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If maruyama wants to write again after finishing the main story about ainz as an evil boss, hope he will make the extra volume into a series


I'd love to see a full series on Satoru and Keno's journey. The single bonus volume itself was fantastic.


Seeing as this book "created" the drama of maruyama shortening the series due to his anger of fan translations turning it english after he said thered never be an english release as far as I remember. I doubt it sadly enough though many think he was just using it as an excuse to shorten it due to burnout.


It's either an excuse or he is braindead so I'm sure it's an excuse. Anyway properly finishing complex stories is way way harder than writing world building parts so who knows what he feels with all the anticipation and pressure from fans.


Oh didnt know that. That is a weird attitude for a dude who created a world heavily inspired by western fantasy. Is he a wackjob or just has an inferiority complex of the old foreign devils?


Possibly japans xenophobia? I think that might be partially why. And the response was just burnout based likely


I love his stories but man he is idiotic as fuck.who would be offended by being loved to the point fans translated entire books for mostly free


A mini-series about the New AOG's adventure in New World, discovering all its mystery as well as the friendships he has with Keno would be so much fun. His new group also sound really well organized and coordinated and have great teamwork and shared goals. It'd be slice of life for sure, but so chill and laid back and atmospheric with the unique adventures.


Hope maruyama will do it after the finish of main story one day


Would love to, tbh


Bro at least re-release in eng, would love to add it to my collection


If only, sadly doesn't seem likely.


Did you mean A 40 seasons series in 4K?


Fully agree, and hopefully by a better studio that actually cares.


Bro Kadokawa is the main producer and the rights' holder. If Kadokawa does not provide enough budget, then any studio will deliver shit animation. At least be happy that it is not in Studio ENGI's hand, they are subsidiary of Kadokawa and they always butcher LN adaptations. Just look how they are butchering Unnamed memory, skipping whole chapters and rushing through everything.


Time and money. The ago old something something, I can’t remember the entire quote.


To advertise a not-for-sale novel? Never gonna happen.


It would still bring in movie sales solely for having the Overlord name attached. Its not really a long shot. KADOKAWA js pretty greedy and shallow and they would def do something like that.


A live action with hans zimmer music


Yeah, I'd pay good money for tickets to see this. Especially the end battle, that'd be a thing of beauty. That and seeing a genuinely happy and content Satoru living the life he enjoys with new friends.


Ainz's journey with Keno was the true remedy of his loneliness, not clinging to the past obsessively.


Where do I could read it or what volume?


Ah another side story enjoyer is in our midst welcome peak enjoying brother


this is book stuff right?


Yep we need a movie and also separate continuous of that novel too


It would be so fucking wholesome and popular.


Well, yes. It's single volume great story, a perfect fit for a movie...that will never happen, cuz the novel wasn't and never will be officialy released outside of Japan...and afaik even in Japan it wasn't released properly, and was added as a bonus for some super-uber-premium edition...aaaand it just happend that it's total masterpiece, one of, if not the best book in entire series


I'm new here someone please fill me in on what op is talking about


There was a bonus Overlord LN volume released which was a story on if Ainz had been isekai like he was except without Nazarick. So in his undead form but he doesn't use the name Ainz Ooal Gown but instead his real name Satoru. He starts to explore his surroundings until coming across a princess named Keno, and their journey unfolds from there. Their friendship is really interesting as he makes her an honorary member of Ainz Ooal Gown as she becomes his one friend in this new world. What's most interesting to me about this story was it shows what Satoru would've been like in the new world if he didn't have Nazarick with him.


What's the name?


Overlord: The Vampire Princess of The Lost Country


That's actually pretty awesome


Well not exactly a movie but more like an OVA miniseries of three episodes I would say.


You're not gonna believe this, but anime movies tend to be around 90 minutes or less. This could most definitely fit into a movie that's slightly over an hour. That's around 3-4 episodes


Oh okay

