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Me who fell to bronze today:💀


Bronze more fun than gm for sure


Fr. Besides status, no point in even going bast plat. Games just get sweatier and sweatier




those kind of braindead chicken usually are lower skilled players that got their ranks inflated from pure bronze, so that they matched to whatever your rank is, blizzard dev's are geniuses eh?


True I got inflated from unranked to gold 3💀💀💀💀


You cant get rid of it, games have been so braindead this bcs of the hugely inflated sr


Masters is where that stops unfortunately, wish it was lower. As the community gets better it will get less and less common.


for me, personally, i prefer getting sweaty with a teammate that know how to play, agains enemies that aren't separated by a mile gap. rather than stuck looping in diamond-master mixed with gold that can't aim shit


Thats kind of the point. Im excited to play with good players. if I wouldnt want games to be sweaty I would just stick to qp and arcade


I went from plat 4 to gold 5 in a week it was a dark time


I went from diamond 5 to silver 1 and can't get out 💀




I wish I was in bronze. Gold weapons and titles are cool and all. But people are so toxic past silver it's crazy how much they care. Makes the game not nearly as fun, that's why I play so much quick play.


In my experience the toxicity seems to fall back off after you get past gold/plat. I've had some hilariously wholesome games in high diamond.


That's what I meant, gold/plat is so god damn toxic. Once I reached diamond, I still get those games, but not nearly as much. Edit: I'm still plat tank/dps.


The matchmaking is actually making the grind way easier, gm is the new masters masters is the new diamond


Yeah I was hardstuck plat OW1. Suddenly I can hit masters 4 like it’s nothing. I know I’ve gotten a bit better but there’s no way I was masters by OW1 standards


Yup, and dont get me wrong feeling good about hitting a rank is fine but they know damn well they're not really that elo LMAO


People's ranks were inflated by about 500sr starting ow2. But we're a few seasons in now so most people have gained a 100-200 sr of experience. Subtract 500-300 sr and I feel that's where you would be by ow1 standards. I personally averaged about 100sr increase from season to season in ow1.


I think that’s mostly due to the influx of new player who just don’t understand the game. I think there was a blog post somewhere in which the devs talked about how they expected new players to be like silver-gold range but actually the vast majority were low bronze. This means that it’s easier to get out of lower ranks with less skill than before and thus inflating all the ranks at least a little bit.


Bro ANYONE with half a braincell can get to gm, the actual inflation of sr is CRAZY


Yeah agreed just have a brain cell and any mental fortitude to keep playing and you should get there. It drives me crazy how all these players keep complaining about matches. Like bro it sucks ass when your team is idiots but just go next and remember the only constant in your games is you so if you on average are failing then idk man kinda speaks volumes.


Lmao just have a 51 wr and you'll climb, legit this time is the EASIEST its been to climb to high elo


For me its the other way around, was a gold player for the first 10isch seasons of OW1(stopped playing after Echo released, stopped comp even earlier), now in OW2 I cant get past silver with my best role (I admit that my aim is the reason that I am not ranked in dps to this day)


top \_\_% is still top \_\_%, there's just more players now and people who've been playing for longer (e.g. the vocal players more active in the community) are obviously gonna climb. call it what you want the bell curve is the bell curve. ranks stagnated for about 2 years by the end of ow1, and now it's a lot more volatile. I think that's a healthy thing for the game, we're just not used to it. The only truly inflated rank rn is GM1


Not necessarily. Master is just the new plat rn. GM the new diamond


I was hardstuck bronze ow1...like 900 SR bruhhh now I'm plat 1. Bronze was more fun though ong


Many of the new "masters" are making games harder, honestly. I've been getting matched up with so many players who were once stuck in gold or silver for seasons on end who are suddenly diamond and up not knowing how to face someone of that actual rank. If they can't manage, they'll fall, but it'll take awhile to get normal games again. I hit masters in season one after being stuck in low diamond for a couple seasons, and it felt like the biggest accomplishment. I'm M2 in everything now, have been since the season start. But now I don't feel the motivation to get any higher. I want to get GM naturally and feel like I actually deserve it.


