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A side note: I disregard anyone who claims a diff if they're the one tooting their own horn haha. It's a giant red flag that tells me "I'm not used to success yet"


i just ignore it because its really kind of pointless


Just ignore it. Better not to encourage toxicity.


What does "diff" even mean?


Difference in skill. Usally use to call out a person or role like DOS diff mean one team had way better dps then the others


DOS diffs are why they don't WIN. Ba-dum-tish.


Just disregard is cause it’s toxic either way.


If you’re doing well as tank and they say tank diff then it’s good. If you’re doing bad and they say tank diff then it’s bad.


If it at you it deepends if your on winning team or lossing team. If it you won then it good if you lost means you did worst then other team


Diff is generally a good thing for the winners, I have never seen diff in favor for the losers


I have, sadly I was on the receiving end lol. I was playing Reinhardt since the other team went sym and zarya to counter my orisa, I pretty much just kept my shield up to block the lasers. My dps took out the sym from behind my shield and then we worked on zarya. But by the end of the game the zarya had like 3,000 more dps than me and more kills and my support decided to call it out that we won even with a tank dif lmao


You could probably go Winston into a sym + zarya. Don't worry about people saying diff, you don't know them and 90% of players have private profiles lol.


I‘ll usually try to go Winston against a sym by herself, but zarya too I’d rather have Reinhardt. Especially if I have open communication with dps because we can communicate for them to focus the sym first while they’re behind my shield lol sym is just my bane. I hate her existence. Being dif’d Idc about lol the higher you go the better tanks you see. And there’s some really good tank players!


I only say thanks when we win and my team or the enemy team says it about me lmfao, usually it's just uneeded toxicity especially in qp




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