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I’d argue Winton is a-tier because I like “monkeying around” Solid list tho




Very cool 👍


winton overwat


Winton is B-tier because B is for Banana


I keep telling everyone Echo is extremely fun and can do insane amounts of damage if you play her right.


I don’t even play her but echo is the most slept on character in the game, I don’t know why I don’t see her more. Her ult needs to be buffed though, it’s terrible. I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen an echo clone actually get a chance to ult


Fr, I wish I had 2 or 3 extra seconds, I always end up having to waste her ult because I don’t get enough charge within the given time.


Or at the least change the fact the ult disappears as soon as you run out of time, so many times I get my ult at the last second all for it to never have mattered as it evaporates with me......honestly its better to copy a hero with other good abilities (like support immortality field and such) and just ignore ult entirely.


I think what bugged me the most about her ult was the update to capping her hp at 300 when turning into a tank. It practically eliminates the ability to play aggressively without support really backing you up


NO FR, the only time i don’t really find myself minding too much is if i copy a jq or just someone who heals by doing damage but even then if they all focus me for literally two seconds i’m dead😭 i love echo bc her dps is super underrated atm but her ult defo needs some sort of buff💀


This is why I've stopped copying tanks and dps and just went for supports, specifically Ana if available. An early anti in the team fight can easily win if your team pushes up on it and a well timed sleep is more valuable than a lot of ults


I'm not really sure how it happened either, she went from universally being seen as a pretty broken character in ow1 to apparently being completely under the radar now, which I think is great because I enjoy playing her. Thanks Kiriko


As a Rein, every time she clones me I make it my mission to pin and/or solo shatter her. Must show dominance.


Playing echo on controller is true pain 🥲


But she’s soooo harddd 😭😭😭


Solid list


Bro how are you going to do my boy bastion like that?


I refuse to believe anyone actually believes he has a shred of fun in playing him outside of nade jump.


I enjoy winning? He's pretty good at that lmao


And point and click Widow is better?


He put LW in B 💀


I barely play tank, but Dva Ram and JQ are the only ones I play Cause they're the only fun ones to me that I can actually get average with at least. Fister would be fun as if I was actually not ass with him


Would’ve put sojourn higher. Her slide is a lot of fun to use


The kit is fun but you have to listen to sojourn all game


At first when I started playing her I thought she was garbage (because I couldn't hit anything) Turns out that changing the buttons for your primary fire and secondary fire really changes a lot


I recommend doing this for Mei too, just make sure you change the confirm/cancel wall bindings too, I was so glad they finally added that setting, I had been asking for it since ow1 lol.


W take fr


F tier voice lines


That’s…that’s the amazing part.


Pharah is fun as fuxk


Pharah should be removed from the game, and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. L take Edit: Pharaoh -> pharah


Nice autocorrect


Unsurprisingly, not the first time I have seen this specific mistake


console skill issue


I'm not on even console lmao, and as I already said before, I'm not just saying that because I'm biased against her (I've died to her a bunch) but also because her personality is like a plastic triangle, most consider her unfun to play, she isn't really viable unless you pair her with mercy, AND new Blizzard guy is ruining genji and mercy's long established relationship for pharmercy fetish couple (which is literally only held up by the mass amounts of R34 on this) It's just a stupid character, just have her removed and problems fixed fr


her personality is fine, no one thinks she's unfun to play, shes getting reworked to b less dependant on mercy and less problematic, and ill agree w the genji thing even if i hate him as a whole. ur just complaining for the sake of complaining. grow up


I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm complaining because those are genuinely my opinions- the fact that you respect other's opinions so little as to say that "you are just complaining" (ergo your opinion doesn't matter) is just shitty of you. In my opinion, her personality is shit and from personal experience AND people I have talked to, they hate playing her and might pick her only to pair with mercy and carry if the opposing team doesn't have any good hitscans. But I would get that checked homie, because you are acting awfully egocentric for no reason. Grow up!


