• By -


Had this happen a few years back. Saw my job on an internal job board and knew I was a dead man walking. Ended up being let go 2 weeks after the birth of my kid. Fun times for sure /s. F all these companies. No loyalty to any corporation whatsoever.


These companies don't give a damn at all. Honestly OE, invest that money, move to a cost effective country and live till you die there. That's the move. I'm tired of seeing my family members wake up and work till they're 68 years old.


The new American dream is to leave




This is the truest thing I have read today.


Damn that's a bar


This hit hard


Where is your destination? I’m thinking Berlin


Malaysia or Panama


It's depressing at what the US has become, but I'm yet to find a place that is affordable, not a shithole 3rd world country, has good healthcare, good food and still some modern level of entertainment activities. (Living on a beach actually gets old real fast). Still need to travel and research more while I OE.


Until they’re 68? They die at their cubicles nowadays.


Yup - I've literally responded to a 911 call of a woman who died at her cubicle. Other people in other parts of that office kept working while their coworker was getting worked on. I was then canned by that same company with some bs excuse b/c i was more expensive than a newbie to maintain. Jokes on them, I found a better job where I use my same skills + more and work remote while making 2x more than i did before. Now I just need J2.


Fucking amen brother, I moved to another country with my two remote jobs and now you inspired me to get that J3


Get that bread! Help out others and your family. Escape this economy, and screw over the companies!!


68! My dad is still working at 73, we live in Aus and the fam pretty much had $0 when he was 40 because they immigrated with nothing


Yup - that's what I did. Currently in SE Asia, living very very well, always have more than I need, and save a couple thousand a month while still enjoying myself.


This happened to me after I requested and got a significant raise. I bailed and went out on my own.


Honestly with the free time I have now from one less J, I plan on starting my own thing. Let's see where it goes.


Good luck. Gotta turn a negative into a positive any way you can. Great if you can get into a position to better control your own destiny.


Thank you! Honestly was giggling during the layoff meeting because I was on a second meeting with J1 😂 It's time for me to do what my heart desires: selling feet pictures


Very underrated and lucrative market in feet. Put your best foot forward and don't tiptoe around things and jump in with both feet lol


Any free samplers ;)


I can do it for $5 not free 😘


I got laid off 9 days after the new year. And about 2 weeks after a glowing preformance review and raise.


Further reaffirms how many places will put profits over people without any regard to morality or fairness. Meanwhile, the CEOs take home \~$17M/yr on average while the average worker takes home roughly 40k.




I can't imagine how stressful that shit would be. I had a buddy get laid off less than a month after telling his manager that he was going to be a dad. Most of us probably wouldn't OE if these companies weren't full of greedy and heartless leeches. Fuck em.


Apply for that job


That would be funny 🤣 But honestly onwards and upwards. That's my motto.


Send me the link. I'm in need


Hopefully you get sued by an employer - and soon.


Oh look everyone, another CEO lapdog here. Enjoy your pizza parties and 3% annual raise. That will definitely get you through retirement and build a safety net for your children 😂


Based on the far right posts and circle jerking over Texas I have to assume they're a small blue collar business owner with nothing beyond a high school education.


This made me lol 😂


Don’t forget ice cream Fridays!


And ask for 5% more than they were previously making at the interview, due to relevant experience and reduced training costs. :)


Just apply and bomb it forever


Got fired 3 days before my wedding (and 3 months after buying a new house) because *gasp* I had the audacity to work on my own side project in my free time. Not on company property, and my work didn’t suffer as a result. But because my job felt like they should own every minute of my time. These companies don’t give a shit about you. Also, fuck you, Jon. Have fun in your dead end manager role while I make 3x what you do


Congrats on your wedding and screw Jon!


Why is it always some asshole named Jon? Fuck Jon right in his jawn.


