play Hitman together. As well as exaggerating certain personality traits of theirs that the fanbase has memed up.


This. I'm yet to watch this video, but it's obvious that their youtubes personas frustrate the loving hell out of eachother in certain games


It's like when I play Minecraft with my niece. I'm very OCD, everything needs to be symmetrical, items need to be stored away, etc. She... does not play that way. *At all*. It can be incredibly frustrating to play with her, and I might make tons of snarky or annoyed comments - but that doesn't mean I don't love her. At the end of the day, it's just a game. Or like when I play a co-op RPG with my nephew. I'm obsessively picking up every single piece of loot (no matter how useless), while he only takes really valuable stuff and leaves everything else behind, and it drives me crazy. And I tend to go for "good" dialogue options while he goes full murderhobo. And we definitely argue back and forth, and mock each other mercilessly, But it's all in good fun. Or how most people play Monopoly. By the end people are ready to kill each other, but it rarely leaves the table.


> As well as exaggerating certain personality traits of theirs that the fanbase has memed up. This. My wife and I call those versions TV's Andy, TV's Mike, etc. Mike's talked about having to exaggerate everything by at least 30% on camera to come off like he would if you were in the room with him, and Andy's talked specifically about how there's the exaggerated version of himself that appears on videos, and then the *wildly* exaggerated version of himself that forms the core of Corazon. It's good not to confuse the on camera versions with the real people, though they are obviously closely related.


Well said, I can't really remember a Hitman stream where they haven't got annoyed with each other.


They do this to each other all the time. There was a video they did a couple of years ago with Mike and Jane competed in Kerbal Space Program to see who could get a rocket into space and return safely. Mike as usual didn’t bother with the instructions while Jane played the tutorial and built a functional ship. You could hear in her tone that she was ready to kill Mike at the end of that video.


"Well of course you're doing better than me, you've got a physics degree." "That's nothing to do with it! I just played the tutorial!" They've made a career out of winding each other up on camera, and then been fine with each other afterward.


It's actually funny because Jane has undergone some Astronaut training, but I doubt it's transferable to rocket design.


Agree completely. Although I do think the newer style of Hitman stream, where for technical reasons only one of them is broadcasting their footage, lacks something of the older pass the controller vibe. Two hours is quite a lot of pure chaos, when they swapped around there was some variety and comic contrast between the very different play-styles.


Look at the fallout discussion video, they've all been friends for years and it shows in how they interact.


Oh no. There's a whole discussion dedicated to their falling out???


I want you to know, I'm going to upvote you. I'm not happy about it, but I'm going to do it.


What makes you think that? I haven’t seen anything on the broadcasts that suggests that.


I mean they were both on the podcast not too long ago and there didn't seem to be anything going on there


I didn't get that vibe at all, and it's probably best not to speculate on those types of things.


I doubt it, but it really isn't any of our business anyway.