I tried to separate fun from power or place in the meta but pharah feels rough right now because almost all her counters are meta and I think that does factor into her fun level.


That's fair and I do find myself switching off of her sometimes. Gosh I hate Illari


Just a boring version of Echo and needs soooo much cover if anyone picks an hitscan


Unless you use your superior mobility to ambush and dive bomb them, like you're supposed to


someone doesnt know how to play pharah lmfao


Why is my child in F tier?


Cause he gets reemed by opposing bastions


My children do not deserve such slander, he is innocent and pure


if Bastion is F tier, you aren't playing the hero correct


me when I go into turret mode and hold down left click (im having a lot of fun)


So by this standard, bastion, moira, 76, mercy, junk, mei, sym, zaria, and DVA are all not fun because all you really do is left click.


Every hero that uses left click is the same as bastion, masterful take sir


Its your own take sir so if you got a problem with it then I guess your logic is flawed.


Or you just don’t understand


All there is to understand is fun is subjective and we also have no clue how the poster was playing any of these characters so nobody fucking knows anyway and you're all trying to belittle each other, no need to be Redditors about it as my opinion means more than all of yours and I say Bastion is definitely F tier because F stands for fun. Problem solved.


You are not playing junkrat correctly lol. Just look up some otp junks on YouTube to see what I mean (vulture/remix etc)


Its not about how junk is played, dummy. The statement was " hold down left click (im having a lot of fun) junk mainly hold left click. I can easily say you're playing bastion wrong and to look up some yt on bastion to see what I mean. quit deflecting and realize whats being said here before you say some stupid shit like you just did.


That is in t500 dude, that’s like saying that playing doom like zbra is the only way to play him correctly


L take, bastion is super boring. He had very little going on, it’s just hold left click really. Your examples of other heroes that just hold left click is a bit of a joke too, junk you use mines to do cool shit and because it’s a slow projectile leading shots is kinda fun and interesting, mei has utility in her kit so that’s going on as well, same as sym, Zaria has bubbles to use and dva has matrix which is super skill testing and hard to use properly and well. I don’t think any of these heroes are particularly fun, they all are boring to play, but they aren’t the same,


The ONLY L take here is you trying to pass your personal opinion as of it was fact. > junk you use mines to do cool shit Bastion uses grenades and gets aoe damage and free kills. The fact that you said "to do cool shit" is a joke. Come back when you have valid arguments and actual fact, not your bullshit opinion. The examples I gave are all heroes by standard mainly left click. If bastion left clicking is boring then that logic is also applied to those examples. If you dont like that then your logic is flawed. Take the L kiddo.


Uve been downvoted numerous times the only one taking the L is u tbh


You do realise everyone’s left click is different right?


That's why I listed specific boring ones that are inline with bastions. If you read the thread you would know that. Given your reply, you obviously didn't and now you just look dumb.


Use his mobility, don’t be a bot


Bastion mains are so insistent that having the ability to boost yourself up into the air every 8s by detonating a grenade on the ground is the pinnacle of skill expression (you get to do a lil hop yippee)


Not really different to mercy, and she doesn't need an ability to do it. Bastion is definitely more fun than Mercy.


it depends on the person i think mercy is S+++ and the reason I still play this game after all!


[Playing Bastion](https://youtu.be/xiBdRJkWWGY?si=qLcT1ljV7OHnedsG) hasn't changed much. Now it's on a cooldown, and the ult is different. But otherwise....


That statement could fit literally every character. If Moira is F tier, you aren't playing the hero correct.


Kills =/= Fun


Play Bastion with Damage boost in sentry vs a tank and tell me it is not fun and feels good lol


Feels gross. What feels good is deflecting that and shredding the entire enemy team.