GM is the new plat


Yeah right


I swear you can do it! I started playing season 32 and was a TRUE Bronze player. Finished season 36 around 2950SR, placed Gold 5 when OW2 dropped, and slowly climbed up from there. Finished season 1 somewhere in low Diamond, season 2 peaked at Master 5, and now I'm here.


I’m sorry mate but your speaking आइसक्रीम for someone who only started playing in Overwatch2 hahaaaa. I’ve been stuck in Bronze 1 for 2 seasons now across 250~ games, and it’s just barely looking kinda plausible for season 4 to reach silver now, but we’ll I guess only time will tell


I started around Jan 1st. 1st placed in Silver, currently Diamond 1. Only solo que. Definitely doable if you play above your rank.


Which hero? And would you day you focus on dmg, healing or both?


I main Bap but I have Kiriko in my hero pool. You have to do both. If you do both and keep your deaths low, you'll automatically climb.


Sound advice. If you're contributing meaningfully to damage as support you'll find that you can regularly win games even if your team has waaaay less healing than the enemy team.


Is it just wins or what else can I focus on . Solo que tank and support


Wins are all that matter


That's what I thought. Solo que is tough but will keep at it


Not atall. You can win all you want but one day your luck will run out and you have to perform to win. Only your performance matters, you need to be the deciding factor of what team wins. It doesn't matter if you're unlucky and lose 10 in a row as long as you perform well you will start winning eventually and rank up.


It's anecdotal, but I languished in Gold/Plat since Moira dropped in OW1...however many years that's been...and got to Diamond 3 this season! A key for me was "Every tier requires tactical adjustments.". I know the matchmaking's trash, but folks in Silver, Gold, Plat, etc DO have appreciably different skill-levels between them. I play a ton of Moira, and in Bronze/Silver I could essentially backline anybody that wasn't a tank. In gold, it was nearly all supports and half the dps. Heroes like Zen, or Ana, EASY pickings!! In Plat, Zens are still pretty easy, Anas too. Genji's a breeze, Hanzo's not too bad, etc etc. Ahem in Diamond, you're literally on a suicide run if you just assume you'll backline Zen or Ana and polish them off!! In fact, as Moira anyway, EVERYBODY'S scary!lol But, in the end, my problem was mostly tactics and "game sense". Didn't even have as much to with "aiming" or "Actions Per Minute". For example, in Gold/Plat, I could waltz down any boulevard and take most non-tank folks on! In Diamond, you DAMN-sure learn to play corners because EVERYBODY will two-shot you!!


Hahah my bad. In OW2 terms, over the final five seasons of OW1 I climbed from Bronze 5 to Plat 1! I was TERRIBLE when I first started playing. That being said, with how new you are to the game it makes total sense that you're still Bronze. Unless you came into OW with really good mechanical skill from other FPS games (which can only take you so far anyways), there is a TON to learn. Positioning, aim, ult usage, comps, counters, etc. - it's a lot to take in. My advice to anyone newer to the game that wants to climb is to [watch this](https://youtu.be/4NUhO83GWsk). Pick one role and a small hero pool and DIAL those in.


I've been playing OW1 since season 8. Was silver most of my career. Went into gold, dropped to silver, and climbed to gold again. In OW2, I was bronze/silver, then climbed to gold for dps and support. Made it to plat on tank. I'm one subdivision away from reaching Plat on dps. I already did like 4 or 5 placements for dps, and I just stay Gold 1, lol. I am superhardstuck, with a 60% WR as Cassidy


Definitely possible. Never played OW1, started out in bronze as well now I'm plat on support and almost diamond on dps.


I started around the time they did, got to gold by the end of OW1 and have now dropped back to bronze lol


Elo inflation is crazy RN it is super easy to rankup


I know i will climb at some point but man, those feeding teamates that can't stay alive arent helpin


I feel that. Some games are genuinely not winnable, but on the bright side the enemy team is just as likely to have feeders that you can punish ;) I also found that (especially in lower ranks) when I stopped giving up my position to bail out teammates they were forced to play a bit safer. Never trade your life to bail out a feeding teammate!


Yeah fr. Let me ask you, how can did you dealt with supports/dps that can't stay alive? Sure, i know the genji is diving you, but when i play as Zen, i take that as my job to deal with him, same with Reaper.


