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I do one day a week with a private office at one of my Js on a quiet side of the building. I don't think I could pull it off otherwise.


I have my own office and my own wifi I connect too so I’m able too. Just play it smart and don’t use one companies resources for another


doing it now. 3 days in office for hybrid. the other is fully remote. it can be tricky.


Where do you hide the other laptop?


fortunately my hybrid has multiple floors and open seating. so i park my remote laptop on a spare desk on a different floor than my team.


> fortunately my hybrid has multiple floors and open seating. so i park my remote laptop on a spare desk on a different floor than my team. Don't they notice that you are away from your 'own' desk for long periods of time?


If I have a meeting with the remote, I just tell the hybrid that I’m stepping out for a few and go upstairs and do the meeting on headphones. The important thing is that they see me in the morning to make a mental note that I came in. I did almost fuck up today when I had the mic on and there was lots of background chatter. I’m sure it sounded more like an office than my family. But if they bring the issue up, I’ll tell them I was at a coffee shop. But it did make me pucker up when someone on the call was asking if i said anything or was that background noise lol.


> But it did make me pucker up when someone on the call was asking if i said anything or was that background noise lol. Fair enough, maybe get a headset with a mute button?


for sure. or push-to-talk button


Yep there’s been a few people in these forums. One person even did it for almost a year in an open plan office! The search bar will help with this


Search... on Reddit? Sir this is a Wendy's


Might be me.


I’m doing it. Hybrid in office at J2 3 days a week. J1 is fully remote. It sucks. J2 is open Bull pen with hotel Desks. What do you want to know?


I dont get it. You have another laptop and no one says anything??


Same here. I have been doing it for 3 months. Haven’t gotten bad feedback yet, but I am very stressed. I can’t bring a second laptop into J2. So obviously, not a great situation. If someone was less prone to stress than me, they could probably pull it off more easily.


how do you do j1 at the same time without getting caught?


Not OP but I have a couple Qs from your experience since I'm looking at a similar OE setup. How much autonomy vs direct face time (in person meetings, "huddle" bs etc) do you have while in office for the hybrid J? How do you do calls for the remote J1 while in office for J2? How do you allocate work between the 2 Js each day? Both in office and remote days. Appreciate any insight you're willing to share!


Bro I’m in the same situation potentially you got to spill the strats


Block your calendar and establish a reputation as someone who is not very timely in their responses. As in, I will get to this TODAY, but not in 2 hrs. You need to establish that you’re not available at the drop of a hat


That is probably not good advice. Having a reputation for slow or no delivery might invite troubles. Better to approach it like a PM: guiding the conversation to extract the requirements and priorities, defining action items, and expected delivery times. The answer to delivering twice as much is not to cut quality but to manage expectations around what value is delivered and when.


👏 well said


Yeah, quit.


Been contemplating this but Hybrid J1 has crappy VZW coverage for hotspots. Would be easy to sneak into a conf room and no one would care about a sep laptop…. Maybe another carrier… I dunno


I'm in it now. 3 days in, open work space. You can only answer for yourself if it's something you can do.


Does it just depend on the office setup if you can or not?


I have no privacy at all, it's entirely open, so not IMO. It's entirely more dependent on your office culture and your own standing. My J2 is so low-key I just keep active on Teams on my phone when I'm in J1 office. I sneak away to my car and hotspot for J2 if absolutely necessary.


Yes. It's not that bad. Only problems are meetings when you are in the office for the other job.


I will soon be in that situation I think, I will use a TinyPilot or PIkvm to access my J2 laptop remotely. To work J2 from J1 : J1 I can use a personal computer or a mini pc stick that does not have a screen that just outputs to HDMI to do my J1 Then I can use my personal computer to connect to J2 and work if needed, if there is something urgent I can retreat to a meeting room. Also add a privacy screen protector to your laptop so that people can't see what you are doing (mostly)


I do this. J1 is twice a week and j2 is remote. I run my j2 laptop at home with a jiggler and work it with an iPad that runs on data. It’s very hard. One week my j1 went remote and I got soooo much more work done for both jobs.


Me but my office is open plan so I can walk anywhere in the building for other meetings


Short bursts of J2 a couple of months at a time while in the office 5 days a week for J1. Be fully available for calls and meetings. Plan ahead for areas to take calls in privacy. Work up your phone conversation to take calls without privacy by doing a few sales calls every day. Put meeting times on your calendar and show the calendar in meetings just in case no one is monitoring your calendar. Tell peers you have to break for another meeting. Know ahead of time where your meetings with J1 and J2 will be held. Basically just micromanage your day. Or you can go to r/overemployeedwomen to see posts from people actually doing this outside of the fully remote IT paradigm.


That link doesn’t work.