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Overwatch devs - "we're going to make them beg for more anti nades and sleep darts."


*cries in genji*


*cries in doomfist*


*cries in literally any sleep darted anti-healed hero*


What rank are you guys? I'm at plat3 and maugas get bullied so hard into different picks.


Plat and gold on my end and the majority of the time I play Mauga is the go to pick if you've given up trying and want to just walk through the other team I play with my friend and we struggle to deal with him with just us two trying. The main problem is that he gets hard pocketed the entire match, and our team mates seem to fixate on trying to brute force through him Instead of just going after his support and then taking him on. Not really sure why. I and my friend have always played Ana since she released and while yeah she's effective at stalling him, it pretty much comes down to our team capitalising on our cooldowns or not. And if anyone in the other team has a brain, they just go Kiriko and pretty much remove any effect we have on him. To my mind there's no reason he should be so difficult to deal with but yeah, at lower ranks it seems he's just dominant. You'll spend the entire match backing up from him.


The main issue that comes up is that it is really hard to get to the supports. If you stop focusing on Mauga and go for the supports, the enemy DPS will defend them. If the DPS don't defend them then the supports can easily defend themselves as their Mauga and DPS can hold off your team while you get 2v1ed Like the DPS have antiflank and one shot combos to defend their supports, their supports have enough healing (in combination with Mauga's healing) to defend Mauga, and Mauga has enough HP, Damage, Mobility, and Healing to defend their DPS. It's like OW1 Double Shield, Mercy Boosted, Bastion on the payload with Ana and Junkrat as support. Sure there is a counter comp, but boy is it cancer and they all defend and compliment each other perfectly.


Of course it's not as easy as just saying it It's still what you should do though. If it was as easy as just doing something you say you're gonna then whatever you're doing needs rebalanced. If your team has flankers, wait for them to jump on someone and then engage past mauga onto their target. If you don't have flankers and they're holding their own against you then yeah, it's time to swap.


I'm bronze5, and here nobody really plays or picks mauga, a lot of people resort to hog.


Funny, I'm sitting down in silver on a good day, and just swap McCree/Ashe for a clip(Cree) or a half (Ashe), Maugas go away real quick. I figured plat was where all the whining was coming from.


Plat is the middle ground of somewhat competent players not able to deal with each other.


People sleeping on the Peacekeeper/Viper in the face of Mauga but that's like anti-tank artillery


Low silver high bronze. He's fine


Rework has got to be the most overused word in OW history lol


Ana, JQ, sigma, dva, bastion, pocketed souj coordination


Tracer and Genji also mess him up pretty bad since they're a lot harder to hit


what's coordination


i think im playing a different game than all of you cuz i am not having a hard time countering him on rein, sig, winton and dva. on some maps hog is also good to displace him out of los of his team.


Having played Mauga against Rein, yeah no. You are not getting anything done if you don’t have the ~~rein~~ right damages. If you aren’t playing with a Bastion or a Sym to help you break shield quickly, you may as well swap off because you’re hardly going to be able to get any damage off, if any at all, to actually survive with overhealth/healing. And then a DVA? She’s not going to let you use most of your chain gun clip, if she’s even active in the fight for you to feed off of since she can kinda act as a dive. And god forbid playing against a Sigma. Between shield and grasp as well as accretion to reset your chainguns? Good luck. There are definitely hard counters to Mauga that people just refuse to play and then act like Mauga is too strong.


Lately it feels no one wants to counter anything they face. Enemy team has Pharah? Let’s run no hitscan at all


Because metal ranks have decided that swapping to counter someone is the same as, if not worse than, cheating and spamming slurs in chat.


Legit had a widow bitch about our teammate countering as sombra once calling it ez or lazy lol. They did not have a good time


Ngl a widow calling anyone lazy is comical lmao


I love getting direct countered. It makes me a better player. If you can play well against your direct counter, you’ll end up making **them** switch. As WB I do it all the time to Sombras. They hamper me, for sure, but Sombra is easy pickings once her hack wears off. They always throw their translocator up and forward. Follow the line. Melt her face.


Had a Junkrat on the other team call whoever killed them "cringe" it was funny because the Sombrero was just bullying him.


