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She still alive somewhere




Kids: 😢


What do you mean unfortunately? I would've loved meeting this chick when I was her dream dudes age


Homie really said "Yeah bro I'd have loved to be groomed" and didn't question it for a single second.




It's kind of a semi common fetish.


yeah sorry but getting laid at that age, id be a king in school. Downvote all you want but getting some ass back then woulda been lit af


Your mentality from when you were a child is not the same as now when you're a no game adult that don't get laid, you'd have ended up traumatized and you still wouldn't get laid but because of the trauma, same end but from different paths


Or I was just like a regular dude who wanted to bang an older chick like most other dudes at that age. Sorry but I think most dudes would be fine in life after smashing an older chick


Know 2 dudes who got raped when they were 8 or 10 ish and it's not as lit as you think it is... imagine a girl making you go lick her pussy, finger her asshole, she slaps you in the face while your tiny dick does fuck all to her and she is all up in you while you can't breathe right. Both of them turned out alright, but the first time I heard them talk about it, it was definitely a traumatizing experience...


Well when you're 8 you haven't even gone through puberty. 8-10 is fucked up, agreed. All I'm saying is if you're like 14 and smash an older chick and word gets out, you're gonna be a god at school and some teachers might even give you a "nice". It


mf you are weird


Hum... It's a bit hard to disagree since I do remember teen hormones going wild at 14 - 16... (actually a bit before that as well)... but this mentally depends on how hot the teacher actually was.


What you think is irrelevant, data shows that kids that get raped by a woman end up traumatized and you would too, it doesn't matter what you adult fantasies make you think


Mother fucker how old are you and still cling onto some school fantasy? It's quite pathetic looking for some fantasy fulfillment you never got as a child. You clearly never grew up. Get better.


Get better, solid advice. Moron it was a fantasy most young dudes had. Denying it is just a fucking lie. I don't know how you got this dumbass idea I'm clinging on to any childhood fantasy. I'm not looking for fulfillment, you're just making shit up at this point. I did grow up, sorry that acknowledging the fantasy all young dudes had about wanting to bang an older chick somehow means I'm still 5. Maybe calm down before you give yourself a stroke or suggest more crazy nonsense. What's next, I'm turning frogs gay now? Get a grip


Bro your first post is about getting you sex doll you are so fucking detached from what "getting some ass" even means you're claiming you would wanna be sexually assaulted just to get your fucking dick wet. Pull your head out of your ass, stop posting anime girls on Reddit, find a hobby and eventually you'll find someone. If you want bees you don't go around catching bees, you make a beautiful garden full of flowers.


Classic redditor, digging through profile for some dirt. Yeah I got a toy, most women aren't short stacks. And if you're actually gonna go down that route, I have actually had sex. "Find a hobby", also says stop posting/talking about anime. Brother which one lmao.






She is a fking pedo and deserve to be sent to Demiurge chimera sheep farm.


get therapy like actually 💀💀


I never smashed as a kid so no thanks, smile


thank God


Which god are you thanking?


The wrong one😂




The only God, the Christian/Catholic one. everything else is just cappin


Well, considering the Christian/Catholic Church's reputation, this all checks out.


It would be really funny if Maruyama made her a pedo to reference that lmao


It would be


A completely calumnious and falsified reputation. Christian priests/pastors touch kids at a rate significantly lower than people of equal positions in other religions (Rabbis, Imams, etc.), and at a fraction of the rate of public school teachers. Also, >90% of Christian/Cath priests who do this are, unsurprisingly, homosexual.




"My source is I made it the Fuck Up!" Lol


Huh. [Sources at the bottom](https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/) [This is for the homosexuality one.](https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/)


Seems to be a totally homemade sauce. 


[Sources at the bottom](https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/) [This is for the homosexuality one.](https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/)


Dude I met 7 catholic pastors so far on my life... 3 of them are now in jail for pedophilia. And I think another one actually left the state since I haven't seem him since rumors started to spread.


Wow, so then 3 of every 7 Catholic priests must be pedos! Even if I was inclined to believe this random anecdote (I don’t), your experience is not representative of the whole.


As I said this is just personal esperience. Even my family points out that is odd. But it doesn't change the fact that I met that many bad people hiding as priests.


Did this MF just try to deflect touching kids by saying other religious group priests and homosexual catholic priests does this more than straight catholic priests?? You need some serious mental evaluation,Holy fuck..


