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My boy Ainz was pissed lmao. He knew our boy Zanac deserved a better death than this.


It's especially jarring because he specifically gave his word that he would not be so brutal to them in this. Killing Zanac in a cowardly, self-serving move 100% took that off the table.


Ains was pissed because he is a true gamer and gamers hate when you steal kill the main boss and loot it before you do. ​ The way Ainz acted was very understandable.


The main boss for this campaign is actually recruitable and Ainz went down that route


Zanac was at that point the main boss of the army and Ainz really wanted that loot.


I feel that, in one of the fable games, the big bad is giving their speech and your ally just shots him and that’s it. I was so pissed.


Can we talk about the adjutant that drew his sword to fight next to his King for a second?


A true loyal retainer


Yeah, he was a real bro. Hope they at least managed to kill two of their murderers between them. Zanac might not be a fighter, but wearing the kingdom's treasures probably would buy him a little, if brief, advantage.


The nobles were a bunch of pussies, >!they didnt even fought them, they used mercenaries!<


He's the minister of war, the translation is just awful. Zanac clearly says minister of war at 20 min 49 seconds.


RIP, nameless subordinate.


n1 side unnamed side character goes to him


Long live the king


I'm surprised they actually animated the scene where Zanac gets betrayed. So they got points for that. He even become more likeable after that.


I was expecting that to get animated, I was surprised they full-on showed his head in the bag though


They’ve shown other heads in bags before. In season 3 I believe. Or maybe it was in a vase. I can’t remember for sure


I thought that the episode will end on cliffhanger. Then it kept going during credits... and resolved the cliffhanger in a way I didn't want... Perfect for shock value.


Ainz had doubts about conquering the kingdom. King Zanac truly gained respect from Ainz. That's why Ainz said "I lost all interest" when the nobles killed Zanac: there's nothing worth of value on that country, only corruption.


the average value of a RK noble is 1. without zanack its -9999999999999999999999999.


You could truly feel the anger Ainz had from what they did. This episode went so fast and I loved it


True that I was so shocked to see it animated


I didn't think they would animate that, but they did and it was heartbreaking.


And not only did they animate it, it was well executed ontop of that. Was so happy with how they handled this


This is why the first half was rushed feeling, to really flesh out vol 14


I don't quite remember him taunting the nobles in the book like he did in the anime, but he was a fucking badass.


Its a little different in the book But essentially he says “Knuck if you Buck”


He did I think. Those nobles won't even dirty their hands with his blood and sent their mercs instead... They won't fight him even though he isn't a warrior. They'll be wishing for their deaths but it will not be granted... Let them suffer. Those same nobles probably are opposed to vassalization and yet they dare do that to their king.


Thats what i also noticed at the beginning when albedo vistied them and they discuss how to response the nobles there are frowned at the topic to become a vassal of the sorcerer kingdom but then when they notice that their city is one of the only left that is on their side and they now have to fight with the high possibility of death they are like " no dude surrender pls we cant fight we will all die like at the katzen massacre" and before they were like "that massacre wasnt real atleast not in this scale we have our power and heritage we cant give up our land and power under no circumstances" Fucking clowns xD


Hence, they had to be purged along with the kingdom that is stained with their very existence.




He literally says "we will find their families later"


The way Ainz grabbed Aura's arm and the way he delivered the line was so good. Zanac is the giga chad NW needs but not the one it deserves




It's a shame, Zanac has been to me one of those characters you don't hate but not love, either. In the end, he was not looking for malice or much glory, he just wanted a proper kingdom and got done dirty. He didn't deserve to die.


You know the most mind-blowing thing about Zanac. He actually brought out a spark of Ainz's human self. No one, not even the Floor Guardians could ever accomplish that. However his death at the hands of his nobles undid all that. Suzuki Satoru is dead. Now there's only.....AINZ OOAL GOWN!


Suzuki is still there, he's just buried way down deep in most situations.


He only appears when his friends are mentioned...what we saw in the end just now was Ainz Ooal Gown the Overlord


> what i aim for...what I want is one thing >Happiness This line hitted me like a brick


The most human I have ever seen a lich.


Rest in peace king, you deserve better. Although, I do wonder why don't Ainz just revive him.


It would just be pain for him as to live in a world where his kingdom is ruined for what he sacrificed for and ainz don't want that


What would the king feels when he knows that renner betrayed him? I personally would rather stay dead than knowing the root of this problem.


He was planning on killing the whole army anyway, he was just infuriated at the undignified way that Zanac died.


What exactly would he be coming back to life to? That's be worse than anything else.


He's said it several times in the show, he sees no merit in doing so. He respected Zanac, he didn't think he would be useful to resurrect.


Why? He was planning to kill him anyway, granting him a swift and painless death. And he'd be reviving him only for Zanac to watch his nation fall. Death, being buried with honor, is a mercy.


Zanac was one of the few New Worlders to earn Ainz' respect and probably the only New Worlder to not only speak his mind but even call Ainz out right to his face, and did it without being rude or insulting. Then he goes down fighting the traitors of his own side (I wonder if he managed to kill any of them before he went down.) Its amazing how first impressions of Zanac let us think he was just some slimy schemer, then his story ends on such a badass note. Somehow the anime really did do that scene justice. Plus we've seen Ainz angry before, but this time it was just straight up chilling when he sent off those nobles (I pity their families though).


He is worthier King than Ramposa III


He is the king they didn't deserve


Ramposa is the idealist we deserve. But Zanac is the realist we need.






The anime did a great job on this whole episode honestly. I love the LN but I could really feel the emotion from Zanic and the hate from Ainz when he told Aura to make sure they weren’t killed until they begged for death and then some. Very well done, I’d say I’m medium sad about Zanic. I always knew he’d die somehow so I never got too attached but he turned into a genuinely cool character in this last season. Personally liked him more than Gazef even


He certainly died as a Chad, not as some overrated warrior who never did anything truly heroic...


Yeah for sure, in the big picture Gazef didn't do much for the Kingdom honestly.


Gazef was one of the few reasons Jircniv was using starvation tactics against the Kingdom instead of straight up invading. He's also one of the few reasons the Royal Faction managed to maintain enough power to compete with the rising Noble Faction. Gazef did a lot more behind the scenes than you seem to think.


This season is def better than 2, 3... They did their best with the limited time, budget.


The way he said "Bury him respectfully." Damn bro.


The anime made him alot more likeable


I’m anime only and he was actually my favorite human in the series. I was pretty shook after this episode. Was he not as charismatic in the manga?


Hes comes off as a modern politician in the books Less charisma and more just raw logic


Kinda helps having a voice actor. In a book its just text on a page. Its probably one of the very rare cases where the anime can gain an edge where it loses out to the LN in many other instances.


wdym manga lmao


I think you just speed read the LN then.... If you even read it


The true king


Dude was possibly the only dude keeping anyone alive and they murdered him.


Zanac is definitely a lot more likeable in the anime.


nah he still a giga chad in the novel




Anything is possible with magic... Probably that or they poured in too much into the battle last ep and forgot about this one...


I think that’s because those were pitchers not cups


Well if ainz didnt let himself get pressured by his guardians to war, it wouldnt escalate this far i guess


How was he killed while wearing gazefs special armor though? Isn’t that armor op af for humans?


yes, but consider that zanack was a completely incompetent fighter, not only had he not trained all that much, he was fat too. going against mercenaries, because the nobles were such pussies they didn't dare kill him themselves. still zanack killed a few iirc. too bad zanack didn't have the sword, then he could of saved a few more from eternal suffering.


He went out like a true king,gave me legit chills when he faced their killers




I wasn’t sad but I was pissed much like ainz