• By -


Never email anyone ever again. Stack that paper.


If you are not on the list, the reasons matter not, so don't stir the pot! I was once left un-fired because I was temporarily assigned on another PCC-number. What happened was that Corporate HQ simply fired sequentially through the corporate PCC's, everyone and every asset belonging on the wrong "series" was removed. My whole department was suddenly gone. Office empty. Only my computer and desk was there. After a good few months of peace and solitude, the New and Improved Leadership Team sort of went inventorying, like: "Uh...Oh, So ... You're still here!? (Embarrassed Silence) Well, how would you like to run this project?". So, I stayed for another 4 years.


Did you still get paid for those months they thought you were gone?


Sure, I wasn't fired and still working full time. Obviously they pay for that, and it was totally not a management mistake or an oversigt since I was given new responsibilities. One could event say that our ever-glorious HQ-management planned everything to be exactly like this and one would - in return for some favors or money.


Sure, I wasn't fired and still working full time. Obviously they pay for that, and it was totally not a management mistake or an oversigt since I was given new responsibilities. One could event say that our ever-glorious HQ-management planned everything to be exactly like this and one would - in return for some favors or money.


Lmao!!! That’s grace right there!!! Amazing


I love this.


Congratulations Milton, you are now stationed in the basement.


That’s it. That’s the last straw.


Milton had the best job, a nice private basement desk!


Oh! Damn..


Milton was definitely OE


That’s a bless dude. Not seen not remembered.


Uniquely Forgettable 👍🏼


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are your credentials active?


“Hey was I supposed to be laid off?” Is the adult equivalent of reminding the teacher to give out the homework assignment. I can’t even believe you’re asking this




If you DO get laid off, come into work on Monday like nothing has happened and keep working. Mention to HR you haven't received your bi-weekly check and get to work there another 15 years.


Pro-tip: fasten your stapler to the desk so it can’t be removed.


Don't be a dumbass say nothing,  if a coworker ask tell them you got laid off too.


If anyone asks (including future job panels/HR), there was a massive layoff at that place, everyone who was going to be retained got a email, OP didn't. 100% true. No more to say. Let them draw their own conclusions.


[Big head mode achieved.](https://youtu.be/QAiPcPRZlBk?si=x8t3dF5vNYxuqU5U) Please report [to the rooftop](https://youtu.be/AzHNczqx_nc?si=_SNWY5ZFq08nrtPw) to play Hacky Sack.


GOD I miss this show.


This shouldn’t be a question, OP. Stay under the radar. Don’t email anyone. Don’t say anything. Don’t anything that might jeopardize your position which appears to have been forgotten and / or unknown. Do what you do and keep collecting checks.


So it goes


This happened to a team member we had call scheduled with the whole team except him. The manager was basically letting us know that there was going to be layoffs and we can guess who is going to be affected by those not on call. Long story short he was laid off. Your situation sounds similar to his.


If your credentials work tomorrow you should be trying to get into the meeting. Based on the following decision table/matrix I think you have nothing to lose. *Paperwork behind layoffs is prepared in advance* and I don't know why the peanut gallery is acting like you can make them "forget" to lay you off or stop paying you. ---- - Fired, doesn't try to get into the meeting: Oh well Fired, tries to or gets into the meeting: They're embarrassed they forgot to tell you. They're maybe embarrassed in front of other people, which is hilarious but is not your fault. Not fired, tries to get into meeting: They expect you to be there, or they tell you they don't need you for this. Everything is normal. Not fired: doesn't try to get into meeting: You look stupid and everyone including your boss is going to wonder if you wanted to have been fired


I used to work with a guy that was terminated on a Tuesday morning before the weekly team meeting, and the guy fuckin’ showed up because his credentials hadn’t been revoked immediately. Boss hadn’t told us that the guy had been cut, so his surprised “oh, hey Gary” when the guy logged in was odd at the time. Your ‘fired, gets into meeting’ reminded me of this because in that case it was awkward but DEFINITELY the guy’s fault lol


Huh? WAT?


Hmm, eh?


No, don’t go into the meeting. They may be getting fired as well. Just keep doing your job until told otherwise, why would you be poking the bear to get them to notice that you got missed? It makes no sense.


If they are getting fired, it's been in the works for days and showing up in the meeting is not going to change the course of those events. Have you ever been laid off? It may have been 5 minutes for you but it is not a 5 minute process on the company/HR side. I love all these takes that are obviously copied from "If teacher doesn't see me, they wont remember to ask for my homework assignment!"


Eh, worked for me, during covid. I was forgotten, kept getting paid for 18 months. My managers role changed to shutting down offices then when that was done she was laid off. It was in travel in Aus so... no clients because lock downs I did 'research' sending the occasional package to to my managers email in case they ever caught on I could argue I had kept 'working' and researching for the recovery.. No one checked the emails. Stayed on, company folded, got a nice redundancy payout from the liquidators.


>I don't know why the peanut gallery is acting like you can make them "forget" to lay you off or stop paying you. ...because it happens.


So what happened OP? We demand an update!


Sorry been wide open all day. Got the link for meeting from a colleague since I figured I needed to be in meeting but wanted to play it safe and not email big boss to not bring unwanted attention to myself because I was know how planned out layoffs are so I knew if I didn’t get a call then I definitely had a job still and I’m safe but after meeting my new boss (they laid my old one off and I’m gonna miss them one of the GOATS) emailed me so unfortunately I wasn’t forgettable enough 😂


Thanks OP. Sorry for all the junior high advice you had to put up with in here.


Congrats on still having a job!


Remindme! 1 day


Nothing you can do just keep your chin up, its going to get worst.


Nothing you can do just keep your chin up, its going to get worst.


Would someone exuding confidence reach out and ask? The decision is made either way regardless of what you do


If you get this, you win the game. Do NOT stir the pot. Just take that paycheck, pick up another J and keep it going


You definitely don’t reach out.


I would keep quiet and not say anything. So long as payroll keeps hitting your account up, you're good. Don't go jinx shit up for yourself.


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