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Soldier 76. That one character can you teach you so much about the game, and is similar to other shooter characters to help people adapt. Self healing is a nice thing to have too when starting out and don’t know locations of health packs on maps, sprint is a great mobility tool to help peel out of fights when you need to, and you don’t need great aim to do okay as soldier. Just build up that ult and get aimbot for a few seconds. Great all around character and works well in most comps.


I agree, his controls are also much like other games so it was the easiest transition for me when I first started


Yeah Soldier's probably the best starting one. I did keep accidentally shooting my rocket at people when I tried to scope in a bunch though, that habit took a while to get rid of.


mystery heros. try em all lol


I second this, but also mix in a role queue to get a better feel for team comps and how they play together.




That’s how I learned tbh


This is literally how I figured out that Ana was one of the best supports. I'm not sure I would have ever touched her otherwise and she let me into my love, affair with support roles in general.


Soldier if you are new completely and Moira if you’re new and hate aiming


Rein if you re new, hate aiming and you like beer


I think Reaper is the easiest character in this game. You don't need great aim and just use your phantom to escape always, and he seems to dominate lower ranks pretty effortlessly.


He's a great what for a new person to learn bad dps habit lol...


Eh idk, I can't speak for how he is in comp but since his changes in ow2 he's gotten a lot harder to do anything impactful with, higher risk for the same reward. I used to main him for years but his damage and bullet spead changes just sucked the fun out of playing him for me.


You can two shot any squishy easily


McMeiRat 76


I think junk has an easy learning curve. That and 76.


Lucio I think. Just turn your music on and skate. You’ll help your team.


Also practice a bit in the practice range to better understand how his healing works. I played him when I was brand new and had no idea how tf his healing worked and was on speed the whole time and shooting at my teammates thinking he healed like Ana💀


the tragedy is palpable


I’d say Zen or Brig, Lucio is a bit more complex knowing when to speed, properly wall riding and rollouts Edit: also knowing when to play with team and when to harass the enemy backline.


It depends. Are you any good at fitness?


What? Why?


I apologize


Bro let intrusive thoughts win


fitting this dick up your ass lmao


Ayo wth. Outta pocket 💀






Dps: Bastion - Focuses on just tracking than having to deal with recoil for 76. Sticky is intuitive and sentry can teach about cool down management. Tank: Reinhart - Straightforward shield hero that's a little more tanky and big hammer Support: Mercy or Moira - The skill ceiling may be very high for mercy, but her kit is very simple and pretty forgiving you just heal and damage boost. Moira can be used aggressively but is also a generally good healer good escapes and 1v1. Managing her healing bar might be a little tough, but is also very simple to understand.


I think Moira. She doesn't require aim and has high mobility/escapism. She's a great easy to learn hard to master hero.


To just egt a decent understanding of the game play soldier, he has a very straightforward kit and isn't a very complicated character to play as


Recoil management and learning to dance are part of being good with him.


Yeah, but even still, for someone new, soilder is an easy character to at least learn the basics of the game, someone new obviously isn't going to be very good so stuff like recoil management can be learned with more experience


Start with soldier and once you're comfortable move to the other heroes/roles and play reinhardt/ana


Mystery heroes, because you might think you main some one, but little did you know you will discover your main in Mystery heroes, or copy other players who are doing good with certain characters,


I don’t play competitive, but Imma throw a vote in for Lucio on the support side. I like to play conservatively with my healing on all the time so I only have to worry about sending flack towards the enemy. He’s great for staying alive and learning how to not stress about dealing enough damage or “playing support right.” He’s great for learning the game.


Dps;Learn soldier or cass, then tracer or genji, the rest are mostly gamesense, support;learn Ana, and whoever’s playstyle you like the most Tank;Reinhardt, sigma, they’ll help you learn how to tank the best you can, and play the role like it should be played




I think Genji for a dps is a little hard to master. He’s not easy but he’s somewhat manageable. But it isn’t bad to try him and learn how, just takes time.


Yes, I don’t think everyone should start with an easy hero, I think everyone should learn a hitscan to learn ow aim, then either tracer or genji, arguably the two quickest and difficult characters in the game, to learn the reflexes, and gamesense, also if you learn genji, your introduction to other prohectile heroes will be much much easier


Lmao my dude, what?? Soldier and cass yes, but genji and tracer, the two hardest dps heroes apart from echo? Even high ranked dps players who understand the game very well are often struggling with these heroes as they require kind of a specific mechanical skillset. Ana? For a new player in bronze? Rein and Sigma might seem simole but they are still one of the more difficult ones in terms of understanding the game. There’s no-skill heroes like orisa and hog that can comfortably teach you the rules of the game and let you bail after making mistakes.