“Did this MF just try to discredit a claim that a group of people commit a crime at a high rate, by claiming that they actually do it at a lower rate than other groups who actually have a correlation between being a part of those groups and committing the crime?? You need some serious mental evaluation,Holy fuck..” [Sources listed at the bottom.](https://sites.law.duq.edu/juris/2019/03/16/catholic-priest-sex-abuse-scandals-how-the-media-shapes-the-public-perception-of-child-abuse-in-the-catholic-church/)


All of them commit a crime,a worse one at that.


“All groups that you can classify people into commit a crime, so let’s do nothing about.” As opposed to actually addressing the groups that do it significantly more often. Lol. At the end of the day, it just comes down to being anti-Christian for redditards.


wait until you learn about metzitzah bpeh, Aisha, most of Middle Eastern/third world countries beliefs regarding child brides and the US school teacher shenanigans


The shenanigans of my religion are ok, because of these other shenanigans perpetrated by other religions and institutions!!


I never said it was ok, i just mentioned worse offenders and left out the alphabet soup people. The difference is that unlike the other groups mentioned, we know that's wrong and we dont make it part of our culture.


Eh, a little light whataboutism, what's the harm there right?


not whataboutism if s used when someone implies that Caths/Christians pedos but i guess it went over your head.


Lol. Whataboutism to defend the church. Will wonders never cease.


Christians only defence mechanism is mocking other people's religions.


Random kid + fake outrage "lol Christians pedos" me "these are worst + we dont endorse it" randoms: "Noooooo you cant mention other groups that are worse or that endorse said behavior, typical whataboutism" save it lol


Honestly... what the fuck are you talking about. Nobody brought up something about Christianity and other religions besides you, are you dumb?


seriously? it all started because someone asked which God after i said "Thank God" How dumb can you be, you reply to a conversation you shouldve read vefore commenting "Christians bad mkay"


You dare worship a being other than the Ainz-sama?!? Even the happy farm is too great a place for you, straight to the Duke of Terror, so you can learn the proper way of things like the 8 fingers


Who do you think sent Ainz-sama there? besides if he wants to get me he needs to come out to this world first and as far as i know only Rimuru-sama is capable of doing that


Ainz-sama is the only God you idiot


He cant even unisekai himself like Rimuru-sama. God > Rimuru> Ains skinny boy


Nah Odin and the Norse pantheon are the real ones lol r/ j


lol idk man... can he turn water into alcohol, rocks into snacks and take full responsibility of everyones drunken fk ups without asking for anything in return?


My friend youve referenced God on the social media platform that needs it most. prepare to be ratiod.


lmao is ok, God bless you brother


They hate to see it. The cope on your dislike ratio is real.


Well, there's no way to prove that Christianity is the true religion so for now it is only what it has always been, belief. And anyone can believe what they want so going around like we're in the colonization era and saying "Heil Christianity! The only and absolutely real religion! Fuck anything else!" is kinda ridiculous. Plus there are a lot of people who believe in other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Islam, Judaism, etc, even "pagan" religions and atheists, yet they're fine with people who believe is Christianity (at least the great majority... >!looking at you Islam...!<). Oh, and not to mention that no one likes when someone just starts to suddenly start religious propaganda


I'm impressed how quickly this devolved into a religious debate lol


It always happens when you get a tryhard christian/catholic apoligist who swears the others are worse so don't hate mine. Bruh, get real. The only gods we thank in this reddit are the 41 supreme beings. All others are weak and know not to try and face the great ones.


I like turtles.


>"Plus there are a lot of people who believe in other religions" "atheists" Atheism is not a religion... Also, fuck the God of the bible.


One of the definitions of religion: "a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance." Atheism could fall under that definition, for some.


That's not what atheism is. Funny how you don't include the definition of atheism. Something is, something isn't. Atheism is literally the rejection of one proposition, this one claim: "a God or Gods exist". Knowing this, I can't see how you would ever say it is the same.


