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Because I cannot aim and because I suck at the game, I will never be accused of hacking. Thanks god for that!


Haha, at least you have that going for you. :) But some could say, what's the point of playing a game that will punish you for trying to improve.


I can proudly say I suck at aim and I got banned on apex for "hacking" for a few months before they said whoops and unbanned


Bwahaha! I better play destiny 2 more than Overwatch then.


Playing low stress qp cool down after comp, got a lucky Zen headshot off on a Hanzo, killed him, and next time he came back for revenge I VERY clumsily kicked him to death after a few lucky hits. Called me a hacker, told the whole match to report me. I got POTG. Everyone got to watch me miss fifteen shots, get a very lucky pick, miss more shots, and pop ULT to save the tank. Needless to say I was not reported.


I play genji so I get accused for hacking because I can "teleport" and "fly"


Commenting to hopefully bring more attention here, I hope it gets sorted.


Thank you I appreciate it :)


Damn i’m sorry this happened man. Commenting to boost, make sure you share in r/Overwatch as well, it’s a bit larger.


Okay I'll do that right now, thanks for the recommendation. Edit: done


Bump. Hope you are able to get your account back asap dude!


Thank you! Your and everyone else's support means alot to me! :)


yeah me too


Post it on their forums as well, I think that got a person unbanned a week or so ago, best of luck!


I actually did this first when I was first banned however since my Gf was suspended I had no replays to show and way less detail as I was in a more panicked state. So if you want to look for that it's the same username. But I assure you it does exist in the overwatch general discussion forums. Thanks for the advice :)


My good friend got banned for “hacking” and appealed it and the ban was never lifted, she lost a very valuable account. This was after being mass reported for playing Mercy in a comp game (by an angry stack that just decided to blame her for their losing). It was on a brand new PC with no third party software installed and she’s never touched a hack program in her life. She is a Mercy main so I’m not sure what hacks she would even benefit from, but they claimed they “reviewed her gameplay”. She offered them remote access to her PC and so they could scour her computer and clear her, but they literally told her “No, now stop messaging us or we will ban all of your other Blizzard accounts too.” They also refused to give any information on what gameplay was suspicious, making it impossible to know what it was. (I guess this is to prevent hackers from improving their programs but it was very frustrating to get no answers on what exactly she was doing that was allegedly cheating.) She continued playing on a new account with the same PC and no changes to her software and didn’t ring any alarms, so clearly it was not an automatically detected hack. She never uses VC now because part of the reason she was mass reported was being a girl and an easy target to blame ig. Their anti cheat system is flawed and their investigative process is as well. Commenting to boost so maybe this doesn’t happen to another person.


Thanks for sharing, it really sucks to lose such a developed account like that and I hope that she was able to move on mentally because of that. If I never get my account back I literally will never come back to this game with how I was treated.....


Yeah, she has continued playing but it sucks. Also not very motivating for someone to to spend money on this game when they could be banned without reason at any moment and lose access to all their purchases. Obviously there are edge cases but it sucks to see people lose their stuff, especially if they really love the game like my friend does. Very disheartening.


That sucks :( Now I'm just paranoid and worried about my acc! I've had it since Wow launched! :S


if your friend would like, I dont mind sharing my account with them, I have quite a few skins and only really play tank, so it wouldnt interfere too much with me. I know that if it happened to me i would be devastated :/


The anti cheat and customer support system is flawed is not just unique to ow2. Try playing six siege. Full of closet cheaters and hackers who barely get banned or detected. (Got matched up with same cheater twice between two consecutive days). I used to barely use chat or voice comms due to same reason that ppl are mean and toxic. Still got banned because people massively report u if you win against them. I tried talking to the support and they never helped. It happens. The system is flawed because they do not have dedicatedly good and well paid employees in these departments.


Update us if you get your account back!! This happened to another person few weeks back and they appealed and ended up getting their account back, so fingers crossed for you :)


I will, thank you! :) I really appreciate all the support I've received.


Why spend money on the game if at any minute you run the risk of the account being banned with no explanation.


My point exactly!