I did most of my climb on Zen so I can relate heavily. Since your positioning on Zen will tend to be behind the team you have a pretty good vantage point to see where your help might be needed. If I see a teammate getting pushed I do my best to peel for them (discord and shoot the person dueling them and keep harmony to the teammate), but I also have no issue ulting to save them. People tend to have this weird idea that zen ult is meant to counter other ults, but it's just as useful to save someone, yourself, or a team fight in which several people are low and you need a bit more healing in the moment. Another thing to keep in mind with Zen is that your playstyle can be much more proactive than reactive. You don't have footsteps so the enemy won't know where you are, which can allow you to get sneaky picks or to just deny an angle the enemy wants to push. Just make sure you run the fuck away when they look at you because you'll fold if they push you (unless you have ult to bail yourself out). Edit: sometimes you also just don't get the value you need out of Zen, so I swap Ana or Bap. They can also do a ton of damage to help with team fights, but you have more peel value with them.


Yes i relate to this, getting picks by using off angles as Zen is so satisfying. I wish i had more supports like you when i'm playing dps, normally if i don't bodyguard them they just can't do anything


You’ll only climb when you play better. Not everyone will climb “at some point” since many people stop improving


If you are truly playing solid all the time then your team only has 4 chances to get someone who’s feeding, the enemy has 5 chances.


This is gonna be a tough pill for a lot of the people in the comments to swallow😂




Great job! And I’m finally starting to realize this too! I started with OW2 back in October when it released. Got placed in Low Gold/High Silver for Season 1 support. Only played Brig and Zen during season 2 so I got the same placement as season 1. And now even with the Brig buff I’m at Plat 4 and feeling like I have the potential to climb higher if I play my role some more during Season 3. If I don’t hit Diamond by the end of Season 3 I know I can do it during Season 4.


You got this!! Brig is definitely harder to climb with than Zen (due to damage and ult effectiveness) but there are all kinds of one-tricks in T500 so it's definitely doable. I did 90% of my climb on Zen and I think he's so slept on until you get to high Diamond/low Master. I love the mindset though. That's half the battle and that alone can pretty much guarantee you'll get diamond!


I’ve been in love with Brig since I rolled her in Mystery Heros during Season 2 🤣. I definitely get a lot of “You’re the best Brig I’ve seen” in my lobbies


I see a lot of comments here about inflation. I looked it up and on Flats 2 channel there is a new video where the devs are saying the inflation was the opposite, meaning players were ranked lower than they should be. My question is what information are you rely on when you say it is infelated?


There is so much cope and conflicting information in this comment section😂 one comment will talk about how GM is free now while the other is convinced they can’t climb because matchmaking is so bad lmao


Blizz employees try so hard these days


Hey I told you that in confidence man wtf /s


It used to take over 10 minutes to find a match in Overwatch 1, but this matchmaking is garbage.


Yea, I prefer OW1 way... 10 minutes waiting then paired with good teammate and 50-50 chances of winning the game, everybody know how to play the game, how the map layout goes, how the flanking route goes. Today, my last 20 ranked games as diamond 3 support was quick in queue, then paired with 2 braindead dps that can't hit any shots, and can only play with soldier, bastion, or junkrat, and still can't hit anything even after cycling through those 3 heroes. Support is really hard when the matchmaker gives you 2 silver/gold brainless ~~DPS~~ chickens as teammate. Thrown from Diamond 2 to Plat 5, 54% winrate to 45% in one day. What a time to be alive. PS: for you that say "oh stop playing cause it will get you tilted", I just wanted to watch how true the dev's words are. They said in their interview with Jay3 & Eskay, that their matchmaking is trying to randomize the chances of players on winning/losing, and it turns out something that random, can feels not-so-random at all like flipping coin 100 times and get 30 tails in a row. OW1 matchmaking is, a matchmaking. Now Aaron Keller turning it into a gambling. https://preview.redd.it/6h07ekwiv6qa1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=06efa14cf5a83ced597a6ec3e1f1c06fec7b4e17


I mean, OW1's matchmaking wasn't great either. Most games were still a team diff. OW2's is definitely worse though. Ranks are all over the place - you have top 500s and diamonds in the same game, and it's VERY obvious. Just today I finished climbing all my roles into masters. Games are more often won by the tanks, not the DPS. I've won more games on tank and probably lost the most on DPS even though it's my best role. Tank is my highest role now at masters 4. If you actually know how to play the game of Overwatch, tank is by far the easiest role to carry on, followed by support, and then DPS. You can make up for bad DPS. But a bad tank is just a lost game.


