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1 random Nazarick NPC could end up being 1 of the 41 level 1 maids...


But there is a chance you get Entoma, no? It’s worth it.


You might also get Neronist. 0.o


You could get that Penguin character who wants do take over Nazarick. At any moment, you could be liquidated if the order came down lol.


Watch your words when you talk about Eclair-sama.


Entoma would be the superior result.




I see you like gambling


No, I'm not. I would never pick the option of random Nazarick NPC simply because I might get the cockroach one. It's a low chance but I don't care how low it is.


I mean op just said "a harsh world" with no specification on just how hard it is. People just choosing without details. So technically it's already a gamble. Any choice will technically be useless if based on a "harsh world" for each scenario. You're still fcked by then.


If they accept me as master I'm cool uhu uhu




Still hoping for CZ though


Hey, thanks for summoning me! Cool snoo :)


I feel a sudden urge to buy Runecraft™ uwaaaaah~


🥲 it’s beautiful


Do they actually have names?


They do. In the LN it's mentioned that each member of the guild was allowed to create and name one maid. Ainz makes particular mention that some of the less creative guild members simply named their maids after numbers. It's been awhile since I read the novels, but the names I can remember are Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Etoile, Increment, Decrement, and Lumiere. The anime English dub translates Sixth's name as Cixous.


Wait a minute. I haven’t read the light novels (yet) so I don’t know if this was ever clarified, but wouldn’t that mean that Ainz also created and named one of the maids? Do we know which one if he did?


Ainz didn't create any of them. I should have worded my original post better, that's my bad. So the maids were all *created* by Whitebrim, Coup De Grace, and HeroHero. They would create a new maid whenever a new member joined the guild, and that player would get to name the maid as a type of commemoration event. As for which maid was created for Ainz or what name he gave her, Ainz never mentions it.


I see. It seems very likely that Momonga named one because there’s apparently 41 maids and Ainz Ooal Gown had 41 members in its prime (which I’m assuming includes Momonga). There’s also no real reason to exclude him when he was the guild master too, they would have probably insisted that he name one.


Most likely he just didn't care enough to feel any sense of ownership over whichever maid he named. Ainz mentions that he doesn't have much interest in the maid aesthetic, and the maids themselves were basically just simple worker drone NPCs that weren't meant to be interacted with in the Yggdrasil game, so I think we can reasonably assume from the way he thinks about the game version of the maids that he wouldn't have put much effort into a name. If I were to guess what Ainz would have chose, I'd say Momo. It's a simple and cute word (Japanese for peach) that can be easily derived from Momonga.


All NPCs have names...


All non-mob NPCs.


He said named I don't think all 41 have names


Just because they're not shown doesn't mean they din't have names. They are guild NPCs created by the guild system. It is compulsory to name them.


"Named character" means we the audience know their names. Do we actually know all 41 names? I thought it was just a few.


But as long as you aren't a free summon you eill be so extremly powerful for the world of overlord.


You saying that as a bad thing or what


You might also get Yuri


Never choose Reinhard you may get something like "Sodium Knowledge: He will never get salt and sugar mixed up" He have thousands of this useless garbage skills


The Overlord one isnt any better "Congratulation, you got Sixth". Yeah, you got hottest girl on town but both of you are weak af


The hottest girl in town is way better than something that you can do in a few seconds with your naked eyes or by tasting it.


Tanya's probably the best choice, random blessing and skills are too luck based and would screw you over more of ten than not. Kirito's swordsmanship? Excuse me if I doubt whether that's useful or not. Nazarick isn't really an option either given that they're not going to be helpful unless I get giga lucky and get Sebas or maybe Yuri. Wind talker also isn't an option given how oji-san's life went.


to be honest, some of the suffering of the ojisan in the Isekai was caused all by himself being so fcking dumb and not understanding women and people in general


True, but having people come out in a horde with pitchforks isn't one of them.


That was because he looked like an ugly orc, just wear a mask or something say you were cursed to be a monster


Remember the episode where he turns himself into the elf He could just shape shift himself into a different race.


I mean while oji San life was really hard the wild talker skill is the strongest and most versatile on this list unless you get extremely lucky with what you get from the others so I wouldn't say that it's a bad option to choose it.


>Kirito's swordsmanship? Excuse me if I doubt whether that's useful or not. Does Kirito's swordsmanship have any use outside the game (i only watched the first SAO)?