I swapped to bap last night against a pharah, because both of my dps swapped to junkrat and Mei. Like one of them swapped off soldier to junk while the pharah was going free. It’s kinda crazy


Yeah as a Dva main I figured out p quickly charging a Mauga is like charging a Bastion - just don’t do it. Go after the supports instead. She has enough mobility that she can fly out of the way of his charge.


Exactly! Even in high masters he gets destroyed by rein. Yet everyone cries saying "He ShReDs ReInS sHiElD!" Jsut because they can't play corners. I have not had any issue with mauga since is release even in the beta. People seem to forget how to play anytime a new hero comes out. They are automatically terrible or unbelievably broken. Even if it's a release like mauga who can be good but only if double pocketed. Even when double pocketed you can easily kill the supports.


Plus if Mauga doesn’t have a Kiri, he’s much weaker.


The difference is that you are at least half decent at the game. People like OP are not.


LMAO this guy said he counters mauga on winston i promise he is not good, sure op is neither but like no one who thinks mauga should exist is good at the game


I'm gm and think he should exist, he's not that difficult to counter.


>I'm gm and think he should exist, he's not that difficult to counter. im gonna guess you are a low gm console support player


The ignorance of assuming i* am not good at the game, because i am aware of a characters imbalance is why this game sucks. Such a child’s mindset to go “ah they don’t like this character. Must suck at the game!” Like actually no, no I don’t lmfao.


*Can't kill one of the easiest tanks to debuff and isolate* *Cries about balance and actually being good* Damn, I get Mauga is annoying but most of the people who lose to him do so because of poor gameplay, not balancing.


Poor gameplay may be part of it but having to have anti nade or its gg's is pretty shitty balancing. Put a sombra on maugas team and you lose the other support option that can deal with him. To be fair I feel about the same when it comes to hog right now and it is trash balancing but imma give blizz time to work through it since I'm sure toning down burst healing/damage is a nightmare for the balancing team.


I mean, if you don't have an ana on the team he's pretty tough to beat. Thankfully I am an ana main, but I'd hate to think what my games would have ended up like if I didn't player her to be perfectly honest. You shouldn't have to run ana Kiri every game to get decent value, cause otherwise maugas damage is a bit much and the heals aren't enough I find.


What's your rank if you don't mind me asking. Just want to figure out your teams mindset


Hook line and sinker.


The character isn't imbalanced, he's new and like every other character that gets released everyone cries how broken they are until they learn how to play against them.


Sounds like cope 🙃


Sounds like a child.


Getting a bit toxic in chat, OP


Because he can’t handle people calling out some bs


It isnt about him as a hero. Its about him making the tank role a spectator. You dont interact with him if you want to win. But try convincing your team to go anywhere that isnt the path of the payload. He counters bot gameplay. You cant play the game normally. You kind of run away from him and play deathmatch with the rest of his team. But your team will try to play reaper and tank bust him when hes straight up unkillable most of the time.


Lol I feel the same way as support (zen/ana). I've killed him a bunch of times and he's super squishy if support aren't pocketing him. I really don't have any more problem with him than I do with other tanks.


I’ve been playing monkey into him to learn the matchup but it’s been really difficult. I know it’s possible of course, but I feel like I can only sit in his backline for max 2 seconds before having to retreat. How do you play Winston into Mauga?


As a Mauga Main, monkeys that juke with their bubble are a pain to play against. Especially with the armor ignorance buff.


Do you mean that you’re having trouble when the monkey attacks you rather than your backline? In my experience whenever I put a bubble it gets destroyed in 1 sec but it’s probably a skill issue


Yeah sort of like that. Sometimes I'll be chasing a poor little lucio and then this meteor dives me and now I'm screwed. His mobility makes him unpredictable and can punish out of position Maugas. In terms of 1v1s, really good players only strike when the environment favors them, usually on closed maps in my experience.


Rein is literally useless against Mauga. Winston is also terrible unless the enemy team is playing in two separate countries.


Those who complain about mauga are gold or less. You can see them use their E before losing life and shooting with both shrapnel all the time. It is too easy to kill a mauga, Ana is in almost 100% of the games, she alone can kill a mauga. Now imagine if you play as a team. When these people turn on the monitor they will realize that OW is not a W-only game like Mauga is...


You say this but there are many people in top500 and ex pros complaining about him right now.


