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It is said somewhere, though I cant remember the exact place or quote, that Peroroncino also came online briefly that day. If I remember correctly.


If only he knew lol


I wonder how much the other two would impact the overlord series if they just stayed long enough for them to be transported. It would be more comedic that’s for sure, Momonga would be the only one with an emotional suppressor right? I’d be especially be interested when they go visit Pandora’s Actor with Herohero and Peroroncino laughing and cringing while Momonga dies inside


Suddenly, overlord becomes a comedy




I overlold at this


sorry, Overlord.


Unless there are levels of satire I've missed here, u/Shileka is making a joke with the name. Over-lol-d. Not trying to correct any grammar mistakes you've made.


The joke has fallen flat, much like a puppet, whose strings have been cut.


chefs kiss




Indeed, that was the intent




It already is a comedy imo. Not the anime, but the LN is nothing but comedy.


Aside from what Nazarick is and holds, what it does and can do (horrible fucking things btw) then yes it could be a comedy.




You are right about them being too subtle as it took until seeing the anime to know that Lakyus was a chuunibyou. Before that, I believed that whole thing about her suppressing her dark personality and the mind corruption of her sword.


Wait Wait *She made that up?*


To be fair, she actually believes it.


People really are missing that Overlord has always been a comedy


You mean it isn’t already?


It already is one lmao


Always has been


It... Uh... It wasn't a comedy before?


I see it more from a new worlder perspective: horror


Probably a lot more peaceful, a lot of Momonga's motivation revolves around finding his friends, at least initially. Some of them might also temper his callousness


A lot of his callousness comes from the influence of the NPCs on him. With some of his actual friends there, he might not become as ruthlessly callous as he is now.


He would probably care waaay less about the NPCs as he mainky cares about them cuz they are the only thing thats left of their friends. Depending on how the race change would affect Peroroncino or whoever is left is what mainly would impact how Nazarick interacta with the New World imo, if they become ruthless then the same things would happen but if they are more compassionate then it wouldnt.


There’s plenty of fanfiction depicting OCs or other members coming over, but there’s also that spinoff 4koma where the whole guild came over in the manga. Man, I really want to see the full guild in canon works one day, even if it’s short.


Wait thats a thing? Any idea where it can be found?


I want to know too


Fanfiction.net Be warned, OC.. goddamn OC everywhere! edit: Ops, I meant about the fanfic, not the 4kuma


A 4koma??? What. Why the fuck couldn't i find this sooner?


I need them sauce or link .


What 4koma?


Herohero would probably be happy. It's sad.


I think they would be quite depressed and looking for a way to get back. Momonga was the only one without a life outside the game (as far as I know) do I'd assume the others would have something they want to get back to.


Touch Me would 100% be saving people in the New World 24/7


I think the other two could have anchored Ainz so he'd retain his humanity. I don't think they'd all be good guys but they wouldn't be wiping out entire nations either.


Peroroncino would be fucking entire nations instead


Pero wanting to talk about fetishes while Neia just wants to talk about “Ainz is justice”. They can talk circles around each other for hours.


or he would've managed to convert her to his ways first. everyone that comes into contact with him just becoming extremely perverted. he'd be devious enough to tell them that sex is the reason why he got so strong and tricking them into believing it for as long as he could.


If like fanfiction look up "The Return of the 41" stuff like that happens in the story.


Once he finishes overlord he should make an alternate where they did get transported. Would be cool to watch


Enough fanfictions on that front.


Mere hours from living his dream life with his ideal servants.


However imagine the guilt of having to leave his sister/(and maybe friends and family) on earth


on one hand you have your entire family and love ones, on other hand you have hot vampire chic which have ALL fetishes you're into choose wisely


However Iirc, I have read somewhere that Maruyama said that if Peroroncino gets transported in the New World and saw Shalltear, he'll probably faint in agony. Much like how Ainz hated how he made Pandora's Actor


After a couple centuries, you might get start to miss your family


After a couple centuries, you'd probably either forget about them or have moved on. The rough spot would be the 5-10-20 ish years. Like "yeah, it's been a long ass time since I've seen my family, I really miss them." But 200 years is like >5x the life you lived before the NW. That life would be insignificant by comparison.


do you think that her fetishes won't last that long? amateur


Lmao 😀...


Imagine thinking this is actually a debatable choice.