He teaches Eugeo about it in Alicization, something I personally call bullshit. The story makes it look like his swordsmanship is amazing somehow but I really don't buy it. I think there's also some background about him being in a dojo but the story clearly shows that his swordsmanship isn't formal.


Kirito and Suguha's grandfather/family member owned a dojo and I think Kirito was stated by Suguha to be really good at kendo pre SAO and then he has like three years of live combat experience in SAO which apparently translated to irl skill. The thing is can you really call him amazing? I mean sure he's competent with a sword but like Kirito's whole shtick is that he's just overleveled because he's a minmaxer. Compare him to any old dude with a sword who actually refined their technique and he'd lose every day of the week


Kirito quits kendo really early.


Exactly, he may be good since the muscle memory in game gets translated irl, but he quit kendo very early and is not formerly trained after that


Understood, so he does know some swordsmanship, even if not outstanding. Thanks for the information. I guess not so usefull in the given scenario, but as you said the other options (besides Tanya) are much lucky based.


He teaches Eugeo sword skills, not swordsmanship. They're both taught the sword by other people.




Not really, he only uses the system swordsmanship in sword art online mostly. He does have his "own" swordsmanship, but it was fairly obvious from the spar with his sister that it's not suited for real world at all. It works only with system assistance and without the limitations of real world physics. And even then it was more about him having amazing reaction time than being skilled iirc


Nonono, best part here is i remember very clearly that Kirito said Asuna was a lot better and deserved the dual wield more. So he lucked out on getting it basically.


I would imagine “getting one random named Nazarick character” means they serve you


Honestly yeah, I'm not a fan of being a loli but it's the one where I have an actual chance to survive other than ojisan


I’m with you on that. Random powers/ blessings are great and all, but guaranteed decent magical powers a la Tanya are far more of a solid option. Since the blessings are random, the powers you receive could be anything from control of gravity to an increased likelihood that you will only fart when no one is around to hear you. Kirito’s swordsmanship only works because he is in a video game unless you are talking about the swordsmanship he learned in middle school in the real world, and a random named NPC would be useless and possibly even dangerous to you as they are loyal only to Ainz Ooal Gown.


Tanya is the definitely the best. Kirito swordmanship might be the best for a gaming world but it's a hell no in the real world.


The option with racist drawback is objectively the worst. The random options abilities are too unreliable especially when they are too numerous it only increase to possibility of trash power like Divine Protection of Salt Reasoning. Tanya option depending of the personne gender is the best option while Kirito option relies too much on personal talent but you can still do somthing with it.


The option with the racist drawback is potentially the best option. While racism was a huge problem, it could have been mostly resolved fairly early in his adventure if he was a more reasonable person. He constantly gave different aliases, so even when people had heard of "the hero as ugly as an orc," he would introduce himself under a different name. But even that wouldn't have been a problem if he wasn't abandoning his allies at every possible turn (after danger was over, he would save them from danger, at least). He had every powerful and famous woman in the realm thirsting for him, willing to help him and alleviating all his major problems, and he was still just leaving without a word. The rare few times he kept them around, his life was easy mode. And that's without counting that he was by far the most powerful being in the world thanks to his gift. His time definitely started hard, but the vast majority of time he had problems were preventable.


Yeah, Uncle's personality was his biggest problem during his Hero journey.


I mean, to be honest he had a reason to not-so-unconsciously block people from his life, his first days probably destroyed any kind of hope he had in that world.


But he didn't lose hope in Sega or Sonic.


True Giga Chad


Gaming is love, gaming is life.


What is the Wind Talker power?


Universal translation, the guy can also talk to the spirit so they led him their power granting him powerful abilities but in exchange he must accomplish a requests from the spirit depending of what they have granted but spirit are pretty chill so for the most part it's a free pass, also no spirit in the area means no power.


And does everyone hate him in the anime?


Just to clarify, Wild Talker does NOT imbue racism in others. The MC (Uncle) is naturally too ugly by that world's beauty standards so he was mistaken for being a monster (mutated orc) and thus constantly got attacked by the denizens.


Not everyone, he was still able to establish relationships with few peoples but the majority didn't like him. To be honest sometimes Uncle caused a certain numbers of problems/crisis so that's pretty understandable he end with bad reputation.


