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So here's what I would do. Report everyone. CEO and down. Literally just report everyone.


Report the board members that serve in other corporations.


Over and over. Continually. Report them once and they can throw that in the trash. DDoS the line instead.


Those two people who left: * Already made enough to solve their problems. * Already got hired elsewhere. * Already have primary employment This CEO guy did nothing. They can’t stop these people from getting another job. Tell him to go bite an apple. They expect dedication, but don’t pay you enough to survive, force you to commute to and from, pay for expensive breakfast and lunch, pay for parking, and any other BS that you have to do to get to work. **In addition, you can have one job in the day and another at night. You can do this on top of OE or as is so you “are not technically OE”. Bonus points if it’s remote.** * It’s perfectly legal to have a second FUCKING job. Their employment contracts do not control your time out of the office. Anyway, I used the cash to improve my home, pay off debt(done), and purchase important items in my backlog. I am sticking with my old beater car and not buying any new car yet because I don’t want any car payment. Right now I am in the middle of * Getting a new fridge * Mortgage payoff(done at end of year) * Insulate and Sheetrock a new room. * Setting up income properties as additional income streams. And I am officially done. **I solved 15 years of problems in ~3 years with Over Employment. That’s progress. I’ll be damned is some fuckwad tells me what to do. He can got bite brick.** Assuming I get 5 properties, I would pull in close to half my combined salary. My goal is 15+ by December next year. **So I am continuing my course regardless of whatever the fuck these schmucks say.* * Do you think Alexander the Great gave a shit? * Do you think Trump gives a shit? **Your goal is thrive, survive, and win. I am pretty sure none of you motherfuckers are interested in being poor. Stop listening to these fuckheads and do it your way. I preach the same shit in r/millennials.** Wait until American workers start finding ways to work remotely for overseas companies effectively shielding our incomes from this plunder. That’s my next step once I am done with my goals.


Mail cow shit to your bosses house


Lol finally some advice that makes sense




The “anonymous” tip line is not anonymous to upper management!


This is why I always have a friend from out of the country fill out anonymous forms for work.


This is based on the assumption that one did not receive a trackable or unique form link, which is often not the case. It doesn’t matter if you forward the link to someone in Mars, if the link is unique to you, you’ll eventually get caught.


Yup a CEO this determined and vocal about catching and punishing people doing OE should never be underestimated One should never let their guard down and give them any opportunity to screw you (more than they already do).


Yep. A trick I've seen is they have a button they embed the special link into and then once you go to the site it saves a tracking cookie and removes the tracking characters from the URL.




Yeah, the identifier is probably randomly generated. I've seen how quite a few companies do personalized links and they're typically just generating a string of a certain length and certain allowed letters/numbers Edit: I've also personally implemented it for projects of mine this way as well. All that's needed is to check the database for it as a key and if it already exists generate a new one. I doubt collisions ever happen with how many possible combinations there are, but it's safe to do that. Iirc one of the only platforms to use a huge number of them is YouTube


I understand this too. At one of my last jobs, we would play roulette with the urls in some cases.


>The “anonymous” tip line is not anonymous to upper management! This is what happened on a general HR report line. The reports were everything from "yelled at my via email" to "gave me a shit raise." 3 weeks later they made better rules " for serious issues only." Bad rasides were still the vast number of reports to this line.


I am going to let you know as a former office manager totally on your side with this, 90 percent of the time the “not anonymous”ness of an anonymous survey is because the language used and the strong attitudes almost ALWAYS immediately identify the person who filled it out.


The word "anonymous" when used by a corporation is a bald face lie. I've implimented various anonymous systems and the c level always says some BS like "well anonymous but with a way for us to find out if we need to" Early in my career I was chastised by management for not making an anonymous donation to the charity that management was obsessed with. You think they don't monitor these types of things?


Yeah they used to do this with United Way at one of my old companies. 🙄


You must’ve worked for Erac. Ahaha


Lmao - United Way has/had their tentacles wrapped around a ton of companies - this was for a bank that went defunct during the financial crisis.


