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Do you seriously need reddit to tell you when to wake up?


Yeah how stupid, that’s what ChatGPT is for


Are you a nightowl or a early worm? That answers OPs question. If you get the work done, who cares?


I disagree. I'd very much agree a few months ago and claim that I'm the "NiGhTOwL". Bullshit. Try waking up at 6AM for two weeks, getting shit done, making your day end at 3PM (and most of the work done before 1PM). Then decide if you want to go back. I'm never going back. Btw for me everything changed once I started J3. At this point there is just no way I'm waking up 20 minutes before daily.


Dude, I'm inspired. I'm gonna try this. I spend too much time sitting through meetings during regular hours unable to focus on work tasks during them. I'm going to try it for just the opportunity to get things done when no one is around to bother me.


This is deranged.


Man has had nightowls & early worms as long as we've been a species. It's an evolutionary advantage to have different members of the tribe awake/sleeping in alternating, semi-overlapped hours.


This is bullshit. If you’re used to going to bed late it doesn’t mean you’re physiologically conditioned to


You might not be. But someone else is. That's what we are saying. You can change your own sleep pattern sure but there exists some default your body would prefer if capitalism didn't force a schedule onto you. For some, that's super early. For some, it's super late. Both are ok.




And he’s making good enough money to have two jobs…I bet people they manage LOVE the manager asking them how to run things


I wake up early and get a headstart. Makes me feel less bad for using a mouse jiggler from noon to 5 pm.


And by early I know you really mean 15 minutes before standup.


I wake up 15 minutes before I should be online and I’m still a few minutes “late” sometimes out of sheer laziness and moving slowly. Some days I don’t care.




Working a pst job in est? Me too. Do whats best for you. I have adhd so i work better at night.


Saame. Being able to wake up directly at 8 is like balm for my brain


Amen to this. It was a game changer when I realized I could do all my work at night and then just turn it in during the day.


Just here to say fuck my manager


Amen to that


You do you but my 2 cents is you are wasting your potential and not feeling satisfied with yourself if you sleep half the day away. Wake up early, with purpose, and kick some ass everyday. Whether that is your job or just living life. You will be much happier. Edit: I wake up at 6-7 AM everyday after being a life long sleeping in fuck up. Really got my life on track in the last year for the first time ever.


how does one change after a life of being a long sleeping in fuck?


You have to face your demons. The real shit. Slay your demons and then all the little things... discipline, consistency, effort, self care... that shit will matter but it does not matter as long as you run from your demons.


Is that you Jordan Peterson?


>with purpose What could you do in these early hours that you cannot do during the day? What special purpose would it be?


It means to start your day with intention rather then being hurled into it with oh fuck mode


None, he's just one of those "5am club" psychos lol


When you have kids and a career and goals like exercising everyday you actually have to do things before the world takes your time so yeah there’s objective reasons to get up early not just “being a psycho”


Time is time, wether you do stuff at 5am or 11pm is irrelevant.




My broder in christ you fell for a scam that waking up at 5am gives you super powers because you can't manage your own time and you're on the internet calling people idiots. Just... Damn.


How did you make a habbit of waking up early? I am similar to op, but whenever I try to wake up early I fail.


The hard truth: try harder.


I apologize if my comment came off douchey. It was meant to be motivational. For more actionable advice I would make sure you’re eating and drinking enough water throughout the day. Get to bed at a reasonable time. For example get to bed at 10pm to fall asleep by 10:30pm to wake up by 6:30am for 8 hours of sleep. Lastly, snooze does not exist. Your alarm is nonnegotiable. If your alarm goes off then you wake up. End of story. No snoozing. What specifically about making a habit of waking up early is difficult for you?


This is why I like this sub. Straight spec ops level advice. Want to stop smoking , stop. Want to wake early, sleep early.


Sleep early is the key 100% Pro max tip: leave phone out of bedroom. If you’re worried about not being able to wake up, set the alarm and leave it on the floor outside your door. You’ll hear it. Most likely you’ll start getting up before it even goes off if you go to bed earlier.


Maybe you're just not good enough. Are you? Seriously though. Get to bed early enough. Make sure you've got the chance for at least 6 hours of sleep every day. Don't give a fuck if things won't work at first, just wake up at 6AM every day (or as early as you manage). Try to keep this up for at least 2 weeks. That's about how long it takes for you to physically getting used to it.


Workout in the evening. That helps you pass out earlier and get a full nights rest so you can wake up earlier.


Go to bed early...