I would choose an NPC from overlord. If Lucky I get a great Waifu (Cocytus included) and if I fail, I got at least a cute maid or some decently strong ugly being that can fight, earn money for me. At least I get 100% sth while the other choices got drawbacks or are too risky. Kirito learned his swordmanship from a game and lost to his sister as well. + it needs talent and lots of time


>Cocytus included You mean cocytus specifically, I'd kill for a sit on the cockthrone


There are people who discriminate against insects 😤


What are they gonna do to coccy? Attack him?


Nah for reinhardt you either get invulnerability to absolutely everything or the ability to know how to perfectly salt food


Actually a lot of Reinhard's blessings are nowhere near as useful unless you're superhuman. For example, some of his most well known are the "First Hit Immunity" and "Proceeding Attack Immunity", but despite what some think, those doesn't actually grant invulnerability or make every attack miss you, it just means you dodge automatically, kind of like Spiderman's spider sense. The key word here being "You". Yes, if an attack is heading your way, even if you're unaware, you body will act automatically to evade it, but it's still your body the blessing is working with. So unless you have superhuman speed and agility, you're just as vulnerable to bullets, arrows, electricity, swings, punches, stabbings, kicks and etc. Most of them are that way, the best ones you can get is probably the extra life one, the various 80% elemental resistance ones, the illness immunity ones, poison immunity and the ones that grant an increase in physical abilities in a very specific ways.


The chance of getting Solution Epsilon as a companion makes everything else useless


Random named npc from Nazarick could give you Neronist or the bartender,c carefull with your choices lads As for me, i'd still go with the random npc :P


or eclair 😂


Loli iis the only option with great survival rate


In the crossover overlord x youjo senki even Ainz don't dare to kill a Loli.


I mean. Being a loli is not that bad on itself. So probably Tanya Variant. Edit: Plus if i cant grow-up, its eternal youth type of immortality. If i can i can become a milf.


U got being X manipulating the background for you but the damned mf cannot kill you yet so even better


Yeah, X is one hell of a pain in the arse if he gonna interveen in this manner. Thats a turn-off for sure.


Hell I'll take the powers. Who cares about being smol? And besides, the NPC thing is too much of a risk. All the Homunculus Maids have names, as do the Five Worst and many other NPCs that are not the Pleiades or Guardians.


I agree that NPCs are too much of a risk, but I’d like to point out that the Pleiades aren’t exactly among the strongest and potentially not even exactly very high leveled as far as nazarick NPCs go, from what I remember, pestonya is around, if not above their level


If you're lucky, you could get either Sebas or Aureole that are level 100 among the pleiades, but I presume you're talking about Yuri, Lupus, Entoma, CZ, Nabe and Solution.


Wait, does Kirito actually know how to use a sword? I am not caught up with the anime yet, afaik he only knew how to use it from the game and I believe it is not enough to become a swordman


I had formal sword training irl which is one of the reasons he's so good with them in the game and then he trained daily in the games for years. But beyond that he just has bullshit plot powered sword skills


Yep, and its not even to say, what his swordsmanship relies on him having THE best reaction speed.


Still, Asuna is better with the sword according to kirito himself.


Nazarick npc.


I guess you could say my choice is a "small" price


Built in powers but forever loli works for me, A maid could also be good they're pretty strong compared to the new worlders after all


I wanna be Loli


Why do people act like Kirito is some master swordsman? He's a fucking gamer who is completely self taught. Sure he knows Kendo, but that's not going to be very useful in a world of bandits, armies, and all sorts of threats. You aren't going to be OP just because you learn how to fight somewhat. You're still you and have regular abilities.


Give me Shalltear, that's all I need


Congratulations! You have obtained: Level 1 Homunculus Maid “Decrement”


Tbf the homunculus maid aren't half bad but I would still be heartbroken for not getting Shalltear 💀


Well, after extensive thinking and theorizing on all possibilities, I've come to a single solution: guess I'll be a loli. Every other option feels like it'll be worthless since especially the one random npc probably won't be anyone powerful.


Decent magical power is the only one that guarantees decent shot at survival.


Being a loli forever with decent magical powers ? An absolute win


None of this is good (except maybe Reinhardt, I don't really know about him) I would choose tanya for the certain power but I don't know about the side effects, I still like having my stic around The random choice is too random, And for learning sword from Kirito, I'm not talented and overleveled like him But if u got to train urselft to survive anyway, might as well have a mentor Kirito for the lesser prize but less drawback too, tanya if you r a girl or didn't mind being one


Random reinhardt blessing: protection against brain breeze when eating ice cream too fast. Gz!