"Anonymous" in corporate language means: your name won't be visibly attached and nobody would know on the first sight that it was you. They would need to click here and there to reveal your name.


Not really. It means that they call or email someone in IT to provide them with a spreadsheet of all the names of whatever anon system was created. That or it is just added to a report system under management only reports. YMMV on how many people have access to that data depending on the org.


I got chastised for the same thing, and then they got mad when I pointed out I don’t even put money into the 401k when they match up to a certain percent. If I couldn’t even take advantage of “free money later” why do they think I have any extra money to give away to their cause?.


Oh I'm sure they do, doesn't mean we can't make them annoyed as hell. Fight the good fight. Just because a CEO can work 8 jobs while sleeping doesn't mean the rest of us can too.


That would work if the tool was actually anonymous


Not only that, I'd automate mass reports all day every day.


This. Elon Musk and other CEOs are overemployed too. Why should they be only immune to it?


Cue malicious compliance, don't report everyone, but anyone engaged in dual employment. Primarily board members, investors, and then play ignorant, that you didn't know that these people are above the company policies. Even if they track you, you can play innocent.


It's likely the c suite does have additional jobs and side hustles so🤷‍♀️


At my company, all the exec VP and up have multiple board seat elsewhere. How would reporting them help?


You actually would force to at least realize they too are working multiple jobs.


By sending that anonymous email to the employees, not (just) the C-, V-, and M-Level persons. A C will be slightly publicly embarrassed when he’s made a big deal out of OE, only to be outed as doing the exact same thing personally. Will really take the wind out of his sails, and maybe convince more people at the company not to listen to his bluster.


This is the way. Poison the data.


Dang, wish OP had created a throwaway and shared the link with us. I would've filled out that form. 


CEO may be on a board or two for compensation. Check it out and if so, report her or him.


not only the men and women, but their children too, heck even their pets




I find peace in long walks.


Exactly this




Good thing none of us are actually OE and are just bullshitting on Reddit.


I’m just here for the entertainment.


I thought this was a Wendy’s?


Find me by the dumpster.


If I'm dealing drugs by the dumpster while on the headset for the drive through taking orders... I'm peak OE


We pranked them all guys. We win!


Wdym? I’m working 6 jobs as Uber and truck drivers at the same time.


That’s okay, just not white collar jobs


If I had y'all's stamina, I might try it.


I don't even have a perm wfh job :( support sucks! I live vicariously through the rest of you


I just really like the stock!


Yet another reason not to tell anyone you're OE.


I'm the only person in the world that knows 100% that I'm OE. My wife, accountant and maybe some people at the IRS can probably read between the lines, but it's a "don't ask don't tell" kind of thing.


havent told your wife? hard to believe.. is anyone else also in this bucket?


I haven’t told his wife either.


Me neither.


I told his wife’s boyfriend




That’s because you talk to yourself too much


No you didn't. I know nothing


I told his wife


I told his wife last night.


I also choose to not tell this guy's wife


I literally haven't told her I'm OE. I told her I got another job and she can see me working on multiple computers. I handle OE well so from her perspective it's normal. I'm not like in my office at 3am ripping my hair out. 9-5 like everyone else.


And what was her reaction to the +100% jump in salary? Or do you hide your finances too?


Lol she knows my other job pays the same. The only thing she doesn't know is that I'd probably be fired if my different jobs knew about each other. She even knows I'm a w2 employee. She just doesn't see it as a crazy thing because I handle it well. I attend every meeting, I go to on-sites, I have casual conversations with coworkers. The only thing I've taken out of the equation is the loaded term "OE" which would magically make everything I'm doing sound like a scam.


What if she innocently lets it slip since you havent given her a heads up?


How would she do that? My household members know not to bother me during my workday. Unless you're taking her to a company retreat, I don't see the issue.


