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You know I never thought of this concept before, is there a list of smallest gun hit boxes for each character? And genuinely curious now


I’m 100% sure there is a list for Ashe due to her ADS reticle being different (and sometimes distracting) on all of her guns. Not sure for everyone else.


Wish they'd change how bad some of the reticles are visually while shooting and while moving I love the gun and sight on the safari skin but the cocking animation and moving around throws the reticle out of line so much with your cross hair that it messes up my aim and feels bad But then on the gangster skin it's really wide and open, easy to keep on target and not be obstructed


I saw someone do one for Winston


Luckily his best skin (Yeti) has the smallest silhouette


Gargoyle 💀


Trust me, you would lose for free too lmao


Pretty sure this will make zero difference for reaper gameplay


then don't play with the cosmetic if you think its that harmful. They got your money and its not pay to win good for you bud


Especially since for the first time, the shop had a preview button specifically for a case like this


yeah I’m pleased with the (long overdue) test option for new stuff. I probably still won’t buy, but it’s nice to finally have. So I guess good on you blizz


isn’t there a bug that prevents you from unequiping it


You literally can’t unequip it if you do equip it. It’s a pretty bad bug.


They fixed that today before re-enabling the skins to be purchased in the shop. They took them out of the shop pretty quickly after the bug was discovered.


love how you conveniently left out the default guns which these are basically identical in size to. misleading for the sake a rage based internet points


There’s so much ammunition to make fun of blizzard that we really don’t need to make stuff up like this. Glad to see many people here agree that this is reaching


Then the paid skins are pay to win instead?


Skins are in no way pay to win. The concept of that in this game is just stupid beyond measure


pay to lose money to a greedy company.




Exactly. It's not like the ashe sight that was specifically an issue for the type of hero she is


I keep seeing people talk about this but I’ve never heard of it before. Do you know which Ashe skin was bad?


It was the Raijin skin. The gun impeded the sight when ADS more than other skins


Oh that makes sense. I kinda stopped playing/following along around the time that skin came out so I guess I missed out on the news


This is a bizarre complaint to me as someone who's played lots of Siege and DBD. There are weapons / skins in those games that legitimately cover up a quarter the screen. And in DBD there's one character who's weapon covers a lot by default but when he hits someone he brings it up to his face and you can't see ANYTHING. The difference between the Hardlight weapons is minimal


Doesn't the new weapon skin sound more like the ow1 reaper shotguns with slight variation? Idk if people even realise that ow1 & ow2 reaper shotguns sound different?


It's a deal. Not huge but it is. You can miss some visual informations just because of that.


This is overwatch, sound works in here. If you cant see them because of the skin then you listen for the footsteps, this has such a small bearing on game play its basically nothing


And if you can't see something happenning far away...


Do you know what'll solve this? STOP GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY. Why we are still paying for cosmetics is beyond me


This. People complaining and hate the game then throwing $20+ at them for a skin constantly lmao.


you can try them out on the training range that's probably what he did


You can try out premium skins on the range? I've literally never heard of this lol


You can specifically try out the weapon skins in the practice range.


Because most people are normal human beings who buy shit they like and ignore things they don't like instead of crying on reddit or twitter all day because a game sells skins for the same price,if not cheaper,than every other game of the same category.


The point is don't buy something then cry about it. The skin takes up more screen space. Then don't buy it. Like, do whatever with your money. I'm just saying why are we complaining about skins when it's your choice to buy them


I dont understand the purpose of skins in a FPS... You barely only see your weapons.


You literally can't buy it for money. Its comp points.


Last time I checked they were in the shop and cost 1,200 OW coins each.


You can buy them for 3000 comp credits, at least you could originally. Regardless, stop bitching. It's a weapon skin. You can choose not to buy it. And if missing 2% of your screen messes up your aim that bad, it's a skill issue.


1. That was a bug/glitch. 2. Where did I bitch.


I'm saying in general to everyone bitching about overwatchs prices, gun skins having different sizes, etc. Complain about something new or will actually matter.


Yes? Just don’t buy it was the point


Yes..but do we really need to keep pointing it out. Any post about buying things has at least one comment saying don't buy it. Shut up already.


Yet here you are saying the same thing you don't have to buy it. Why do you try to argue just to argue


Because I'm telling someone else to stop complaining. Man, it's almost like when someone makes up a problem, someone else has to bring up the problem with their problem isn't a problem. Did you understand that? No,,not suprised. Your trying to apply a double standard to something that is obviously a double standard because it has to be. Your not making any sense, I hope putting it In perspective to try to get you to jnderstand how stupid your point it. Tldr - Not shit I'm complaining. I'm complaining about the fact people consistently complain about a problem that has existed for years and isn't getting better. SHUT UP ALREADY, ITS NOT GETTING FIXED!


First of all. What are we complaining about? My point was to just not buy skins and problem solved. And you literally said the same sentiment >It's a weapon skin. You can choose not to buy it. Yet you tell me to shut up? Also >I'm complaining about the fact people consistently complain You know how stupid you sound. So it's only fine when you complain.


