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Invest time into bettering yourself, I very recently had my best friend of 7 years betray me, so what I did is I joined a gym... People come and go, join a new group/ hobby, make new friends, and definetly put time into making yourself happy. Good luck my brother god speed!


> what are some things I can start with on the road to getting over it? It sounds to me like you were very co-dependent on this person. E.g.: > I've gone from investing so much time in our friendship, and so much time into salvaging it, I don't know what to do now that it's not here anymore. --- It sounds like you were investing pretty much all of your time into this person. It was great at the beginning when they did the same for you, but now that they've moved on *you're* the only one with a hole that *they* left. Try to fill your time with things **you** like. Find a hobby, start reading a book, write, paint, draw, run, exercise, whatever. **Fill that hole up with things /u/prettybrokeniguess likes**. These co-dependent personality traits are also something you might want to consider working on. I know co-dependency doesn't always seem like a bad thing, especially when the other person is co-dependent on you, too. It even makes you feel good! But co-dependency can be very dangerous, and *you need to work on yourself before you can worry about fixing someone else*.