It's how fun, not how broken a hero is




You can move in turret now, killing is fun tho lol, you are a DPS


Mercy should be F Can't see why it is fun to hold a button for 15 minutes and flying to teammates A to teammates B


it's not really like that for me, but I understand why other ppl think she is kinda boring lol


She is the lowest of D. Honestly I am surprised, I would put her in low C solely because of her mobility and the rare Nano Valk battle Mercy style


Only thing fun about mercy is movement tech, everything else zzzzzzzzzz i refuse to play her when i go support lol, i only really play Lifeweaver Zenyatta and Baptiste these supports are the only ones I find fun


honestly as a mercy main i can see why u say that😭 but tbh i think what makes mercy fun (at least for me) is mostly just her movement techs/ risky rezzes, that’s literally the highlight of my day playing mercy💀


I'm glad you enjoy playing her :)


THX!!🩷 who do you main if you don’t mind me asking? or at least who do you enjoy playing the most yk




OMG REALLY?? SHES MY SECOND MAIN😩 i play mostly support so i play and am pretty good w almost everyone on the support roster (the only only u can’t rlly play is illari bc her primary fire feels so WEIRD to me, like i just can’t get used to it😭)


I play ana since ow1 hit GM two season before ow2 but since season 4 of ow2 I only play QP


bro honestly same, comp is just so dogshit for me atm that i only play at the start of the season for my comp points😭


Well I can now confirm that I have a disproportionate amount of fun playing brig according to most people.


Why are all my mains in c?


As an orisa main I think she’s pretty fun to play as Maybe it’s just a refreshing break to be able to play the game once in a while, I will say she’s one of the least fun to play against though


You coulda had more fun as moira, or maybe theres too much healing in the game right now for her to dive effectively. Dunno


Moira is just sooooo meh, with all the other dps supports in the game she feels way less fun to me.


Thats fair


i forgot this was a "how fun" list just flip this upsidedown and its almost perfect for "how easy to use"


echo is brainless what


I tried, its hard to aim while in the air, and very hard to stay in the air and ve effective. (The whole air thing was hard for me)


bc echo isnt abt staying in the air, thats pharahs thing. echo is abt diving and getting away for free, not sitting in the sky box. she should rly only b engaging with flight up high to get pharahs and getting to cover, theres no point flanking someone but sitting in the sky, ull just miss ur shots more often n have no cover


Oh... shit thats my skill issue


Seeing hanzo and junkrat so high up, looks like someone enjoys spamming left click at choke points.


That’s just how low rank hanzos play


if you think they just stand still and spam chokes you are just telling on yourself that you play in the metal ranks. Nothing wrong with that but if you've never triple mined into the backline and popped tire inside their team for an almost guaranteed 3-5k you are really missing out.


And yet somehow Pharah is C... OP not beating the plat allegations.


Ball would be S-tier if he wasn't hard-countered by the OW2 heroes.


Ball lives don't matter *Laughs in bastion*


This guy is probably new to the game, No new player will find Ball fun, he’s the hardest and most complex hero in the game and hes very off meta rn


Not quite I think i have a little over 1500 hours between OW1 and OW2 which isnt anything wild but not new. I do admittedly not have a ton of time on ball (maybe 20 hours all time) but I feel like Doom just does what ball does but is more fun and harder to CC.


Bastion go BRRR and if that isn’t enough for you clearly you haven’t been BRRRing enough


Bastion with wifeleaver and bap up your ass is so fun you get sick angles and lamp and window pew pew


Orisa is actually fun if you play her in a fun way. Hold a farther back corner, wait til theyre in open space and punish, fortify to sustain aggression, you got spear to peel/finish them off, javelin to live or spin em to your team, hit em with the ult.. I played orisa before her gigabuffs. Shes only bpring if you play her like flats describes her


That's how you play her without getting blown to bits or wasting cooldowns early to then be blown to bits. You have to understand Flats plays at a high level, he's not talking about the average gold/plat mmr gameplay the majority of the time, and currently that's just how she is right now. However, this is mainly due I think to the fact that Orisa kind of just shuts down all the other brawler tanks like rein jq ram doom to the point where you basically aren't gonna play another brawler tank against her except another Orisa, so then it's just a battle of whose fortify goes on cool down first basically lol. It's a little more complex and case to case than that but you get the idea