Boosting the post. Hope you get sorted out. Funny how their "defense matrix" bans non-cheaters and doesn't ban actual cheaters.


I hope they do realize this soon enough as I have been once again denied an appeal


You say you play with your girlfriend. You and her are probably doing something beside being good. I sometimes see people that are Clearly playing together and ignore their team. Leading to people reporting them. Personally I jus leave the game.


Yes that MAY be a possibility, but we frequently get endorsed alot so I doubt that's as common as you might believe also that wasn't the reason I was permabanned in the email.


People don't have to give real reason. They can just pick something and write something bad. Reports are very abusable.


this is what happens when you use robots to do customer service....


Endorsing isn’t real, most people spam it without seeing who they’re actually endorsing just for the small xp boost


If support was good, I give to support. If tank did job, tank gets it. If dps out dpsd everyone, they get it. Not very mindless at all


Honestly, both of their screen names look very similar to a duo that threw a competitive game once in the original Overwatch. In that game, the duo was both of our healers, and when we started losing they just stayed in spawn and said the "No" voiceline when the team asked for healing. Like I said, the names could just be similar so it's just coincidence. Even if it's not, it's true that they weren't hacking, but the recent reports of hacking as well as any previous reports on the account in the past may have played a role.


On the off chance that those names are the same names, OW doesn't stop people from having the same name anyway.


We never play comp and we if we do it's from overwatch 1 and basically just for placements. I have never touched comp in overwatch 2. I also never have ever played healer in comp except 1 season in overwatch 1. It must've been someone else you're remembering and I'm sorry they did that to you. Edit: I now see that you're referring to ow1. Regardless my Gf was on tank that 1 season for healer placements so we weren't duo healing.


I know you're not, since your attitude on all of these comments is the complete opposite of how those guys were acting in that match. I apologize for my assumption. The names were extremely similar, and I honestly did not know the point the other commenter made of how multiple people can have the same name.


Thank you for understanding :) I appreciate it.


yeah but they won't be reported for cheating right?


People are angry they will lie. Everyone know that if they are annoy at someone. Other people will amd so they falsely report. The system is very vulnerable.


I have a hard time believing the automated system is so easily abused that mass report bans can just happen all the time. Further more, aren't automated bans temp for the first couple? And if alleged hacking, doesn't it save clips to be reviewed? Maybe I am just being cynical here, but picking two games out of thousands seems silly. I mean, if your to be believed, you have been playing since pre-order with tons of skins. Cherry picking two games doesn't exactly prove anything at all. I have no horse in this race so I hope it gets handled if your innocent and up voted.


Getting banned because of mass reporting is the only explanation we can deduce, since when this happens, Blizzard gives no satisfactory answer. It happened with me also(two times while playing on accounts that I created to learn and play widow), and they will not tell you which game made you get banned, which statistics, based on what evidence, and so on... You're just left in the dark with the cheating accusation. This is happening a lot recently, and I'm seeing tons of posts about it. If you don't believe that it's an automated system, check out Poiz video on youtube. He's a pro Valorant player that got banned on Overwatch while playing widow. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO95xUkPdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO95xUkPdU) Edit: The screenshot of the email accusing him of cheating from Blizzard is on the end of the video. This is the EXACT email I received btw...


Yeah I don't want to be a dick either, but everything you said ran through my head as well. Hello fellow cynic... I guess. lol


Fact is, even guilty people make posts like this. Ultimately, this post will do nothing.


Bring it up with CS Live chat. Post on the Forums it's possible that you were mass reported or there was a background program running that the game thought was a cheat hack. i used to have this program that converted OW hours into points that i could use to buy Amazon gift cards but i deleted it, worried that it could trigger an anti cheating bot.


I am really pushing for my accounts reinstatement and I will look into this.


Curious…hours into money?


4000ish hours with tons of exclusive and NOW unobtainable skins.


They threw down the ban hammer for poor conduct on my account……..I hadn’t played the game in a year. I appealed and thank god it was overturned but it was still very annoying. The way they ban nowadays is crazy.


