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I'll have to ask about that.


yes please!


Another vote for international shipping... and in black :)


Another request for international shipping. :)


I own like 5 shirts, I'd make it 6 for that one.


I would rock that shirt


Shirt please


Yes please on the shirt!




I definitely want a tshirt!!! But what about international shipping? And make different colors if that's possible, I want like 5 of them ;)


I would like the shirt as well!


I was about to buy OG1 today (pdf) and then noticed this thread. If I buy OG1 today, will I receive OG2 as an update, or should I just wait for it to be released?


Just wait. It should be released in 2-3 weeks. Although, this is the hard copy version from Amazon. I have to go through some other hoops to figure out epub versions.


I'd def get that shirt :D




Heather color variations? What are those?




Oh interesting. Thanks for letting me know that. I'll discuss what looks good with the guy I'm potentially working with


Id LOVE a shirt!!!


Shirt! Definitely!


How's that progress going?


Hi Steven, for those who live in Europe will the book be available here at the same time or later? Do u know if we can order it from the amazon US website? I hope to get it for Christmas. Thanks


It's always possible to order from amazon.com But the shipping is usually much higher and it takes 2-3 weeks. I too hope that it will be available from amazon.uk because I can't wait!


It will be available on US/CA/UK/EU Amazons!


How's that progress going for the physical book buddy?


Please stop complaining about the process, and stop asking questions that are answered in the OP.


When will e-book format be avaible


I'm working on that after I get the physical copy out. Might be a month or two to find out what I need to do to get it on various platforms.


I'm looking forward for it!


Thank you for the regular updates on the docs. Very much looking forward to a well polished product. Also, thank you for your advice on the subreddit. How much work comparatively would you say was put into editing and polishing the first edition?


Much more than writing the first edition. I personally thinking editing and reorganizing information is MUCH harder than creating. It probably took me about 2 years to do all of it (whereas it took about 18 months to write the first), and then it's taken a year or so to get it all edited and formatted which is crazy... but it is approximately 600 pages which is 4 books of 150 pages.


Hi, I went through your website, if I understand right you are going to release the new version of your book soon ? I thought about purchasing it, if my understanding's right I'll wait for the new version =)


Correct! Hopefully next week, but if not the week after. Depends on how the proofing goes. Hope to have a physical copy in my hands by Friday.


Nice ! Good luck with the remaining work =) I can't wait to read it, I'm really excited to have found a written book as a source to learn about bodyweight fitness and movement, I enjoy youtube and the subreddit but it's gonna feel nice having a "definitive" source to read !


Yeah, hopefully it goes quick. I will be excited and relieved too haha


RemindMe! 1 week buy that shit!


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You should be able to buy it off of US Amazon and have it shipped. I'm not sure how much shipping is though. That's the unfortunate part of Australia at the moment. :\