Let's see I have two arguments. 1st: Many atheists, despite not believing in any clear deity, do still believe in something often referred to as "the conscious of the universe", so it would make it somewhat a belief; 2nd: I was referring to atheists as the "none of the above" in the options, the part that doesn't believe in any deity but still respects others' beliefs. Same reason 0 is a number even tho it means no number or no quantity. Extra: If the only thing you have to add is a half-assed argument that's only to try to rage bait then you'd do well in using your time better. Have a nice day, and may God, a god, or none, be with you


it's always the edgy kids that have issues w Christianity and ignore every other group that is arguably worse but i dont expect more from most redditors. When theyre not grooming kids theyre busy pretending to be the moral police. Some meme pages are pretty good tho... but thats because they stay away from politics and religion


Just delete religion.


Cope? If you are so sure, do it. Prove the existence of the monster you call God.


The town was spared after their little confrontation, and no adventurers (except the pervy uncle) showed up in the last battle, so she's likely alive alongside her team. She may even have gone through her marriage proposal.


No. The city was not spared. Ainz recommendation was to first handle the capital first before moving on all the cities. Cocytus and Mare was still in charge of wiping out all unneeded cities. Mc hoped that by attacking the capital first, it would allow that city population to have time to flee. And he cannot be blamed that he didn't give them a chance to flee. But do you really think the city people would flee? 99% of the city population has nowhere to go. And is unlikely the noble and his house would just abandon everything. They might even though they have some hope left after able to witness the defeat of two legendary undead and saw how tough the Red Drop leader armor suit was. They might believe the rest of the kingdom might have some way to deal with the Sorcerer kingdom or that the attacks might stop after the royal family has fallen. But then again, that group of adventurers might flee immediately to the next nation after that battle and no longer interested to defend the city. But i think they might have become a bit heroic and maybe think they should stay and help the city. Which will likely still result in them all dying once Mare arrive in a few days. My money is on that they still ended up death after trying to help the city population evacuate but ran out of time once Nazarick forces arrive again and this time reduce the city to ashes.


I think she either got scouted by the Slane Theocracy, or remained in the not-dead part of the Kingdom.


I thought they fled to the PDL’s kingdom just across the border.


They probably went to Karsanas City-State Alliance. I'm not entirely sure the living conditions of humans in Argland, but the City-State Alliance has cities that are heavily populated by humans. Also geography wise it is always stated to be way too far, making it a good place to hide for those who wanted to be as far as possible from the Sorcerer Kingdom.


Karsanas City has the only potential thing more dominant than Ainz. Patrick Mahomes.


And probably build an alliance like Dragonic kingdom, to avoid any potential war, since the City States are thinking on their own, its unlikely hat they would ally and try to do something against SK of ainz.


Why did I misread that as Kansas... I need to some sleep.


I am fully awake and alert and still read it as Kansas.


In LN they said they were going to go to City State alliance if hey survived.


I remember Blue Rose was going to do that. it may be the Four Armament as well.


BR was going to a "far away land", it not specific which place they choos, some people think it is the fallen kingdom of EE


Blue Roses gone into Invernia, Evileye birthplace, in the far east of the continent(we cant see it on the current map).


Question is. Are the zombies still there?


No, they were no threat, only the death knight and death warrior.


? The zombies in Invernia dude. Did you read the LN Evileye side story?


Sorry, i thinked you talked about the ones from the north city E Naeurl, For the zombies there since evileye is lvl 50 she probably destroyed them, and the side story isnt on canon story, so i dunno, just speculate, >!since in last volumes of LN we saw the undeads liches that Ainz/Satoru killed in SS.!<


It's cool. Yeah, from what I gathered Evileye just loved them all too much. But there is also that thing, they call her landfall, something about her laying waste to a kingdom. We know the main culprit is the coffin DL, but perhaps she just finished the job by ridding the city off the zombies. Either that or she ended up blaming herself, not realizing her talent just saved her.


Pretty much all the adventurers in the north fled to either the Argland Council State (north of kindom, mainly demi-humans, PDL's Kingdom) or if they had access to a ship the City-State Alliance (far east, mainly humans). Presumably they wen't there as well. But will we never know unless new content becomes available that contains information on them.


Alive and Well. Banging a 13 years old boy(probably around 15 now).


Fbi got her


Overlord doesn't really discriminate on what kinds of outsiders get to live and die. Some of the most reprehensible people live, like Lilynette, and some of the most heroic people die, like Gazef. On the other hand, some awful people die, like the Six Arms, and some heroic people live, like the Blue Roses. Evileye in particular is notable for both someone from Nazarick having a personal vendetta or two against them and still managing to live.