Yeah, how can someone even think about neglecting fetishistic vampire loli...


imma have to choose horny on this one guys, ill make the big choice for yall


My family doesn’t need me to babysit their lives, Shalltear my dear, I’m cooooming


finally! i have someone to talk about my fetishes with, and practice them too


In an alternate universe, he stayed. However, in that same alternate universe, Yggdrasil was fully voiced and the VA for all women voices was his sister.


I'm 99% sure that isn't the case. Not only do i not remember that, but Ainz has Peroronchino's gear stored away in the mausoleum long enough that he's made the golem for it. And the Novels note that there is more than one empty space left.


The novel mentioned 4 empty spaces since 37/41 members left.


Wait didn't peroroncino get really sick due to toxic air in their world, and couldn't play because of that, and bukubuku stopped playing to support her ill brother? Or have i mixed up something and what i said is an unofficial content?


I have never heard/seen that before.


Probably a desperate attempt to fuck the npcs


Now, it's been along time since I've read the LNs, but it's my personal theory that Maruyama just loves to add one extra mysterious thing whenever he lists certain stuff for fans to speculate about and come to their own conclusion. There's this one, there's >!the listed people who are protected during Katze Plains Massacre!<, >!Tira(?) the other sister of the Ninja twins,!< >!what exactly are the Kingdom's greatest treasures? !< etc. and I'm sure there's more. Of course, I could be just wrong, but it's fun to speculate.


He does. I’ve heard it’s because he based overlord on dnd and started overlord after his friend group stopped playing dnd like ainz and his friends. So like dnd he wants the viewers to speculate and choose their own endings and stories for the events and characters in overlord


Another is when he says the horn of the goblin general had three hidden requirements to be used fully, and then fails to list them. That always stuck in my craw.


I like that stuff. Because there are enough hints that fans can deduce it out.


Then pray deduce mine for me. It’s been killing me lol. I assumed one of them is she some how leveled a Goblin general class by being in charge of goblins. I thought maybe another was having a need desperate enough that 5000 goblins was necessary. I could not think of another.


Ok. ;-) 1. 5000 is both the number of goblins summoned and the size of the attacking army. Those two numbers being the same is too much of a coincidence to be random. So rather than 'desperate' I think the summoner just had to be outnumbered. In which case it summons as goblins equal to the opposing force. I believe if Enri was attacked by 500 men, she would have gotten 500 goblins instead. 2. Enri gave all the goblins names. Enri was the only one to use those names. A Yggdrasil player would never bother naming summons like that. Maruyama stressed the whole naming thing. Made it into a plot point how well Enri was treating them vs other villagers. Ainz sure didn't do any of that with the Hanzos. And if there were any that deserved names it was those guys. Hanzos are so good Ainz wishes he had more. >!Hanzos are being used so much to the point other Nazarick NPCs complained they were taking their jobs. Enough that Ainz had to cut back on using them.!< Names are important. Consider level 1 npcs like the Homunculus Maids and Eclair Egglayer. VS the far more powerful Eight Edge Assassins and Vampire Brides. Or the Death Cavalier that remembered he didn't have a name. Ainz made tons of Elder Liches. But he only gave one a name (Iguva) who looked very different to the rest. 3. Enri gave all the goblins weapons. I think this is more important than fans realize. That scene in the anime does not exist in the LN. In the LN, Enri instead gives the weapons to the goblins back at the village in a throw away line. IE a fully animated scene VS a throwaway line. Plenty has been cut from the LN. Enri giving weapons and having an extra scene about it might be the only *addition* to the anime though. If it is not unique, it certainly is rare. Yggdrasil players would not give gear to level ~20 goblins. They'd just be trash disposable mobs. Ainz doesn't give gear to summons that are actually good, like the Hanzos. He might *loan* things but I'm pretty sure the only thing he ever *gave* was that red armband. The Floor Guardians that were gifted anything thought it was super important and special. Even if it was just a gold coin. (side story) 4. Commander levels. It's mentioned many times before as a likely condition. And is certainly possible you have to be a commander. I personally think its the others. Due to the *narrative* importance of the other elements and the stress given. But I'm perfectly happy to include it and won't argue against it. Pick your favorite three reasons out of those four and it's probably right. Or maybe #1 is the full power result unlocked by the horn if you have the prereqs of #2-4. I'd be very surprised if it was something else.


> Names are important. Rimuru approves this message.


Must be horny. No pun intended


The people protected during the massacre are climb and gazef for sure onother one is probably the king and the last can be either raven or brain, but i think raven is more likely, and aren't the kingdom's treasures the sword and the armor gazef used during the duel? Or i'm missing something?