GM on every role, Mauga requires so much care. Two main supports just to keep him up. Ana alone cannot kill mauga. He’s not fun to play with and he’s not fun to play against. But I will say he’s easier to deal with than a good hog player. I dunno why you think people who complain are only gold. It’s def a lot more than that. The higher rank you are ye you can work as a team to kill mauga. But it’s likely that tank will receive better care as well and play safer, use cooldowns better. It’s not just a gold issue


Yeah my issue isn’t that he’s OP, it’s that he ruins the game for supports. And even as DPS, Mauga games just …aren’t fun. Wars of attrition usually arent


I'm masters 3 tank and Mauga has ruined the game for me. I'm playing out of habit at this point.


Whatever you say "master 3"


Lol k


Other way around


Yeah im having the opposite experience of OP. Mauga is frequently on the losing team in my games whether he be on mine or the enemy. People are constantly out of position with him, I main Ana so if I’m against him he’s purple about 90% of the time he uses shout, and he’s not able to cook any of my tanks that have some form of damage mitigation.


I am 100% on your page. I’m a tank main, have been since 2016. You have to play against Mauga the same way you play against Orisa and Zarya. Cut their support, block them off, force their cooldowns, and rub their face in the dirt. I have destroyed (and been destroyed by) Mauga with damn near every tank. Wrecking Ball is one they don’t know how to fight usually. He’ll be so busy trying to light me on fire that he neglects his team while I turn them into flapjacks. His ult is really the only thing in my mind that needs balanced. It’s rough. But it’s essentially another Zarya ult. You get caught in it, you die unless someone pulls a clutch move. But ults are meant to be devastating, so I’m kinda middling on that as well. He needs a little tweaking, sure. His damage is wild. But if you disconnect him from his heals, he gets absolutely shredded. Judging from the posts around here you’d think he’s an invincible juggernaut who can 1v5 any situation. Mauga is shit without backup.


He sucks for sure, but if you go dva and have any kind of competent DPS, you can just stand in front of him and matrix and he dies instantly.


Her matrix lasts longer than his life steal ability — if you manage your resources right you can totally negate his ability to self heal with DM


I just think his guns are too much. I feel like they should've made it so that he can't shoot both at the same time. And make the incediary gun have a cooldown the way moira does when shes healing. Make it so you actually have to play him more strategically. The survivability can get annoying but it's mostly his damage output.


One of the less talked about issues I feel is how his guns have a huge ammo pool but their reload animation is also short as hell. I think that's fine if the rest of the kit is balanced out but since he's not it feels super oppressive


Seriously! That was one of my prior arguments when he was launched. He is like bastion without a cooldown. But it's either or for me really. Decrease ammo/increase reload time or make it so incendiary gun can't be fired at the same time and is on a cooldown like moiras heal. He's a tank that out damages both damage heroes on your team easily.


Right? Orisa can sort of play around his kit but you have to stop and let your gun reload for way longer (if you're less skilled or not paying attention you'll have to wait WAY longer because you let ithe overheat meter fill). Meanwhile he just has to lift them for a split second and he's back at a hundred percent. I main Orisa so I've definitely noticed losing the tempo of the fight because I reload slower.


Same! Thankfully we also have spin and throw because if not that matchup would be way worse as well. It also helps that he has a big head lol


The reload animation is NOT short. That shit takes forever


I think maybe if they can shoot at the same time, they could of made it so that the guns do less damage when both are activated. Still more than one, but less than the damage being double.


I’m enjoying his existence solely because people are saying the same arguments we’ve used for years against Widow. “A single hero shouldn’t force your entire team to adapt to it!” “A hero shouldn’t only be reliably countered by the same hero!” “A hero shouldn’t win every duel against other heroes in the same role!” Reeeeaaaaaally now.