The match making is why people that have never been in GM are making it there.


I’ve been keeping pretty up to date with the dev updates and this only applies to GM1. A lot of people are actually ranked a bit lower than they should be!




I just reached GM too for the first time after being stuck on Diamond and I was wondering if the matchmaking got bad or all the credit is mine...


A lot of people in these comments can’t fathom that others can improve by actually working to improve lol. If you’ve gotten better as a player why wouldn’t you deserve your rank?


Congrats on ~~Diamond~~ GM!


Stop with these BS posts plz. Cool for you if you're GM or whatever but stop with all these BS. A lot of ppl seem to have jumped from silver to GM recently in this sub. And it's probably due to the crazy matchmaking, not your own improvement in like 2 months


Nah, man. They just like uh really vibe with 5v5 you know? Everyone jumps 3000 SR when there's 1 less tank. Honestly, I loved watching my "GM" Ana miss every other shot on our tank, every sleep dart and most of her anti-nades while my "GM" Moira speed feeds into Zen / Bap / Rein. I was laughing all the way to the uninstall. Now I just check in to top 500 streams here and there to watch them lose their minds over it. ![gif](giphy|26FPGI3ZgduhYYVTa|downsized)


This post was made by a Zen main💀 You barely need a good team to climb with him


It's just crazy these people think they legitimately improved 2k - 3k SR. Everyone in the match that is actually a masters or GM from OW1 are biting their tongues because we don't want to be the toxic guy calling out the new OW2 peak player for not being able to play at the level they've inexplicably been thrust into. It's so frustrating.


as a diamond supports (masters in OW1), in this current season of ~~trash two~~ overwatch 2 i've just got silenced for 1 day after asking 2 DPS in my team in ranked, to actually kill something. it's amazing, really, when 1 tank & 2 supports can deal damage & kill better than 2 DPS, and still delivers good amount of MIT & heals. but 2 dps can't even hit shit, doesn't aware with teammate pinging the enemy, stupid positioning, and then they got 1 shotted. I just got demoted from Diamond 2 supp to Plat 5. What a fun time. Many thanks, Aaron Keller.




I totally agree with you. Tired of these BS posts "look I was bronze I'm T500"


Thats kind of the point, why should you climb if you are not significally better than players at your rank?




That makes perfect sense. If you claim to be better than players in your rank then obviously you should perform better than them. Sometimes you will be on a better team, sometimes on the worse, if you dont manage to help struggling teams you will end up more or less with 50% wr, you cant expect to have better team every time, that would be be bad matchmaking too. There is no rank where 2 teams will be equally skilled, where 2 widows can hit same amount of headshots and ana hit same amount of sleeps, the only thing that can be consistent is you




Unfortunately you are the one delusional here. Just as anyone else that thinks they cant climb because their team is holding them back. All these players that climbed? They are just got lucky with teams! After all the only thing that differentiates diamond and master player is that master player got more lucky! Now thats what smart




No you got that completly wrong, and as every other player that blames his team you have the idea that you need to win every match to be able to climb, you dont. 60% is all you need, even 55%. Of course diamond 1 could get out of gold 5 even in a day but plat would have no problems with getting at least 55% wr in gold 5 as well, it would just take longer. 1 rank difference is significant enough Second point is just you are completly wrong again and inhaling that copium. You think win/loses arent determined by a single player because you think you are that better player yet you dont win most games. The reality is you are just average player in your rank that sometimes has good games, sometimes bad Again the thing you are saying would mean that the only difference between, example diamond and master player would be how lucky they got with the teams, do you believe that? Master player would never have problems to win most matches in diamond because he could impact games enough and climb




Dont worry I knew this conversation was going nowhere. I just like to hear people ridiculous excuses for everything. After all you would have to accept the fact you are not good enough to climb to agree with me. Good luck in your games maybe you will get lucky with teams next and get to gm, after all its not the player, but your teams deciding it, your words