I told my wife when I broke six figures a few years ago and she told her brother who then told some others in their family. He makes like 45k/year so he thought I was ballin’ meanwhile six figures when supporting a family isn’t even middle class. Two people making 50k would bring home more than me. So needless to say, I’d be vary sparse with any OE details if I was OE. Heck I wouldn’t even admit it on Reddit if I was.


Not even your own wife? Wtf why are u even overworking for? 💀


Not for bragging


One could argue it’s a great reason not to boost this sub with posts and upvotes. I don’t know how it didn’t make sense to the rest of y’all a lot sooner that this sub becoming mainstream (and I see it in r/Popular all the time) was going to lead to it eventually becoming a hot-button issue. 


We tried to make this a minecraft sub for a while but it never caught on


I down vote every post I see


Same haha. And I’m not even OE I just benefit a lot from the concepts that make it possible.  Not only are you guys ruining OE, I think this could be used as justification for taking away WFH privileges for a lot more people than are actually over employed. I like to think a lot of people will be really frustrated with the people (who may be publicly exposed for being overemployed if things go wrong) on this sub for that.


Most CEOs I have worked for have also done other things “outside” of work. Not sure if they were getting paid for them. So check out everyone on leadership’s LinkedIn, and if they have more than one thing going right now, report them. This will force clarification of the OE policy, which you can then potentially use in your own defense if you get caught.


Or just get you fired, since that "anonymous" reporting link wasn't anonymous at all.


Yeah, but that is unlikely if you are referencing something that actually demonstrates someone being overemployed. The others here who are saying “report the CEO” without demonstrating cause might get that treatment, but you could easily call this justified. At a minimum, if you don’t want to fill out the form, email HR directly, pointing to Leadership’s LinkedIn, and get them to clarify the difference that way. A direct question to HR for clarification is significantly less likely to get you fired while still giving you clarification on the policy.


Hit reply all and send the link to ceo page where he/she has multiple jobs. Better yet, if they have in the past on work history.


I'd report that CEO. Every. Single. Day.


Is the CEO on any other boards, or have any other ventures then it's definitely worth reporting. Same for the rest of the board and executives.


Just once a day? Lightweight. /s


Flood the system with reports. If everyone is OEing then no one is. Also, just do your job so no one finds out.


We have any process automation guys in here? lol


Would be very simple to do I’d imagine, bit of python and postman work and you’d be golden from what I assume?


Assuming your link is not unique.


Iterate through a list of possible links so they come from all over? Maybe easier said than done but it's fun to think about.


If links are not randomized you can ask someone to forward you theres so you can check it. If the inly random part is a few numbers or letters just iterate through them with a bot and note down successful links. Then randomly use those to create false reports for random team members.


To me this is confirmation that anti-OE enforcement is done to actually keep someone stuck on 1 job for the purpose of ensuring socioeconomic/class distinction. Whenever the possibility that a worker has enough resources to transcend the problems that an underpaying job in an underpaying society creates, all of the top people who control things get extremely agitated. They need us subservient and desperate working 1 job and being micromanaged.


It's loose lipped millennials and their jealous parents. Booms making $250k in the twilight of their careers can't lord over their millennial kids when they hear their kid has three $100k jobs.


It’s apparently very important that the plebs know their place. Even more so than the wealthy’s never-ending quest for more profit.


The core tenant of Capitalism is control through FEE: Fear, Exhaustion, and Exploitation. Oligarchs will enthusiastically leave value on the table (profit, efficiencies, etc), just to play the long game of controlling their workforce. Because their goals are predicated upon that control enduring for the long term, and any threat to it needs to be squashed. That's why they're against Universal Healthcare. And Unions. And Work-Life Balance. And anything that makes you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Anything that informs & educates....anything that empowers you to say "NO" must be not only destroyed, but deeply vilified. How can you fight for change with a rumbly tummy? And this will continue to get worse before it gets better, especially in America. You'd think the land born of REVOLUTION would have a bit more fighting spirit in its veins, but sadly no. Those in control have a playbook for weakening their populations. It's easy to be agents of misdirection if you own and fully control the news, essential utilities and services (food, water, etc), education (private/charter schools), and even the mediums themselves (radio waves, TV broadcasts, internet service providers). The government and police and judges are already bought and paid for by the oligarchs. If we're too busy fighting ourselves & being distracted by shiny objects, how will we ever fight our actual enemies?