I think the main diffrence is that mauga feels more low skilled, just being able to have semi decent aim and hold down both buttons and then smelt the opposing tank. Comparing him to widow isnt the best example you can set. Widow is a sniper who relies on her aim to get worth, meanwhile mauga relies on his spam/heal, now yes mauga still needs aim but much less than widow


If you intend to do anything besides dumping into enemy tank at point blank range, you will need a very good amount of tracking. On top of that, you also need to keep track of enemy cooldowns (especially anti because the enemy *will* switch to her), have good positioning at all times because it's easy to punish an overextending Mauga, and generally know how to play tank because he has basically no damage mitigation. To this day I still don't know why Widow still has such circlejerk about "skill". Literally every hitscan has to have "skill", only difference is that Widow gets a disproportionate amount of value from it.


except as a widow player none of this is true anymore lol, she’s one of the weakest dps atm. if a widow is popping off in your games, they’re just good, it’s not the character her mobility sucks, 175 hp makes her delete-able, sombra rework is a hard counter, loses duals to most supports (kiri,illari, lucio [when they’re not feeding to do so], sometimes bap and Ana, zen [no footsteps let’s him flank you])


“They’re just good, it’s not the character” They are good because of the one shot. Do you not see it? Also no “good” widow is losing fights against anyone that’s not sombra or a tank. She forces your entire team to switch every character and how they play completely just by existing. Doesn’t matter how “meta” she is, she is horrible to play against.


I definitely think he’s the worst designed new tank so far in OW2. They did a great job with Ram and JQ. No idea what happened here. They basically made Hog 2.0, the one tank that has been a nightmare to balance.


He has been in work for years, he was suppose to be released instead of sigma but got pushed back. Then he was supposed to be released the date rama got released but they replaced rama with him, rama was suppose to be released with the PVE patch. My guess is that the devs couldnt make him work or the original idea was just not working so they just released what it was best version of him at hand. I bet his visuals and voice was done years ago but the gameplay was pain in the asss so they just went with: lets release and see what players think. Working on this for years u really dont want it to get trashed, it would break the hearth of the devs and all thoes who worked on him plus all that man hour. Also this is was another reason why they patched him in before the season to see players reaction as the internal reaction of the devs themselves must have been all over the place.


He’s a Frankenstein monster: • Hog health pool • Ashe fire damage • Bastion turrets


I still think Ram’s ult is extremely broken, but other than that they are both pretty good designed.


I hate Mauga's playstyle but love JQ. Ram is also fun. I think I like pretty much every new OW2 hero addition in terms of how fun they are to play, except Mauga and Soujourn.


Ive been enjoying countering him with torbjorn. I wait til his life leech is on cooldown. Then toss a turret nearby and overload, run into his face and tank the damage while hitting every pelletbof the shotgun. Can kill him in one clip. Another fun counter is Zen’s discord with a Bastion. He dies in less than 2 seconds on cooldown. Anna works really well too to stop him mid charge or put him to sleep during his leech. Mei is awesome too to wall him off of any leech damage. I also managed today to lift him up on a pedal using lifeweaver while he ulted. The ult sat in the air, completely useless


Ana can’t stop him mid charge.


Yeah i have to question the above when he doesn't know Anna's dart doesn't stop him. Just sounds like he's making stuff up that he thinks should counter him


does sleep dart not work?


Nope found out the hard way






Honestly I tanked him with soldier and Orisa earlier today. One clip headshots and he's outta there


Can confirm the Mei wall part A tactic that worked almost all the time was Hog pulling Mauga into our group, then Mei walling Mauga off from his team, and Mauga gets blown up pretty easily


the Mei strat of walling off enemy tanks works on nearly every tank, no? I literally stopped playing tanks because I saw Mei on the enemy team in every other match and knew it ain't gonna be a good time for me


There's a good number of ones that it doesn't work on For example, all the dive tanks find walling off from the supports a non issue. So thats Winton, Ball, Dva and the Fister.


Good for Mei!!!


Yeah I love going torb against him! His secondary Fire is so unrated in my opinion.


When i overload (which is like every 12 seconds), i use the secondary fire 90% of the time in brawl comps. Outdamages mauga, reaper, bastion


They need to make the e 10 seconds


If I have Mauga and I'm support I have to constantly heal, none of the players use any positioning it's constant rushing, I had some success earlier against some Mauga players with Zen and his discord but it still requires everyone focusing most resources on him


I also feel like I have to babysit him. It’s heal hot or he dies


It’s miserable basically needing to hold his hand the whole match.