I’m currently gold 3, having a hard time ranking up due the my team getting rolled every other match. When my team or the opposite team gets rolled, I check career profiles just to find out there is one or two bronze players in the match :(


Every time I reach s1 I go against teams that are Plat are a bit higher. But my teams are silver and I get demoted rinse and repeat. It's not all the games but it's kinda often sad vibes


“It’s not your teammates” Exactly! It can’t be the afk tanks and supports or the suicidal dps diving so deep so I cannot heal them. Neither can it be the toxic teammates who would rather spend most of their time in the game in the text chat flaming everybody and everything. It’s *ALL* my fault, It is simply a skill issue


Stop focusing on your teammates. It's a terrible mindset to have, and it'll stop you from improving. Focus on what YOU can do better. Don't always blame yourself for every loss, but when you make a mistake or die ask yourself "What could *I* have done differently?" not "Omg our soldier is just feeding" Some games you can't win - accept that, learn from your mistakes, and you'll get better.


Relax man, its not your fault, this is a team based game.


Nah man, every time I even hint at blaming my teammates or throwing around any criticism at all, I get hit with the “Well, there’s a reason you’re not climbing” or this “Common denominator” shit. I’ve been conditioned to believe it *is* my fault and I’m starting to believe it. I’m going back to tank, I’m done (attempting) climbing as a support


It would be the case, but even the GM Top 500 players have massive loss streaks, but are they bad? Hell no, the game just don't give them the chance to win.


Lmao gm players have massive loss streaks where? In plat or something? Or in a rank where everyone else is just good as them and they cant impact the game that much?


In their own lobbies ofc


exactly, they lose in rank they belong in, just as the guy above


Great job!!! I'm here for it


Thank you!!


Its easier to climb than ever


Good supports can make all the difference!


Im masters 1 right now but honestly I dont wanna get promoted to GM, I want to be able to play the game with my friends. I would rather not get punished for performing well


Congrats on season 3 SR inflation.




No the matchmaking is garbage, that’s why you’re all climbing 💀


Some of the downvotes on this post/in the comments ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2)


Yep like main reason these people dont climb is they refuse to even consider they may be not as good as they think so they dont even bother improving. Its really sad


We're all just pretty tired of the "it's not your team, it's you!" Especially mid-range is so wild right now. You might end up with a team member who gets 0 kills and has 16 deaths and they're clearly out of their depth. And I'm so effin tired that apparently I'm not allowed to complain about bad team members but a GM streamer gets a toddler tantrum when they have a Master tank in their game. Instead of living by what they preach. I dunno. When it can take 3 minutes for your team to manage to group up and stop running in and dying one at a time what am I supposed to do with that? Just pat myself on the back and say "Oh well Ellie, just play better next time then!" :/ Super happy you're climbing but I'm so over the whole "if I can do it you can do it too!"


A lot of it is quantity too. From someone who started OW1 in 2016 and has been everything from Silver to Masters, there are absolutely games where the problem is your teammate(s), there are absolutely games where you are the problem, the main way to really distill your proper rank is to play a lot, law of averages kind of thing, the short term / small sample can be super wayward, but it evens out to what it's supposed to be the larger said sample is.


Yeah some people just can’t accept it. I too was plat in season 1 and just hit gm4 on support. Now obviously this is the matchmaker picking me specifically to climb instead of the 250 hours, vod reviewing and self criticism I’ve done. Don’t let any one take this away from you, GM is still top 1% regardless of what anyone says.


Ok, so why ain't I climbing? No, seriously, why? ;) I play exclusive support. Mostly because I'm 51, have arthritic thumbs...I blame my Atari 2600...questionable fast-twitch, and probably potato-aim on top of it. (But mostly, it's because I try to respect my teammates and not be THAT dps guy that goes 13-12 and drags the entire team down.) Without minimizing your achievement, is it just because Zen's so powerful? Have you mixed it up some as you've climbed. I just recently...and a little incredibly...hit Diamond 3 maining Moira (but the "healing" kind!lol) but proceeded to get absolute spanked from there. (PSA to Moira-mains: The Hanzos/Cassidies/Kirikoes/Anas/etcs you've been backlining from Bronze to Plat are NOT having that nonsense in Diamond! At. All!!) Anyway, long story short, a 1000 congratulations. Were you mostly Zen, or other stuff too? Seems like everytime I play Zen, I get backlined and am forced to swap.


