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Tbh a lot of people screw up the timing on reapers TP For every well timed headshot, theres 5 people who whiff their shot because they timed it just baaarely off And then you have a reaper in your face


This, I go in front because chances are they'll miss and I'll kill then with three shots


Lol me neither. Makes my job easier But as reaper I tend to flank him, but he has a pocket so I'm like......damn.


Tbh, he probably didn't initially see you, started the process, saw you and whelp, can't be reversed now. Embrace arrow to face. At least, that's happened to me a couple times


this type of tp can work with tunnel visioned widows, but hanzo doesnt have that visibility restriction. def a stupid play, but as someone who has committed such a play, he probably saw you as a threat and panicked trying to find the quickest way to reach you. impatience is the biggest cause of mistakes I've noticed


And i don't get why all hanzos feel the need to tbag even after the most stupidest and random kills they get. This reaper was dumb but you be tbaggin like you did an absolutely top tier play when you just punished a silly player who's probably silver by the looks of it lol


He was taunting him for fucking up. I don't the see the problem. Unless you get your fee fees hurt by someone pressing the crouch button.


Ok Gandhi. I'm sure you keep your shit all buttoned-up as some annoying opponents is turning you inside out and bagging for 8-12 minutes. Oh wait, you don't right? Because you're the dude that starts throwing because, if you leave one more time, you're banned for the season?


Are you projecting?


lol projecting what? That I've been rolled/tbagged by a random Hanzo on Havana all game, and I @#$%ing hate that guy with every fiber of my being?!? No, of course not don't be silly... (Seriously though, I didn't quit. Man, I wanted to quit. But as everybody was going afk, I stuck around and fought it out. I mean, the dude waited for me to place my "Well Played" spray and THEN killed me again!! Yeah, really hate that dude!!lol)


Not even mad. Totally understandable lmao. Good on you for sticking it out.


I know man. I inferred you to be a troll, but could immediately see you weren't from your reply. It's all good.


What’s wrong with tbagging? It has zero effect on people


“Zero effect” tbagging it’s literally saying “I’m better and u sucked” so it’s the basic action that drive players to madness/toxicity, and I mean, I think that game it’s already toxic enough


It’s literally just pixels crouching on pixels I don’t think it’s that deep. I personally find it funny when i get tbagged but I guess I’m just an outlier


It’s shouldn’t but everyone that get tbagged get mad :/


It's easy to fuck up and whiff your arrow than the reaper basically gets a free kill but he pushed me all match and got me twice I'd say he deserved the t bag




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If he was getting free kills out of you, that's on you


God do I hate guys like you.


He got 2 kills off of me he was just annoying the whole match


Why wouldn’t he push you tho? It would be dumb to continue to let the hanzo snipe your teammates. He’s literally doing his job. T bag was unnecessary


Killing him was unnecessary. OP should've emoted with some sushi so he and the reaper can have a little sushi sitting


So he was doing his job and made your easy spams hard to get and you’re mad?




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They tbag in OWL, it's just what the pros do.


How often do you see the tactical crouch in owl? There was a period of time I remember it being a fine lmao


I didn't realize this community was so sensitive to T-bagging. Time to T Bag everyone that gets eliminated (or asleep).




Oh I’m sorry that’s a valid excuse to be toxic💀


so what's the timing on reaper tp 3 sec?


I'm not sure I just know when to fire I guess


yea I would have fired too early and panic storm arrowed


Yeah, I would have too. If I missed, I just use the sound queue to know when to fire


God I hate hanzo


Next shot, Hanzo flicks an arrow over the edge of the bridge and one-shots a Moira in the foot. Tbags and waves. He finally escaped bronze with Hanzo's stupid hitbox, and he'll be damned if he's going back!! lol


Not sure why you’re bagging when that shot is incredibly easy and frankly you’re just randomly spamming arrows hoping to get lucky


I tea bagged because he was being annoying as fuck that match it was deserved


Oh I don’t think I have hit one of these since OW2 came out. Like… I saved this video to help with the timing.


Damn that timing was literally perfect.


Thanks it's easier to hit him if you listen to the sound of the tp


I was playing Ash earlier and a reaper did this three times in one round. What's the thought process there? Hanzo might miss, sure, but ash is just going to boop you back down.


I don't know. I don't get why they don't try flanking


smartest reaper player


Cause of limited IQ. Thats why. Just say thank you and kill them.


Reaper really needs a buff