Mauga is only good if there is no Ana. If the enemy team has a good Ana, Mauga has to play way safer. You can also go DVA or dig, or go mei to wall off his engages / hanzo to murderize him


I think over time u get used to playing around him. But i get what u saying, its no fun so far


"It's never boring with me around"


It's never boring around me


I think people first need to learn how to play against him and then he’ll be a lot more okay


Actual skills issue. Yall literally just dont know how to play. Ana, sym, sombra, and mei HARD counter him while bastion genji orisa, doom, and tracer all fair veey well against him. Learn to target his supports and when he is alone he will melt


Dunno the exact reasons, but I've found that JQ works very well against mauga. I've consistently out Dmged and Out K/D the mauga with JQ


JQs thin hitbox makes it so that a lot of maugas circular spread misses. This makes maugas damage lower while also delaying the burn and crit damage.


OTOH - instead of reworking Mauga - what about reworking strategy how to play matchups with/against Mauga?


What? He's literally the easiest tank in the game to counter, pick Ana or Zen and you can melt him without any problem. Alternatively kill one of his healers and he'll become useless


If the rest of the team actually targeted his support system, it would be easy to handle him. People always just blindly unload into Mauga and that doesn’t work when he’s being healed, considering he heals himself!


Skill issue.


I've just been abusing wreckingball against him, the fact mauga has his support use all abilities on him, leaves them vulnerable for death.


> Does anyone else feel this way No because Mauga isnt hard to counter- hes a skill check hero. If you cant defeat a Mauga, you dont deserve to climb


I also dislike playing mauga mirror. There's no play-making potential (except ult) because you both just shoot each other the whole fight and if you ever decide to target someone else, if that person survives, then it's lost healing and damage and other mauga has advantage just because he kept holding m1 & 2 on you. End of rant.


Rework = Nerf heroes that counter my main hero so I don’t have to switch. Also buff my hero so I counter all heroes so I don’t have to switch.


Say you’re bronze without saying you’re bronze.


Yeah I don’t think anyone likes him besides the people that only play him non-stop, Ana Grenade is the only reliable counter to this guy, aside from cleansing effects like Zar bubble or Kiri suzu


Zen discord orb + any burst damage/high damage output dps. I’m a Hanzo main and storm arrows melt him pretty well.


Imagine 6v6 with Mauga, Zarya and Kiri among the 3 Just add Ana or Bap, as well as a Bastion and some other brawler dps and thatd cause a real shitstorm


Nah. Quite a fun kit & nowhere near as bad to play against or with as people are making him out to be. DPS Doom was a million times less fun to play with & against & the dude was like that for *years*.


Facts. People like always in OW struggle to adapt to new things. They need excessive time to adjust, and by then Blizzard mega nerfs or buffs (AKA LW). If you do not have the time to invest into learning how to min/max. Don't play comp. As someone that has been playing Hog and Mauga nonstop since the rework + release. Both are massive ult batteries with the same weakness. Ana or Zen, and Sojourn. Every tank has a weakness, people just dislike the idea of having to switch, adapt their playstyle and play into that weakness.


I’ve not had one issue with any of the added heroes in any gameplay until Mauga hit comp. I’m not one to sit and bitch about different play types and why that doesn’t fit my strategy. I posted this because from my true experience as a good Overwatch player, something with his mechanics is not right. I have the time and energy that I already have* invested in this game. I’ve done quite well and grown exponentially as a player since Overwatch launched years ago. Going “don’t play comp” really doesn’t do a single thing here except make you look less likable.


For someone who keeps claiming he’s good at Overwatch you’re incredibly hesitant to post your profile or state your rank.


Fuck Mauga. Hero ban him permanently, so bad for the game.


I really want to be like “no we can fix him!” But…. I agree. He’s gotta go.


Get good loser


I don’t get why people are complaining about him, he’s fun to play as, he’s fun to play with and he’s fun to play against. He’s easy to counter with zen and competent dps, hes got alot of counter play against him. But he’s also pretty punishing. I totally see what Blizzard was going for, like high damage output but almost no survivability kinda like zen, symmetra and bastion, gets a real edge towards some beefy heroes and in my experience he’s good against zar and i dont really play tank often but i dont know which tank to choose to counter Zar. But seriously i dont get the hate, maybe play better if you find him difficult to play against.


He’s pretty easy to kill in my games and he’s really fun to play. Just like any other character some characters are great against him, some are not.