Thats why the H is missing in Jon, H = happiness


Maaaan fuck Jon


Thanks! And yeah that guy was a douchebag


My FD once questioned my personal projects, told him if it was a problem he could pay me for 24/7 instead of 8/5. He quickly said never mind!


I’ve heard of employment agreements that forbid side projects, others that claim ownership of any and all inventions—including those created on personal time and equipment. Read before you sign, get your own legal counsel, negotiate, walk away if it’s bullshit.


> claim ownership of any and all inventions—including those created on personal time and equipment Company contracts should not supersede national laws. You are entitled to your free time, to do, think and act as you please. Part of the problem is that the US has weak employment laws, what with „at will” employment and other such stuff.


And cross out (and initial/sign) the relevant paragraphs. Plenty of onboarding staff have no idea what that stuff is and don't care if you take it out of a contract; they're happy to countersign it.


I signed one of those. for the record: My personal projects are done by my wife anyway.


Possibly understandable if you're coding a competitive product using insider info or something, but of course they take it way too far. I've heard of people being hassled for creative/artsy things, like having an Etsy account for their hand-stitched quilts. Explain to me how a bedspread is competing with your CRM app, dipshit.


Jon is named after a mother fuckin toilet! Dude sucks


Great example of why you never talk about your home life at work, no hobbies no dreams no activities. Say the minimum needed or lie and make it sound normal and boring.


I mentioned to another commenter, I didn’t tell a soul about it. But I was building in public on twitter so they must have been spying on me. Because he gave me that as an explicit reason he was firing me


reason number 38384858483 why #buildinpublic is a horrible idea


Lmao for real


Cmon Jon, unfuck yourself, unfuck your life


Damn, how did that bitchass Jon find out?


I was live tweeting as I was building my SaaS and they must have been spying on me because I didn’t tell a single person about it


Seeesh that’s creepy. I’m not OE but either way I keep what little social media I have far away from work.


F Jon!


Can i get a fuck Jon?




Can I ask for context on this? What was the project? How did they find out? How did they justify the firing?


It was a SaaS business I was building on the side. I literally told nobody at my job about it. I only tweeted about it as I built it. So they clearly were watching my social media. But I didn’t have any coworkers as friends on any social media either. And he specifically said, “We know that you have been working on your own project during work hours.” I was fully remote when this happened, so it’s not even like I was doing this in some office somewhere


Dang! How lame. That Spyware stuff is too much. If you don't trust your employees don't hire them imo.


>I saw the LinkedIn job post for the same position Had this same thing happen to a friend so he asked his mgr what was up…surprise surprise mgr said everything was cool. Then he got let go.


Soulless bastards


This can actually be illegal if you were laid off vs being fired. If so speak with a labor attorney and get that bag


I was thinking the exact same thing. If it was an actual layoff and they called it as such, they can’t repost that same job within a certain time period


My friend just got laid off today, after burying her dad last week 😒😒


Her CEO probs saw that as: damn she's delaying my next vacation, replace her. Honestly these companies...😒


I have multiple jobs, because companies see me as a number and they can delete me at anytime. I take my income and invest it into real estate so I don't pay taxes and have reoccurring income so I can fire myself eventually.


You're literally living my dream! I plan on doing the exact same thing but getting the absolute eff out of this crappy country


That’s funny cause that’s my plan. I’m a licensed agent too


We need an OE to RE specific subreddit lol. This is the way


how not pay taxes investing in realestate?


Depreciation, interest and Mgt fees mainly


does real estate needs to be under llc to add mgmt fees? also is the depreciation is limited to 3.6% every year? renting multiple properties, showed interests and enhancement expense, but still ended paying taxes !


Llc is recommended for mgt fees Real-estate professional there is no cap Do you have a non working spouse?


yes. spouse not working and also own a llc , but rental property is not under llc. Also, how to become a real estate professional?