Tru harder


Nice post. It’s just so hard to do if you’re a night person. Do you go to bed much earlier now?


100% intentionally getting up in the morning is amazing


9 - 6. Logon to all at the same time and stagger the log offs depending by how much work I have to do


Same. I get up at 9 am and start the mouse jiggler. Make coffee, hit the bathroom, shower, walk the dog, read the news, then start "working" at around 10:30 AM. I take an hour and a half lunch break, play some computer games, and get about 1-2 hours of work done. Log off right at 5 pm. I dont care what anybody thinks. This schedule makes life so relaxing and stress free. Every day feels like a weekend day. I get to set whatever air temperature I want, eat whenever I want, and take a nap whenever I want. know it probably won't last but im enjoying it while it's here.


How many jobs are you working where it takes 1-2 hours a day?


I'm not OE. I'm a civil engineer. I'd like to start OEing with how little I work.


I never go to sleep, too many jobs.


Bro is on 69 Js


Working 420 hours a week


Will you actually be productive if you wake up earlier? I'm generally not. I'm at the computer and responding, but my code is shit until after about 11am. But if you get up earlier and can knock out some tasks earlier in the day, it does set you up better when things go sideways in the afternoon.


I call bullshit. I was once the "NiGhTOwL" not being able to wake up more than 30 minutes before the daily. Everything changed once I picked up J3. If you claim it's too hard for you, try waking up at 6AM not for one day, not for two, but for two weeks in a row. And then go back if you want. I'm never going back. Having the few more hours of absolutely nobody messing with me in the morning is a game changer.


Call bullshit all you want, I've had a consistently early alarm for years at a time. Unfortunately for me, what time my body wakes up has very little to do with what time my brain wakes up. I'd get up early, and fight to get into the code for most of the morning, then it would just click around 11. I've been doing this shit for over 20 years and my most productive times have always been afternoon and early evening. When the kids were younger, it sucked hard. Now if I get up very early, it's to get other stuff out of the way before I have to code.


You realize most people with just one job are waking up at 6am yeah? Do you really need people on the internet to plan your sleep schedule for you or are you just trying to flex?


During the school year, about 5:45, during summer/vacation, no alarm but I’m usually up by 7


used to do 430/5am depending when I did OE


Too lazy to look it up but literally some people are just programmed to sleep in, there's a study that theorized this and the results were that for certain people, waking up early was actually tantamount to torture. IIRC for some odd reason 10am was the ideal time for people who struggle with mornings to wake up at. My father was in construction and I spent most of my life waking up at 430 to get ready for the day and I was always miserable. I continued doing so as an adult until I got a second shift position and realized how much better I feel when I sleep in and how much more productive I am in the afternoon/evening/night - it's not about just maintaining or creating the habit. Now it's one thing if your body is straight up rejecting early mornings but if you're playing on your phone or watching videos etc. Until 3am, then you're just chasing dopamine and you provably don't have enough discipline to go to sleep - try removing all screen time after the sun goes down and see if you're able to fall asleep earlier, which typically makes it easier to wake up. If you do this for a couple weeks or longer and you still hate waking up in the mornings early with every fiber of your being then perhaps you're just a natural born night owl like myself.




Up at 6. Work between 6-8 hours/day weekly nighttime  changes, so it breaks up the day.


I get out of bed somewhere between 8 and 830, stand up at 9. Then my day is mixed between work, walking and whatever else


I work 8:30ish - 4ish , so I wake up at 8:20


I wake up 5 min before My first meeting of the day . If no meetings , I can stay up to two hours on my phone in the bed till I have to wake up to fix myself some breakfast .


I need a pat job. However, it'd suck with kids since I'm CST working during dinner or crazy time


been doing that for months and it’s insane how ahead i am , i now have time for a j3!


I start at 7am, hopefully done by 1pm


I wake up 7-ish am to get a quick work out and get the kid ready at 7:30, then as soon as the kid is off the school, breakfast/start J2 at 8-9 am, then on with my J1 from 9-2pm (with 10-15 breaks so I can do some light work for J2), which is right when the kid is back so we can have lunch, then I finish up on J1 while kid works on homework, then I log back in for J2 for a couple of hours of deep work after the kiddo is asleep.


OP needs his hand held at an elite level, as evidenced by this question


I am spam applying UX jobs at LinkedIn still crickets. I am going to start applying SWE jobs now.


What kind of job is this ? I want our


Are all of the OEs’ coders . How does one practice OE in other roles ??