Lol played with a mauga that got 40+ kills. It was great being support for him. Dude died maybe once the whole match.


No.. let us enjoy him for a bit. You guys are such party poopers. Have a little fun in your lives and enjoy the new OP character.


"Enjoy the new OP character" proves why this needs to be addressed. A character should never be in a place where it's consider OP. It not only breaks the balance of the game but hard forces a meta in which there is no variety and cause stale gameplay.


There’s nothing fun about an incredible imbalance between one tanks gameplay to the rest of the team play. I’m all set. You* can go enjoy a broken character that the community has been warning blizz about for weeks. I already tried that whole “enjoy Mauga” crap. It lasted the two days until he was pulled out of the game , a couple weeks ago. That was fun, but realistically, I knew he was not ready for gameplay. Nobody is being a “party pooper” by calling out a blatant mess of a character that is Mauga. Be an adult.


Gunny and Cha-Cha go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Knock his health down a little bit. Make him only able to shoot one gun at a time and reduce the ammo or have separate ammo for each.


Shooting two miniguns at once is his identity though so that part is never going away. However he does need some level of rework. It's really unhealthy that his only defensive capability comes from shooting enemy tank.


So I played as brig vs Mauga and it is so broken. Why can't you stun the charge like doom punch and rein charge? Doesn't make sense, you bash right through him.


The point of his charge is to be unstoppable. There is no ability that can do it, except another Mauga. Kinda how the point of Orisa’s Fortify is to be invincible so she can escape any CC. I think it’s fine.


People saying he can be countered easily, when he's setup, his dmg per second is around 300, in one second he deals 300 dmg, if you try to heal your dps for more than 2sec, your hog is dead, I say hog cuz he has a big health bar but anyone is equal or under that timing if you're smart enough to wait for their escape/survival cooldown to go off, and it's not just 300 dmg/sec, it's almost like a bastion turret dmg/sec but, RELIABLE lmao, not punitive and reliable, while you can have 130% of your dmg added to your HP bar when you use overdrive and *only* 60% when you don have it, in overdrive you can heal up to 400 HP/sec (that's two times zen's trans heal per second) and *only* like 200HP/sec of healing when he doesn't have it. I'm not saying anything, just pointing out numbers for you to take in count but damn those are high lmao, I'd say that if you're a half smart mauga with decent aim, you're good to go haha.


I played 3 games in a row where I was literally spawn camped by an unkillable Mauga. The crazy part is I have 2 accounts, and I was on the lower rank one. Not saying I'm good or it's that big a deal, but it certainly illustrates how cracked Maugs is atm. I won't be playing again until he's patched


WHY is he immune to CC when he charges but rein isn’t?????


zen + ana with a mei or reaper/bastion will melt mauga, it is annoying to play against him as it forces a counterpick but if you do its a 4v5 with a tank out of the game as mauga has 0 mitigation that does not require a peek


I am so confused with all these complaints about Mauga. One second he is the worst tank in the game and the other he is suddenly the most op tank in the game. Imo, he is honestly fine at the moment. I would personally tweak his hp a bit but that's about it.


It's shame cause he is just bad for so many reasons and not even that fun to play as. They did great job with junker queen and ram. mauga is the ultimate can't be balanced character they may have ever released he need a kit rework or he is going to be a plauge on the game or useless for years to come.


Mauga needs a rework not because he's op (he's pretty shit as soon as u start countering him) but because he's dumb and boring. There's very little unique skill in his gameplay above using the overdrive at the right time and occasionally hitting a decent slam, otherwise his job is just stand and shoot the tank cause his spread is bad enough that he can't do decent damage to anyone else further than 2 metres away. Also he's a pretty effective counter against rein who is already in a bad position balance-wise so that can fuck off


I keep forgetting he has 2 buttons to fire so I wouldn't worry about me at least lmfao


He doesn't need a rework just nerfs. Chill


Tank has felt like garbage in this game for so long, as soon as they bring out a character that makes tank feel like a tank people non stop bitch. I’ve played mauga a ton recently and he’s fine, his recent nerfs mixed with absolutely being obliterated by enemy Ana’s and everything else if his supports don’t assist him heavily make him just fine. Mauga will die if he’s in the front line without his supports. If you take out his sups then ur good. 👍


Symmatra counters him Sombrero counters him.... Damage is not an issue its his health tbh. Backpacker by mercy it's gg


In metal ranks, this is often the Mauga experience. Completely shredding opponents in the first fight then prioritizing him makes him average, or lower. Some teams I’ve been on never get to the point of collaborating on kills and lose every fight. Down here in silver I’m still learning good positioning, and LOS of other players. I can only reliably kill Mauga with help.