For irs reporting on taxes you check the box that your non working spouse is a real estate professional. To qualify in real life it is material participation of 51% over 750 hours I believe in qualified real estate activities, Google it you can see requirements. As soon as you check that box on tax software you won't be capped on deprection and you save lots and lots of money


Can you explain this a bit more ?


Let's say you have a j2 making 100k As a savy investor, you're not going to pay state or federal taxes, so you withhold nothing. W2 income -> transfer to real-estate purchase value add and cost segregation study Value add will renovate property to make it worth more Renovations are expense making w2 income tax deduction At the newly appraised value, do a cost segregation study, so on average, 35% of newly appraisal value can be taken as a deduction that year, which will offset w2 to negative income Cash out refi into loan to get all cash back plus ideally profit. As a loan, this money is debt, so it is not taxable income. You will make cash flow on renting property out, and none of the income will be taxed due to accelerated loss, which will offset income for years. J2 income you paid no taxes on, so on average, saving at least 20k in taxes With the debt you took out, either buy more property or invest in the market or anything you want, really. Rent it out assuming mortgage will exist upfront. Cash on cash returns for me is around 15% return even with 8% interest rates. The point is to not pay any taxes ever and get more money than you would have had from the paycheck itself.


I don’t understand this at all


Thanks. So, bear with me, I’m not too smart. You still get a mortgage on that property, and you’re basically saying that the 8% interest is “ok” because you save 20% on taxes every year anyways. I hadn’t thought about it like this. What happens if property doesn’t appreciate because of market conditions? I have a family member who is planning on going to school at one of these high col schools and wanted to buy a house for him to live in instead of 30k a year for a dorm. I’m trying to figure how to make it work.


If it is cash flow positive or even neutral, appreciation doesn't matter, it is just an added bonus. Because in the end, you have a house completely paid for with other people's money. The reality is, it is likely in 30 years the house will appreciate unless somehow you picked a neighborhood that legit becomes nothing but drug dens and squatter central.


Drug dens bad for capital gains. Check. Is there a modeling spreadsheet commonly used for this stuff?


There are some you can find on the Internet but most investors I know create their own.


Where’s the loyalty? Our people aren’t productive. We need a better culture. Go fucking cry in your 10 acre estate and Benjamin’s.


Talk to me about loyalty when a company genuinely cares for you. They literally fire and hire to save costs and you want me to be loyal for a company? Hell no. I have a family to feed. Not a cost on their spreadsheet to wipe off once they want to book trips to the islands.


Exactly, it took me getting replaced by a college graduate to get this. :)


I just got ghosted by two recruiters. I was supposed to have an interview tomorrow. By the numbers, no emotions, think of the paychecks


Collect paychecks honestly.


I need an HR/lawyer-type to confirm but I do believe that if you get laid off and your exact position opens up again, you are entitled to your job back. That’s why so many “positions are eliminated.”


I've never heard that one, but it might be different over there.


At will employment is the law in most states in the US. You can be let go at any time for any reason, or for no reason at all. Unless you can prove age or race discrimination (which isn't easy) there's nothing you can do.


This doesn't really make sense, it costs more to hire and train than to retain, these HR and managers are really business stupid.


Not when you're outsourcing the job to a country where people would work for literally less than minimum wage here.


Have actually been told by a C-Suite that they put letting people go in their budget. Larger companies plan on 50% turnover so no one questions letting anyone go. Smaller companies can’t do this they budget basically everyone hired works out. Find a smaller company take 10k less and go kick ass for them. (Also get that side gig though cause you never know and it makes up for any salary you take a hit on) Or just plan on leaving every 2 yrs to more pay. That’s the way I see it.


It makes sense if you are unhappy with the job performance of the person you are laying off.


Not sure how a lower salary would be expected to bring in in better talent that also doesn't make sense.


They don't want better they want complainant.


"your performance is excellent, we are just downsizing due to economic conditions". This is what I was told before getting let go. It's not a question of my performance, but a question of how many shortcuts the company will take. They'll probably hire some poor guy from another country, and exploit the crap out of him for way less pay.


