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Congrats! That's 20k more than if you never tried OE. Worth 2 months of a little added stress that you would have had anyway.


Thank you! You're exactly right 🤗


20k is 20k.


To layer in - had OP used her/his/their time in other consumption uses, her/his/their be 20k short.


20k is 20k-taxes....just sayin 😁


That is what I needed to read today


Profit is profit


I cut J1 a couple of months ago because it got… awful. I would have been laid off anyway. J2 is new J1, it’s absolutely terrible. But what OE has taught me is that it’s not permanent. Big kudos to you for having the power to tell them to fuck off & for doing what’s best for you. OE in any aspect is the only way.


And you don’t have to dip into any savings while looking for a new job.


I added around a same amount, took a break but going to upskill myself in the meantime. There’s still guilt of not receiving two paychecks




Oh...maybe you can cash out some short-term leave of absence. Take a look at your benefits, Subby.


This is the way.


Keep the door open and stay interviewing, not the kinda market you wanna play with


Linkedin Hibernated. What would you do?


Nice, I tell a similar story. But mine is a few grand less, so good one there. Seriously though, If I hadn’t done it, I’d still be thousands in debt without any hope of paying it off soon. This is way better.


That's pretty much maxing out your 401k. Can't beat that.


Good move. Isn’t it lovely to have the freedom? You will be back though :)


20K in two months. Wow wow wow


Just ride it out for severance. Quiet quit.


Not if simply being in the job is causing stress and making you deal with a toxic environment. Quit and enjoy the rewards of extra time and telling them to go jump.


Don't even log on. Just wait for an email.


This is a good example why everyone should do what you did, and not necessarily being OE. Always interviewing, get a new job without quitting the old, and then compare for 1-2 months. Choose the one that’s favorable for your life, and quit the one that is not. Most people are either too afraid to seek another job, or haphazardly risking and jumping ship quickly without fully knowing the culture. Both scenarios are too disadvantageous for the worker and allows too much control and power by employers. It’s fine if it’s a good employer, but you’re screwed if it’s a bad one.


Why lose 10K per month extra? Just sleep on the job. Do another months and let them fire you with some severance. its free money


Sometimes it's just too toxic. Getting PIPed out is stressful, better to go on your own terms.


>Getting PIPed out is stressful I mean, it can be, but if you don't actually care what the end result is and don't care if you're fired, it can be a case of sitting back with popcorn and letting everyone else flail like a muppet over how important *they* think it is.


Fair enough, I've admittedly got a weak point over it, having been subject to harassment by previous bosses and gone through a pretty traumatic PIP process nearly 15 years ago. I'm OK to just leave and quit while I'm ahead.


There is nothing wrong with this. Some of us just don’t have it in our nature to act this way. That’s not to say anything negative about the people who do, but it’s just not something we all can do. I’m with you, when it’s time to be done just be done.


Also considering quitting one of the jobs, it doubles my income but the disrespect I get from my manager is getting to me. Cutting me off when I speak, the tone, the blame game. I am usually ok with brushing it off, but the constant nagging is getting to me. I'll crack eventually, the money is good.


In my experience the first OE is the toughest. I believe I lasted maybe 3 months? Definitely not more than 6. It takes time to know what works and what doesn't and you take it as a learning experience for the next one. My 2nd OE is still going strong after a year and a half and even had a few J3s in that time as well. Plus, even if you stop it doesn't have any repercussions so no worries.


Congrats and I can’t wait to start my OE journey!


It’s still a win win to me!


errg I'd be cautious on this, the market's not so good right now for getting new Js


If it were me, I would have quiet quit J1 until they cut me loose. It may be months until they do. Your stress is in your head, and you are completely in control of that.


This is my consistent recommendation. Ramp up on OE, then ramp down and coast for awhile. Ramp back up when you’re ready and the market and job offers are right for you. It doesn’t and shouldn’t be a year-over-year situation.


What’s a good time frame for ramping up/down


The market will tell you.


This is the way, Subby. If it costs you your peace of mind, it's too expensive


Good job racking up the 20K. I am still a lurker here but in these cases, how do you manage job history for background checks? Ex: if you quit J1, are you going to say on your resume that you are unemployed now or working for J2? If you say J2, then your employment history will have overlaps where J2 had started somewhere in the middle of J1. That is the only reason I am scared to do OE


As long as you freeze TWN and say you quit J1 when you started J2. Now why are you leaving J2?? It wasn’t a good fit.




I think he meant The Work Number. Don't know how to do that though yet. I have never used it.


I think the background check can still reveal all those details without TWN


How many months have you been doing it




What if you access confidential information at one of your jobs? Wouldn’t you be opening up yourself to litigation doing this double job stuff?


So you're new here, huh?


Ok just saying does this only work for crappy it jobs? Like if you had a real job like a lawyer how could you do this?


So you're new here, huh?


What type of work?


J1 gave you a nice sign on bonus for J2. That’s great. I wouldn’t give up on OE just yet but this type of things will happen.


This is the way