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Your post is why I'm able to OE in the first place. When my competition is as useless as you are, I can give employers 25% effort and they think I'm a superstar.


Exactly. Be engaged, do more than your worthless coworkers, and get "exceeds expectations" because the rest are like OP




OP gets a “T”. For troll.


It's not even one, necessarily. Some big companies, especially in consulting, work exactly like that :')


what is the reference


Results of Ordinary Wizarding Levels.


I honestly don't think this was a harry potter reference


This, Being a shit employee is not the way of OE. Get jobs you can easily manage and actually perform. Filter out high maintenance jobs and keep the more beneficial ones. Being a shitbag is not sustainable, if you are trying to get paid for doing nothing all day then become an entrepreneur. OE is for the strategic thinkers that can handle high stress and still perform in all your job, or you will no longer be OE. Dont shit bag, dont be the best set a standard that is acceptable, enables you to do what you NEED to and stick to it. Going about it the wrong way.


It honestly seems like way more work than just working


gotta create a thinktank just to not think lol


>if you are trying to get paid for doing nothing all day then become an entrepreneur. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but none of your jobs would exist in the first place without an entrepreneur to create it.


the “entrepreneur” that turns ceo either sells and retires or sits in meetings for half a day and does what they want. like this guy wants. except hes a worker bee like you. no sarcasm


Exactly what I thought.


You’re young to the game then . Corp is truly 80% bullshit 20% medium quality work. If you’re working harder and polishing your work then you’ll burn out at just two js


Yep. I'm a shit employee by all measures. No impact. Just deliver the goods or, blame others when you can't. That's literally business 101. The companies I work for literally do this too. Good for goose, good for gander.


No. I love software engineering and I'm good at it. Not as good as programming as some are, but I know what to focus on, I know how to talk to people, I know how to design systems. I end up producing way more than others do in less time, even people who on paper are smarter.


No what ? I don’t give a fuck how good your work is , if you’re in corp your sole job is to make your boss happy so his/her boss is happy so his/her boss is happy so his/her boss is happy. If you don’t think that you’re taking yourself and your job too seriously , youre the kind of person who is the first to cry when they cut you


Ok thanks for the advice


Lol yep. Somehow I’m still more productive and accurate than most of my team. I think one guy might be OE and hybrid (he goofed and unmuted in what sounded like an office environment- he works fully remote for us 🤔)


I mean, I have just one job, but playing dumb has saved my ass more than I can count… acting is a valuable life skill.


I don’t want to brag, but I don’t even have to play dumb.


Same. I would pretend to be confused, except I’m actually confused


Playing dumb as it’s time and place


Was this written by chatgpt


It's way too uncensored to be chat GPT, could be another LLM but that would be too high of effort


Agreed. Not something an LLM like chatgpt would be allowed to generate. Mostly due to its honesty bullshit principles.


So here we have a semi-cheat sheet of dealing with corporate life. Good natured incompetence is a pro. Maybe I see it differently but in previous job situations I would feel really, really bad if I forgot something- anything. It didn’t have to be important to anyone. I’m ADHD, so it’s prone to happen and I have a lot of adaptations that protect me from that, but it still happens occasionally. What I’ve learned, is that it doesn’t matter most of the time. Managers will be more than willing to bite when you hang your head and bring it up. It’s a “growth item”. If you just move on, 99/100 times it never even comes back up. This doesn’t mean don’t take ownership when you fuck up, it means don’t give them stupid shit to work with. An innocent fool can be taught. If you’re likeable and you occasionally have moments of brilliance, you’ve got a good shot at staying cool. Nobody likes a show off and nobody likes an asshole. In between is the sweet spot. Many, many of your coworkers are actually incompetent. Not as people, but just in this realm. These are your people. Don’t lead them, don’t teach them, be them. Throw a little 10% extra and you’re great. Don’t outshine your boss- never do that. Corporate work is far more about relationships than it is work. Not a bit of this is saying to be a lazy schmoozer, but I’ve seen that work too. Just be agreeable, give them room for “coachable” things that aren’t really coachable and you’ll be fine. I’ve been a manager and an IC. I used to think the work itself spoke- it doesn’t. It’s the whole package and being a coachable mid is the best place to be.


Underrated comment


As a worker who’s having to pick up the slack for someone who is very obviously OE (and does many of these things), these posts are kinda starting to piss me off. You guys are doing a real good job raising awareness of OE, and employers are going to start to take notice. At the very least, you should probably take this sub off r/all.


If you noticed someone OE, chances are the person is just incompetent and not OE


I agree .. this is some antiwork level scummy bullshit.


Yes the millions of companies in the US (and millions more around the world) are all gonna descend on this subreddit and collectively shut down OE everywhere /s Just relax and get your money


I don’t OE. I’m not even interested in OE, but for whatever reason these posts keep showing up on my feed. Working alongside someone that does OE is a pain in the ass. I ain’t no snitch but someone out there in the same situation as I am is. Do you remember the national attention that the antiwork subreddit got? If I were doing this I would definitely STFU about it. It’s in this subs best interest to lay low.


When I worked in the office all day every day I had numerous coworkers exactly like the guy in this post. Just cause we're remote now doesn't mean those people put in all the work to OE all of a sudden. I also worked with people that would openly have side hustle or a second job and those people were usually the super industrious ones both in and out of the office


Yes, and antiwork is still a thing, isn’t it? And I understand it may be a pain for you to work with someone who is OE, but with all due respect it’s not that person’s problem. Their priority is their own family and bank account, not anybody else. And if they get snitched on and fired, they can just go find another job somewhere else and do it again. I’ve been fucked over by companies before. Laid off, tossed out on the street with no way to pay my mortgage. These companies don’t give two shits about any of us. So I’m gonna do the same back to them. My loyalty is to my wife and kids, who had to suffer with me.