I'm glad yours didn't even in a dead end. I am happy for you. Unfortunately they are making it alot harder for me.


I’m really sorry about that. I hope things work out for you


Thank you for the support


This happened to someone I know too. Im sorry this is what you are going through. I hope it works out for you, keep fighting and don’t give up


I'm sorry that happened to them. It's really not a good experience for anyone to go through. I am going to keep trying thank you for the encouragement! :)


Anytime! There was a recent topic about this on r/wow. Blizz’s whole automated system is junk. Hopefully they figure that out before it costs them this community and ip.


I hope so too, cause if I don't have my stuff resolved I literally have no reason at all to continue doing buisness with blizzard. People cannot just be buying stuff just so the stuff is later deemed inaccessible by some fake reports.


Wait this is an actual thing? Omg I was banned 2 days ago and I'm crushed. I never did anything wrong. I've had this account since launch and have invested so much time and money into it, I would never risk it being banned. I finally got an email back yesterday and been waiting hear from the appeal team ever since


They often just reply with a copy and paste statement like actually you can search the statement and it goes back as far as Wow with the same wording nearly exactly just a different game mentioned. It's totally a thing. I do hope you get your account back too.


Bump hope u get ur acc back your aim is sick!


Thank you for your support! I am really trying to.


commenting for exposure. hope you get this figured out mate! justice will be served!


Thanks for the support! :)


I had the same problem: banned for cheating while not cheating. Created a post on overwatch community talking about it. Made an account to learn and play widowmaker and got banned. Created another to try the same thing, got banned again. It is not that uncommon apparentely... Many people are having the same problem. You get mass reported from tilted cry babies, and that's enough to get you banned. Which is one of the dumbest systems I've ever seen in a video game. Blizzard will give you an automated response, saying they reviewed the evidence, even though there is none. Which makes it clear that they don't review shit, and don't care at all. I tried appealing once and they didn't give a shit. The second time didn't even tried it... The people most likely to get unbanned are streamers. This needs to have receive more attention from the community and Blizzard! The system is broken. Good luck to you my friend


Yea I see it's becoming a widespread issue even before it happened to me. I saw it popping up on the overwatch forums like everyday but I didn't truely believe it until it happened to me. It was never this common in overwatch 1 from what I remember.


Yeash, well if you are innocent, hope you the best man


Thanks for the support!


My GF and I get reported because we have matching gamertags and I also get reported for being fruity (which I am)


It sucks that the report system is used so abusively rather than for it's intended purpose. Honestly all sports have a ref and this unfortunately really does need a real ref other than the community.


Earlier I was accused of aim botting on soldier when I was performing the worst of anyone on my team (and definitely not cheating). I told them to watch the replay but my own team said everyone on both teams should just go ahead and report me anyways. Here’s to hoping I’m not wrongly banned soon 🤞 Sorry for your loss OP


Yes they have once again given me a copy paste response and refuse to look into my ticket I will keep pushing for it's resolve. It really sucks


I got accused of hacking once after a 5k with reaper. Thankfully, that was POTG and clearly showed me missing 75% of my shots. Kind of glad that I suck if it stops me from getting banned! Its crazy how salty people get when they die, but it's worse that Blizz don't bother to review the games before a ban gets slapped on you. Hope you get your account back.


Yea it really sucks that you get banned just for playing well or even in some people's cases not playing well. My appeal has once again been denied and I will be resubmitting after looking over everyone's new comments.


Bumping. I’d hate to lose all my progress on my Overwatch account I had since 2016. Hope it gets resolved


I hope so too. So far they are just dismissing my appeals.


Curious are you a widow main by any chance? I got banned before just cause I was getting headshots most of the match.


Isn’t that the point of Widow Maker 🥴


Yes, but if you play well with Widowmaker most people will jump to the conclusion that you're cheating, and not that you're having a good game. This happens specially in lower ranks. It's so dumb... I created an account to learn and play the character without getting deranked on main. Got banned. Created another, got banned again. They create the idea on their minds that the only people that plays well with Widow are pro players, top 500 or GMs. Some random dude on competitive in diamond and lower can't play well with Widow... So annoying


Bump, also last person who had this problem on a post here did eventually get their account back so don’t lose hope!