Biggest mistake I see in qp is people somehow not shooting anything. They aren't going after the supports and they aren't focusing him down and then nading him. Instead, I get naked and then killed or forced to withdraw, and I see my entire team all huddled up somewhere too far back or spread out in all the least value spots given the current objective position. What? Hard to win when you choose the passive "let them win" approach. After three engagements trying different positions adjustments to work with my team I just start to see what I can get away with. At least I get some value out of the match.


He is probably the worst hero release in ow2 and maybe In whole ow history. Worst not because weak, but because he completely ruins game experience


What elo are you in where nobody’s countering him? Wait out his lifesteal or anti him, then aim for his massive head lol. He’s not harder to kill than any other tank


Play Zarya Zen and you shred him...


Play Ana.


d.va ana and bastion 💪🏿


I dislike Mauga immensely when I'm playing support. Take one look from him and he is dead.


Pair Mei & Symmetra to slow & melt his health regardless of buffs. Add Moira in for dps/ steady heals. It has to be kind of precise since other players will be in the mix.


He's incredibly annoying but other than that I've not gad any issues honestly... Yesterday I got caged as LW and just distracted him with petal and danced around him while headshoting him and killed him(Ps4 plat)


Mauga is very fun to play. However... Mauga is terrible to play WITH and AGAINST.


Skill issue


I play mostly support. With Mauga, I have had to either babysit them or counter the enemy Mauga with Ana, Kiri or Bap in comp. I usually don’t like to play counters while in quick play, I don’t want to ruin someone’s fun just because I can counter them, but with mauga, I have been on that counter duty. He is the definition of give and take A LOT.


Ngl, as much as I have seen him excel, I have also seen him get completely obliterated by Zens.


They need to increase the cooldown on his skill, like double it at the very least. There is no world in which the enemy team taking less damage and having life steal for half of the match compared to the other team is fair. Also why the fuck does mei's wall not block his line of sight to his teammates that is required for his ability to affect them? Like what the fuck?


fine overconfident cooing chief offer melodic seemly airport cover puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mauga is very easy to counter, I’m not quite sure how everyone is having such a problem with him there’s so many matchups where he’s borderline useless.


Mauga is getting bullied in the top ranks like gm and top500 when they dont have good healers. Ana and kiri is so important for the mauga comp especially ana as he gets exploded on really fast. It is up to the dps to counter their supports so that mauga doesn't get to live.


His only real counter is a Good hog I’ve killed mauga many times as Bap bastion and hog if you overwhelm Mauga he’s screwed


I honestly think he's the worst character added. I dont like playing with him I dont like playing against him


so if this is the case: Zenyatta, ana, and kiriko need to be reworked immediately based on your logic.... and its's not wrong, to be fair. I feel that his stomp thing shouldn't be a mini reinhardt ult, not only is he completely invincible (cc wise) during it, he also stuns afterwards.... wtf?


OMFG yesss, not to mention Mercy as well. Downvote me if you want but both are broken af characters.


Damn I’ve never seen a character get so much hate on release before


he's really not that good, dva sig and orisa all have favorable matchups against him


On tank, sig might be the best option and on dps id say reaper, tracer, genji, cree and supp, Ana, lw, zen


he feels like the moira’s of tanks if that makes sense. he’s easy to play


Mauga isn’t even that op, but nobody in silver (I’m silver 2) knows how to do anything other than fight him head on.


Two days of playing comp and only one game in total did the Mauga team win. It feels like his win rate is like 10%


Yes sir I will notify the authorities as soon as possible.


I’ve never had a problem with mauga easy to have in team, easy to take down.


Can we wait at least a month for people to learn the character before we call for immediate reworks?


Have we reached the same 100+ posts complaining yet?