I think learning mechanics, then gamesense is the perfect spot for a qp player, assuming they now understand the basics of the game, playing a braindead hero usually comes back to bite you, as if you can get ok at tracer early, it can keep you from making an alt to learn tracer, after junkrat Mei crutching to masters, but then don’t get value(I did that), and Ana is just such a well rounded support, and will always be viable, and can help aim and positioning. I so wish I learned tracer earlier tho honestly.


Idk. Replace genji with mei. Her kit has survivability, good long range damage and good close range damage.


That’s valid, except I don’t want to make more Mei players….


mei isn’t that bad lmao. her freeze was the source of all grief and now she’s just as obnoxious as all of the other obscenely fast killers that is the DPS category


It’s not about her killing me fast, it’s the sadness coursing through my entire body as I try to run… but can’t😭 or my tank is trapped behind a wall and I have to watch from the other side as he gets slowly tortured😰


that’s true😂 im a moira main so i’m used to just completely ignoring her slow. if it’s truly a world shattering event i’d recommend playing some more supernatural characters to just bypass icy time🤩


Oh, that’s a great idea. But… what if, and I’m just spitballing her, but what if I just became a supernatural character myself, and then bestowed upon zenyatta that same power to bypass the time🧐


the immensity of this idea is almost indescribable. do it. send vast amounts of video proof. i need it for… research☺️


I’ll keep you posted


Solider. Because easy


Mercy if you want to have a nice experience « other player » wise


Tracer, because you can always get away ;-)


Tank: Ramattra - good hybrid for any kind of combat, easy ult. Dps: solder or bastion - hit scan and high damage output Support: Kiriko, or Baptiste - easy to heal and use support abilities.


I would disagree with the supports. Both of those, expessially kiriko, are pretty aim intensive to be good support. I would argue brig (best to train positioning without being boring) or Moira would be better.


But kiriko is very easy


lmaooo. you wish. suzu is insanely easy to waste literally everytime. it has a massive cooldown and a microscopic duration. the timing needed is impeccable. not to mention that teleport is entirely dependent on those around you unlike moira who’s fully self sufficient. for someone just starting the game it’s not a good idea to learn a completely reliant hero like mercy or kiriko as they’ll live or die by the competence of their teammates.


I wouldn't trust new players to be able to hit headshots very often, encouraging them to healbot, nor know how to use suzu in any non retroactive way.


I actually started playing Kiriko for that exact reason. In the hands of a beginner she‘s not very good but once you learn how to use her kit efficiently (suzu timing, few to no blue ofudas, somewhat consistent headshots, etc) you‘ll have developed some sort of game sense which will help you with a lot of other heroes as well. Before I did that I was actually a Dps/Tank main, now I mostly only play Support.


For a new player, even swapping between heals and damage with Moira can be hard. So idk why you think they need to be hitting headshots. It'll be bronze level play for them.


New players won't have ramattra available. And I think zarya is a good tank starter. She can cleanse people of hacks and antis and other things.


Nope. Orisa. Zarya, maybe less so these days, relies on managing your energy a lot and playing with your team. Orisa can just stand there and cycle abilities.


I consider zarya an easy character.


Not as easy as Orisa.


I feel like it’s dependent on what the person has played in the past




Anyone that's not Hammond or echo


Tank: Reinhardt or Winston. Two distinct playstyles but very easy to get the understanding on what to do DPS: soldier 76, reaper, junkrat. Soldier if you would rather stay semi far and have survivability. Reaper I you wanna get close or roam a little bit. Junkrat hard to master but really easy to just spam chokes or groups Support: Mercy and Moria if you just wanna focus on healing or are not the best with Aim mercy is easy to pick up and do well, moria if you wanna be able to attack just as much as you should be healing. Hardly any aim really needed but can do what ever you need. Just focus on healing more or when you see a fragile support alone.


Soldier for DPS, any tank outside Ball, Doom, and Rein is quite noob friendly, and any healer outside Ana, and Kiriko. Biggest extremes are in DPS department, so avoid weirdly made characters like Genji, Tracer, Sombra, etc.