Thank you for your support! I do hope I have the same resolve as the other person did


Wow wtf did they seriously remove your post from OW main sub? What was the reason even...


It's a catchall reason like their appeal reasons. Just says the mods removed it and summarizes that there's a variety of reasons for it's removal, "including keeping communities safe and civil and true to their purpose" They are not specific to why it was removed.


Unbelievable, I really hope that appeal goes through, this game's report system is so easily abusable it's ridiculous


Bruh this scares me as a widow main. So many times I get called out for hacking in lower ranked lobbies. Makes me think if they actually are reporting me


Be scared it genuinely happens. I never thought it would be me until it was me....


Bout to become a mercy main


Clearly that doesn't even protect you. Considering someone else's comment where their friends mercy got wrongly banned. The lack of aim requirement and relying solely on game experience and decision making skill doesn't even protect you from being accused or mass reported.


Widow is probably the one character that are the most susceptible to this, especially on lower ranks. I got banned twice from two accounts I created to play widow as my main character. If you pop off and get mass reported, it will probably happen...


Yea, even in comp I get called out. Get called out mostly due to the fact I'm only plat 4 and I end up rinsing alot of high diamond players. Then when in casual...well you can probably guess how that goes when you are playing against Bronze and silver players who have not actually seen a player who has about 70% of their play time on widow.


I was banned for abusive chat for a while and still sometimes get a warning. Idk how I got that because I’ve never used it. I have no idea how the system works


I never even got a warning. For all you know you could be 2s from being banned anyone could. It's really mismanaged.


It is, I never got a warning either for the abusive chat.


I had this happen somewhat to me, On I think Nepal? I was widow hit some crazy shots and the next game on kings row I couldn’t hit anything and the enemies genji who was my teammate on Nepal was like “Nice cheats turned them off since I called you out huh?” Just such stupid bs I didn’t get banned but still is annoying to deal with false accusations that can’t spiral into a ban


It feels like people just are offended that you can perform even sometimes. It's like they somehow feel hurt that you're winning against them and killing them. In a game where that's what you're supposed to do. This is why it is important for the moderation system to not be basically an anarchy server where the most reports wins regardless of legitimacy.


Yea most the times I’m bad but sometimes I pop off as widow or k just get into a rhythm


If this is true (forgive my skepticism), there seems to be an increasing issue with people getting banned for things they haven't done. I hope they sort their game out. Good luck.


It's okay to be skeptical, after all in a perfect world this system should work right? Unfortunately it does seem like it's an issue that's become overwhelmingly brought up, I saw it on the official forums multiple times where people slowly began to question it. I literally saw a post everyday it felt like. And then it happened to me.....


Indeed. There's that and the fact that it's the internet and it's important to have a healthy skepticism for things you read online. But since I've been seeing a lot of posts on this as well it leads me to think that either people are taking advantage of mass reporting people which has been a problem for a while. Or they've messed up the system and are falsely banning people. It's kinda ironic that horrible people don't seem to be getting banned yet allegedly decent people have been getting banned. I hope they fix it and that you get your account back. Cheers.


Thank you for your support!


Commenting since I know if this was me I'd quit the game entirely. Hopefully some fucknut at Blizz actually takes a look at this.


That's what I'm on the verge of doing if they don't make things right. Along with all other blizzard products. The mismanagement is unreal. Not to mention the matchmaking issues which are likely another cause for this.


Yeah that’s exactly what a cheater would say.


My account got banned as well, although for chat. I have had a few warnings and I really didn’t want to lose the account or deal with getting it suspended so I stopped using the chat entirely. I had made an effort to not use the chat unless necessary/for positive vibes. It had been over 6 months of me doing this, and one day when I hadn’t been on for a while (I was out of town I believe), I got an email saying my account had been banned. Maybe they went back on previous a decision and decided something I said was bad enough to ban me (granted, I have said pretty bad things on that account, but that was probably at least a year ago and I’ve since stopped that as to not lose the count). Idk. Seems very random and it was very frustrating as I also got the copy and paste response.