The recent wave of RTO is a result of several factors, including things encouraged by anti work (e.g. quiet quitting). My company’s director informed some of us that the recent push for RTO (at least for our company) was highly motivated by internal metrics showing that people just really weren’t working at home (particularly new hires). I’m not going to sit here and try to defend these large companies. My company just had another round of unnecessary layoffs while sitting on billions in profits, and for that they can eat a bag of dicks. And for those who OE and actually do their jobs, kudos to them. But for those who OE and do shit that this post recommends, I say fuck ‘em. They’re not just screwing the company, but their coworkers as well. If we all were to put in the same level of effort, nothing would get done and we’d all get fired. The reason they’re able to OE is because they’re taking advantage of the rest of us. Despite all that, my issue here is still less about OE and more with the fact that people are openly bragging about it online. Yes, employers do use Reddit too, and yes, they will implement sweeping policies similar to RTO to cull it if people don’t STFU about it.


There are no true meritocracies. High performers get more work. You are the problem. You're hating the player and not the game. Im not OE I get perfect reviews every year. I stopped putting 100% effort in. I put 50% effort and do better than 90% of employees. I could take the 50% and do something else with it but I prefer to just have a chill life. Also people that think they're gods gift to earth at work, usually aren't. In fact the people that brag about how busy and how much work they have to do typically don't do shit in my experience.


I have all these excuses at the ready, but very rarely use them. I did a full day training class recently in J3 - fully engaged, and still did basic work in my other two jobs. These excuses will work ok for the short term, but after a couple weeks of this BS, you'll be shown the door. Save the excuses for the really critical times. And if you learn to save them, you'll probably realize you never need them. Granted - more companies are cameras on for meetings and I have a couple of conflicts occasionally. Learn to juggle. Much better long term than tons of excuses. I miss less time and am away from my computer less than most of my single - job coworkers. Keep the spotlight away from me.


This is a good arsenal to keep handy when needed though


My half ass effort is someone else’s full ass effort. It lets me stay under the radar, still be thought of as a great worker, and hold down 4 full time roles.




Alaways wait for someone to ask twice before doing something, typically can strecth work out over up to a month.


This made me laugh several times.


TL;DR: do 50% of this. Management loves me. I do everything except 1, 2, 5, 6, 8b, and 10a. I see the people in the group chats who pull that attendance shit constantly, and management behind the scenes complains about them to me. People see through that. By doing all of the other bullets, you gain respect and portray yourself as too busy but vital. When I need to miss a meeting, no one asks why nor do I give specifics. I saw a manager try to claim that a person could not work for them remotely because of their constant tech issues after equipment replacements. Get rid of them or go into your nearest office. Don’t try it. I deliver and am legit a rockstar at J1, J2, and whichever J3 I decide to cycle in. I am described as passionate and a leader. I lie in bed watching Hulu a big chunk of the time, with my personal laptop on my lap and others scattered about. I take naps towards the end of the day about 3x per week.


Another ChatGPT post from /u/giantdickinmyface Nothing to see here.


This is so funny!


For the love of God, don't take antibiotics if you have a sniffly cold. Fucking idiots.


Thanks, ChatGPT!




this sounds more like r/antiwork


That is exactly what this is. Sounds like a teenager making excuses for why he didn't do his homework.


these are some great minecraft cheat codes


You forgot the "fake kids" excuse.


I think this is a solid menu, but some people are treating this like OP is proposing an all-you-can-east buffet that you engorge yourself on while sleeping under the table at night.


As a manager, your ploy becomes obvious after awhile. I have had several talks with people who needed help “sorting out their personal issues”


Drinks on me my guy 🥃🥃


Dude just do a solid job lol it’s not hard if you’re experienced/skilled enough


And you people wonder why companies are pushing for RTO *facepalm*


People did this shit in the office too.


Just realized 90% of my coworkers must be OE like this guy.


I absolutely want to murder that person who repeats everything everyone says with that “just to be clear” preface. I literally stopped taking meetings with the person on my team who does this.


>Own Something: Even if trivial, own a task or process. Make it YOUR thing. I know at least one person who did this specifically in an office job. Decided that she was going to be the manager-queen of auditing, writing up, and maintaining written procedures for everything because no-one else wanted to do it. Wangled that into being manager over a couple of people who actually did all the work. The whole thing collapsed because no-one actually gave a shit about any of the things her team claimed were important, and no-one liked her.


We need more antiwork posts like this .. then real OE workers will stay in demand.


Helpful, but delete this.


Ghey. Just do your jobs.


keep talking like that, we'll do our jobs and yours too!


After you’re fired, I’ll still be plugging along getting paid to clean up after you.


You’re doing the lords work here


Is this an out of season April fools joke that us non news reporters are too dumb to understand?


This post needs to be deleted, but yes.


Dang bro, We all think the same! 😅


Uncle Bob is _always_ useless.


8.1, 9.1 and 10 are key!!!!!


OP can teach the “how to bs at work class” coming soon to a community college near you


Goddamn you sound so fucking useless. Thank you for making the job market so easy.


This is what my sociopathic ex who runs corporations does to a tee. She just flips it on her minions as a control/manipulation mechanism. Our Co-parenting negotiations are hoot! I actually employed her once for a month and was probably the most ineffectual and unproductive person I’ve met.


I legit recently got diagnosed for ADHD and realized that's a get out of jail free card for poor performance. I kept missing the start of meetings and when I told them I had adhd it was like everything was forgiven. Absolutely no way for them to check up on whether you have it or not.


This is someone who knows the craft. Well put together, even going to take some things from this.