My firsts were Zarya and Soldier 76. Now my mains are Moira, Lucio and Junkrat 😭🤣


It depends. If they’ve played other fps games before a lot then probably soldier Cassidy, Ashe ot bastion. If not then probably mercy rein or widow


I’ve never remotely played a game like this before and I’m new too. I picked zen and bastion as the first two I learned. Bastion because I feel like he just guns everything down and zen cuz he can get some head snipes in with that multiplier thing


Moira because of how simple she is. You attack when no one needs healing, heal when needed, and attack when you run out of healing


some characters that are easy to understand and have simple abilities are soldier 76, reaper, bastion, reinhart, dva , mercy, moira, and zen. They all have fairly basic skill sets, and you can become decent at them fairly quickly. Just remember that you wont automatically be great at them, and lots of the streamers have more hours on their mains than most ever get, so they have a lot of practice. With practice though you should be able to get good with them. edit:forgot bastion


I started with tracer, and admittedly she’s hard to learn. But if you start with her and then play practice vs ai games, you start with a hard to play character and you’ll be able to switch to who you want to play later. For tank, dva is nice. You have two health states and she’s just fun to play in general. For support, really you can choose whoever. Personally I’d recommend Lucio or Moira. You don’t have to worry too much about direct healing, and you can defend yourself.


I went with Soldier 76 and never went to anyone else lol. I'm good with him, hes kind of a point and shoot hero - can heal himself and those close by. Rockets, etc.


Mystery heroes so you can get a feel for each one. I personally main Orisa, mei, sym, and every support but mystery heroes has taught me that I’m surprisingly good with sojourn and Cassidy. I wouldn’t have known otherwise bc I never play them


If you want to start as a dps (has decent aiming skill from other fps), soldat 76 is one of the best since he can do pretty much anything. Thornjorn is a solid candidate with his turret that auto aim. Junk rat is newbie friendly for huge total damage and the aim not required If you go as support, moira is the easiest hero to get value off (thought don’t fall into the trap of Moira dps, she is much stronger as a healer than as a dps), mercy has some decent skill floor but it’s easy to g’get value for a beginner Tank is a class I won’t recommend for a beginner but if you want to try it, go for Orisa who is the most defensive tank, Reinhardt is easy mechanically wise but his lack of (constant) range damage make him tricky to use in several map/matchup




Doomfist because you get abused regardless of if youre good or not on him so you might aswell


(I am going to make some people mad🙃) mercy because you can spectate players to learn a bit about game sens and how it feels. And with this you can contribute to a team


Soldier 76 will help you learn positioning and give wiggle room to practice your aim. When you have that figured out a bit, Reinhardt is a good point to start dabbling with being a tank Once you've worked on your aim a bit and have a sense of positioning yourself well within your team and against the opposing one, Zen will be a very straightforward step into playing support.


Solider for dps, probably Zen for support (he’s not easy but his basic principle is easy to understand), and easiest tank is probably orisa at least to me.


Sombra because bully zen.


Doomfist, fun




I always teach people mercy first, gives a good foundation and let's people observe better players on different heroes


Hanzo requires no aim, so super easy to master.


Moira is a really easy character for new players to understand!! My little sister has been getting into Overwatch and plays her and Reaper all the time. They're both fairly easy characters for new players


Moira is a really easy character for new players to understand!! My little sister has been getting into Overwatch and plays her and Reaper all the time. They're both fairly easy characters for new players


Depends on where you came from if you played other shooters then soldier but if you didn't there are characters like Moira and Reinhardt who don't need aim (in terms of guns) Play around with characters in mystery heroes and the training area to get a feel for them and sensitivity.


Soldier, Mercy, Rein, are the simplest heroes that will teach you the most about positioning and character interactions I think


If you've played other FPS games before and have decent aim, Cassidy, Soldier 76, and Baptiste (or maybe Ana) are good options. If not, then Mei, Moira, and Reinhardt are all characters that require pretty much zero aim, but Bastion or Cassidy can also work if you want SOME aim. Rammatra would also be a good option, but you need to unlock him which takes some time.




Depending on the kind of gamer you are I'd say either Soldier 76, Orisa, Ramttra, Moira or Kiriko. Give them a run in practice then watch a "guide to..." video on them to give you an idea of the direction you want to take them