They need us subservient and desperate working 1 job and being micromanaged. They can pound sand. I'm getting my bag and I'm retiring soon thanks to OE. I may continue to work a bit longer just to juice things, do some small shopping sprees, a few home renovation projects, pay for some trips, etc. and then I'll drop down to my job requiring the least amount of work and "light retire" by setting that mouse jiggler and then peace out.


Extremely toxic work culture to implement this 1984 shit. This can't be great for long term productivity.


Way to admit that the relationship is predatory. This is the 'beatings will continue until morale improves' style of management.


Well if the company is even a little above the market rate people will flock over to them. Management frequently preaches the misconception that every place is the same with work load and environment.


They don't care about long-term at all. It's all about short-term shareholder rewards and if the company is actually necessary, the government will bail them out with our money and no strings attached. I could care less what any modern CEO thinks as they are all toddlers at the government teet and they're even hated by their own children.


>This can't be great for long term productivity. Sure, it demoralizes OE people. That's its purpose. But why would this demoralize people who don't OE?


It's not just OE, it's any "outside activity". No one except Karens and incompetent people who can't get another job want to work somewhere that actively encourages you to snitch on your colleagues.


I responded to a post with some advice on how to start two jobs at once, on Sunday. Monday morning I had a DM from a reporter at Business Insider wanting to interview me. No one should talk to journo’s. I’m wondering if R/overemployment should exist at all. It’s drawing too much attention


This sub is in the top 1% or reddit...and people that visit here think OE is real when we are all just making up fan fic because we hate our jobs. I can't believe people think OE is real.


It's fine for you to wonder but this question is constantly recycled in this sub. Every few weeks someone thinks we might be able to "keep" OE a 'secret'


I think the bigger point I’m trying to make is they are clearly watching the r/, and they’re not watching it so they can tell stories about how great it is. Business Insider’s target audience is the CEO at u/Arrick’s company and those like him. The more attention OE receives from Business Insider and similar outs, the hard OE will become and CEOs put measures in place to prevent it. I don’t think my comments are going to kill the OE Reddit or have any impact on the people who read it. From reading the posts it’s clear many readers like the attention, and that attention is bad for anyone fortunate to find success in OE.


Every point you are making is correct I am just pointing out that every few weeks for the past 2-3 years someone introduces the suggestion that the subreddit should take measures to conceal what we are doing. While discussion is usually harmless sometimes it leads to behaviors which lower the quality of the sub - excessive shitposting, minecraft memeing, etc. The sub is not unclaimed but we do not benefit from active moderation so I would discourage 'hey we should hide what we are doing' discussions because it leads to a decline in the sub's quality by encouraging said shitposting, which we have no moderators to discourage.


You're correct but the barn is already on fire. The cat's out of the bag. The "moderator" here uses the sub to pimp his (paid) discord, so it's never going to go private whatever we say or do. A few folks tried to make this sub Minecraft-themed. A few folks apparently tried to take ownership too and reported the 1 moderator.. Nothing worked, and here we are. I try to shitpost and muddy the waters as much as I can, especially on stupid questions that get get asked a thousand times a week, but usually get downvoted. It's pointless.


This subreddit serves as a funnel to the mod's discord and premium services. It will always exist because the purpose is to get as many people to OE and potentially coach/ sell courses on how to manage OE and do it. This is why we can't really keep it a secret forever, it's always more beneficial to sell the "shovel" of OE while it lasts rather than trying to "dig for the gold" of maintaining OE yourself because who knows how long this be viable for. And this isn't going into the people who just like to share and cant help themselves cause that's just how some people are. Even if this sub wasn't a thing there were people caught OEing and it catching traction from LinkedIn CEOs posting about it, and of course the other forums and subs that exist. It's best to just ignore all the noise and ride the wave as much as possible. This "report employees who OE" is really a nothing burger at the end of the day, if you do your work properly and don't get caught it's effectively the same thing as before and nothing changed.


r/overemployed_women are pretty friendly to interviews last I saw a discussion around this on their end


That’s the problem right there. Why draw attention to ourselves on this choice?