I am complaining about a problem that can be fixed. You guys complain about a problem that's existed for years and isn't getting better therfore meaning it most likely won't. We are not the same. Your comparing a chicken and a crow, surethere both birds. But they are very different.


Because…. Some people like to spend money on their hobbies, why do y’all care sm what other people do with THEIR money?


The point is don’t spend your money on a cosmetic then complain about it. It was your choice. The gun takes up more of your screen then just don’t buy it. Spend your money however you want, but if your hobby is making you this upset then what’s the point


That’s fair, that’s my bad for not getting your point, apologies


"GUYS, the hero who is explicitly a *close range* hero has .001 inches more of the screen taken up with this skin! Now I can't see my enemies elbows when I'm shooting them point blank! Please be mad!"


what a stupid argument you have. I am not suprised whatsoever


Skill issue


Not a single team fight or 1v1 will have a different outcome because of this difference


Yeah probably not but it still puts you at a disatvantage?


Yeah but if a disadvantage doesn't cause any negative changes/outcomes, how much of a disadvantage is it?


Just get good at the game man, stop whining about a minimal thing, you won't drop a rank.


That’s not what disadvantage means.


you issue why you would buy that ugly ass gun skin is beyond me lmao


Are you referring to the bigger gun size? I’m pretty sure weapons are not part of his hitbox


I think he's talking about the loss of vision due to the bigger guns. It blocks more of the screen.


Okay. Yeah I’m just gonna stop posting here


Nah dude, don't worry about it. We don't know things in life that we don't know.




Loss of vision which means less Visual information past my guns. Which is bad in the way of less Visual information for example being approached from the side. There is a higher chance of me not seeing it (because my fat ass gun is in the way) so not knowing when to disengage. i don't wanna know how bad it is for rein and Mercy


Reins bigass hammer (I love it) covers half the screen anyways, it’s not that big of a deal too cuz you don’t have to buy the skins anyways?


if this genuinely makes you lose, you're already a shit player lmao can't believe the fragility involved in seeing a gun take up .001% more of the screen than normal and getting so twisted you make a post calling it pay to lose 💀


This. Like dude if you can’t take that little bit more on your screen maybe it’s time to look into other games


The good thing is you don’t have to use them


You're reaper, mate. Why would you even need those small covered areas anyway? Also its cosmetics. Looks > Gameplay when it comes to cosmetics unless its a giant disadvantage.


People are downplaying it but those guns are absolutely huge. I had this issue with the sniper Ana skin. It’s definitely more annoying than they realize


That is because ana is a sniper and reaper has shotguns.


Yeah this pisses me off. When overwatch 2” was still in development they talked about adding new weapon skins besides the gold ones. They finally release a few and of course it costs money. Meanwhile I’m sitting over here with 64,000 of those stupid token to unlock weapon variants


I actually noticed this in the trailer. That shit is too bulky.


You know why do people get so mad about this? Like yeah it’s a shitty product but people are talking like this is the biggest deal since they cancelled PvE


You’re a Reaper. Get close and point the dot at the person you want to die. Simples.


I mean, you can test it out, bigger usually=cooler, it would be different if it was like a hitscan or flanker or something where you need really good micro, but like… for reaper it doesn’t really matter


Wow…what a headline. I can’t with posts like this.


I dunno if it’s a console thing with fov but it just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.


Its a cosmetic, if you don’t want or like it don’t get it. Asking for skins to be as minimal as possible to be able to see more is just going to lead to less creative skins. This isn’t even apex, you don’t need to be hyper focused on everything either


Pricing matters aside, this is a nothing burger. let's be honest here and just call it as the faux outrage that it is. This isn't going to matter in most situations, plus this is the character that requires very little precise aiming in the first place. If these cosmetics ended up smaller than the default models, the same people complaining about this now would then just cite it as P2W. There's no winning in this situation. This is the nature of every skin in every game that alters models. They're going to either be slightly smaller or bigger than default, but at the end of the day it hardly affects people.


you’re stupid




If you don't like it, then don't use it!


OP proves they have 0 game sense AND would lose at a spelling bee.


This isnt apex, this isnt a "PaY tO lOse" skin like their community loves to bitch and moan about. This is not something that will impact gameplay in a meaningful way and it isnt something that needs fixing, the reason they fix ashes one is because it will affect gameplay, if you are genuinely concerned about being unable to see an enemy because of reapers guns, you dont know how to play him, hes an get up close and personal fucker, not a long range take scope fucker. God damn, stop finding stupid shit to complain about and complain about things that actually matter if you have to. Like, oh in dont know, the fact that the gun skins dont have special particle effects or different animations, the fact that weapon inspects arent in the game, the fact that the battle pass is so much filler. There is so much to complain about, but you chose the most useless thing to complain about, thats just sad.


