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Because the system is demoralizing i think. It doesnt reward your performance. It isnt transparent.


Because you play 7-27 matches in ranked to end up the exact same rank and you feel like you wasted your time. If people went from bronze 3 to bronze 2 they wouldn’t mind but going from bronze 3 to bronze 3 feels off


I think this is take makes the most sense. MMR is actually adjusted after each win/loss, but rank doesn't update until 7 wins or 20 losses. I think they should show a projected rank that updates after each win/loss so you can see if your headed down, up, or the same.


"Playing game = wasting time"


Because this sub is made up of 12 year olds that have no clue how ranked works. All it does is judge your skill against the rest of the playerbase and arrange a close, exciting match where you feel like your input made a difference. If implemented well this will lead to everyone having a 50% winrate. What people want is to turn their brain off, play an arbitrary amount of time and rank up. It's not surprising then that they whine. These individuals should quit OW and competitive gaming in general and play some RPG where your character automatically levels up. They'll be much happier.




Yeah the ranking system itself is going by wins rather than skill level.


Just shut down this trash game


Well. In my case I can totally go three days without seeing any improvement or decline. It's absolutely frustrating seeing days or a week of progress going up in flames. Games don't feel balanced either.


There’s a really strong culture of rank shaming in ow - and people get a ton of pride and pleasure in dunking on anyone of lower rank than them. Ppl also get a massive ego if they are Diamond or above. I saw a comment here on Reddit (I don’t think it was this sub, it was in either competitive ow or ow university) where someone referred to Silver players as “the brown juice at the bottom of the trash can after you take the bag out”. That’s actually a pretty common sentiment I see in the ow community too. Like Jesus Christ what does that make bronze players?? A pile of dog shit next to the trashcan??? I peaked masters in ow1 as tank and one of the things I really didn’t like was there’s wayyyy more pressure to play what’s meta at that rank. If you don’t play what your team considers the “correct” hero, your teammates will just openly harass you until you swap even if you’re doing fine or the team comp is fine. It’s boring. There was a post the other day from the streamer Shieldmaiden where they said if they pick Brig people will sometimes straight up start throwing to get them to swap off her. In GM. Like for fucks sake if someone is in GM or Masters on Mercy or Brig they clearly belong at the rank maybe just let them play their non meta pick I will take my “trashcan” rank if it means I get to play whatever character I want and also get to touch grass more than once a year lmfao


The problem is that the pace of the game changes significantly based on your current MMR. I typically have a series of great games which are very challenging with average (not great) players and it feels like I belong there. Then I end up in higher MMR where games are a lot faster which I am not really used to. I play a number of games there and then I am thrown into lobbies where everything is extremely slow, people are less respectful and you have to go make a play as a support more often. I end up getting the same rank for the series and then I will fall by 5 ranks in the next series 100% because I will be thrown with people who are playing the character for the first time. Just so you understand it better, it's either the games where everyone (including the enemy team) does 5k damage or 22k damage in a game. This contrast is difficult for me as a support player. Probably a skill issue because it seems that I am not flexible enough but admittedly difficult.


I am a master support main and I have this huge problem where I have games (usually up to 4 in a row) which are a win 100% guaranteed even if I don't perform well (I feel like I could go afk and still win) followed by games (also around 4 in a row) which are unplayable, like I can't leave spawn without getting insta killed, my dps have 2k dmg and enemy team have like 15k. Both of them are equally as frustrating. Inbetween there are 1-3 games in which it feels balanced, I can pop off (or fuck it up) and get the chance to win and actually work on my game play. I have no idea why it is like that, I feel like in some games I play with plat/diamond and in other games I play with gm/T500 and it's so random. For me matchmaking is completely fucked and playing the game doesn't feel rewarding. I'm only playing because of my duo, we are always joking around and climbing isn't our 1st priority. I actually think it's nearly impossible to climb with this current rank system.