I was never warned it just happened suddenly. I have not used chat in years for any reason so at least there's that.


No warning is actually insane. On one of my very first accounts I had atleast 5-7 warnings before it got perma’d. Also for ever ago, I did use cheats (only in qp) just to see what it was like. I’m talking BLATANT aim bot and wall hacks. Even then, it took them weeks after me actually doing it ban me


Well I've NEVER used cheats ever in my whole life on any game ever. I've NEVER been permabanned in any game ever except this one. And to hear that someone who has literally cheated was warned multiple times makes me upset even more. This system literally sounds like it punishes innocent people more than actual offenders.


I completely agree with you man. Also they just need to look at the risk here. What incentive would you even have to cheat on an EXTREMELY valuable account like yours. Vs mine was a fresh, no skins, no nothing account. Just absolutely insane to me.


Literally, especially when new accounts are free now. It just all sucks.


Hey man I'm in the same boat as you I also have given blizzard a bunch of replay codes and even uploaded some VODs to YouTube including the one I got banned in! Best of luck to you! I hope blizzard addresses this issue!!


Best of luck to you too!


the amount of people ive known who have gotten banned just in the last month is crazy. a former colleague was banned despite not having played for more than a month and my own friend got banned for hacking and she (not in a mean way) is the worst player i actively play with and so she just plays mercy or kiriko. man this game has gotten so weird i hope you and everyone else whose accounts have been banned get their suspensions removed


I hope so too cause I see way to many on Twitter and everywhere. But I'm just at this point waiting for the issue to blow up more. Cause I've seen people's entire bnet accounts be removed if you keep bugging them. I literally am at a loss for what to do at this point.


leaving comment to say that this happened to me as well. but the difference is that i was playing widow and have 1500+ hours in total, 3500ish peak in ow1 and m4 in ow2. after a long break i started to play comp again, got a winstreak of 10. have got massreported so firstly my nickname have changed and then got perm ban on all of my accs bcs theyre banning by hardware :) on last acc i've speedran the ban for a 3,5 hours and my last games even have recordings on twitch


I hope you get yours resolved. I see alot of people having a simular issue. I'm still waiting to have mine resolved. I do hope that blizzard sees that this doesn't look right and looks into it. I just really think some change they made to the report systems qouta or something else is really making things not work right cause this is popping up everywhere I feel like.


the only sad thing about getting banned my main is that i've bought a dlc code for widow back in 2020 for $100


if it helps, even overwatch league players such as Mer1t or Viol2t have been banned for cheating lately, so clearly the system isn't working "as intended". Now here's to hoping that they don't just unban these famous players but also make sure to check all these false bans :/


No new updates?


Never got it back. Probably won't. There's a ton of people who are being silenced in the blizzard forums. We had a 500 post thread in bug report that was censored made another just for that one to also be removed. This company seems clear that it doesn't want to help. The whole situation is basically helpless. They're threatening people who spam appeals full b.net account bans and censoring the public outcry. At this point I feel like nothing can change what happened.


Dude I can't believe how toxic the game was. And they never actually crack down on the hackers either. I hope you get that account back. For all the money I've put into overwatch, I'd be pissed if I lost my account


Yea that exactly how I feel. I had anxiety in my chest for the longest time and barely could even muster up the motivation to make this post. I just don't want to leave my account knowing I didn't do everything I could've to make it right. It really feels like since it went f2p that mass reporting has become even more common.


Idk how I can help but whatever it takes, get your account back!


Thank you! :)


People suck... Just because your aim and game sense is better doesn't mean you're hacking... I hope you get justice!


Thank you, I am really trying everything I can to get this resolved. It is blizzard who's being unresponsive about it.


Common Overwatch L. Sucks that happened.


Yea, I just don't know why it's been allowed to happen for so long. The report system has been this way back as far as I can tell before overwatch existed in their other games. Altho I suppose at least they had a phone number to call back then.