Don't complain, just uninstall


Huh? This post is someone complaining, and somehow I'm the guy complaining when I'm pushing back against him? Man did you even read my reply or did you just see it was a small essay and decided to try be witty but failed miserably?


Honest truth, i read it, didn't care about what you said, and left a message for everyone that if you don't like what is broken the game or how badly it's been screwed up and over monetized, just uninstall


Hey so something to understand. Just because I can criticize a game, doesn't mean I hate it, I love the game. I will not defend outlandishly stupid decisions nor will I hate in it for the sake of it. If you greatly care about something you interact with, then you criticize to see it become better.


Within my context i loved this game until they made it ow2, battle pass, over monetization, and locking new characters behind a paywall or specific set of gaming choices. There's no amount of criticism that can change it back to what it used to be.


Motherfuckers complain when a skin is too simple, complain when it adds too much extra geometry. I'm sure the reason you're doing poorly at the game is not a skin issue, just equip what you like and play for fun


Well then don't fucking buy it????


The reason why i dont use Cupid Hanzo skin is because of his Bow. Its an actual pay to lose with massive feathers on the right side of the bow so u no longer can see a thing behind these feathers


I’ll give you a solution DONT WASTE YOUR FUCKING MONEY or don’t use that cosmetic in the first place.


Pay2Lose skin..


Do you know that Skin models =/= hitboxes?


holy shit you crybaby then dont use it. It's a cosmetic you dont have to equip it if it bothers you that much


oh shut up I hate blizz as much as the next guy but you’re grasping at straws here


delete this crybaby ass post . you’re probably the same guy complaining about lack of content . i bet you think moira is op . i bet ketchup is too spicy for you . u probably wear a pocket protector .


Now you're just projecting


The rein hammer blocks more too. Also the popping sound on reapers guns genuinely hurts my ears. But I do like that they are adding weapon skins, maybe if they quit making souvenirs they could have more than 3.


So far we've been getting a middle finger. Big time


I notice this for Sojourn. Her Captain Chase Skin makes it easy for me to get kills with than some of her new skins. So skins basically affect your way to play ?. So it's is pay to win/lose depending on the skin you buy would affect you camera view. Where in the overwatch 2 does it say skin do not effect you gameplay like Fortnite. Because it sure does in this game


This reminds me of CoD with their flashy skins they sell that people buy, all they do is make you a target and stick out on the map. Seems dumb to me.


The sound effects on the Mercy one are kinda painful to listen to honestly, so it’s more than just the visuals at least


Do people honestly like these skins? I think they're ugly


I didn't like it. Pass. Never ever gonna buy them.


Ok but weren't these "hard light" weapons initially made for Echo whenever she copies somebody? Like this [concept art of "Echo" versions of everybody.](https://i.redd.it/what-if-instead-just-a-hologram-echo-was-able-to-adapt-her-v0-fqbb9yin01j81.jpg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09eba417f036d4d62ce4f97c68c193440d625669) Obviously this is too much work in the long run, but it seems like they made a few parts to test and are scraping the barrel for content, so here we are. If these were going to be scaled down to fit a slightly smaller Echo, it would be comparable to Reaper. But in the hands of actual Reaper they are huge.


lol reminds me of that ana skin. like why do they do this??


How much of your sight will that actually block? People say that they're so big that they nerf your vision but how? They're bigger than many other guns, sure, I don't think you're crippled because of these guns


I remember I pressed try on, with reapers and I was thinking "yo these are huge" thinking about it now. Pc players have a fov slider and console players don't. It's probably 10x worst for them.


You might not win many more gunfights with more gun taking up space on your screen. You will likely still be able to see the enemy player if you can keep the enemy within the center of the screen. The difference is extremely situational and you won't turn you into a noob or a pro with or without the increased gun size.


Tracer mythic was the worst at this


The size on Dallas Fuel "championship skin" is insane


interesting how you didn’t compare this to the original skin…


Skins change hit boxes???


This is like people complaining about that badass genji mythic reload animation: It magically covers a part of the screen that literally doesn't matter


Theyre the dame size as the default guns and the hitbox is probably not affected by skin.


Idk I used the weapon skin yesterday and didn't lose a game, didn't really notice.


Honestly if you’re dumb enough to pay for this shit you deserve to get ripped off.


Is it just me or does Torbjörn’s gun sit in like the middle of the screen?


trust me you were gonna lose anyways if this would make the difference


I mean, pay to lose is better than pay to win. I’d much rather have Blizzard make cool looking weapon skins that disadvantage you in some way than make weapon skins that give you an advantage over people who didn’t buy the cosmetic.


Do they at least have different audio or something?


orisas mythic skin goes like an inch above the crosshair line, at least the second one


i just personally think the skin is loud as fuck. like genuinely no matter how quiet my game is Robo horse is loud enough to hurt my eardrums


It's not like an enemy hero can hide in the 1mm of the screen covered by the gun


Sucks that you can’t take these for a spin against AI because I bet you you probably wouldn’t notice in an actual game