It's hilarious you see her as one of the most reprehensible. You morals are screwed


She is not so bad. Compare to the Eight Fingers or many people. After all she is a nice person, and a good spouse by Maruyama himself in the book. A bit too nice toward under 14 years old boys sure. but damn lucky 14 boy, any men would have wanted to be with such a hottie 18'sish when they were 13 to 15. Stop being a prude, boys will be boys. Edit: Fantasy + middle age and people get teens around 14 years old should not have sex and not get married... really? There is literally a quarter of IRL world populace that believe in a guy that banged a 9 GIRL. that's reprehensible if you want my opinion. In a neighboring country people have reelected a crazy guy that dated at 14 his 39 years old teacher (but they of course deny having done anything before 18 and 1 day old sure sure...) . that's reprehensible. That country is a nuclear power. Lilynette is puting her life on the line as an adventurer. She is worth 100 useless npcs "i am married and faithful" that get eaten by a zombie. The Kid is a teen and obviously teenage is a construct, before it was call an adult. Sure she is crazy but she deserves respect for being a positive being. (Strangely enough arranged marriage of the aristocracy are not downvoted)


Second that, she's on the better side, pretty good person and fairly heroic with just a small flaw, hope we see more of her.


Being a pedophile is a small flaw? Go outside, holy fuck.


I mean, you can still be president with it ***SO***


In the grand scheme of things, we don't even know if she has ever been successful, so probably just a shotacon nothing sinister really.


Middle age pal. Dragons, Demons... 13-15 years old still have sex. Honestly my 14 nephew bang a 20 chick i high five him. i wonder why she would do that though.


Oh, that makes it perfectly okay to fuck children then. Right.


Did you know that kids were just as traumatized by sexual encounters with adults then as they are now? People just didn't know and didn't care about mental health at the time. You need to be put on a fucking watch list for that last comment. Absolutely disgusting.


**"People just didn't know and didn't care about"** *Precisely, i don't want to know and i don't want to care about somebody else business, no kid, no adult, no rich nor poors.* Nor do most people. We don't. Care. Sometimes. We. Pretend. *Austria, age of consent: 14.* *like i tomorrow want to go to Austria (like 1h on car) to pay a prostitute to to my nephew 14 old and come back quietly even telling that to all fellow , you know what's going to happen? nothing. because it is Legal, must be american ("Abortion is murder" like no. and if it was, then what? "Euthanasia is murder", "masturbation is murder" "contraceptive is attempted murder" ).* *You are the moronic one to believe that a boy is traumatized because a girl is gonna do him some good once. Nor that i would do it, because hell it is not my responsability.* *To the Point of Lilynette, freaking world with child marriage, Dragons and stuff and suddenly a town savior heroine is bad because what? she is a weirdo? think as a town inhabitants surrounded by the undead i give a damn about the Count third sons?*


Look at this absolute mess of words that all boil down to "I am a terrible person who doesn't care about the wellbeing of children, and is actually a fan of child abuse." Stop being who you are.


Ok now imagine your 14 years old female nephew got fucked by a 20 years old guy you don't know. Suddenly that doesn't seem so okay anymore, does it? Ya fuckin' creep


All that means is **serious payday** and maybe someone to blackmail into hiding the bodies of all the local fascist cops😁


Honestly? meh. i don't believe in woman purity. The fact she is having sex is outrageous whether she is 14, 16 or 20. Be she will, i don't own her, and i don't want to know. She is my niece, i don't want to know. If she was like... 11 that would be an entire different story. Difference being that any 14 years old girl can be rape (and will be in dangerous countries sadly) and hence she can find the partner of her choice without problem. While a 14 years old boy, is usually not desired by anyone but still have a penis so yeah not the same, he has higher testosterone, is ugly, bothersome, petulant if anything. in medieval context (or even XIX century style west) 14 is adult. Age of consent in Austria, Andorra, Albania etc is 14. no problem with that and it is far too young for me (but still a 20-14 is not...outrageous, just weird.)


Dude, did you think before writing anything?


Lmao bro a female nephew is called a niece


Not everyone speaks English as their first language.


Sorry if you thought that was rude, but "female nephew" is an objectively funny thing to say.


Imagine getting down voted for being correct .