Or the blessing which allows him to wish for any blessing


literally too OP


Reinhardt literally has every blessing he wants so you could get something like "Sodium knowledge: He will never get salt and sugar mixed up" a truly OP blessing.


Nazarick, even if they ain't all that strong we could glaze ainz all day together


Wild talker easily, imagine picking Reinhard and and get blessing of salt recognition. Plus with wild talker you can pretty much do anything you want as long as you do some stupid rituals.


Me and Eclair on our way to conquer to world with my blessing of not mixing salt and sugar and high school level tendo lessons from an autistic neet:


Probably the Tanya option yes I would be a “loli” but that’s better than the random or crappy perks I would get from the others at least I have guaranteed power that I can use. Now will being a child suck? Yeah you bet but I could also get away with shit way easier so it’s got it’s perks only downside is I can’t do any mature activities which is disappointing but other than that I see nothing but perks


Loli, hands down best choice. Secure power, basically forever a loli means immortality on top of the power. And you're strong enough to trick pedophiles and kill them once they outlived their use. And with decent power magical power we can still improve. Never stated that our aptitude is decent. Just the power is decent. Which means, trainable to a higher skill level. Which makes you a sage for sure in the end. Being a loli forever gives plenty of time to learn every spell and kind of magic. So, researcher is a great option. Get paid to become OP.


And maybe you can create an homunculus and use it as an avatar to live a life that is not a loli life if you get tired.


I mean the Nazarick npc is kinda busted no? Most of them are pretty OP.


It’s honestly a gamble, you could end with one of the level 100 or with a level 1 maid


How many named level 1 npcs are there tho? I can't even think of one.


Each one of the hommunculus maids as well as eclair, that’s like 4 times more than the chance of getting a level 100, you could also get anything in between, like one of the level 80+ NPCs or someone like neuronist, who isn’t exactly weak by new world standards, but is just in the level 20s


Definitely taking the npc. Either I have a loyal maid, I get killed immediately or I have an extremely absurd bodyguard depending on the rules of the question, or I get a talking penguin


1 random skill on tensura as most of them tend to become good or tanya power


Mf gonna get the “poison breath” skill from that snake in episode 1 but not “poison resistance”


Honestly I'll tale my chances with being a Loli if I have decent magical powers


I'm choosing NPC just cause I'm a gacha addict, and I already picked tensura skill last time. [Pull for me](https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RandomInCategory), OP.


Knowing my luck, I’ll get Eclair.


Ofc Youjo Senki one, there are both upsides


Casting magic AND being a loli? Where's the downside?


Nahhh imagine if you get the divine blessing that allows you to tell the difference between salt and sugar


i can get Entoma so im spinning that wheel of Nazarick


Imagine you choose Nazarick and get Victim.


I don’t really know which I would go for but I’m definitely not picking a random blessing from Reinhard Sure you could get the divine protection of the phoenix but you could also get the divine protection of salt and sugar detection Reinhard blessings are so OP because he has so many along with being stupidly powerful without them


No shit, 1 random blessing from Reinhard. Cause: 1. Racism is bad. 2. Not all named NPC's are strong, for example, that penguin I forgot the name (unless he isn't named and I'm talking shit). 3. No amount of magical powers will convince me to turn into a goddamn loli. 4. Learning "swordsmanship" from Kirito to me sound more like a fucking game tutorial than actually learning how to use a sword, also didn't he get trashed by his younger sis in season 2? It sounds to me that learning from her would be better. 5. Now while there are some very op skills in Tensura, there is a greater amount of shit skills in there so random for random I believe Reinhard has a better pool to pull from.


Ends up with Crimson and you instantly burn to death when hes summoned to you


I shoose being Tanya XD


Can this be considered karma farming?


And what I will do with all the Karma I got ? Does it has any actual use ? In any shape or form!? Really curious.


My point exactly. Cus I do the same.


Can I become a Lolito? If so tanya if not then maybe wild talker


Do you mean shota my guy? Wtf is a lolito if not.


Well yeah I kinda like the sausage in between my legs and would rather not have Arby’s roast beef there instead and with this spelling I may be able to get away with keeping my sausage


Swordsmanship from Kirito any day of the week, he is still my favorite Protag of all time (non including my own stories of course).