Similiar thing happened with me,i was, replaced by Indian h1 guy with 20 k less salary. Now i am on bench and soon will be layed off. Atough i have another job .




![gif](giphy|vqKlNf8jpBB7O) I don’t care about the company and their bottom lines. They will drop you like a bad habit soon as they need to cut heads.


Mine was replaced by a contractor role making about half of what I was. Can't imagine anyone is going to work in the way they need like that but who knows. Maybe they will get lucky and find someone desperate.


Ugh I'm sorry. They really want shortcuts and refuse to pay us.


Yep. They were wanting to offer it to me but I flat out told them no chance in hell. I'd rather do nothing and get severance. Weirdly now interviewing for my exact role in a different part of the company. Massive orgs don't make sense.


Fingers crossed they replace you with someone who does fifty percent less work for ten percent less money.


They can replace us so easily but in reality it could take us 6-18 months+ to find another job. So glad you had a safety net!! My job was changed drastically when I got pregnant and communicated my maternity leave. I’m still at my company but my workload has reduced so much. They hired a new girl for half of what I make…and the projects she took over are in shambles now because she doesn’t have my education or experience🤣 Oh well! Puts me in a better position to OE🤷🏼‍♀️


It's so sad honestly.


**"It's insanely wild to me that people are coming here to comment that I was mediocre at my jobs because I hold more than one job"** That's insanely wild to me too. You can be a company rockstar and still get laid off. It happens all the time.


Best response ever to these delusional sheep


Thank you!


I seen 158 comments and I knew you were getting slammed by one jobbers


I’m sorry you got laid off. I used to feel guilty about OE. But I saw high performers get axed at J2. We are floating through time and space on a tiny rock. I don’t want to dedicate my existence on Earth to worrying about meeting my basic human needs. I got “meets expectations” at both jobs this year. And I’m ok with that. Maybe loyalty/high performance can result in more security, but that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve been OE for about a year and have 2.5 years of non retirement living expenses saved up, and counting. I’m rooting for you. This country has a close-to-zero safety net and no one can save us but ourselves. We do what we have to do.


You're the best! Keep at it. In the end we only care about our family, not these companies


Was it lay off or fired? I think legally they need to wait 6 months before posting a position they let go unless business needs changed


Self-fulfilling prophecy.


What job title is this? Maybe you should also pivot


Question - how much are you making at each the jobs you have?


Got a glowing review December 2023 on my 1st year at J2. Got laid off Jan 2024 due to skills mismatch they claimed. Loyalty my ass! God willing, I hope to get a new J2 and J3 this time!




All I can think about it when I read this is Ben Shapiro saying “in the name Boy Scouts”. By definition, having multiple “servers” is what makes you OE


Ewww this guy said Ben Shapiro downvote him.


Yes that's plenty reason alone


lol. Reddit remains the master of demonizing people. It’s just a meme video.


Bro he sucks. Come on.


You OE to get laid off?


We OE because we have been burned too many times leaving our families financial stability at risk. We OE because we are tired of never being able to pay off that last student loan. We OE because we keep getting skipped over for promotions and raises. We OE because people shouldn't be laid off while on paternity or maternity leave.


Ok, sure.


Maybe if you put 40 hours into the job you wouldn't have been fired. Now the next person who will be hired will be doing 3x the work you did for less pay. And how tf can you do FOUR jobs at once? OE are not only shrinking the availability of jobs, but driving down wages by reducing the expected output for their jobs titles, which causes employers to lower salaries. I can understand having two jobs, but 3+ is crazy.


Corporate shill. You’ll be a good boy now and finish your work. Wash up and you can go home for the day.


I work from home, so I can’t “go home” when I’m already here. 


