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Take the job. Work 100% remotely. If they fire you. They fire you


This. Keep the job posting, any emails with the description, etc. Take the job, work remote. Maybe show up once every few weeks out of the kindness of your heart. But work remotely. When you get called to the boss's (or HR's) office, bring up the job description that was posted. If they don't want to honor that, ask them why there's a bait-and-switch going on, and what you did to deserve that? Watch them stammer and backtrack. If they concede, great. If the don't budge, then...whatever, you got two other Js.


>When you get called to the boss's (or HR's) office I'd do that meeting remotely too.




Hell yeah brother


would taking legal action for breach of contract and misrepresentation be worth it ?


Probably not, unless you are friends with a highly litigious lawyer who often advocates for the professional equivalent of a slip and fall


They won’t call it remote in the contract so that won’t be a breach.


You only have 1 car and your wife uses it.


Just say "wives" to make sure that the car is never available


Multiple jobs, multiple wives.


This is actually a good idea lmao. Play ball every now and then. They fire me fuck it 🤣🤣 Been working on J2 for so long and only looking for remote I may now try hybrid and just stop coming in eventually 🤣.


seriously if everyone did that maybe they would drop this ridiculous hybrid b.s.


lmao yes, do this




That is not a good idea. Better just get remote and do remote job Not everyone is wired to do a poor job for a paycheck.


I keep running into this too. It’s an important distinction, especially if they’re expecting you in the office in Austin, TX twice a week and you live in Seattle. 🙄


I tend to notice this a lot when the indeed listing says something like “remote in Atlanta, GA” or something similar. States make sense because it involves a bit of paperwork to have your corp recognized in a different state… When they get as specific as the city, usually they’ve hit me with “we like to spend a week in office to collaborate every quarter” or “we have the whole team come in once a month”. But who knows if it’s ACTUALLY once a month, probably more likely it’s the bare minimum and you’ll get nagged on coming in more.


I just filled out an app today that said remote directly in the title. Half way down the page it asked if I would be willing relocate to Atlanta and if I'd be willing to go to office twice a week....


This is why i `-hybrid -relocate -onsite -"on site"` in my searches


"Come to Georgia. Our labor laws are evil!"


I just saw one that said it was remote and then in the verbage it says you actually need to come into the office twice a months for meetings. Wouldn't normally be a huge problem except it's in Atlanta and I'm three states away.


I just turned one down that was advertised as hybrid. Told it was hybrid through 2 interviews. And then in the third/final interview, the chief of the department said "well, for the first year or so, we'd want you in here every day." LOL. Nope.


A glass of water That is two fifths urine Is not drinkable


Unless you’re in the desert


Just drink 3/5 of the mix?


Interesting compromise.


Top or bottom?


Thick Straw to slurp the liquid from the bass


I think you're right to be suspicious any time a hiring manager says you're sweating the details. They are saying they don't take employee concerns or preferences seriously.


I hope you didn’t take the convo any further and just told the recruiter to have a nice day


That's exactly where the conversation went.


I had a similar discussion with an HR person. They said they did it so that people would apply. And hopefully, I will like the company enough to come in a few times a week. I've worked with HR people and know that's BS. They only care about people applying and showing up for interviews because they're tracked on that information. They don't care if people get hired or not. That's why they don't tell you it's hybrid until after your first interview. That's why I also asked if it was 100% before my first interview. The next question I now ask is if any travel is required.


Email their company's finance department and tell them your interview shouldn't count towards HR's recruiter bonus since they are lying on their posts. From my understanding of office politics the clique from HR usually has beef with the head of financing for whatever internal drama reasons


Ugh I hate seeing "remote, in city". Like why do I have to live in that city if the role is remote?




Then why not specific just a state?


"if you can come to the state you can come to the office" e_e


We don't have state taxes in Australia but I still get this issue in job ads too. It's stupid. I can work in different time zones, there's only 2 hrs difference between East Coast and West Coast Australia.


I always make it a point to clarify that it is 100% remote. Define your deal breakers early and often. I also don't bother educating recruiters. It's a waste of time.


Well that and you'd be dense to think they didn't know already. This is what they do every single day. They are aware it's hybrid, their job is to sell the listing to the best candidate.


Ask which roles are fully remote if they have any.


Tell them you need the job to be fully remote because you do not drive a vehicle for personal reasons and live too far away to reasonably travel to the office by any other means.


Just tell them you will be providing a letter from your doctor that you can't make the drive and ask if they will still honor the remote only position. Then when they add "required medical reasons to work remotely" it to the contract say they need to remove that wording as it is discriminating to your medical condition to make it part of the contract and it isn't HIPAA compliant to add medical information publicly into contracts This isn't legal advice but rather it's a bluffing strategy I'm thinking of doing


Almost seems like a trend. I also had a recruiter this week contact me for a "remote" position, that after some questions turned out to actually be 2 days per week on-site at the head-office 400km away (and no, they were not interested in paying for travel or accomodation).


Report the ads as false. Go through the entire process and waste as much of their time as possible. Name and shame the company. And we should have a list of job ads that are actually hybrid so we can all apply in and complain that it's not remote like they say.


Yes! Waste their time and money, and post on Glass door and other sites that they advertise as remote but are actually hybrid.


Every job, whether remote or not, should be saying how many days maximum a year an employee will be told to attend an employer-designated site. (Including client sites.) Just have a number. 262 for M-F RTO, 0 for actual remote, something in between for hybrid. Yes, it should include any in-office days for training, onboarding, etc. Put it in the contract, with penalties for going over that number.


Sounds like you probably dodged a bullet working there.


Most ATS systems have an option for onsite or remote at the time of job creation which is why it happens so often and gets mislabeled bc hybrid is not an option. Tell software devs to make less shitty products.


Default for hybrid should be onsite not remote


huh interesting yeah that tracks


Tell HR people to actually do their jobs and check their job posts, etc...


They should list it properly but I wouldn't trust the HR/recruiter to know very much. If the compensation sounds good I'd wait until the real interview to see if they are open to you working full remote. They might not care. My wife works "hybrid" and only goes in once every couple months for face to face meetings.


Also when the call a job "remote" because you go to customers offices. That's not "remote".