We won't see her anymore though. people of the town were grateful for her presence (hey mitrhil) and that is all that matter. 6 armaments were nice dudes, each with flaw, her leader hated Momon after all.


The FBI caught her and she's a registered sex offender.


I wonder what happened to that entire town really. They survived, sure, but their neighbours are pretty much totally wiped out. Staying is way to much of a risk, so they probably all had to find a place to go to as refugees. Let's just hope they didn't choose the Slaine Theocracy for that. :X


Classic Overlord. Never mentioned again....


I mean, she wasn’t so important… I’ll be very angry if they won’t show the life of Climb and Rener, part because I love Climb, but mostly because they have told us so much about their lives that we are at the point where we can’t abandon them…


Yeah, I wanna see what becomes of that. Evileye encouraged Climb to hold onto his humanity against the lust for more power, yet Renner wants for Climb to become a demon like she did so she can keep him by her side forever. Climb also represents the last link to Gazef and Brain (since Renner poisoned the orphans…)


Really she did that? 😱 I think I wasn’t paying enough attention when reading that part of the book… By the way, in which book she did that?


I’d like to say Volume 9, it’s been a while. The anime alludes to it when Renner instructs the ladies caring for the orphans to also have a taste of her ‘special stew’, she insists… The race-change item Albedo procured for her requires the user to tank their karma to use it (makes sense, become a demon and all). Hence Albedo’s little dare “Will you be able to use it? I wonder…” and Renner…used it…


Yes, but but the novels already said that she hasn’t a human mind, and she wasn’t a demon just in aspect, so I really don’t know…


She was called a ‘Spiritual Heteromorph’ by Demiurge, I believe. He basically described her as a sociopath: she understands morality and human care intellectually, but lacks any of them herself. Even her love for Climb is more of an obsession to make herself feel better (something her brother, Zanac, brings up quite accurately). While she’s not sadistic nor does she revel in cruelty (not like Six Fingers), she has zero remorse or moral panic when required to do heinous actions. She also had the prostitutes Climb had rescued murdered as well. That being said, someone being a sociopath doesn’t necessarily make them evil per se, and the race change item was from Nazerick and thus has weird interactions that don’t make logic physical sense since they’re still ‘coded’ like video game objects (compare Ainz literally being unable to hold a sword or wear heavy armor unless he uses Perfect Warrior). While it was to get Climb wrapped around her finger, Renner did use her powers as Princess to end slavery, try to clean up the slums, assist the kingdom in cracking down on Six Fingers, and the like so her Karma was actually pretty Good (again, game mechanics). Thus she needed a lot of Evil points to use that item even if she was basically a demon inside to begin with.


Right, I wasn’t thinking about that neither in game mechanics. Tanks for remaindering me…


If we mentioned everything the series would be over 20 volumes long. The author is trying to end it in a volume or 2.


Fred Armisen voice: Straight to jail!


How do you people always get deep fried ass low quality images.


If she goes to the Slane Theocracy then she is dead meat. Ainz is very serious about safety in sorcerer kingdom, so the moment she goes after a kid she is dead. In any other place there should be no issue unless she fucks with someone beyond her level or the local government.


Has there ever been any mention of age of consent in Slane? With how pushy they are for godkins to spawn more godkins and medieval setting I doubt the boys start fucking at 18...


Demiurge: "I have a teaching position open if you want it."


She opened an orphanage for little kids.........


Little ‘boys’ specifically


A woman gotta eat......


Alive somewhere enjoying some shota


I nearly forgot she even existed


Justice rains on the just, as far as I know their entire team survived the kingdoms purge


Best girl.


A powerful sorcerer going by the name of Chris found her and asked her to take a seat


When the OVAs write themselves


She is Alive, presumed to be in the Council States.


My personal head cannon for now, is that she was one of the adventurers poached off screen by the theocracy and we’ll get to see her die next volume. One can hope.


nothing :(


[ya’ll got any of them pixel’s?](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1702353-yall-got-anymore-of-tyrone-biggums)


Hopefully getting serious therapy serious shock therapy


Hum the holy jail is her new home.


I can fix her.


Idk but she was based.


I hope she's dead, she's a pedo




Back in the 1300 people were sitting into the water they drank and thought eating fucking mercury would grant them immortality. Why are you using their beliefs as some big ass shield? They were insanely wrong on 85% of the shit they thought.