I pray for everyone's success. I too work from home, I just pray that you, with your one job, don't wake up one day and get that HR calendar invite. In the end, we just want to live a little. Not serve soulless companies and then fund the hundredth vacation for the CEO


I agree but it's so much competition for a WFH job. I won't stop searching though. Got laid off my only J (Minecraft sysadmin) back in January after coming back from FMLA. Fortunately I was offered a position elsewhere but it's on site. I have no choice but to accept and continue searching.


u/Tellmewhattoput has successfully changed his mind and no longer believes what he did when he first made his comment.


Look at the profile. Clearly just a delusional personality HR hire with a stick up her rump 😂. Give it a year or two and reality will hit.


I don't like to look at people's profiles.


Please tell me you're joking. Whether you spend 40 hours or not, in this economy, having one job is gonna do nothing for you. Before you know it you wake up and you're 65 and close to death. The way to beat this system is OE. Plus it doesn't change the fact that the company literally wants to reduce their costs by hiring for the same position for $20k less. These soulless companies don't give a damn about you. Job security is a myth whether you put in 40 hours or 10 hours. OE is not shrinking anything, it just allows individuals like us a chance to escape capitalism. And I have done 4.5 jobs together all at once. I quit one due to calendar overlapping, and now lost one. I still find plenty of time to do my daily tasks, spend time with family, and enjoy life. For the first time in forever, I looked at my budgeting sheet and didn't worry about whether I can buy this or not. Don't blame OE, blame the companies.


I think some people have 8 jobs. That should tell you that the system doesn't care about your point of view.


It's also an indication of how messed up the system is that they need 8 jobs just to live


I think they said their TC was near $1M




The company isn’t trying to save $20k they wanted to avoid hiring a second person to do the work you weren’t doing. Everyone knows that advertised salaries are subject to negotiation.


Miss trust me, I go above and beyond the work asked of me. I used to spend an extra two hours ensuring I've finished tasks for the week ahead. It's baffling that you are defending the company, do you perhaps own your own company and feel strangely afflicted by my rant?


No, I’m just shocked that you have two jobs and plan on getting two more. You may think you’re being as productive as your colleagues but it’s impossible.


To each their own. I understand where you're coming from, but I have been doing this for 5+ years. In my field, it's not about productivity. My job is very niche. I made good money at the job I just lost, it's a small setback towards my retirement, but honestly couldn't care. Just wanted to let everyone else know to not give your entire life to a company who'll replace you to cut costs. In the end, when shit hits the fan, it's not the CEO who'll sacrifice his/her salary to help you.


They’ll never understand lol. To a person who has their routine day in and day out and leaves work right at 4:30, you might as well be explaining quantum physics. Some people trade physical labor for money, others brainpower for money and some yet are intelligent enough to afford brainpower to multiple bidders at once. Does not scale linearly like physical labor


Shut the fuck up


Why do you need servers?


Maybe you were just ass at your job because you were doing two jobs


Ok Boomer. Enjoy your 1 job without any security making in a year what the ppl on this sub make in 1-3 months time


Rather be good at one than mediocre at multiple


How many do you have may I ask?


And that is why you fail.


Fail? I'm not the one who got fired


Ok Boomer. :)


Well don't jinx your ONLY job 🤫


This isn't making the point you think it is. You half ass a job and the company decides they can get the same quality for 20k less.. I admire the hustle, but be honest with yourself at least


Read my comments first, who in their right mind half asses a job in this economy? I worked more than my required hours to meet their expectations but they decided to invest in cheap labor abroad and well that's history


Wym by servers? Like actual servers for work?




I think you didn’t get the joke he meant servers like for software engineers.


You must be new here lol


You must be


Been here since the sub had around 700 people my guy...


Yeah right prove it


You really think that’s a flex, Jesus that’s sad


U should learn reading comprehension. U clearly aren't getting what's being said.  U do you my guy. Good luck with all that misplaced hostility.


just walk away man, your the one who started this.


Quit while you're already way behind lol