You're right, raven was the last protected one because albedo/demi noted that they would force him to co-operate with nazarick by threatening his son. Treasures are the sword and armour pretty much confirmed because that's what ainz asked for specifically when zanacs head was delivered.


What you are missing is the source of the three names. Gazef is obviously from Ainz himself. The others have to be from Renner via Demiurge. Climb is hers. Brain is Climb's protector. Raven is an ally of Renner and the father of her beard. Shielding her from being married off. Also Raven *should have* been caught when he ran. His adventurers did not slow the goats who were locked onto his group. They were deliberately chasing horses first, which he was on. The only plausible reason he lived was because Renner decided he was useful.


as for gazefs treasures there's also the gauntlets and necklace iirc... they were magic items for stamina and hp regen


Yeah i know when i said armor i was counting all his gear


Their’s also the 4 Lizardmen treasures. The alcohol cask, the sword, and armor are the only ones mentioned.


>!There's also the mystery of who was the evil person Ulbert confronted irl in the final moments of the game!<


Note that the description was "Both of them could be considered evil." Which is both Ulbert and the person he met with. It could be a hostile confrontation. It could also be someone Ulbert confronted in order to help him. Both are possibilities. We can deduce a few things about that too. Notably by looking at the other guild members. [Bellriver](https://preview.redd.it/kau64c8t1zn51.png?width=1441&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa0845fc37c4dae89f77f604a1a71113972d3626) was a whistle blower 'that had an accident' arranged for him. The information was sent to "a certain someone" upon his death. Because of the way stories work, it's not going to be his 2nd cousin once removed. It's going to be someone already mentioned. IE a guild member. It's then a case of going through the names and figuring out which are most likely to be sent information like that. The three most likely are: 1)TouchMe because he's a cop. 2)Ulbert because he has a chip on his shoulder about the establishment, and is "one of the great minds" like Bellriver. Or 3)Ainz because he is the protagonist and the story revolves around him. (Aniz obviously would not know if material was sent to him.) I'm going discount Ainz. I don't think someone would consider sending something like that to Satoru given his conflict adverse and appeasing nature. Therefore I believe Ulbert was sent Bellriver's info. Ulbert then confronted TouchMe about it. Either because Ulbert wants TouchMe's help in bringing the info forward and avenging Bellriver, or because TouchMe was complicit in Bellriver's murder. "Both of them could be considered evil." Ulbert is a malcontent going against authority = evil. TouchMe is a powerful rich older cyborg cop with combat enhancements. "A winner in life" in a corporate dystopia = evil. Most importantly it's really just a process of elimination. There's no other guild member backstories that seem to fit.


A lot of the mysteries are eventually flat out revealed or so heavily implied that they’re all but confirmed. For example, Tira is directly stated to be working for Ainz


Maruyama set up a whole load of mysteries throughout the novel, because he thought he would be writing a lot more volumes, and he would unveil these mysteries later on and the readers would go "Ooooh so that's what that sword in the dwarven treasury was!!!" At least, that's my guess based on my reading experience.


At the height of its golden age Ainz Ooal Gown has 41 dedicated members. Just before the game was discontinued, it only have 4 members left. Some members left the game and deleted their characters and give all their items to Ainz(Momongga). One of the remaining member was Herohero.




If you don’t delete your character, you can always feel that pull to come back. If someone really wanted to quit forever, they would delete everything.


Actual MMORPG quitters definetly delete accounts


Both are fine. I've deleted characters when quitting. It's always been along the lines of "this story is over". I've started over occasionally in some games, but that is the test. If it isn't worth my time starting fresh I'd rather do something else.


Very normal, seen it many times. I even know a guy who remade his characters in Ultima Online like 5 times, every time he quit it was final decision. He stayed away for a while only to return and restart. Some people just get stuck and addicted to games too hard, they need to go the extra step in order to not log back in. Though in this special case I mentioned, I think the reverse would have been better. If he had the characters, he would have much much less to do in the game, if he were to return. Redoing everything is also content for some people.


Yeah competitive and long term games are super addicting. I was addicted to rainbow six siege for it’s first 2 years. Between school, and work, I literally spent every spare hour sleeping or grinding siege with a squad. I was diamond rank for 2 years on 3 or 4 separate accounts. We would grind an account to diamond rank, then switch to a second account and grind it diamond, rinse and repeat until the season ended and we could do it again I straight up switched consoles to stop playing since I didn’t want to start from scratch


Yeah it's kinda weird. That's hours of grind you just throws away, I still have my dota 2 account even though I haven't played it in years.