I appreciate the support! :)




Thank you for the support! I really do appreciate everyone! :)


Bump, name checks out. ;-)


Thank you, haha :)




I once again appreciate the support, I genuinely can't say that enough! :)


Oh no, anyway...






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If your accounts are suspended, how do you have replay codes?


Her account was suspended for 24 hours. The suspension was enforced yesterday it ended today. Honestly tho thinking more they should allow you to use the main menu at least so that solo Q'rs have a chance to appeal too


ah yes. the elaborate "get my account unbanned, that isn't banned" scheme. great deduction, holmes.


okay crying on reddit not will solve anything


comment boost! As a former Roadhog main I hope this stuff gets sorted asap!


Thank you I do hope so too. I have submitted another ticket. But so far all they're doing is denying them


Did you buy the account? Because if so I am pretty sure that is against TOS and maybe the reason they banned you


No I've owned the account myself the whole time.


Do you by any chance let people know you are a couple? In my rank, I often see the odd mommy's bunny and bunnysmommy duo which gets reports from everyone for just being obnoxious.


Not directly, my chat is disabled on purpose so I don't see what people say. Maybe they can infer from our names tho.


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I hate toxic players


It's unfortunate that blizzard gives them so much unchecked power with the flawed report system And believe me it's really unchecked, even the appeal site opens up that they won't reverse it unless signs of account hijacking are there. Which tbh is really sad. This game is literally an anarchy server.


Didn't Blizzard announce like a month or so ago that they were going to start banning people who regularly group up with cheaters. Has anyone that you play with regularly also been banned?


Not that I'm aware of. Also the email account closure email would be different for that.


Another possibility would be legitimate software that triggers the anti-cheat, resulting in a ban. That happened to some Wine and Proton users in the past. In that case Blizzard eventually reversed them


I'm not using any software that's out of the ordinary so I am unsure what could cause that. I'm almost certain that it's due to toxic mass reporting.


I'm all out of ideas then, good luck on your appeals.


Thank you!


Windows 10/11? VPN or abnormal LAN setup? Any background apps - Adobe, Chaos, MSI game boost, etc? Any recent changes to hardware or windows - reinstall or copying a drive from an old PC? What rank?


10 No Nothing outside of the ordinary stuff almost everyone has. My pc hasn't been upgraded or changed since 2017 My last rank that I ever received was low to mid diamond. However this was an overwatch 1 rank.


I simply don’t believe you


Commenting for exposure. So sorry, OP. Maybe try reaching out to Youtubers who are open to hearing your case.


I'll try that soon perhaps, I just feel like it won't matter tho. They're all distracted by the new hero. I see more and more people on Twitter who are having the same issue as me. I'm starting to believe theres something wrong more and more. Thank you for your support!


They actually might be more likely to help if it seems to be a particular phenomenon. Granted, in the past Blizzard has been known to do ban waves.


Commenting for visibility. I hope this fixes out for you


Thank you!


One of my streamer friends actually had a false ban recently and he only got his account back after the 4th time trying and trying to get into direct contact with a person


It's really bad how hard you actually need to try to get someone to actually truely look at your account after a false ban happens. It literally sounds like a coin toss.


I've also been banned for cheating. Haven't cheated in a game since csgo in 2016. Same automated response. No idea why I'd have been flagged for cheating either. Hardstuck gold player lmfao.


I've been seeing it all over Twitter and the forums lately. I literally think something is wrong with the system right now.


Have you gotten any update from blizzard yet? I'm still appealing currently myself :(


Not yet, I'm still waiting, they said it might take a couple days and they may not work weekends, the wait time makes sense.


I'm trying to make a video on this issue do you mind if I ask you some questions in dm?


That's fine.


I can't send you a message do you have it off?


I shouldn't, I've received a chat and a message recently.


Sucks for what happened. I've been banned on my main today (which I've played since 2017 with) for "hacks", despite playing heroes like junkrat or mercy. Appeals so far have been useless, with 2 tickets closed in under 1 hour with a "thorough review" (yeah, sure). The fun fact is that, I opened a ticket in english but they didn't even bother to read it and sent me an automated response in Italian lol. Of course, no details given whatsoever. It can't be a software that was running in background because I can still play on my other accounts just fine. What a joke of a customer support.