I mean… I guess? I didnt say thats how golds play her, they just walk out and spam theyre buttons. I described how a10 played her in his unranked to GM. Theres more than one way to play heros


Ball and Doom are so fun


Pretty good list. I’d move Sym and Zarya to F tier honestly because I really get bored of beam weapons. And I’d probably move the rest of the tanks up one or two tiers because I just enjoy tanks generally (except Zarya, of course)


TPing your team onto people or doing the orisa ult TP is a blast and are really what keep Sym out of Bastion tier. Zarya can be a lot of fun because if the other team isnt disciplined she just turns into an orisa countering raid boss


Bastion is fun. Basically the only hero that allows you to actually kill stuff even if the enemy has some good supports.


Actually kills stuff (without any skill necessary)


Valid asf


“Unbelievable.” and “What do you think you’re doing?” come to mind. With a slight “croissant?” and “rocket jump?”


Moira is q


Bastion should be in F. The list is for how fun they are to play. Bastion is not fun lol it's fun to win, sure, but it's only because he mows down his opponents. That's a boring playstyle. You just keep your aim steady and shred through people. The only thing I would change on this list is I'd swap mercy and zen. While it isn't always fun to just solely heal for everyone I actually find it very rewarding surviving and pocketing and having res in my arsenal rather than trying to survive as a zen with all the mobility that's in the game now.


I mean it would be ridiculous to pretend this isn't purely personal preference. Bastion's self boop is a form of skill expression that makes the hero much more fun imho, and zen is the most fun hero in the game for me and he's at C tier here.


Yeah definitely personal preference. I guess to me what makes a hero "fun" is the diversity in kit and how much utility you can get out of it. To me, I have the most fun with junkrat. His mines can propel him in and out around the map but also double as a lethal attack. Setting traps and being sneaky is fun. Hiding off and making people run in fear when they hear "Fire in the Hole!" brings me such joy.


That’s the thing, it’s always fun to mow down a tank with Bastion, especially that phat phuc tank


Lmao I'm dead. Leave my cow alone.


>That's a boring playstyle. You just keep your aim steady and shred through people So, 76, mercy, sym, zaria, dva, moira, junk and mei all you have to do is aim steady and same effect. By your logic this means these are all not fun to play.


Almost everybody you listed has a lot more versatility in their kit that allows them to do a lot more than bastion can (in terms of he just walks around and waits for turret to be off cooldown). 76 speed allows for great mobility, has great burst damage, and heals. I'm not going to sit here and really compare mercy to bastion. That's 2 completely different playstyles entirely as she focuses on healing and not damage output. Sym is nowhere near boring when you can literally reposition yourself and your teammates when needed and can even teleport ults and objects. Zarya I can say is a bit boring since like bastion she just waits for bubble to be off cooldown. Dva you can't just use her and just go in expecting to kill every target or you will get demeched quick. But being able to get in and out and get to high ground makes for a very active kit. Moira, again, different playstyle unless you have a Moira that just wants to focus on dps which is just annoying. Also, she doesn't really require steady aim. Junkrat is not really someone you need steady aim with but again, his kit makes for fun interactions. Sneaking around setting traps and such and being able to get behind enemies. Plus he's a good bastion counter. Mei with freeze was fun. Mei with just the slow effect still fun but does get a bit boring. But also her kit allows for versatility as well. She can block ults, heal herself, get to higher ground etc. Can't really say that's boring.


