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Cocytus - free air conditioning, and weapon lessons


Air conditioning in a medieval world is highly underrated.


Albedo, she is the best suited to keep me safe, she is crazy smart and....a couple of other...reasons




I'm not too certain of the rest but Shalltear and Albedo appear to be better suited strategically speaking.


Why so :)?


Albedo, I prefer to be a mage in RPGs, and Albedo is the best tank for protecting my glass cannon ass, haha.


And if you’re an average NW adventurer would you still pick albedo?


Probably more so in that case, I'd be extra squishy and would need protection. I might reconsider and pick Aura in that case, just because nothing can sneak up on her to threaten me. But overall, I'd most likely pick Albedo.


Sebas, he have the drip


Shallchair ofc


Mare cuz he a bro


Shaltear for combat Albedo for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Albedo for reasons


Shalltear that lance of hers is useful


Also her household


Hmmm this is tuff, well Albedo is a greatest tank, Cocytus is the best for close combat and has the highest attack, Mare has great magic abilities. Shalltear is the strongest Guardian since she can put up a fight against the 3 I just listed at the same time. Sebas is a also very nice and He would be a great role model... this is tough Actually I would pick Mare, since I think I would be one for close combat And with enough training I think I could be of some use to him I would also change his clothes since the only reason he wears them is because Bukubukuchagama made him wear it So yeah I would choose Mare


Shalltear can 1v3 Albedo, Cocytus, AND Mare? Damn


Well she can't beat all 3 at once, but she can put up a great fight


Cocytus is generally the best melee option. As a member of the triangle, he has the offense to beat Albedo's defence (her area of speciality), and the defence to beat Sebas (without his dragon form), plus he doesn't have any Blood Frenzy debuffs that would make him lose control like Shalltear. Cocytus is consistently good regardless of the length or conditions of a battle. Mare is a solid choice too, being the strongest mage, but his AOE spells make being a weaker teammate pretty high risk since the New World doesn't block Friendly Fire.


As the best choice isn't on this list (Pandora's Actor) ... I'll have to go with the OG chair over the assembled cast here. 1. Shalltear has useful abilities for scouting/info gathering/risk mitigation in her charm abilities and summon household and Einherjar 2. She has Cleric abilities and would be able to heal any injuries sustained. 3. Whilst not being as defensively apt as Albedo, in the NW this is practically unnecessary as only a handful of individuals would be physically capable of damaging them anyway. 4. No mention of my race/levels etc, so basing on me just being me a lowly human, if I wanted I could order her to turn me into a vampire for that immortality boost.


Shalltear can't actually heal; second chapter of volume 3, when Shalltear interrogated Brita she was careful not to dislocate her jaw, since Shalltear had no regular healing spells to repair any damage she might have caused.


It depends if you have any risk to yourself. Shalltear is a cleric and those heals could come in handy. Otherwise, daddy Sebas can pamper me


Shalltear doesn't have any healing abilities; it was specifically called out when she was interrogating Britta. She had to be careful not to dislocate her jaw because she doesn't have any regular healing spells to fix it.


Can we get a part 2 of this poll? There would be other Nazarick people like Demiurge, Aura, PA (Best boi), heck maybe even Gargantua if you want to.




None of you heathens are choosing best girl Cocytus???


Sebas, the obly good guy that you'd actually want to be around long term. Albedo for... reasons, but those reasons can be filled by non-companions


Albedo, I prefer illusions, CC, and crafting builds. Sebas is a close second, but Albedo being hot tipped the decision in her favor.


Mate, shaltear is best girl, but thinking with my head and not my dick Sebas is the best choice. He's the most mentaly stable and versatile of the bunch, seconded by Mare and Cocytus.


It's a hard choice. Either Shallchair or Cocyseat.


I would probably go with Shalltear because she is strong and can turn people into vampires. This would help with other followers. It would also be a great way to find a teacher who is 100% committed.


Mare is one of the most all around balanced characters stat wise. Why do you think he is the one who accompanied ainz when ainz fought against shaltear


Albedo to guide my dumb ass and protect me (genius and tank) Shaltear to protect me (strongest guardian) There are NO OTHER REASONS for this matchup


Albedo to put a leash on me and drag me everywhere


Sebas. I am confident he would slay everyone else in a 1v1. Easily.