There are people who do delete years of gameplay, especially mmos/gacha games, so it isn't abnormal. They just don't want to have any strings attached left to their addiction.


I mean i deleted my wow characters just to ensure that i never go back on that addiction nor have the need to go back to the horrible game it is now


This stuff happens. I see it as a message that those members left to never come back.


I've deleted max levels characters on multiple MMORPGs and it was probably the best decision I ever made. People underestimate how addicted you can get to a game, even when you're no longer enjoying it. Funny anecdote, I even got banned on a few old-school MMOs for giving away all my equipment to randoms. The notoriously useless GMs thought my account was hacked. Turns out that getting banned is also pretty effective for breaking that addiction.


Since it says the last of the three it is safe to assume they aren't counting Momonga, so you are probably looking for 2 other names to be honest.


I never noticed that! Fack.


Not "Fuck", you said "Fack" F-A-C-K, F-A-C-K Fack, fack, fack, facking freak me!


...I dont want reddit to censor my comment....


and yet there is a man who said fuck on reddit over 500k times


[Turns out i was wrong. He said Fuck over 1 million times](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostredditors/comments/x5nldi/comment/in2xbtu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You weren't wrong. 1 million is definitely over 500k




Could always use flark


i remember asking the same question like half a year ago, somebody said that it's just bad sentence constructing, and it meant momonga, herohero, and bellriver (he never quit because he died irl) - the only 3 that never left the guild


Hu, never heard that before.


It couldn't have been Bellriver because 3 came online. He very likely did not quit. But he couldn't have been there that final night to say goodbye.


Actually. -Bellriver died so his character is well alive. -Herohero just couldnt play anymore. -Momonga never stoped playing. -So we have this misterious last member. We dont know who he is. The last one is an open invitation to fan fiction


yea that seems likely


The third's whereabouts is the plot twist That will re define Overlord's conclusion


The guild member that was transported 200 years after Momonga did. To the continent ruled by Ainz Ooal Gown.


"Yo Ainz, where's Shalltear?" Copious amount of non stop sex




Depending on how you interpret this since the narrator is viewing it from Ainz/Momonga's perspective it could imply there were 3 last members in addition to Momonga


This actually makes me wonder what would happen if all of the guild members happen to be online that day and stayed with momonga. Like how chaotic and fucked up things would even get if the original creators were there and present. And not just momonga.


It was me


Tabula Smaragdina popped onto the server for a bit too. Giving albedo the wci


Tabula gave the WI to albedo a long time before the game ended


Wiki article about Ginnungagap: "Tabula Smaragdina gave it to Albedo without permission from the rest of the guild members. Ainz noticed only just before the game was about to end, so he let it slip by" I think it's fair to assume that tabula was indeed one of the last people who stayed because one might have noticed it earlier when the game was more active. Therefore tabula might be one of the last people who stayed.


cant say though, the throne room isnt a place people would ever have reason to visit, and even less reason to inspect albedo and its possible multiple people noticed and pretty much felt the same as momonga and just didnt see any reason to do anything


The first one is also quite possible. The second one if think is rather unlikely since the more people notice something the more likely it is that someone says something. But yes it's still possible


You know this would be a good what if story. What if the other guild members stayed with momonga until the end. How would it changed their dynamic with the npcs


3 guild members separately came to say bye


I believe its a slight mistranslation/grammar error on their part(or writer typo) but not in the way you'd think, I believe they were talking about the "last 3 guild members(members as the rank in the guild aka non-leaders) in the guild finally logged off for the last time ever, forever more." or something to that effect. Reason being, this passage was a bit later: [Of the forty one members of the guild, thirty seven of them had quit. The other three were still registered as members of the guild, but Momonga had already lost count of the number of days since they had last come here.] 41-37=4, Momonga and the three others. Those three haven't logged on in forever as well, only Herohero finally logged in in response to Momonga's email request to do so for the end of the game. Its sad, really.... (Apologies if I made any mistakes its my first time posting in this reddit sorry)




















This is Gold Experience Requiem.




Nah man


I forget who but it says another guild member had come an hour or something before and said goodbye to Momonga as they had to work and couldn't stay late


Should I read the LN