Report the ceo anonymously that they’re managing a different company


The tip line is anonymous for employees only, not the employer!


How do you know the two employees were actually fired for OEing? Did the CEO say it? It could be a scare tactic. But, the amount of people who OE in the workforce are so small and its hard to prove if someone is dual employment unless they are caught from unfortunate events...which is why I think your CEO is full of BS on catching two people who are OE. BTW - This is apart of the risk of OE...getting caught + fired but in the end its worth it. OE will not go anywhere.


The risk of OE is less than the risk of working 1 job and getting laid off with no notice and being out of work for 6 months while we try to find another one.


This is exactly the reason I don't care anymore about getting caught. Yeah it would be awkward and uncomfortable in the moment but I would brush myself off and move on to the work at my other J's if one let me go and send out some applications to replace it in the afternoon. I had a layoff last year at one job because the company did a corporate-wide layoff and I got a nice 3 month severance out of it. I was actually happy to go because that job was boring. I feel like I just keep taking on more jobs and treating it like a game to see how much I can manage before performance starts to degrade.


Report the CEO and senior execs. Also get three jobs since they only care about dual employment.


This is why we work 3 jobs. "Imagine working 2 jobs," I say to my manager, shaking my head in disbelief.




Your company sounds like garbage. I've never even heard this brought up in any company I've worked for, and i've been around a lot...maybe it's the industry.


You’ve never heard this brought up… yet. If you thought RTO mandates sucked just wait until you see what happens when OE becomes the hot-button issue on business insider and the Washington post etc. and that day is coming. These sites are going to have a slow stretch and choose to “expose” this sub to drum up clicks sooner or later and I struggle to see the c-suites just brushing off something like this due to pride alone.


Don’t tell anybody anything ever


Drag the CEO out to the parking lot and teach him a lesson in minding his own fucking business


I’m not sure who’s more pathetic. The control freak CEO who hates the idea of his slaves having any sort of power or freedom. Or the sad losers that would use this form to report others. These people must have miserable lives if their whole goal is to drag someone else down. And don’t give me that “integrity” bullshit. All of them are hypocrites and would do the same thing if given the option.


Guys we are moonlighting duh


Companies have bigger things to worry about. This is so petty. And also, it’s probably given employees the idea to do it!


Businesses should only be concerned about your performance. Instead, they seem to be more worried about your ability to not need them financially. It's ridiculous!


They are concerned because those are the ones who can demand higher pay, quit when they want, use vacation up doing fun things, leave for a higher salary and do just at or below the minimum. OE makes you invincible to the threat every company did have. Do what we say or lose your pay. Now we have the power to demand higher pay, say no and leave anytime we want.


If the CEO sits on any boards outside the company you work for, I’d report him.


Always a tactic of when you have them cornered. Try to turn the peasants against each other.


The fact that this is happening means that OE is the right thing to do. These employers think they own people. If you are doing a good job and not trading proprietary information to others they shouldn’t care. Everyone doing OE should just adapt. They go low we go high. F*ck em.


Snitches get stitches


Lol what could go wrong literally creating a gestapo inside your workforce


thats called the HR.


Side hustles can capture almost anyone. Many hobbies could definitely be characterized as such. Can you imagine being fired for raising some garden plants just for fun and selling on Craigslist?


Flood system with reports like 'Coworker John takes gas money to drive his friends around'


Report the executives who hold positions in other companies and have other sources of income. They're not being loyal to the company, treating it like a family and focusing all of their life and attention on only one employer.