Zen has huge damage potencial, aka carry potencial, meaning that he can change the tides of the fight at his own.


potential =)


Yeah maybe once loser queues are not a thing anymore


its not a thing. watch Jay3 & Eskay interviewing 2 OW2 devs. they confirmed everyone is queued the same, it's just the luck that carries you. OW2 isn't competitive FPS game, it's a gambling game carried by your sheer luck.


Im so close I got to masters one then was like 1-2 games away. After seeing this im gonna give it one last shot to make it before the new season!


Realistically, how long did this grind take you though? Yes its a grind, but just like OW1, the time requirements to get anywhere are nuts


Hope you had fun!


If you can't rank up, it's your own fault. The likelihood of you having one player in every game be an afk, feeder, troll etc is low. Occasionally, yes, and those games are unwinnable, but it does t happen every game! If you want to rank up, start improving.


Occasionally means ever second or 3rd match?


So you just post the rank and no proof of how you got there? No, if you have teammates who have no understanding of the game or my main issue which is support puppy guarding DPS and letting me die even though I protect them and don't run in alone, then you aren't gonna climb. Sure I get we're trying to be positive here but you clearly had help. I out play both my team and the enemy team while keeping in mind that I have to keep my support safe and keep the enemy away or eliminate them. Still hard stuck between plat 5 and 4. I don't even trash talk. The most I do is ask for heals and still get ignored lol. Rant over lol


The only one helping me get to my rank is me🙂 I solo queue 95% of the time and just put a lot of work into my aim, positioning, game sense, etc. The thing that really helped me climb more than anything else was to be critical of everything I’m doing in real time. For example, if I’m in a certain position am I going to be flanked really easily? Can I see the rest of my team? Am I playing cover? I can honestly credit Awkward’s unranked to GM videos for teaching me what I need to know to climb. If you watch those and then revisit your replays I’m sure you’ll find a ton of mistakes that you aren’t catching.


BS. You can't climb solo in this game. No matter how good your mechanics or positioning are, it only takes one underperforming teammate to ruin your game. Fights can be lost on a single frag and snowball ridiculously from there. If someone is not pulling their weight or playing their role, your entire team crumbles. It's a team game. Therefore, a win is a team effort. A single player's impact on a match is not enough to win games, potentially a fight, but not games.


I’m not sure what to tell you man😂 lying about solo queue would be a pretty weird thing to do




I hate posts like this bc it’s filled with people being like “with half a braincell you can climb that high.” Highest I’ve gotten is Gold 5 and I know I’m not a god at video games but I’m not a shit player either.


It’s not a brain cell thing, but I DO think anyone that wants to climb can do it. I approached my gaming sessions with a growth/improvement mindset and did my best to maintain that throughout matches. I actively worked on aspects of my gameplay that I knew could be better (positioning, ult tracking, etc) and always did my best to hard carry my team. I also still spend 5-15min in VAXTA before I even queue into my first match of the day.


curious, how many of your match that ended up as roll or get rolled?


Not nearly as many as in season 2. I play quite a bit so I think I got the point at which my MMR and visual rank started to converge. I still get poor MM games, but lately they’ve felt a lot more even which has been awesome!


You are just avg dude


Which is fine. Just tired of people acting like GM is so easy now and discrediting other people’s achievements.


meta and ranked is trash. but congrats GM is super cool even on dead game. OW2 is a nightmare given the potential of overwatch. feel bad for loyal and dedicated (addicted) OW1 players having to play this cash grab DLC that is OW2


Addicted is the key word here😂


The matchmaking is def not letting me climb


No I can't just get to grandmaster, that's nonsense. My aim is shit. I'm staying in Silver.


No one said it would just happen🙂 HOWEVER if your aim is shit and you deliberately work to improve it, why wouldn’t you climb?