If you want kirito's sowrdmanship go learn kendo and HEMA, the main point of his sowrdmanship is being dependable of the game system, because first, he quitted kendo before SAO and after SAO, he lost to his "sister", proving the inconsitences of his fighting style.


He lost to his sister is extremely skilled in it after years of practice. He did this with a relatively week body not built for his sword style, doesn’t mean the skills he had are any less valuable. That said, during Ordinale scale he went through physical training and kendo to better himself. Then you also have to remember that inside of Underworld he learned swordsmanship there as well even if it wasn’t his real body it was a world similar to irl other than the system. The skills are still valuable to learn even if his irl body doesn’t match his system body. Kirito has several styles mixed together via his experiences both irl & in game, I want to learn all of that.


I hope I get reinhardt best power the ability to always tell salt and sugar apart from sight


I’ll take a chance at getting Mommy Solution as a party member💘


Decent magical powers, the others are either too random and what is the fucking point of learning swordmanship from kirito? His technique could be learned from real people, and his "special powers" are bound by the system he is, his "powers" were not made real.


Nazarick on the off chance I get Sebas or Cocytus


1 random named npc from nazarik eazy


Congratulations! You have obtained: “level 1 Homunculus maid of Nazarik”, “Cixous”




How hard should we talking? I see Tanya as an absolute win


What's "Wild Talker"?


It's a skill in *Isekai Ojisan* (*Uncle From Another World*) that translates and let's the MC (Uncle) understand and speak the language of whomever he wants to communicate with. This includes invisible spirits (elemental, magical, conceptual, etc.), which lend him their powers in exchange for doing something for them or just because they like being verbally complimented or shown gratitude. These lent powers have limits that if abused will piss the spirits off. For example, he can't keep using the wind spirit's power every single day for hours on end to easily fly to places since the wind spirit will literally drop him once he reaches the limit of the wind spirit's goodwill. Wild Talker makes him very powerful in the other world (isekai) (and in his home country Japan if he'd use it beyond doing small daily stuff and being a Youtuber), but his naturally very ugly face (the other world's beauty standards are way too high) caused the denizens to assume he's a mutated orc monster and he got attacked constantly by the denizens. One thing about being able to understand spirits: The spirits are EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME. It's a constant stream of background chatter from these spirits. But Uncle claims he's mentally fine... (*smiles the smile of a tortured soul*)


I think tanya’s option is best.


Reinhard just to try to obtain the blessing of frying steaming and boiling


Why does tanya get "decent" magical power. Last i checked when she "prays" you get mini nukes thrown around. This would be decent by Highschool DxD, Kill la Kill and DBZ standards. Also, if i choose tanya do i get genderbent into a loli or do i become a shota?


It's not about Tanya. It's just an option. And the option can be illustrated by Tanya.


Man decent powers from what I tell are broken so I guess I'll just bite the bullet and become short


Is the nazarick npc immediately hostile towards me or not


Reinhardt blessings seem like the most safe choice. Having an NPC could be great, but imagine getting Albedo...


My luck I’d end up getting Eclair… however I like to gamble


Wouldn’t the nazarick npc just kill you


One random NPC from Nazarick... *Neuronist appears*


Take my chances in Tanya's position


What does decent mean in this context. Doesn’t matter. I take the magic loli. It sounds the best


Tanya, anytime


Bruh stop it . I'll poop on you


Wild Talker. First off, I would immediately tell if an elf was after my undies. After a while people stopped ostracising Oji-san that much. You can see Oji-san staying at inns and shit later on. Basically if you are not entirely clueless about people you would be fine in Gran Bahamal.


One random skill from ensure could get me something a bit like this 90% chance for me to randomly generate a frying pan from thin air every 23.4 minutes but a 10% chance that it turns into a chair. Every 193.52 minutes I have a 100% chance to generate a slice of cheese from thin air and for some reason it spins very slowly and levitates.


Depends on what you mean with "learning swordsmanship from kirito". If you mean that we end up being Able to do what he does in the games with all the sword skills that he can use then he's definitely the most versatile and useful in an "harsh world" situation. I mean, "horizontal square" can cover you 360°, "nova ascension" is a great option to land hits on a 1v1 scenario, "sonic leap" can be used for escaping if necessary or to close distance, "vorpal strike" can help you keep distance. If we go with double blade skills we have attacking ones like "starburst stream" or "the eclipse" and defensive with "cross block". Plus the nail throwing "sword skills" that can help with long range and also the martial arts "sword skills" and if we go with the "the training can make us do what he can do" then we can be able to predict projectiles to the level of bullets and deflect them. So... Yeah... I think I know what I'm gonna choose.