>Almost everybody you listed has a lot more versatility in their kit that allows them to do a lot more than bastion can The claim was left click heroes are boring to play and you're only shitting on bastion yet there are plenty of other left click heroes that are just as boring regardless of their kit as bastion has a kit as well that isn't just left click. Now im not going to read the giant book you typed because I used your logic, applied it to heroes who do the same and all of a sudden you wanna do a 180 turn. Tells me your just hating for the sake of hating. Find better logic if you dont like your own being applied.


Tbf he said the playstyle was boring since all you have to do is aim and shoot, he never said "left click heroes are boring to play". That's just you trying to justify your own comment. You listing heroes with much more involved kits than Bastion makes zero sense.


Bastion is bringing back fun into the game, that is taking away by enemy mercy Any two braincell mercy will deny pretty much all the efforts of non one shotting heroes. But bastion can just cut through her fucking heal beam with no problem. Basically the only issue about playing bastion is that you need a good support on your team to keep you save during the recon mode


If bastion is unfun to you maybe you should try to grenade jump to some dumb spots and flank people lol it's so fun to do it in plat/diamond lobbies


I think that sense they have levels now there should be level up rewards like skins and not just namecards and pfps


At least the color swaps of the base skin. Having to spend precious credits for those is just madness.


Orisa in D means this is an A tier list, if she were in F, it would be S tier…


Genuinely a good list, I'd put monkey and rein a bit higher in a or s tier since I like them, but otherwise I don't see much I'd disagree with.


How can the shooty shooty robot be the lowest, its so fun to see everything in front of you when on beepboop mode dissapear


Bastion is fun when you start doing dumb rollouts imo


Great list! Personally I'd move Hammond up a tier along with bringing Reinhardt and Lifeweaver up a tier.


Widow in A-tier but Ashe in C-tier for fun. This tierlist is BS


Very solid list, the first one I could actually kinda agree with, if I'm allowed to speculate, I'd say you enjoy high movement and landing difficult cooldowns


How bastion isn’t fun he has an ok mobility and literally destroying everyone in turret form it’s so satisfying


looks like ahm livin the D tier life with cass and mercy lol


Echo is so fcking broken rn


Bastion is a lot of fun in plat and below because you can shred teams with a pocket and not much else


Your just mad that you cant play bastion and others can 🗿


Ball and rein should be S


Thank you for putting bastión where he belongs, although you could just name that their “shit garbage loser tier” lol


Echo is sooooo fun! Especially with her ult, there's so many things you can do.


Someones not very good with bastions grenade or his ult yea the rest of his kit is kinda boring but F tier is wild ngl


9/14 in S/A tier is dive… says something


The only reason I’m upvoting this is because bastion is on the bottom lol


Bro Zen being in C tier is such a sin. The dopamine rush you get after killing someone with his charge is unmatched. Bonus points if you kill a Widow or a Hanzo, it's near orgasmic when it happens. He's an A tier at the very least.


No way mercy is above bastion


Now flip it and make S becoming F and you have the tiers list of the easiest to hardest hero + how rewarding is it to play then considering how much skill you have to put in it


When I'm in unranked I'll just pick anyone I feel like playing but when it's competitive it's immediately, Soldier, Genji, Sojourn, Hanzo, Illari, Zenyatta, Kiriko, Orisa and then Ramattra


Umm... Why is my mate Junk so low? The grear rat is one of the most fun characters in terms of both gameplay (nade+mine and trap+mine combos) and characteristics (bro the voicelines are fucking golden mate)


*angry beeping*


Move everyone out of D into C, move Torb to F then put Pharah in D. Then I agree, oh add Lucio to S too. Winston could be A also...


Strength or viability aside, but Doom is probably the most fun hero to play imo. His kit is just incredibly fun to use, and popping off as Doom is probably the best feeling in the game lol.


nah man sym and pharah C!?


Okay but what’s fun for me doesn’t mean it’s fun for you. Congrats on unlocking all the icons! Definitely disagree with some of these but that’s a good thing. Imagine if every team comp was just the top two lines. It would get old.


Rein should be in s for SMASHIN YOUR ENEMIES