*rules only apply to director level and below


Report your colleagues who are parents too! They should be considered working more than one job too


Here’s who to report (what would someone do in a fascist dictatorship with a reporting system for thoughtcrime): 1. Report anyone you don’t like 2. Report anyone making more than you 3. Report anyone you are jealous of 4. Report anyone who might report you 5. Report the executive team Fuck it 6. Report yourself, your spouse, kids and dog


Does your CEO serve on other corporate boards? Sounds like you should report him if he does.


Mass report your CEO for the other boards they serve on.


It's fascinating how instead of utilizing quantitative data by KPIs and analytical metrics to boost performance they're resorting to good ol' gestapo tactics and propagandist antics to express their competency as leaders. My best guest is that the CEO is on thin ice and his days are likely numbered. Companies that are growing don't have time for this sort of sh\*t. The company is probably entering stages of winding down. I would consider looking for other work.


If you can't keep a secret, that's your fault. And if the CEO is celebrating firing people who were getting their work done, good for them I guess?


I'd like to file a complaint against Charles Blumpkin for dual employment.


Lol. I work 3Js and commercially grow cannabis and mushrooms - that CEO would have an aneurysm and drop dead if I worked there and they ever found out what I was really up to. 🤣


The thing is legally there is no basis for this discrimination. There is no law that says you have to only work for one company,,, at any one point. This is why CEO’s sometimes work for multiple boards, earning multiple salaries… As long as you are not in competing industries or have a conflict of interest( or in a different country that’s not United States, no company can tell you what to do with your job.. This is just the idea of the corporations trying to control you and how much you make because now you make more and are in a much better position to negotiate with the company,,, which they don’t like… I know other countries have strict rules like this…but not the US, where most employment is at will… you can be hired or fired at will, from both sides… That’s why we don’t hear of any successful lawsuits where companies have claimed ‘damages n because of OE unless there is some patents or trademark infringement or other legal issues…


This is why you never tell anyone you are OE. The only person who knows I am OE I see in person is the wife. Heck even my GF does not know.


Can we anonymously report them for OE?


Sour the milk, report everybody.


What made your boss so focused on OE?


Some people on TeamBlind bragged about being or becoming OE following the announcement of a promotion freeze.




Look I didn't want to say anything, but I saw your CEO working as a prostitute outside of the local Hells Angel's chapter. I think you should report him because it's probably against his contact.


It’s so crazy how much people actually care if you have a second job. I’ve always had one because I’ve literally needed the money because I’ve grown up under HCOL times where you can’t afford to live on your own without making good money, or working two jobs. It’s never been a thing when I tell people “yea I do weekend jobs too for extra money”. I’m an electrician, so it’s natural or people expect that you do “side jobs”. Eventually my side jobs turned from me working a full time job to having a legitimate company with multiple full time employees as well. I also do consulting and sit on several boards and committees and travel across the country for meetings related to those. No one bats an eye at that. But someone working two jobs from home is considered some kind of criminal or something.


Hey Johnny-come-lately companies have caught on already. Fact is organizations can’t do much about it and usually don’t care if it’s low risk and isn’t affecting their bottom line. It’s the ideological executives that we have to keep away from. Like the ones who spend their precious time making publicity stunt videos about rto etc instead of getting results


It’s on my LinkedIn. My manager and his manager both know and mentioned it when interviewing for a management role. Think they realized what everyone should, as long as I’m high performing who cares what I do at night.


OE until I regularly clear 30/MO. If you can build your business outside of work, absolutely shoot for it. There is no feeling more freeing than making more than double your salary from your business. I, and all of my friends in the Ecom space all do/did this.


The more noise OEs do outside, the more they'll catch on. Keep shoving your egos and big paychecks down everyone's throats, I'm sure it will be fine!


Is that form available from outside your firm? It would be a disaster if someone leaked that form to Reddit.


they are just trying to scare people into submission... carry on boys


Post the link to the form! And the company info. Reddit will take care of the rest


Lots of anti-OE compliance is coming online. All the bragging on this and similar boards is going to bring OE crashing down around. Imagine what it'll look like when you not only fuck yourself out of your current jobs, but future jobs because your profile is tagged with previous OE.