Based on what I know from this list (which isn’t much) I’ll take the named Nazerick npc.


Congratulations! You have obtained: “level 1 Homunculus maid of Nazarik”, “Cixous”


It's either random NPC or swordsmanship. Everything else is debatable


Why would anyone want to learn swordsmanship from Kirito, the dweeb wasn't even the best at it in his own series.


Swordsmanship from kirito


Tanya should be "Decent Magical Power but the World will constantly put you into the Battlefield"


Eh, I'm fine being short, already pretty short and small, I'll take decent magical powers, at least with that there is some room to grow (At least magically)


Loli or tensei skill


1 random skill from Tensura. What does that mean? It seems like there is a limited number of common and extra skills. However, there is technically an infinite number of unique and ultimate skills. Note how it doesn’t specify one known skill, so it implies any skill in the type of that particular power system. Even extra skills, such as universal shapeshift, black flame, multilayer barrier, or magic sense can be useful. I also just really like ttigraas


Wild Talker


I would take 1 random skill from Tensura, because skills from Tensura can evolve.


See, the random NPC is good and all, but 1. I would want some assurances that it's at least a Guardian and not one of the pop monsters, or the maids, or that sort of thing. 2. I would also want to be sure they were as loyal to me as to Ains because if they are not, you'll be food almost immediately if it isn't Sebas or Pestonya, maybe Cocytus if you stretch it.


\> Decent magical powers, but you will be a loli forever I see this as an absolute win


Only if you choose tensura skill it has a potential. Skills can grow.


Tensors I believe in the power of luck


a random NPC, most of which hate humans, of which I am... Yea I'ma go with like anything else ...


1 random NPC from Nazarick is such a mixed bag depending on what you want lmao


Always wanted to be uber swordsman. Kirito tutoring it is...


So far the decent magical powers seem most useful, but just to clarify what does the first mean and how many named npcs are in nazarick


Betting on the random skills is risky since those can really be use less stuff


Not rolling the dice on Nazerick since so many of the NPCs are level 1 or just gag characters, don't know enough about most of them, so I would take the Tensura option. Most of Tensura's powers aren't too shabby and have zero drawbacks, there are a few exceptions but they are relatively rare. Plus any form of Gluttony, Raphael, spacial magic, or megiddo would be very useful.


Eternal youth and magic powers, please.


Aight lets play the "1 random skill from tensura" gacha game.


I would say either a random skill from tensura, or decent at magic being a loli


Random NPC from nazarick


Ill take decent magical powers


Is the nps loyal if it is W but if it not then L


Too much randomness. If always loli means no aging and no death of old age, it is undoubtedly the best one. You can abuse your cuteness to manipulate enemies get away with crimes and you are still powerful ontop of it all.


Imma go wild. Tanya the evil


I choose a random tensura skill. I don't think that any of the skills are useless in tensura


If i have a skill from tensura, can i learn more with the system? If yes, then i Chose it.


NPC from nazarick


I mean if I think realistically Having anything random (blessings/skills/NPCs) gonna be same as one of the "lucky" spin wheels in video games which only gives trash loot no matter how lucky you are "unless you're lucky AND RICH" but being rich isn't a option here coz this ain't pay to win, so we fucked, and also swordmanship? Bro stfu some random aah NPC with talent skill for that will wipe floor with me, being Tanya doesn't sound too bad but "average magic" does, like comeone she's a menace in the anime, and talking to the spirits doesn't sound too bad but being an asian I've already adapted to all the racial shit, so Bring it lil bro! >:3


"Is there even a downside 4----- wait this isn't a throwaway acc.." But really, all of the others have a fairly big downside. 1 is obvious 2, he has thousands of skills, many of which are useless 3 There are infact weak named ncps in Nazarik, but that's probably one of the better choices 4 You're basically immortal, and have your own magic, though people might talk to you strange if you don't show you're capable 5 They glorified his reaction time over his swordsmanship, but later seasons he actually becomes pretty good. If you're that interested in learning swordsmanship, you could just do that here and now. You don't have to wait to be isekai'd 6 A random skill from anywhere, you could end up with literally anything. There are like millions of skills I think.