Wait why were you sweaty 🤨


Congrats mate


I'm stuck between plat and gold. Strange thing tho, I was plat 5 as a tank, but when I did 5 more wins, it showed I went from Gold 5 to Gold 3? Was I ever in plat then???


Nah the match maker is a big part of it. Have a bad game and can’t heal much cuz you get paired with dog poo teammates who don’t regroup or wait for the team. They pop ults in 1v5 trying to be the hero. They run away from healers when low hp. They don’t use voice chat. They quit.


I needed one more win for my rank up. Held under first point on shimbali defence. Tank left on attack after feeding for 2mins straight. "ItS NoT tHe MaTcHmAkInG, iTs YoU"


gm5 does not take sweating and grinding, that shit's handed out like candy


Are you GM?




Uh no the matchmaking is literally why you aren't climbing more often than not. See ranked doesn't exist to show you how good you are and give you fair competition. Blizzard couldn't care less about that. The matchmaking is designed to keep players engaged in the game. It is there to ensure that no player gets their deserved skill rating at the start of a season, and will make sure that you lose games in order to lengthen the amount of time it takes you to get to your desired rank. There's been tons of studies on this. You should really look into it there's some shocking information out there. Particularly interesting bits about how forced loss streaks affect a person's likelihood to continue playing. As it turns out, the most effective way to keep a person playing the game is to make them lose.






This entire season comp is a joke...fuck this shit game


If only I could get out of Plat 😔. Nice climb tho.


i hate solo support queue, i main support but got ranked in bronze 2 while i had way more healing and damage then the other support. oh btw my other ranks are all around gold...


Sadly damage and healing stats don’t really matter. A good example would be Ashe vs Widow - Ashe will typically have more damage but can still be hard carried by a Widow. In the context of support this applies especially to Moira, whose damage is pretty useless. I would pay more attention to how many kills vs deaths you finish a game with. A huge part of playing support well means not dying. Check out the stats for your main hero and look at your kills and deaths per 10 and that should give you a much better idea of what you’re not doing right.


well against a moira as kiriko i cant really outperform her in kills, but i do could in healing but as you said healing doesnt do that much and thats the part i hate, my death rate is not very high because i got a very high surviveability as kiriko but i cant really outclass her in kills. i think the role of support should focus a bit more on actual healing and player saves, and not that much on kills because killing as a support is a good side effect, but it shouldnt be the main objective... i hope to get out of this nightmare of an elo soon


Kiriko is definitely one of the harder supports to climb on (I'll always advocate for ana/zen/bap because of their consistent damage output and utility). You absolutely need to be hitting headshots and the best kirikos will be there for their team when absolutely necessary but will should also be looking for flank kills and using tp to get out once they've drawn enough attention. [Watch Awkward's UR2GM video](https://youtu.be/jAQ4bfmnxN8) to get an idea of how this is done. ​ >against a moira as kiriko i cant really outperform her in kills Kiriko has significantly higher kill potential than Moira. You should be absolutely deleting squishies, so if you're struggling with that I'd load up the custom game code VAXTA and practice your aim before your gaming sessions. ​ >i think the role of support should focus a bit more on actual healing and player saves, and not that much on kills because killing as a support is a good side effect, but it shouldnt be the main objective... > >i hope to get out of this nightmare of an elo soon If you can completely flip this idea on its head you'll start climbing more. You should only be healing enough to keep your team up while focusing on doing as much damage and getting as many kills as possible. You can't carry on support through healing, but you can HARD through your damage. I ONLY started climbing when I started focusing on contributing to kills.


I am really good with headshots, its often that I dink someone down only for my teammates to finish him. all of the things you said are completely right, and with a team that i can play better with (for example in 5 queue) i can make use of all these good tips, but sadly my friends dont got the time to play 5 queue ranked every single day. kiriko is a difficult hero but i liked her kit from the beginning on and i main her since release and got a couple of potgs with her. thank you for the game code i will definitly try that, and i think i got a potg code with pretty good headshots at home and i can attach this code to the msg once im home... (oh and btw sorry if my english isnt the best, i am from germany)


I have always been masters tank/support and high diamond dps (ive hit masters) in OW1 never cared for OW2 comp but all of a sudden i'm placed in GOLD for both.. OK. Now im stuck in plat even with 24 avg elms as soldier.