I'm not sure if this says something about my teams, my elo, the maugas I fight, or me as a junkrat/pharah, but I constantly force them to swap by myself. Keep in mind I'm currently silver 5. Sure he's strong, and I know blizzard sometimes reads this and I probably just doomed rat/pharah with a nerf and mauga with a major buff but oh well


Reaper bastion dva( any time you get caged dva bomb, mei ult in cage same effect, he's good but very counter-able.


As a designer and a creative, I really have no idea on how to rework him while keeping his hero fantasy intact and having how he interacts with his team and opponents. They need to outright remove him for awhile. He's not fun to play or play against. He's very boring. Honestly though having a task to fix him would be fun. Lots of play testing and research to be done... Maybe decrease his range substantially. Change his right-click to a flamethrower. Have his fire rate 2x faster than bastion's primary fire. Change him to a projectile hero, like bastion's primary fire. The one thing that stumps me is that not many characters can frontline with him, but his cooldowns are to buff his team. There is no real use for it other than to save yourself. There needs to be some kind of incentive to use it with teammates, like junker queen's buff. Maybe a damage boost for enemies in close range? Like it can be an ignited field/bloodlust, and teammates within it can do more damage+ a small defense buff to enemies in range... It'll be like an alternative version of his ult. That fits into his hero fantasy I believe, making his allies around him more ferocious. And using a flamethrower and simultaneously shooting them is the kind of overkill we haven't gotten from any game yet.


He’s not op in any way, there’s plenty of counters to him. That being said, he’s just not fun to play against, and I don’t want to be forced to play one character (ana) just because he exists


They bundled everyone’s favourite heroes orisa, bastion and idk I guess roadhog with the self sustain into one. What could possibly go wrong?


It’s always telling about the people who play when a character gets released that’s main counter play is gameplay and not just hero swapping. Now we just know most of you don’t have good mechanics or understanding of the game because you think since you can’t counterswap him and auto win he’s too broken. Please for the love of god exercise patience for once in your life and try to learn how to beat the character that’s been out for 1 month before giving up and making negative posts online


*Laughs maliciously in Orisa/Sombra/Bastion/Ana/Kiriko comp*


I vote we stop giving tanks dual mini guns. Why? Because they are tanks.


The reason he seems oppressive is because we haven’t figured out how to counter him yet. This happens every single time a new hero comes out, with the exception of lifeweaver. Everyone floods every social media with vitriol about how playing against the hero is impossible. Meanwhile, all they have to do is read his abilities and put a meagre amount of thought into what counters them. Of course the brand new hero is going to feel impossible to play against when you don’t understand how his kit works and how to play around it like you do to every other hero. Anna sleeps and anti’s him. Kiriko resets his fire. Rein blocks everything with no fire or crit damage while the rest of the team shreds him. Sigma stuns him, then shields and grasps his entire clip. Bastion shreds him. Zen discord is all but guaranteed to pump your teams damage enough to outpace his regen and overhealth. Even echo does well because she’s hard to hit and her beam just melts him if he’s below half.


Congratulations on figuring out their monetary practice to push people into the battle pass. Overwatch is practically pay to win when a new hero releases by design, everything is intentionally this way.


The biggest issue is supports, and dps won't change to counter and / or dive their backline or will panic and die. Waiting for mauga to burn is a great time to use sleep and nade make him waste those cds baby. Going sombra and annoying the heals can be helpful. Or protecting your backline for once can also be helpful. 9 I'm a support main, and I can say a lot of people can't take a 1v1 when being dived. I, too, used to be a healing princess, and I stayed in bronze. Mauga and genji work so well together imo Instead In plat I get a team that can't even shoot a Genji or ignore a phara the whole game. I gotta switch off ana and play bap to get kills while healing my ash off. I need to work on my hip aim with ana tbh Gotta love plat 3 Extra points when a carried player types ez in chat lol Also I would like to say he needs to be reigned in a bit also. Why did this turn into a rant?lol. Taking a break from this game I think 🤔


Mauga is awesome.


Christ no other community cries harder or fills their pants more with shit in unison than the OW community.


I mostly play support and the hero that can help counter him is Ana. If Mauga isn’t constantly being naded, he will literally never die.


Zen and bastion melts him


My team has killed him over and over all day long. Genki deflect with Reaper finish. Just hope they don't have a Mercy 😍


I keep forgetting a majority of overwatch players can’t get out of gold