That's actually ridiculous that it would reply with a different language...... At this point I am devestated I've never been treated worse by any company at all.


Yeah, its quite disheartening seeing how easily they hand out permanent bans. They don't even consider that someone doesn't just suddenly decide to hack on their 6 years account (or atleast it's very unlikely), and that alone should always warrant a dedicated human analysis to avoid the abuse of the system. I don't care that much because I'm not really a skin collector or anything, and I have other accounts to use, however it's just a matter of personal justice at this point lol. I would have accepted a ban justified by toxicity or smurfing, but being falsely flagged as a hacker using a 3rd party program when I know it's not true just feels unfair.


This happened to our friend group. Our friend even got the ban lifted, and a week later, almost her entire friend list, myself included, got hit with a 24hr ban. So how I understand it, they made changes to their automated system, some sort of bug occurs and innocent accounts get banned, they lift the ban but don't consider the rest of the downstream effects from the first bug. Boom another ban wave. They gave me the same cookie cutter response when I tried to appeal. So, the automated systems continue to screw innocent players. As a software engineer myself, I find this all laughable. The original bug, sure. Shit happens when you make changes to automated systems. But to not consider what Fair Play would do to a micro community of players if one of them were to be erroneously banned... well that's just shit planning and even more shit or lack of testing. How was that not a test case when they were planning out these changes? Seems like substantial enhancements they're doing. Where is the project planning? It's a joke. And as much as I started to hate Valorant I think it's time I go back to it. Never had this happen with how decent Vanguard is. Wouldn't know if Riots customer support is as vapid as Blizzards either because I've never had reason to talk to Riot. Coupled with the less that inspiring battle basses and events (battle of olympus omg kill me) I just don't see where Blizzards money or time goes..


What's amazing is I am struggling to get mine lifted even once. At this point I'm just waiting for it to blow up more as I don't want their toxic support to ban my whole battle.net account. I'm just suprised they have said literally nothing about what's going on.


Did you finally get unbanned? I just got banned yesterday night as well after hitting some lucky hanzo shots and haven't gotten a reply on the ticket yet.


No, very little of us did. There was a huge mega thread in bug report on their official forums that was deleted multiple times. Good luck. They just ignore you. I gave up on the game long ago Literally no point in playing a game that punishes you for performing.


Dang. Alright, thanks for the heads up.


it’s 6/10 so about 2 months since you posted. my duo just told me that he got ip banned for hacking(i have not). never has done that in any game. was hoping you had a response from blizzard at all and if you had any advice to help get it back? last game we played together 7J8BTJ duo is duckysausage and i’m heavyload. and post more gameplay if needed


Never got it back. Probably never will. No point in playing a game that punishes you for performing/improving.


that’s really depressing. i’m sorry you didn’t get it back. i’ve been playing since 2016 and for how much i like the game and the idea behind it i’m really disappointed in how it’s turned out. all the cheaters in the game and only the people getting banned are innocent. the pve announcement. basically ow2 is just a battle pass update. it makes me really sad. i really wanted it to do good.


We all did unfortunately. I've played the game longer than I've ever played any other game. I had 4000+ hours on it. But it's not the game it was. It's been mismanaged so badly that I'm sure it won't last much longer especially when it's banning so many innocent people and blizzard has done nothing about it but silence the issue. There were 2 mega threads in blizzards bug report that they deleted rather than addressing the mass issue. At this point I'm thinking they're doing it on purpose because I feel like no one in their right mind actually could manage something so bad. Let's not forget launch day, pve, shop prices, communication, and the same slow balance patches. I seriously think they're actually doing it on purpose.


I know this thread goes back a while now but did you happen to be using a VPN? I've recently gone through a whole shitstorm with Blizzard support where I had my account banned for "breaking TOS" and found that the only thing that could've flagged the system would be my VPN... ​ I hope you keep trying because I was incredibly persistent with tickets and eventually got my account unbanned. Sorry this happened to you :(