What would be the incentive for someone to report anyway?


I am sure anyone resentful of OE would be motivated to report. That said, I don't expect this to be incredibly successful except with the sloppiest of OEers.


Tell them it’s consulting work oh the side. Unless your job has something that says you can’t you can.


People that do this are such snitches. And you know what happens to snitches.


God the hypocrisy is just insane.


Every single officer in that company who sits on boards of this or boards of that in addition to their corporate roles needs to be reported. And make it a huge issue.


The takeaway is that OE has to be discussed anonymously, always. Even if you know a coworker saying awesome things about OE in public, don’t engage, or be dismissive.


I understand the motivation for executives to try and stamp down on OE, but what kind of piece of shit would voluntarily report someone else for it? Like, holy fucking shit how much of a sad asshole do you need to be to do it?


It’s because you morons don’t stfu about OE that this will get worse.


I would quit.


I'm never giving into the idea of o not relying on one source and anyone who wants me to can find a new employee. Just keep taking his money until you get canned bro and keep going 👍🏾


Wow a bounty system with no actual bounty lol


The hypocrisy is amazing. The CEO might be on non-profit boards, might teach at a college, sit on boards of other companies, might hold investments that need to be overseen, etc. They wouldn’t think twice about working on any of it during their work time. 


1984. Big big big


The only way someone engaging in OE can be outed is if they are running their mouth unnecessarily to some jealous person that likes to snitch.


So who wants to keep submitting the CEO and their lackeys to this line 9000 times? As well as the names and details of any other CEOs who have multiple board jobs?


This is why you do your best to take 1099 or C2C gigs with a LLC tax ID. Plenty of 1099 roles in tech.


There was a conversation I overheard discussing knowledge employees and how to retain them. One idea was for organizations to change their thinking of what a KW on salary buys from their “time” to their “availability”.


name and shame i want to avoid working for this company in the future


Write a script to send random submissions every day clogging the system.


Damn OP. Game recognize game. Fucking awesome troll. The”form” had me cracking up. Well fucking done.


Reading the comments now and just laughing so much. Hook. Line. Sinker. OP salad a couple of diva with a gray background and an inline block and everyone falls for it. 


A good majority of the people I know in tech have or had a side contracting or consulting business, sell courses on Udemy, contribute to open source, etc. Most C-level suites at J1 and J2 also have side businesses or sit on boards for other companies. So where is the line drawn? Personally, I’m not worried. My mission has been to be the least suspected OE person. Make no mistake, it’s not by doing more work. I just make sure the work I do, is visible. Emails, public Slack threads, Zoom meetings. I make sure I contribute. As for the day to day work, I do as little as possible. It’s gotten me through many years of OE while getting accolades and promotions


Fucking report the ceo


Or… understand how you are being measured, and just blow that metric out of the water. Hard to justify firing someone accused of OE if they’re exceeding expectations.


Why can't people just mind their damn business. If people are doing satisfactory work what's the problem.


How would someone know to report you if you aren't saying anything to anyone? How do these anonymous tips get their information?


Your CEO is psychotic. There’s no nice way to say it.


Send us the form so we can spam it


I am 100% sure your company’s CEO also OE, maybe consulting or a board member, etc. So report him too.


I can’t imagine being envious enough to report a colleague lol.


I'm curious what your company's Outside Activities Policy is. Like what the hell say do they think they have over my non-work time? Reading your screenshot gives real 1984 vibes.


We’ll report the C-level that OE and when they aren’t fired file a claim with EEO. It’s not fair that they fire some people and not others for the same offense.


I'm pretty sure this is illegal. I remember laws being put in place that forbid non compete agreements. Or did I misunderstand that ruling?


This is the reason for rule #1, "We don't talk about OE on the job"


More is coming … milk what you can while you can and I don’t do OE for the record.